jquery compress image before upload

Fixed: Images ordering on adding new images. #as_json for objects with time component (Time, DateTime, ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone) Compress unlimited large images (up to 32MB), Bulk apply Smush settings to all sites (configs). Fixed: Old shordcodes convert to Gutenberg. But because some browsers dont support WebP yet, Imagify lets you have both optimized versions of the original format images and the WebP versions ready. ActionCable.logger.enabled. There are a number of advanced features you wont find with the free version, including: Smush Pros CDN (serve images as close as possible to site visitors) and the Local WebP feature (serve images from your media library in WebP format - without Smush Pro CDN). You can disable this by setting :format to an empty array. NOTE: The WIFI updates are an OS level update and will require using the "fppos" method to update to the 2022-09 OS level. Bug Fix: improved the plan recommendation tool: better choices, and pre-select only what is needed. Fixed: Search issue when Dynamic URLs are on. force config/application.rb Added: Show gallery description (optional). Get >60% average compression with almost no noticeable quality loss! Generally Most are "Advanced Mode" options. Here youll find a breakdown of each plan, what features and add-ons are included, how many sites you can connect, limitations versus other plans, and more. Fixed: Bug breaking Sitemaps with Gallery Group shortcodes. You can also convert all your images to next-gen image formats such as WebP. Fixed: Sharing with Enable dynamic URLs for galleries and gallery groups is on. Certain outputs (LED Panels, BBB String outputs) now have a "Test Pattern" button on the output configuration page to enable a specific test pattern for that output to help diagnose issues specific to that type of output. Rails 4.0 deprecated ActionController::PerformanceTest in favor of ActionDispatch::PerformanceTest. Note that this is a breaking warning about this upcoming change. Fixed: Title and description in slideshow view appear only on the first image when the Scale-Out effect is selected. Improvement: in the medias list, improved the Imagify column behavior on small screens. When done, it should reboot into 6.2. A camera icon will be inserted into the page/post. At that point, a big green "Upgrade" bar should appear on the main status page. Basically, what you work with in Adobe Illustrator. Fixed: If you click on the small icon from the WooCommerce product editor to insert shortcode, it shows popup header twice. Hello, and welcome to Protocol Entertainment, your guide to the business of the gaming and media industries. That use case is no longer supported out of the box. If you want them to run in other environments consult the Fixed: Gallery title bug in extended album view. The purpose of both of those types of requests is to send a list of name/value pairs to the server. Fix: do not warn that all the quota has been consumed when it is not the case. Fixed: Conflict with Fast Velocity Minify. However, installing FPP is not hard. Improvement: better compatibility with hosts that limit some SQL queries, it prevented our bulk optimization to work. For Mac Users. Regression fix: Fixed the buffer size on the bulk optimization page. Sorry for the inconvenience! I have coded something and its can - click div and choose your image - preview your image before upload. Improvement: Imagify now works with the iOS app, and with XML-RPC in general. Below is an example of a stylized upload button that will read an image, compress it, and download the resulting image. Its packed with advice on image compression and so much more! Added: Possibility to add Gallery title/description to carousel view. from redirection, you can use config.ssl_options to configure that behavior. Fixed: Image role restrictions for folders. internally, master mode has always been really just player mode with a setting to send out sync packets. jaredleto. Regression fix: dont load Imagifys popup files on WP Rocket options screen to avoid conflicts. The X11VirtualDisplay has been removed. on it. WordPress Search Integration by gallery and album title. Specify the number of images you want to add from the stated Instagram account. Fixed: Stretched thumbnails bug when Jetpack is enabled. Choose whether to display random or the first/last specific number of images. In Rails 5.0, Plugin features a powerful lightbox that supports filmstrip and image carousel display. JSON gem APIs will function as normal, but they will not have access to any Improvement: prevent plugins from accidentally overwriting the header containing the API key when contacting our servers. Changed: Logic of including google fonts. Wondering how the convert WebP option works? Videos Not at all! FileZilla. Improvement: Add a dedicated message for 413 HTTP error when the image is too big to be uploaded on our servers. Fixed: Delete folder with single quote in name. By popular demand, Smush Pro now supports local WebP image conversion. Specify the width and height for the dynamic image cloud. Photo Gallery plugin has fully responsive design and layout. Update: UI/UX has been updated for Bulk Smush page, Fixed: Start from latest image while Bulk Smushing, Fixed: S3 config error if AWS keys are defined in wp-config.php, Fixed: NextGen smush page not working properly, Fixed: Do not redirect to settings page on activation is WP CLI is installed, Fixed: get_current_screen() method causing error on some sites, Fixed: Images not being resized when image is uploaded via Mobile App, Fixed: S3 offload Integration - Original Image not being deleted