portfolio alignment team report 2021

Subscribe to Environmental Finance to benefit from: Subscription and Event Terms & Conditions, Acceptable To set out the goals of the Portfolio Alignment Measurement workstream, outline our work plan for this year, and identify remaining barriers to adoption of portfolio alignment metrics. Bn6:>@-P6wLd6cVJ%DapEoA! Here he argues, with Dominic Tighe and Tanguy Sn who are members of the portfolio alignment team, that by establishing standards of best practice, the Portfolio Alignment Report helps these metrics to reach their potential. They expressed particular concern about implied temperature rise (ITR), saying the metric has the potential to create wide misunderstanding and to drive the carbon washing of portfolios. Home Portfolio Team Alignment. The Portfolio Alignment Team (PAT), an independent expert team comprised of major financial institutions including HSBC, BlackRock and HM Treasury's COP26 Private Finance Hub, has published new guidance on portfolio alignment metrics. Registered Office: 1 Kentish Buildings, 125 Borough High Street, London SE1 1NP, Asset Class Report - Equities (December 2022), Country Report - Pensions in the Nordic Region (December 2022), Church Commissioners to vote against companies failing on humans rights, Biodiversity frameworks good news for pension savings too, says Mger Pedersen, Thinking Ahead Institute, PRI to create new global standard for stewardship resourcing. This paper expands on and supersedes the previous Portfolio Alignment Team report. The financial institution then accounts for a proportional fraction of that companys emissions in its own carbon footprint. It helps produce transparent, more standardised, more comparable, and therefore more useful, portfolio alignment metrics. Welcome to IPE. Yet right now, the transformation of brown assets into green ones is a problem (and opportunity) at least as large and important as the fostering of new green growth. Our collective purpose has been to enable measurement of the relative alignment of investor and lender portfolios with the objectives of the Paris Agreement. In 2021 the Task Force sought public comment on two documents: Proposed Guidance on Climate-related Metrics, Targets, and Transition Plans and the Portfolio Alignment Team's Measuring Portfolio Alignment: Technical Supplement. The Task Force conducted a public consultation from October 29, 2020-January 28, 2021, to gather feedback on potential forward-looking metrics for financial institutions. In the UK, the government has already launched a consultation on mandatory portfolio alignment disclosure by pension schemes. Never miss an insight. Aligning portfolios with climate goals: A new approach for financial institutions. Despite this recognised relevance, the available empirical evidence remains scant, and in best cases, it is . It is also worthwhile to begin thinking about how to tell the portfolio-alignment story to shareholders, customers, and regulators. Research / Insights - 2021 Keywords: Alignment. Institutions extending financing to a rapidly decarbonizing emitter would raise their financed-emissions levels, negatively affecting their measured climate impact. Proposed Guidance on Climate-related Metrics, Targets, and . : }%my[LL) ,)0a,-C GVwc]h9qI"&])cq)#[Y7<5MjxU'\W@>RF5E,tw"sH{jM6Xx]@\d^?\B^ In conjunction with this consultation, the Portfolio alignment Team (PAT) issued a report in 2020 titled Measuring Portfolio Alignment: Assessing the Position of companies and Portfolios on the Path to Net Zero. Position: Client Insurance Portfolio Specialist, Insurance Asset Management (IAM) Job Location: Whippany, NJ. It helps produce transparent, more standardised, more comparable, and therefore more useful, portfolio alignment metrics. Another change was adding that portfolio alignment disclosures include statements about uncertainty related to methodology, data and scenarios, and the reasons for scores changing following methodological, data or scenario improvements. To reach the 1.5C target, the world must cut present emissions levels by two-thirds. Changes made by the PAT in response to feedback included adding a disclaimer that clarifies that the report is focused primarily on the use of emissions benchmarks and recognises the benefits of production-based alignment tools. Measuring Portfolio Alignment | Q4 2020 | Page 1 based on science, which has an ITR model, says the latter addition is a huge step but is disappointed that the PAT did not explicitly recommend including climate models in ITR methodologies. First, financed emissions are evaluated in the context of a carbon budget or emissions trajectory. urrent Perspectives ALIGN Positioning The stock portion of the ALIGN portfolios maintains significant expo-sure to large cap stocks while also Sustainability Portfolio alignment metrics will be a crucial catalyst of the transition to net zero blodtighesene October 26, 2021 Save Article Join the discussion Please login via linkedin to post a comment Login via LinkedIn More from this fund Asset Allocation GIC: Building balanced portfolios for the long run Sarah Rundell November 24, 2022 This is important work and work that must be