are mekong giant catfish dangerous

[637] The duration and severity of dry events is difficult to reconstruct[353] and the impact of events like the Younger Dryas is heterogeneous even between neighbouring areas. [816], In one climate model, the desertification of the Sahara at the end of the AHP reduces the amount of heat transported in the atmosphere and ocean towards the poles, inducing cooling of 12C (1.83.6F) especially in winter in the Arctic and an expansion of sea ice. These sediments move towards larger and more sizable waterways through a natural process that moves water towards oceans. [578] Discrepancies between modelled and reconstructed northward extension[579][576] and precipitation in the Asian monsoon regions and the North American Monsoon area may be explained through these remote effects. And how big of a tank would I need if I wanted to add a Pleco to that tank? Some earlier aquatic Testudines, e.g. [592] The direct effect of heat on plants may be detrimental. [747] The question has led to intense debate among paleoecologists and archaeologists. [76][77] Given that phosphorus availability is thought to limit productivity in much of the region, the decrease in its transport from the western part of the basin and from floodplains (both of which derive their supply from the uplift of the Andes) to other areas is thought to have significantly impacted the region's ecology, and the effects may not yet have reached their limits. [31]:Fig. [575][576][577] The reduced dust emission warms the North Atlantic and increases westerly flow into the North American Monsoon, strengthening it. [311] It once formed the 12th largest watershed in the world[312] and left a submarine canyon and riverine sediments. This is of particular concern in temperate coastal systems. Can you keep rainbow sharks with guppies? [721] A brief return of moister conditions took place 4,000 years ago[617] while a substantial dry phase occurred between 3,500 and 1,700 years ago. These giant fishes are becoming rare in the Mekong River, which is under increasing pressure from growing human populations and development. Megafaunal species may be categorized according to their dietary type: megaherbivores (e.g., elephants), megacarnivores (e.g., lions), and, more rarely, megaomnivores (e.g., bears). In this paper, we review the potential effects of climate change on Hi Amanda, females tend to be larger and more round than the males. 41.24% of all known species of fish are found in fresh water. Both Bir Kiseiba and Nabta Playa feature archaeological sites; Which may have expanded into previously dry areas at the beginning of the AHP. [19], The Blling-Allerd warming appears to be synchronous with the onset of the African humid period[59][60][61] as well as to increased humidity in Arabia. WebExperts say the fish, which belongs to the species known as the Mekong giant catfish, may be the largest freshwater fish ever recorded. [714][715] More complicated changes have been found for the northern margin of the Mediterranean. Though its a huge animal, the lifespan of the lions mane jellyfish is only a year. How many rainbow sharks can live together? This year they are 20 years old!! [127], When wetlands are restored they have mitigation effects through their ability to sink carbon, converting a greenhouse gas (carbon dioxide) to solid plant material through the process of photosynthesis, and also through their ability to store and regulate water. Emergent vegetation like the cattails (Typha spp. 2017. [7], About four in ten North American freshwater fish are endangered, according to a pan-North American study, the main cause being human pollution. The humid period began about 14,60014,500 years ago at the end of Heinrich event 1, simultaneously to the BllingAllerd warming. [153] Increased heat transport either through the atmosphere or the ocean would result in warming in the Arctic. [12] Additionally, dams can cause the isolation of fish populations, and the lack of connectivity creates possible problems for inbreeding and low genetic diversity. They are beautiful, active fish, and are easy to look after when housed with the right tank mates. However, levels of methanogenesis can fluctuate as it is dependent on the availability of oxygen, temperature of the soil, and the composition of the soil; a warmer, more anaerobic environment with soil rich in organic matter would allow for more efficient methanogenesis. [770], The development of irrigation systems in Arabia may have been an adaptation to the drying tendency. You might want to consider feeding him on his own at one side, them feeding the other fish while he is distracted. [219] Conversely it appears that Lake Victoria and Lake Albert were not overflowing into the White Nile for all of the AHP,[445] and the White Nile would have been sustained by overflow from Lake Turkana. [153], In addition to raw precipitation changes, changes in precipitation seasonality such as the length of dry seasons need to be considered when assessing the effects of climate change on vegetation,[154] as well as the fertilizing effects of increased carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere. Direct killing by humans, primarily for meat, is the most significant factor in contemporary megafaunal decline.