in some cases, Fixed: Pro user unable to login to WPMU DEV Dashboard plugin when Smush is active, Error: "Your key is invalid. Fixed: Filmstrip images load with enabled lazy load. This is not the case in zeitwerk mode, you need to move Bar to its own file bar.rb. It offers an easy to use GUI to copy files between a local and remote computer using multiple protocols: Amazon S3, FTP, FTPS, SCP, SFTP or WebDAV. Improvement: Quick access to your profile informations (quota) in Admin Bar > Imagify, Improvement: More precise information about global size saved using Imagify (bulk optimization page), Improvement: When your bulk optimization is over, success message isnt inside the table anymore, Improvement: To quit the bulk optimization processing you have to confirm your action, Bug Fix: Dont count GIF & SVG in the Imagify statistics, Improvement: Display a default preview to avoid issues with 404 images and a security restriction on SSL websites on the Bulk Optimization page, Improvement: Dont count all exceeded images to avoid lack of speed on the Bulk Optimization page, Bug Fix: Dont try to re-optimize images with an empty error message or with an already optimized message on the Bulk Optimization, Bug Fix: Dont generate special chars in the password to avoid issue on the Imagify app log in, Improvement: Dont add the WP Rocket ads if this plugin is activated, Bug Fix: Ignore thumbnails with infinite width like 9999 to avoid an issue with the Resize larger images option, Regression fix: Fix the %undefined% and the overview chart issues on the Bulk Optimization page, Regression fix: Fix PHP Warning: Illegal string offset sizes in ../inc/classes/class-attachment.php on line 347, Regression fix: Fix PHP Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in ../inc/classes/class-attachment.php on line 347, Regression fix: Fix PHP Warning: Illegal string offset file in ../inc/classes/class-attachment.php on line 410, New: Add a notice on the Bulk Optimization & Imagify Settings page when the monthly free quota is consumed. Choosing Image type It also implies that many classes, functions, and hooks have been deprecated. Crash Reporting - HOPEFULLY you won't experience this. Title. Fix: a php notice about Non-string needles with php 7.3. Fixed: Issues with folders and files with space in name. New: WebP support. Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS. You should also update your application Improvement: the bulk optimization now stops as soon as the quota is fully consumed, instead of trying to optimize more images and getting error messages one after the other. You can call with_indifferent_access on the return value of config_for if you still want to access values with String keys, e.g. of rendering text with MIME type of text/plain is to use render :plain. Fixed: Spanish translation by Alexandro Lacadena. Files are cached Fixed: Fixed: Load more and scroll load doesnt work for images in extended album view (masonry view of images). Rails 4.0 encrypts the contents of cookie-based sessions if secret_key_base has been set. Fixed: Prevent opening lightbox on swipe. More details will come later, but you would need to download the. Fixed: Multiple Galleries of the same view in Elementor preview. The Photo Gallery plugin allows you to include both videos and images within a single gallery. If you are using defaults from a previous Rails version, you can enable zeitwerk like so: In general, applications do not need to use the API of Zeitwerk directly. response body, you should be using render :plain as most browsers will escape After updating the Rails version FPP Events have been changed to "Command Presets". It is only soft-deprecated, which means that your code will not break at the Many of the older fppxml.php and fppjson.php calls have been removed. Improvement: the optimization process has been entirely rebuilt. Simple, efficient and functional, its really worth a look. WP Marmite, Imagify is an awesome tool that is powerful & easy to use. For more information on changes made to Rails 5.1 please see the release notes. Bug Fix: revamped support for WP Retina 2x plugin. Imagify comes with the Smart Compression Mode. This new embed metadata make those cookies incompatible with versions of Rails older than 6.0. created by JavaScript. Bug Fix: Fix issue with original_size at 0 in _imagify_data to be able to re-optimize an image with a Forbidden error. Fixed: Html in extended gallery group description. set the SECRET_KEY_BASE environment variable for whichever users running the We have a powerful Go client that makes using Transloadit easy. Specify the alias in your website for the gallery. Fixed: JS error after closing lightbox fullscreen. Fixed: Compatibility with Elementor tabs. Millions of trojans, viruses, malware, and other malicious The delete method in collection associations can now receive Integer or String arguments as record ids, besides records, pretty much like the destroy method does. Photo Gallery Slideshow (Premium Version). SweetAlert wont conflict with new versions anymore. Fixed: German translation (Thanks to Hans-Jurgen Stephan). Fixed: Adding image with dot in tag name. Rails 4.1 introduces :plain, :html, and :body options to render. Theres nothing else to do just enjoy your lighter and faster images. You will need to reboot after the upgrade is complete to finish the upgrade process. Fixed: Lightbox controls toggle button on mobile. I am personally very satisfied. Looping through the flash In Rails 4.0 when a column or a table is renamed the related indexes are also renamed. Select the effect to apply to the slideshow. This change is backwards compatible for the majority of applications, in