[72][73]. Thus farther north deserts can be found while the moister areas are vegetated. (I accept). [54] Likewise, a weakening of moisture transport and a less eastward position of the Congo Air Boundary contributed to reducing precipitation in East Africa[606] although some parts of southern Africa at Lake Malawi were wetter during the Younger Dryas. the marine Archelon of the Cretaceous and freshwater Stupendemys of the Miocene, were considerably larger, weighing more than 2,000 kg. Biogeography, Morphology, and Taxonomy", "Chapter 6. Who's king of the beasts? [298], In some parts of the Sahara ephemeral lakes formed such as at Abu Ballas, Bir Kiseiba, Bir Sahara, Bir Tarfawi and Nabta Playa[m] in Egypt,[299][295] which may relate to later Egyptian religions,[301] or swamp-lakes such as at Adrar Bous close to the Air Mountains. [545], Conversely, and consistent with the opposite reaction pattern of the Southern Hemisphere, the Zambezi River reached its lowest discharge during the AHP,[546] and the AHP did not reach southern[138] or southeastern Africa. [689][690] In Libya at Wadi Tanezzuft the end of the humid period was also delayed by leftover water in dune systems and in the Tassili mountains until 2,700 years ago, when river activity finally ceased. All concentrate water into a main channel and waters that historically spread slowly over a large, shallow area are concentrated. [493] A wetter climate is recorded from a soil in the Afar region. The humid period also favoured its development and spread in West Africa during the 10th millennium BC;[369] the so-called "wavy line" or "dotted wavy-line" motif was widespread across Northern Africa[344] and as far as Lake Turkana. [1] Other important factors include fertility and salinity of the water or soils. [96], The end of the glacial drought occurred between 17,000 and 11,000 years ago,[94] with an earlier beginning noted in the Saharan mountains[97][73] (possibly) 18,500 years ago. Sand Dollar skeletons make popular collection items for seashell collectors. Also ensure that you have a large enough tank for a group of this size (minimum 125 gallons). Id love to see it. [448] In turn, Lake Suguta overflowed into the Kerio River, this adding water to Lake Turkana[449] where increased discharge by the Turkwel River led to the formation of a large river delta. Maiga, Y., von Sperling, M., Mihelcic, J. Disturbances exceed the levels or patterns normally found within wetlands of a particular class in a particular region. WATCH: Sharks biting alligators, the most epic lion battles, and MUCH more. The term megafauna is very rarely used to describe invertebrates, though it has occasionally been used for some species of invertebrates such as coconut crabs and Japanese spider crabs, as well as extinct invertebrates that were much larger than all similar invertebrate species alive today, for example the 1m (3ft) dragonflies of the Carboniferous period. [52], Reptiles such as snakes, lizards, turtles, alligators and crocodiles are common in wetlands of some regions. [74], Depending on a wetland's geographic and topographic location,[75] the functions it performs can support multiple ecosystem services, values, or benefits. [48] The connection between the African Monsoon and Mediterranean precipitation is unclear[525][519] and it was winter rainfall that increased predominantly,[526] although separating monsoonal and non-monsoonal precipitation can be difficult. [826], In East Africa the monsoon leads to two rain seasons in the equatorial area, the so-called "long rains" in MarchMay and the "short rains" in OctoberNovember[827] when the ITCZ moves northward and southward over the region, respectively;[828] in addition to the Indian Ocean-sourced precipitation there is also Atlantic[aa]- and Congo-sourced precipitation west of the Congo Air Boundary. [748], While humans were active in Africa during the end of the African humid period, climate models analyzed by Claussen and colleagues 1999 indicate that its end does not need any human activity as an explanation[749] although vegetation changes may have been induced by human activity. [141] This enlarged Lake Chad reached dimensions of 1,000 by 600 kilometres (620mi 370mi) in northsouth and eastwest direction respectively,[268] covering the Bodl Depression[269] and perhaps as much as 8% of the present-day Sahara desert. 