which case you do not need to do anything. Fixed: Error from Instagram after connecting a Personal account. Added ability to adjust start/end times of future scheduled playlists when extending a running playlist's end time. Image Playlist Entry now displays the image on an Overlay Model instead of directly to the Linux framebuffer. Fixed: Images list toggle button does not work after page update. Bug Fix: Fixed the Unknown error during a bulk optimization. improved file upload and save on gallery. Improvement: support for thumbnails dynamically generated by NextGen Gallery plugin. Follow the steps below to install WordPress Photo Gallery Plugin to your website. Enable Pinterest button Instead of uploading images you can embed images/videos from YouTube, Vimeo, Instagram, Flickr (only images) and Dailymotion. Improvement: dont display the restore bulk action in the medias list if there is nothing to restore. For example, Date and Time objects Fixed: Conflict with Jetpack Contact Form module. This does provide a Command that can be invoked via Big Buttons plugin or scripts or similar. In-place upgrade - this is new and requires you to have FPP 3.6.2 (or 4.0-alpha2) or newer already running on the device. This will help you with the creation of new files and changes of old files in an Crash Reporting - HOPEFULLY you won't have to test this. On the contrary, when you optimize images and improve image loading speed, you should see a direct improvement in your website speed and performance. Improvement: better compatibility with WP Real Media Library plugin. Fixed: Scroll load with more than one gallery in a page. The MIME types you mention are the two Content-Type headers for HTTP POST requests that user-agents (browsers) must support. Please contribute if you see any typos or factual errors. However, if FPP crashes, it should produce a crash report on a new "Crash Reports" tab in the file manager. Now it Previous behaviour was returning a text/csv response's Content-Type which is inaccurate since a JSON response is being rendered. Fixed: Minor bug on gallery save on php5.3. New: You can now choose to display Admin Bar Imagifys menu, or not. care of that? That was deprecated in 6.0, and now doesn't work anymore. Rails application and engine developers should put these assets in app/assets or configure config.assets.precompile. Fixed: Bug on inserting media from Youtube. (thanks Kevin Gauthier to warn us), New: You can now decide to keep EXIF data on your images, Bug Fix: Dont duplicate Imagify data in the attachment edit screen (wp-admin/post.php). instead, which will be converted to and from a JSON string automatically. Download the appropriate "fppos" file to your computer. should upgrade to Rails 3.1 before attempting an update to Rails 3.2. Active Support allows you to override the halted_callback_hook whenever a callback Set the following in your config: Set config.action_mailer.perform_caching in your config to determine whether your Action Mailer views Fixed: Updated library to prevent conflict with PHP version 7. You can now use wildcard matching for your template dependencies. for this when upgrading to the new hash. Transloadit makes light Regression fix: fixed the bulk optimization not working with PHP 5.2. To publish gallery plugin widgets, go to Appearance > Widgets. full support for the last few changes in the specification. In Rails 4.0, ActionController::UnknownFormat is raised when the action doesn't handle the request format. "Rails", "Ruby on Rails", and the Rails logo are trademarks of David Heinemeier Hansson. # This is a work-around for streamed controllers performing authentication with Warden/Devise. There are two ways to do so: NOTE: The updated WIFI drivers are an OS level update and will require using the "fppos" method to update to the 5.3 OS level. If you want to trace the activity of the autoloader, ActiveSupport::Dependencies.verbose= is no longer available, just throw Rails.autoloaders.log! You can now use its power directly in WordPress to optimize images and reduce the weight of the photos you want to add to your site all in just one click and without sacrificing their quality. Support is available via contact form, either on our website, or directly on your Imagify plugin settings page. * Theme. Sounds great, right? Fixed: Do not call bulk action for embed. you are ready, you can opt into the new behavior and remove the Improvement: dont use Heartbeat anymore. the resources method to restrict the routes created as detailed in the For most applications, this should be a transparent change. Bug Fix: an error that prevented to create the backup folder (and other things) on multisite. One file, one constant. # See https://github.com/plataformatec/devise/issues/2332, # Authenticating in the router is another solution as suggested in that issue, # this won't work in production for Rails 5. Visit. Fixed: Disable Add selected images to gallery button after adding images. fails to add the generated binstubs because it gets executed before Bundler: You can now wrap the git calls in an after_bundle block. Vips is more strict than ImageMagick when it comes to cropping: If you don't do this when migrating to vips, you will see the following error: extract_area: bad extract area. Added: Filters `wp_smush_media_image` for Media Gallery, `wp_smush_nextgen_image` For NextGen gallery, allows to skip a particular image size from smushing, Updated: Skip webp images ( causing ajax error for few sites ), Fixed: Warning and Notices ( Media Library not loading ), Fixed: Smush full size image if no other sizes are available, Added: Detailed text for stats and settings, Fixed: Change File permission after replacing image, Fixed: Workaround for Auto Smush issue on Hostgator, Fixed: Smush button doesn't works in media library dialog on post screen, when add media is clicked, (https://wordpress.org/support/topic/like-wp-smush-a-lot), New: Show number of images smushed in stats column, Added: Filter `WP_SMUSH_API_TIMEOUT` to change the default time out value from 60s, Added: Smush original image option (Pro Only), Fixed: Conflict with various themes while editing post and page, New: Allow Super-smush for existing smushed images, Fixed: IMPORTANT - broken transient caching for is_pro, Fixed: Fixed conflict with wp gallery link plugin in grid view, Fix: Fatal error conflict with some plugins on fronted of site. I'm not usually one for fanboy-ism but Transloadit is one service I would recommend Fixed: Slideshow view > Disable autoplay doesnt work when Control buttons are disabled and you navigate slide from the filmstrip. Improvement: better banner placements with languages with long sentences (looking at you, Germany). They Fixed: More than one mosaic gallery on a page. If your test helper contains a call to compression can be instrumental for keeping data usage under control. show gallery, album title (optional only in options page). Fixed: Click action on image title click. Fixed: Delete temporary zip file after images bulk download. Also works when you store your images only on S3, not locally. on the Rails blog. Just $12AU$18.70960/m after. So if you're not happy in any way, cancel within the first 30 days and we'll refund your most recent payment, no questions asked. Autoloading is now disabled after booting in the production environment by module idWebUploader Improvement: updated the script used for the charts, it will lower the risk of conflicts with other plugins (that are also up-to-date). In that case, a power cycle may be required to get it back up and running. This action gets applied to galleries, which will be published afterwards. Fixed: Include Google Fonts only when needed. as I have used before. requests, making sure that secrets and Instructions no longer have to be transmitted, which is Therefore, Fixed: Image info in lightbox with small effect duration. should support caching. Fixed: Photo gallery icon doesnt appear in Gutenberg. Fixed: Masonry view with Resizable thumbnails set to No. See some examples of scrubbers here. Active Job and #deliver_later, this is no longer true. Transloadit can serve files from a data center close to your user, wherever that may config.autoload_once_paths can be set in the body of the application class defined in config/application.rb or in the configuration for environments in config/environments/*. Now all these assertions raise Assertion instead of ActionController::RoutingError. Enable Facebook button Audio - for sound produced directly by FPP's sound code (not via VLC's which is used to play videos to HDMI), there is now configurable support for multichannel sound instead of just stereo. In-place upgrade - this is new and requires you to have the latest FPP 5.5 and all updates already running on the device. For example, if you have something like this in a view: You can invalidate the cache either by touching the product, or changing the cache key: Rails 7.0 changed some default values for some column types. When the migration is complete, you will access your Teams at stackoverflowteams.com, and they will no longer appear in the left sidebar on stackoverflow.com.. to be able to rollback set These were deprecated a long time ago and should have been moved to using FPP Commands, but if some ancient playlists still exist that use these, they may break. fixes. Spring README. chains must be explicitly halted by calling throw(:abort). If your controllers are using render :text, they will no longer work. 3.2.x version of Rails. Rails HTML Sanitizer. Fixed: Date and Title filters as a default. Choose whether to have a transparent background or not. New: Add new option Resize larger Images, Improvement: Bulk optimization: results table is not shrinkable to the infinite anymore (scrollable), Improvement: Better visual in options page, Bug Fix: Check if an attachment exists to avoid an issue which is stopped the Bulk Optimization, Bug Fix: Really Fix PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 1 in imagify/inc/functions/formatting.php on line 17, Bug Fix: Double animation in Progress Bar, Bug Fix: Fix PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 1 in ../inc/functions/formatting.php on line 16, Improvement: Add error descriptions on the Bulk Optimization results, Improvement: Add a notice to switch to the list view in the media library page, New: Add Intercom Live Chat on Imagify Settings and Bulk Optimization pages. Added: Functionality to disable ajax actions to open galleries by URL. Check the Ruby on Rails Guides Guidelines Added Dusk/Dawn options to the Scheduler (in addition to SunSet/SunRise). In You can contact us via https://imagify.io/contact/. For example: Note that the prefix takes scopes into account as well, so relations between Catalog::Category and Catalog::Product or Catalog::Category and CatalogProduct need to be updated similarly. Here are two examples that clash with routes named example_path: In the first case, you can simply avoid using the same name for multiple Inner classes and modules are fine. Improvement: compatibility with wordpress.com. compression algorithms and formats. default. The best course of action would be to check out our pricing page. Bug Fix: no more conflicts between our script used for the charts and theme builders, or plugins that use an outdated version of this script. # migrations use external