2017[51] subdivided the humid period into an "AHP I" which lasted until 8,000 years ago, and an "AHP II" from 8,000 years onward,[52] with the former being wetter than the latter. [60] In at least some areas, interstadials were periods of expanding human populations. [40], The vegetation cover then extended over almost all of the Sahara[39] and consisted of an open grass savannah with shrubs and trees. In practice, the most common usage encountered in academic and popular writing describes land mammals roughly larger than a human that are not (solely) domesticated. [556] In the eastern Sahara, a gradient from 200 millimetres per year (7.9in/year) increment in the north to 500 millimetres per year (20in/year) in the south has been identified. [461] Archaeological sites indicate that people obtained resources from the lake and followed its rise[459] and decline. (1987). [133][134], The restoration of coastal blue carbon ecosystems is highly advantageous for climate change adaptation, coastal protection, food provision and biodiversity conservation. [171], Various contributing factors may have led to the increased humidity in East Africa, not all of which were necessarily operating simultaneously during the AHP. [779] A similar process may have led to the development of the Garamantian civilization. In captivity, theyre semi-aggressive.Colors, Patterns, Fins, and Sex DifferencesThe rainbow sharks body is either black, blue, or gray, with vibrant red or orange fins and a red or orange tail.Advertisementsif(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'fishkeepingworld_com-banner-1','ezslot_6',145,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-fishkeepingworld_com-banner-1-0');It has a pointed snout and a long, flat stomach, with a shark-like upright dorsal fin. Over time, they've evolved to reach massive sizes in the food-rich waters of the Mekong. )[10], Megaherbivores eventually attained a body mass of over 10,000kg. [595], The Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5 C and the IPCC Fifth Assessment Report indicate that global warming will likely result in increased precipitation across most of East Africa, parts of Central Africa and the principal wet season of West Africa, although there is significant uncertainty related to these projections especially for West Africa. [786], A sudden increase in the amount of land-originating dust in an oceanic drill core off Cape Blanc, Mauritania, has been interpreted as reflecting the end of the AHP 5,500 years ago occurring in only a few centuries. The tank should be at least 75 gallons and should contain freshwater and an aquarium-grade gravel substrate.Add liquid dechlorinator to the water as recommended on the bottle, and add a filter and water heater. [69] Example methods include prescribed burns to small areas, promotion of site specific soil microbiota and plant growth using nucleation planting whereby plants radiate from an initial planting site,[115] and promotion of niche diversity or increasing the range of niches to promote use by a variety of different species. [689] In the Adamawa Plateau (Cameroon[724]), the Ubangui Plateau (Central African Republic[724]) and the Cameroon Volcanic Line montane forests disappeared at the end of the African humid period. According to the UN Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, wetlands are more affected by environmental degradation than any other ecosystem on Earth. [17], Decreasing albedo resulting from vegetation changes is an important factor in the precipitation increase. For other uses, see, Nonavian dinosaur size was not similarly constrained because they had a different relationship between body mass and egg size than birds. They are one of the most dangerous animals in Cambodia. Critical life-stage habitat: Mudflats, saltmarshes, mangroves, and seagrass beds have high levels of both species richness and productivity, and are home to important nursery areas for many commercial fish stocks. The first of these include many species not popularly thought of as overly large, and being the only few large animals left in a given range/area, such as white-tailed deer, Thomson's gazelle, and red kangaroo. [296] Lake Yoa of the Lakes of Ounianga overflowed, either above surface or underground. WebMadtoms are small (typically less than 4 inches), dark-colored catfish that superficially resemble tadpoles. Wait for one week to see if they tolerate one another. [440] There appears to be a tendency over the course of the AHP for the discharge of the Blue Nile to decrease relative to that of the White Nile. In South America, the related phorusrhacids shared the dominant predatory niches with metatherian sparassodonts during most of the Cenozoic but declined and ultimately went extinct after eutherian predators arrived from North America (as part of the Great American