dependencies or application code. you will Fixed: Conflict with Jetpack Photon module. Bug Fix: Admin Bar: Better styles in certain cases. If you already draw such routes, you must change them, for example: Rails 4.0 requires that routes using match must specify the request method. unsafe content in the response for you. With Imagify, its time to say goodbye to images taking too long to load. We answer every email so you can expect the answer from us within 24h max (unless during the weekends). Add these settings if you enable the asset pipeline: Again, most of the changes below are for the asset pipeline. Improvement: on the settings page, display the Save & Go to Bulk Optimizer button only if the user has the ability to bulk optimize. So far so good! Fixed: Changed gallery index number on ID. There are a couple of new configuration settings that you should add to your development environment: The mass_assignment_sanitizer configuration setting should also be added to config/environments/test.rb: Rails 3.2 deprecates vendor/plugins and Rails 4.0 will remove them completely. Imagify also converts your images to WebP, a next-gen format for lighter images that will speed up your WordPress site, improve user experience, and even SEO. Bug Fix: a fatal error upon Imagify update. In particular, it is asked that users thoroughly test the following areas: There is still work ongoing to add more features into FPP6. more meaningful preview images. Fixed: Gallery/Group list column headers alignment. Please do add any missing documentation for main. It can be used to increase the timeout value for example. Title. For each image or thumbnail, Imagify can create a WebP version of it. Fixed: Message after deleting images with bulk action. New: Thumbnail title, thumb size in filemanager. Weve ensured our lowest members plan is incredibly affordable and on-par with the normal cost of a pro WordPress plugin. Changed: Design of filters in thumbnail view. Fixed: The Mosaic view with infinite scroll pagination. Thank you for the lucid explanation of the settings!!! Bug Fix: Fixed a bug with the plugin Screets Live Chat, prior to version 2.2.8. You can reactivate at any time to resolve them again. This has consequences for things like Etags that will change and cache keys as well. You should Description The Best Image Optimization Plugin For WordPress. When jumping to another position in the currently scheduled playlist, don't reset the schedule so the playlist will end on time. In the second, you can use the only or except options provided by All dynamic methods except for find_by_ and find_by_! Preview image. Then go to the about page. The old behavior will be deprecated in Rails 7.0 and removed in Rails 7.1. Fixed: Watermark image broken thumbnail shows on Carousel view. This issue occurred only since 1.4.5 for some users. It works by hiding the actual input element, and then through some trickery we make it so that when you click on our fake file uploader it uses the actual input element to pop up the window for choosing a file. Fixed: Security issues with SVG files in folder. Upload and Store Image File in Database using PHP and MySQL; Multi-select Dropdown List with Checkbox using jQuery; Similar principle we explained above with concerns. These helpers are not always inverse of each other, in particular if acronyms are involved. But the best part is that you will optimize images and reduce their weight without losing quality: why should you have to choose between beauty and speed? Added: Placeholder for search by name (optional). Their product and customer support is outstanding. More savings, Misc. For some reason the authors decided to add "smart compression" as only option, which completely destroys the quality of a lot of pictures. Dev stuff: Added a hook allowing to filter arguments when doing a request to our API. By clicking subscribe I consent to receiving fresh blog posts! which formats your action accepts, i.e. Bug Fix: improved support of sites having the wp-content folder outside WordPress folder. Networking - the change to Debian Bullseye has allowed for some new features: Enable DHCP Server to provide IP addresses to other devices. Added: Possibility to add image description to thumbnail view. Transloadit offers a wide array of features to automate your document to an Array by calling #to_a before using these methods. All from one easy-to-use dashboard. That includes methods like hook!, unhook!, depend_on, require_or_load, mechanism, and many others. Improved: Storable sort order in filemanager. Rails 4.0 removes the j alias for ERB::Util#json_escape since j is already used for ActionView::Helpers::JavaScriptHelper#escape_javascript. protect_from_forgery to always run first, then you should change your application to use It's advisable that you only store simple data (strings and numbers) in cookies. CSS filter generator to convert from black to target hex color. Improvement: better compatibility with WP Real Media Library plugin, our modal wasnt working correctly. Fixed: Link in gallery group description. WebP is definitively an excellent replacement for jpeg, png, and gif images. Featured | Article. Fix: Fix settings error on multi-sites with WordPress 5.5, Fix: Write the correct conf file for use with WebP rewrites on nginx. Our Ruby Gem allows you to automate the uploading of files through the Changed: Increased generated thumbnails default dimensions. We offer a number of different membership plans catering to businesses and freelancers of all levels. Bug Fix: an open_basedir error that prevented some users to use the custom folders browser. Transloadit and Added: Bulk edit images title, description and redirect url. In addition you cannot add Watermark over the Embedded imaged. Removed: Dismissable notification about new offer by 10Web. Likely 5-10 minutes. If you need to remove the buttons from published galleries, open containing pages/posts from admin, edit gallery shortcodes and specify the same options described above. This dynamic widget allows having rotating tags or images. This restriction only applies to explicit namespaces. ActiveModel::Serializers::Xml has been extracted from Rails to the activemodel-serializers-xml https://shop.falconplayer.com/key-announcement/, https://raw.githubusercontent.com/FalconChristmas/fpp/master/SD/FPP_Install_Mac.sh, https://github.com/FalconChristmas/fpp/blob/master/SD/README.Armbian, Command to run multiple presets one after another, Command to run a preset sometime in the future, Command to Insert a single random item from a given playlist, Remove about 300MB of unused files from BBB image to reduce size, Updates to FPP_Install.sh to install on Ubuntu 22.04, some Armbian "Jammy" builds, Start adding detection of Genius Controllers, Add exim/mail to image (requires OS update), Fix bugs in BBBSerial trying to find pin out configuration when uploaded from xLights, Fix some hostname validation issues with some characters that are now allowed in hostnames, Fix "Ping" button with hostnames that have certain characters (like dashes), Fix hostapd config on latest Arbian/Ubuntu, Fix crash with test mode if end channel is lower than start channel, Fix crash/hang/race condition in playlists with inserted playlists while status is being retrieved, Fix crash in auto creation of overlay models if strings are missing or non-consecutive, Default to sending mac address for DHCP client (requires OS update). # incrementally modify your database, and then regenerate this schema definition. The created shortcode will appear in the box below. Magical to have the blog immediately accessible to a worldwide audience. You can allow users to share photos on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Tumblr with social sharing buttons. Image Processing is configured by default to use mini_magick behind the scenes, so the easiest way to upgrade is by replacing the mini_magick gem for the image_processing gem and making sure to remove the explicit usage of combine_options since it's no longer needed. part of the rewrite, the following features have been removed from the encoder: If your application depends on one of these features, you can get them back by Fixed: Filmstrip scroll in fullscreen mode. Fixed: Remove pagination from Add tags popup. The WordPress Plugin supports YouTube, Vimeo, Instagram, Flickr or Dailymotion videos within Galleries. Of course, in addition to pasting, you can also click Upload JSON or You can optimize for free 20MB of images (thats about 200 images) every month. ActiveRecord::Migration.check_pending! invocation of the instance methods are deferred until either deliver_now or WebPhoto Editor. Rails 4.0 deprecates the dom_id and dom_class methods in controllers (they are fine in views). start using the more precise :plain, :html, and :body options instead. in your application, you can add an initializer file with the following content: This would transparently migrate your existing Marshal-serialized cookies into the # in config/initializers/session_store.rb, Creating and Customizing Rails Generators & Templates, Key generator digest class changing to use SHA256, Digest class for ActiveSupport::Digest changing to SHA256, New ActiveSupport::Cache serialization format, Active Storage video preview image generation, Active Storage default variant processor changed to, Rails version is now included in the Active Record schema dump, Redirection to HTTPS from HTTP will now use the 308 HTTP status code, Active Storage now requires Image Processing, Purpose and expiry metadata is now embedded inside signed and encrypted cookies for increased security, Active Storage assignment behavior change, Expiry in signed or encrypted cookie is now embedded in the cookies values, Active Record Models Now Inherit from ApplicationRecord by Default, ActiveJob Now Inherits from ApplicationJob by Default, Autoloading is Disabled After Booting in the Production Environment, Added Wildcard Matching for Template Dependencies, Methods defined in Active Record fixtures, Active Record Observer and Action Controller Sweeper, Remove :cache and :concat options in asset helpers references in views, 2.3 Sprockets is now an optional dependency, 2.10 Key generator digest class changing to use SHA256, 2.11 Digest class for ActiveSupport::Digest changing to SHA256, 2.12 New ActiveSupport::Cache serialization format, 2.13 Active Storage video preview image generation, 2.14 Active Storage default variant processor changed to, 2.14.1 Replace resize with resize_to_limit, 2.14.4 Adjust the background color used for, 2.14.6 Replace monochrome with colourspace, 2.14.7 Switch to libvips options for compressing images, 2.15 Rails version is now included in the Active Record schema dump, 3.5 Redirection to HTTPS from HTTP will now use the 308 HTTP status code, 3.6 Active Storage now requires Image Processing, 4.3 Purpose and expiry metadata is now embedded inside signed and encrypted cookies for increased security, 4.4 All npm packages have been moved to the, 4.7.4 Qualified names in class and module definitions, 4.7.7 Autoloaded Constants and Explicit Namespaces, 4.7.8 One file, one constant (at the same top-level), 4.7.14 Eager loading and autoloading are consistent, 4.7.15 How to Use the Classic Autoloader in Rails 6, 4.8 Active Storage assignment behavior change, 5.2 Expiry in signed or encrypted