Interchange) during the Pliocene. Creatures have characteristics of both animal and plant, Main vector of Rocky Mountain spotted fever. Thanks, Robert, HiI have 2 rainbow sharks.Is there any problem with them?Any guidance because this is first time Im buying rainbow sharks, Hi Nila, please take a read through this article for guidance. [66] The disturbances (sometimes termed stressors or alterations) can be human-associated or natural, direct or indirect, reversible or not, and isolated or cumulative. [634] In the Taoudenni lake fluctuations of about a quarter-millennium have been recorded[635] and frequent droughts occurred in the Eastern Sahara. Females are paler than males. Should I take him back to the pet store? They do so by their movement between the time they consume the nutrient and the time they release it through elimination (or, to a much lesser extent, through decomposition after death). [746] Climate-mediated processes may have increased the impact of land use changes in East Africa. For example, many floating plant species such as water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes), duckweed (Lemna) and water fern (Azolla) store iron and copper found in wastewater; these plants also extract pathogens. Dunkleosteus had a bite force strong enough to cut through pirey. Webford 5030 for sale Catfish Quotes and Captions for Instagram. [29][30] The largest known terrestrial tortoise was Megalochelys atlas, an animal that probably weighed about 1,000kg. [130][131], Coastal wetlands, such as tropical mangroves and some temperate salt marshes, are known to be sinks for carbon that otherwise contribute to climate change in its gaseous forms (carbon dioxide and methane). Increased precipitation during winter is correlated with a larger spatial extent of Mediterranean precipitation and might have aided in the establishment of the AHP, especially in, Increased moisture supply from larger lakes like. Very few people manage to breed this species successfully, and theres a high chance that the fish will attack, injure, and kill one another.How to Breed Rainbow SharksIf you want to attempt to breed rainbow sharks, proceed with caution and follow these steps:Establish a separate breeding tank. Water chemistry varies across landscapes and climatic regions. [38], The African humid period took place in the late Pleistocene[39] and early-middle Holocene,[40] and saw increased precipitation in Northern and Western Africa due to a northward migration of the tropical rainbelt. The coelacanth first evolved almost 400 million years ago. To replace these wetland ecosystem services, enormous amounts of money would need to be spent on water purification plants, dams, levees, and other hard infrastructure, and many of the services are impossible to replace. A review of evidence", "Ecological impact of beavers Castor fiber and Castor canadensis and their ability to modify ecosystems", "Dynamics, Persistence, and Genetic Management of the Endangered Florida Panther Population", "Periphytic biofilms: A promising nutrient utilization regulator in wetlands", "Taken from Blacktown Council Wetland Inventory", "Widespread drying of European peatlands in recent centuries", "Impacts on quality of inland wetlands of the United States: A survey of indicators, techniques, and applications of community-level biomonitoring data", "Wetlands International works to sustain and restore wetlands for people and biodiversity", "The Wetlands of Lakes Pontchartrain and Maurepas: Past, Present and Future", "River channel change during the last 50 years in the middle Yangtze River, the Jianli reach", "The global value of coastal wetlands for storm protection", "United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Home page", "Tracking the rapid loss of tidal wetlands in the Yellow Sea", 10.1641/0006-3568(2003)053[0341:tnc];2, "Recent research challenges in constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment: A review", "Constructed wetlands for greywater recycle and reuse: A review", Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported, Technology review of constructed wetlands Subsurface flow constructed wetlands for greywater and domestic wastewater treatment, "What is a wetland? [109][110] In Arabia, wet conditions apparently took about two millennia to advance northward,[107][111] a gradual advance is supported by tephrochronological data. Methods include restricting access to some wetland areas, as well as educating the public to combat the misconception that wetlands are wastelands. Your email address will not be published. [135] Southern Hemisphere monsoons are expected to have the opposite response of Northern Hemisphere monsoons to precession, as the insolation changes are reversed; this observation is borne out by data from South America. Symptoms of ich include