cookie is now embedded in the cookies values, 7.2 Active Record Models Now Inherit from ApplicationRecord by Default, 7.4 ActiveJob Now Inherits from ApplicationJob by Default, 7.5.1 Extraction of some helper methods to, 7.6 Autoloading is Disabled After Booting in the Production Environment, 7.14 Added Wildcard Matching for Template Dependencies, 7.20.3 Forgery Protection with Origin Check, 7.20.4 Allow Configuration of Action Mailer Queue Name, 7.20.5 Support Fragment Caching in Action Mailer Views, 7.20.7 Configure SSL Options to Enable HSTS with Subdomains, 7.21 Changes with JSON/JSONB serialization, 8.3 Error handling in transaction callbacks, 9.7.4 JSON representation of Time objects, 9.9 Methods defined in Active Record fixtures, 9.14 PostgreSQL json and hstore datatypes, specifies that a 'diff' media type should be With the Asset Pipeline the :cache and :concat options aren't used anymore, delete these options from your views. View, search and download security bulletin information for individual IBM product versions and releases. Added: Possibility to include styles/scripts in necessary pages only. If it does not work automatically, you can still define the constants, Improvement: WebP images are not created for animated gif images by default anymore. to handle file uploads, then we also have a By default, the exception is handled by responding with 406 Not Acceptable, but you can override that now. a method: This change applies to most places in Rails where callbacks are used, including If it renews and you intended to cancel, no problem! Try it: Upload any photo and we will recognize if theres a face Fix that by using the background option: Vips will auto rotate images using the EXIF value when processing variants. Improvement: when displaying WebP images with the, Improvement: if a WebP image is larger than its non-webp version, it is now possible to not keep it. Node.js, to make it easy to talk to the Transloadit REST API from your Node apps. Globally distributed, highly available, and scales to match any traffic. Absolutely. Fixed: Tags cloud widget styles conflict with some themes. Click it and wait a LONG time. default_scope condition using unscoped, unscope, rewhere or image manipulation features. warning by adding the following configuration to your config/application.rb: Note that this option will not affect Active Support callbacks since they never Fixed: Bug on inserting Photo Gallery shortcode via Text mode of the Editor. If you leave it blank, it will automatically pick the first uploaded images included in the gallery. override it on a per model basis. While applications should stick to that interface, the actual Zeitwerk loader object can be accessed as. This change stems from Added: Free plugin flow: When installing Manager, store plugin name or slug in a WP option. FPP can now run natively on MacOS. Comprehensive. Webpacker This will reduce Specify the width and height of the widget. Therefore dont forget to optimize images for the web before adding to your site. ;). All Imagify optimization features related to NextGEN Gallery images are located and usable within the NextGEN Gallery menus and pages. Fix: sometimes the comparison tools button wouldnt show on the attachment edition page. bug in fullscreen button and loading image animation fixed. Rails 4.0 deprecated ActionController::Routing in favor of ActionDispatch::Routing. Previously it raised ActiveRecord::AssociationTypeMismatch for such arguments. Our support is currently available Monday-Friday 8AM-10PM CET. Fixed: Gallery tags availability in standard tags cloud widget. In-place upgrade - this requires you to have FPP 5.5 and all the updates for 5.5 already running on the device. Under the normal "Manual Upgrade", a new Upgrade OS button should appear. And our dedicated customer support will help you fix any issue with your image optimizing process. Fixed: Image table header style on editing gallery. Fixed: Upload image when there is a quote in the image metadata. the right constant, and that loading them won't break in the future. About Web development. - controllers: home.js returns views/index.html; upload.js handles upload, store, display and Rails-specific features. Applications that autoloaded reloadable constants during initialization outside of to_prepare blocks got those constants unloaded and had this warning issued since Rails 6.0: If you still get this warning in the logs, please check the section about autoloading when the application boots in the autoloading guide. WordPress web developers from all over the world prefer WPMU DEV, with an average rating of 4.9/5, over 5,000 five-star reviews, and winners of thirteen G2 best product awards. Fixed: Shortcode buttons behaviour in Text widget of Divi Builder. If youre loving the service and want to stick around after the trial, well use the card you have on file for payment processing you wouldnt want to lose the services after all. yd. Fixed: Saving gallery autoupdate interval. Advanced UI level setting to allow uploading SSH public keys, Samba, Rsyncd, and ftpd services are disabled by default. Improvement: you can know select and unselect all image sizes at once in the settings page. Cross-site request forgery (CSRF) protection now covers GET requests with Improvement: Added a filter to the asynchronous job arguments. Fixed: Image thumbnails dimensions for Google photos. Changed: Apply Tag filter to image bulk-download. Changed: Thumbnail titles styles in thumbnail view. Improvement: reset OPcache after Imagify being updated. self.serialized_attributes to self.class.serialized_attributes. The errata for the PATCH verb specifies that a 'diff' media type should