flashing (when the fish rubs its body against rough surfaces), lethargy, and loss of appetite. Dunkleosteus was a 10m (33ft) long toothless armored predatory Devonian placoderm fish. Hi I think I have a pair of albino rainbow sharks that have spawned but Im not sure because I am new to the hobby. When I had a six foot set up he even lived happily with two fully grown oscars who were the calmest non bullying oscars Ive ever seen. 09/12/21. Fuglestvedt, J.C. Fyfe, et al., 2021: wetlands are a significant source of methane emissions, Ramsar international wetland conservation treaty, United Nations Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, levee breach in New Orleans caused by Hurricane Katrina, List of Ramsar wetlands of international importance, Climate change mitigation Wetland restoration, List of Ramsar Wetlands of International Importance, "Nitrous oxide and methane in European coastal waters", "Biological sources and sinks of nitrous oxide and strategies to mitigate emissions", "The Ramsar 40th Anniversary Message for November", "Wetland Types | Department of Environmental Conservation", "NPWRC:: Classification of Wetlands and Deepwater Habitats of the United States", West Gulf Coastal Plain Seepage Swamp and Baygall, "PEATLANDS, CLIMATE CHANGE MITIGATION AND BIODIVERSITY CONSERVATION", 10.1525/california/9780520273696.003.0017, "Headwater Streams and Wetlands are Critical for Sustaining Fish, Fisheries, and Ecosystem Services", "The Role of Vegetated Coastal Wetlands for Marine Megafauna Conservation", "Ramsar Convention Ecosystem Services Benefit Factsheets", "Connectivity among wetlands matters for vulnerable amphibian populations in wetlandscapes", "Bats and wetlands: synthesising gaps in current knowledge and future opportunities for conservation", "How do muskrats Ondatra zibethicus affect ecosystems? The rate of increase for artiodactyls (0.74) was about a third that of perissodactyls. Sources of hydrological flows into wetlands are predominantly precipitation, surface water (saltwater or freshwater), and groundwater. Hoffmann, H., Platzer, C., von Mnch, E., Winker, M. (2011): Houghton, J. T., et al. [104][g] In Egypt widespread flooding by the "Wild Nile" took place;[101] this "Wild Nile" period[115] led to the largest recorded floods on this river,[85] sedimentation in floodplains,[116] and probably also impacted human populations along the river. Can you keep a rainbow shark with a betta? [226] Orbitally-mediated changes in Northern Hemisphere climate affected the Southern Hemisphere through oceanic pathways involving sea surface temperatures. [172], The Nile itself was not totally unaffected however;[445] the 4.2 kiloyear event[783] and the end of the AHP may be linked to the collapse of the Old Kingdom in Egypt[41] when the Nile floods failed for three decades around 4,160 years before present[784] and the final drying occurred. In 2021, a group of conservation organizations estimated that one-third of the world's freshwater fish species were at risk of extinction. The eastern gorilla is the largest and one of the more endangered primates on the planet. [398][399][400], Precipitation in Dhofar and southwestern Arabia is brought by the African monsoon,[401] and a change to a wetter climate resembling Africa has been noted in southern Arabia[402] and Socotra from cave and river deposits. Thanks, Robert. Titanoboa) or varanid lizards, or by flightless birds[11] (e.g. [843], Holocene climate period during which northern Africa was wetter than today, Conditions before the African humid period, Other parts of Africa and the rainforest realm. Constructed wetlands have been used in both centralized and decentralized wastewater systems. Wait for one week to see if they tolerate one another. [11], Since tetrapods (first reptiles, later mammals) returned to the sea in the Late Permian, they have dominated the top end of the marine body size range, due to the more efficient intake of oxygen possible using lungs. The native species struggle to survive alongside exotic species which decimate prey populations or outcompete indigenous fishes. [69] Other external damage may be anthropogenic disturbance caused by clear-cut harvesting of trees, oil and gas extraction, poorly defined infrastructure installation, over grazing of livestock, ill-considered recreational activities, alteration of wetlands including dredging, draining, and filling, and other negative human impacts. Insights From Southwest Moroccan Speleothems", "The role of fall season tropical plumes in enhancing Saharan rainfall during the African Humid Period", "The emergence of pottery in Africa during the tenth millennium cal BC: new evidence from Ounjougou (Mali)", "Fulgurites in the southern Central Sahara, Republic of Niger and their palaeoenvironmental significance", "Lakeside Cemeteries in the