be -Fixed: Async Smush conflict with other plugins, -Fixed: PHP 7 warning ( https://goo.gl/GKEMim ), @props: @alexis-mag, -Changes: Increased timeout for Async request - Fixes Async smush not working for some hosting services, Maintenance Release - Contains bug fixes related to Translation, Pro Status not recognised, Auto Smush not working, * Show a Smush progress message in Grid view for Auto Smush, ( A lot of people reported it as Auto Smush not working, which works in background though ), * Translation domain was incorrect for few strings, * Translation: Load translation domain in main plugin file, * Include image size `medium_large` in smush list, * Error: Cannot use string offset as an array, * Error in PNG to JPG conversion ( Pro Feature ), added check for mime_content_type function, Added Async processing for Auto Smush ( No delay while uploading images ) , Network wide settings option, A new filter which allows to exclude images from Bulk Smush, Misc. Learn how to get the most out of Smush and streamline your images for peak site performance. Bug Fix: Bulk Optimization: Dont try to re-optimize an image already optimized which has the same compression level than the one saved in the settings. Fixed: Sorting images on gallery edit page before saving gallery. But equally, if you want to cancel at any time then just visit My Account its super easy. Instead, if e1.31/ArtNet/DDP channel inputs are enabled on the Channel Inputs page, they are always active in both Player and Remote modes. Framebuffer devices will now be configured as Pixel Overlay Models and users of framebuffers (Virtual Display, etc) will then operated against the model. Rails 4.0 has deprecated ActionController::Base.page_cache_extension option. Speed up your WordPress site and improve Core Web Vitals thanks to Imagifys state-of-the-art image optimization process. You are free to leave your existing secret_token in place, not set the new secret_key_base, and ignore the deprecation warnings until you are reasonably sure that your upgrade is otherwise complete. Using a Installing via WordPress :sorted, or opt into the future behavior by setting the option to :random. That may be handy if you need to preload Single Table Inheritance (STI) classes or configure a custom inflector, for example. Yes, the Imagify team offers full email support for image optimization questions. Auto-fix and format your JavaScript with ESLint. "null" Added button to status UI to start next scheduled playlist now. you may need to load and dump them again to make sure that they reference Improved: Use the largest image file instead of the original image when the original file doesnt exist to prevent errors. default. Fixed: Bug on searched images delete in admin. This means With this option turned on, forms in your application will each have their Fixed: Image title and Gallery title/description font changing issue for Carousel view. Fixed: Pagination with disabled Enable href attribute and Enable dynamic URLs for galleries and gallery groups options set to Yes. these changes are in parallel with rake, but some were ported over altogether. Fix: the bulk optimization button works again. Choose the tag text color. You'd get a NameError in Rails 7 otherwise. Upload it to the "File Manager" on the FPP instance. Fixed: Bug on thumbnail sizes during lazy load. Open the post/page you want to display the gallery. Fixed: Masonry galleries bug in masonry album. - routes/index.js: defines routes for endpoints that is called from views, use controllers to handle requests. interacting with models, but also affects :default column settings in db/schema.rb. When you optimize JPG, PNG, and GIF files, Imagify will also create WebP versions of your original images and all your thumbnail sizes (if you have this option enabled). No. Make sure the file extension is still fppos (some browsers will rename it). Did you know that image optimization and web performance go hand in hand? venerable html-scanner approach is now officially being deprecated in favor of and Active Model, then the entire callback chain is halted. Rails 5 now supports per-form CSRF tokens to mitigate against code-injection attacks with forms All you need to do is copy the URL of the video you want to include in the gallery plugin. Fixed: Scroll Load functionality in Filemanager. powerful scrubbing. Uppy.io with By opting-out you optimize $LOAD_PATH lookups (less directories to check), and save Bootsnap work and memory consumption, since it does not need to build an index for these directories. Fixed: Gallery group back for galleries opened with link. or link_to_unless). Bug Fix: Fix SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate. JavaScript responses, too. Upgrade to the latest Ruby you can first, and then upgrade Rails. You will need to add the actionpack-action_caching gem in order to use caches_action and the actionpack-page_caching to use caches_page in your controllers. * FROM "users" WHERE "users". Once done, Imagify returns the optimized image to your server. Specifically because SVG sometimes is exported with that as the opening line, which will cause the PHP parser to choke on it. There are a lot of very significant changes that need additional testing before being able to be released as FPP 6.0. Changed: Pause autoplay when the user is writing a comment. Convert Bulk Embed. The private API of ActiveSupport::Dependencies has been deleted. This does not affect the HTTPVirtualDisplay, only the framebuffer Virtual Display is affected. Fixed: Memory leak for users with non default uploads directory. Suppose we have one sample paragraph. Fixed: Thumbnails titles on Elementor responsive mode. Your own