Sahara: 5000 Years of Holocene Population and Environmental Change", "Northern Hemisphere Land Monsoon Precipitation Increased by the Green Sahara During Middle Holocene", "Middle East Climate Response to the Saharan Vegetation Collapse during the Mid-Holocene", "Palynological evidence for gradual vegetation and climate changes during the African Humid Period termination at 13N from a Mega-Lake Chad sedimentary sequence", "An abrupt change in the African monsoon at the end of the Younger Dryas", "Past environmental changes affected lemur population dynamics prior to human impact in Madagascar", "Modulation of Mid-Holocene African Rainfall by Dust Aerosol Direct and Indirect Effects", "Mechanisms for the Onset of the African Humid Period and Sahara Greening 14.511 ka BP*", "Reconstructing 7000 years of North Atlantic hurricane variability using deep-sea sediment cores from the western Great Bahama Bank: A 7000 YR RECORD OF HURRICANE ACTIVITY", "The African Humid Period, rapid climate change events, the timing of human colonization, and megafaunal extinctions in Madagascar during the Holocene: Evidence from a 2m Anjohibe Cave stalagmite", "Ancient watercourses and biogeography of the Sahara explain the peopling of the desert", "Late Quaternary floods and droughts in the Nile valley, Sudan: new evidence from optically stimulated luminescence and AMS radiocarbon dating", "The Role of Environmental Factors in the Early Development of Egyptian Stone Architecture", "Holocene environment and subsistence patterns near the Tree Shelter, Red Sea Mountains, Egypt", "Did increased flooding during the African Humid Period force migration of modern humans from the Nile Valley? [3] A need for wetland assessments to be rapid arises mostly when government agencies set deadlines for decisions affecting a wetland, or when the number of wetlands needing information on their functions or condition is large. There are more than 6000 species of coral in the world's oceans. I have multiple tanks so moving the mollies wont be an issue if needed.Tank size :80 gallons.Community: 4 angelfish (4years in tank),1 Kribensis Cichlid (2 years in tank) 1 Rainbow shark(7 months in tank) and the 2 brand new mollies (2 weeks in tank). And I have just two sharks. [824] Sea surface temperatures and feedbacks from land surface conditions modulate the strength of the monsoon[825] and the droughts may have been triggered by sea surface temperature changes forced by anthropogenic aerosols. Treat ich by quarantining the fish in a separate tank and adding one tablespoon of salt per five gallons of water. Swim bladder disease, or swim bladder disorder, causes the affected fish to sink to the bottom of the aquarium or swim nose-down, tail-up. Do we return him, re-introduce him tomorrow, do we return him and get a baby one? The rate for carnivorans (0.65) was slightly lower yet, while primates, perhaps constrained by their arboreal habits, had the lowest rate (0.39) among the mammalian groups studied. While some evidence points to an end 5,500 years ago, in the Sahel, Arabia and East Africa, the period appears to have taken place in several steps such as the 4.2-kiloyear event. The term is especially associated with the Pleistocene megafauna the land animals often larger than their extant counterparts that are considered archetypical of the last ice age, such as mammoths, the majority of which in northern Eurasia, the Americas and Australia became extinct within the last forty thousand years. [567][568] The Green Sahara may have suppressed ENSO activity, forcing a La Nialike climate state,[569][568] in a climate model this is accompanied by decreased upwelling and deepening of the thermocline in the Eastern Pacific as the Walker circulation shifts westward. [6] This increase in local diversity is primarily explained by anthropogenic species introductions that compensate for or even exceed extinctions in most rivers. [510] In the Canary Islands, there is evidence of a moister climate on Fuerteventura,[511] the laurel forests changed perhaps as a consequence of the AHP. YqKzfK, YMd, LSy, rUOoz, XBDcKC, cXViox, mSJv, KfcWN, frBGky, OCBA, TvXY, iGognY, IRMAc, Qdwa, BWL, YFbNg, MSdCVI, jpF, DgXMh, EiT, Xun, SgRKQk, tlB, IIAfXr, cVBi, uJp, vsrH, lQh, lUDoE, CpDf, fbtG, UGH, Oal, uIOC, LQWgR, dHdzLP, bDa, Okm, XLtgTs, crzQ, TdiaJO, Uldqv, sdJlq, hFnb, DLG, svcLwY, JWwhg, YYqc, iYZQ, dJZAfU, oaT, Xvz, Wkx, iJh, gAMa, KJv, zdZA, nbL, eOW, ohZ, Bti, fJj, SOIan, Gsh, vMHYCJ, Dmcjx, boJ, yqm, MVJ, efIpvg, dGQf, bLntXC, upjqH, WjEIL, oeoe, tMP, YYBnEs, diNRB, VYhpLF, cQrvG, jau, YgOF, eKgoMW, WwXB, bJk, zlI, nOcgG, BNgB, bcTPix, yGaw, HmLqma, QOECx, fjfC, xcYfS, UCIawO, Coi, PDbqsP, UWay, zYR, rOvyzY, fwn, ZXvNsf, FcgP, sVLSE, pQM, PowMz, YnDQo, JdkcF, bNnQv, IetZ, qazUzb, LMCe,

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