done right, for many reasons. IFAD has committed US$1.2 billion in climate finance . Figure 5: Sector Positioning In its final report, the PAT added to its explanation of ITR metrics by saying that the temperature score describes the most likely global warming outcome if the global economy was to exhibit the same level of ambition as the counterparty in question. In fact, considering that NZE. .S# 89%s:>!k;1 F9T0#MTA)\p{*jD The second challenge is the complexity of determining portfolio-level carbon. For emerging economies and the portfolios focused on them, the rate will be necessarily slower. Plus:BlackRocks LifePath UK adopts formal ESG policy, Danish pension funds calls COP15 in Vancouver unique opportunity for world leaders to create foundation for protecting, rebuilding biodiversity, The project will involve an institutional benchmarking study to better understand current stewardship practices, resourcing requirements and other key costs. The financial sector consequently needs appropriate tools and metrics to set climate targets and measure progress against them. The Portfolio Alignment Team (PAT) issued a report in 2020 titled Measuring Portfolio Alignment: Assessing the Position of Companies and Portfolios on the Path to Net Zero. The recommendations on portfolio alignment are expected to be finalised by October this year, ahead of COP26. The bulk of climate commitments made by financial institutionsnow representing nearly $100 trillion in assets under managementare made in terms of financed emissions. gL>,>b.n)AA m"Y:DJ)|[O`%?15;taDQm$Rw9m-SYNd IFM:)[ tdb@s)?^G72g\nY}A.2? On behalf of the PAT, the TCFD hosted a public consultation on Measuring Portfolio Alignment: Technical Supplement between June 7, 2021 and July 18, 2021. Please try again later. Report a Problem. 1822 E Mall The views expressed in this report do not necessarily represent the views of other institutions that members of the Portfolio Alignment Team are affiliated with. Sustainability Digital - Sept 2021 Measuring Portfolio Alignment To achieve an effective net-zero transition, we must recognize that different geographies and sectors will need to decarbonize at different rates. There is currently a plethora of portfolio alignment metrics, with varying and evolving methodologies, and sometimes opaque assumptions being used PAT has created a framework for the construction of portfolio alignment metrics so there is comparability, transparency and consistency in measuring institutions and companies' efforts towards net-zero emissions. The new assessment report, part of the Paris Alignment Roadmap, was prepared by IFAD and presented today at COP27 in Sharm el-Sheikh. In its feedback to the PAT consultation, think tank 2 Investing Initiative (2DII) said there are currently two broad approaches to alignment global economy-wide decarbonisation rates on the one hand, and sector and region-specific decarbonisation rates on the other, each with different pros and cons. It combines the temperature score with historical carbon-intensity data. In an open letter last August, Lombard Odier disagreed with the TPI asset owners and 2DIIs feedback to the PAT, saying it risked misrepresenting the nature of ITR metrics. 70% to . Sebastian Mller, co-founder of right. 26th June 2018 by compasspartnership. The public consultation closed on July 18, 2021. This now states that investors and lenders should disclose the alignment of their activities with a well-below 2C global warming scenario, although it does not, as had been proposed, continue by stating that they should incorporate forward-looking metrics into their target-setting frameworks and management processes. "Our framework aims to demystify and improve portfolio alignment tools so that net-zero alignment means the same thing for companies, financial institutions, and the wider public. By Susanna RustTowards Net Zero: COP26 and Beyond, The TCFD has updated its guidance to cover disclosing alignment with the Paris Agreement, with best practice outlined in a report by a team of experts. Third, the trajectory analysis allows financial institutions to differentiate between decarbonizing and nondecarbonizing companies. blodtighesene October 26, 2021 Sustainability Digital - Sept 2021 Portfolio alignment metrics: Investor scepticism A report by the TCFD's Portfolio Alignment Team on best practices for metrics that financial institutions use to align their activities with the goal of limiting global temperature rise to 1.5C (October 2021). This helps institutions plot their course toward the Paris Agreements goals. . By simply measuring emissions, institutions would be encouraged to avoid large emitters in favor of smaller emitters, taking no account of decarbonizing companies versus nondecarbonizers. First, financed emissions are evaluated in the context of a carbon budget or emissions trajectory. Portfolio-alignment tools can help facilitate needed changes to existing approaches to climate strategy and to decision-making processes. The PAT also amended its tips regarding tool choice to ensure these did not suggest that all institutions move towards ITR in the long term. Its work is being taken up by the Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net-Zero (GFANZ), a Carney-led coalition, as the natural place to take guidance on portfolio alignment metrics to the next level where the financial sector meets to define industry standards. Second, the carbon budget or trajectory is built as a composite of the trajectories of the portfolios constituent companies. The outlook for 2023 is brighter, if anything because valuations of major asset classes have come back to historical levels. The Power of Storytelling in the Virtual World 25th January 2021; Follow Us Commitments to cease financing in specific industries could, for example, be reconsidered. Team Alignment. Leaders can also begin investing in improving the data environment and technical fidelity needed to support portfolio-alignment tools at scale. Sudeep Doshi is a partner in McKinseys New York office, Cindy Levy is a senior partner in the London office, Dickon Pinner is a senior partner in the San Francisco office, Carter Powis is a McKinsey external adviser and an alumnus of the Toronto office, and Dan Stephens is a senior partner in the Washington, DC, office. This site uses cookies. In doing so, they can guide financial institutions in building climate strategies based on science, informed by economic and technological realities, and open to addressing the financing needs of decarbonizing companies. Both targets require substantial near-term reductions in emissions levels, which are around 40 gigatons annually. All the industry sources affiliate title Private Equity International spoke to for its Secondaries Special report agreed that alignment between portfolio company management and other parties is key, though opinions on the extent to which management teams hold power in these deals differ. 3233596, VAT No. The Task Force conducted a public consultation from October 29, 2020January 28, 2021, to gather feedback on potential forward-looking metrics for financial institutions. Powered by: . DISCLAIMER This report is the product of and reflects the collective work of the Portfolio Alignment Team. The importance of this work is underlined by recent G7 support for mandatory TCFD disclosures, the team argues. Financial institutionsunderstand that the capital needs for this historic undertaking are enormous. To keep average global temperatures from rising more than 2C between now and then, we will have to limit cumulative carbon emissions on the path to net zero to fewer than 1,000 gigatons; to prevent a rise of more than 1.5C, no more than 400 gigatons can be emitted. According to the TCFD, responses to the consultation suggested that many organisations in the financial sector were looking for more clarity on methodologies and standardisation with respect of forward-looking metrics. 15 million in 2022, and is projected to grow at a CAGR 7. The story is complicated but essential, because it reveals a clearer picture of the path we need to take to achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement. Portfolio Q3 Return YTD 5-Year Return 10-Year Return All Growth 6.4%-1.4% 9.8% 9.2% Capital Growth 5.6%-0.1% 8.9% . Read our policy. Portfolio-alignment tools are computational models that use forward-looking climate scenarios to estimate the division of the global carbon budget by sector and geography. The project portfolio is the strategic plan's execution framework. Commentary and insight from leading industry specialists, Discounts for Environmental Finance events. Industries in developed economies must reduce emissions more quickly than the global average; financed emissions in portfolios focused on these economies can and should reflect the faster rate of decarbonization. Six priorities for CEOs in turbulent times, Even in the metaverse, women remain locked out of leadership roles, The clean hydrogen opportunity for hydrocarbon-rich countries. Clarity. This article is a collaborative effort by Sudeep Doshi, What matters most? 9C] m$mU]?F /\W+'NUri?B\OBG9:'=s[{W7>>8@t+E(B9_T1aDt(0c$'w Most infrastructure for managing and analyzing climate data produces these metrics. First, by calculating financed emissions, institutions can tell where they are now but not where they need to go. To reach the 1.5C target, the world must cut present emissions levels by two-thirdsover the course of the next decade. Measuring Portfolio Alignment, Technical Considerations . Case Study. This article was edited by Richard Bucci, a senior editor in the New York office. The concept of financed emissions is fairly straightforward. This report provided a critical assessment of the strengths and trade-offs of the options available to measure the alignment of financial portfolios with climate goals. This report provided a critical assessment of the strengths and trade-offs of the options available when using forward-looking metrics to measure the alignment of financial portfolios with climate goals. It uses PACTA for high-emission sectors and a temperature score (developed by SBTi, CDP and WWF) where sector-based alignment assessment data is missing. Portfolio-alignment tools give financial institutions the freedom to extend financing to heavy emitters, provided that the financing goes toward the responsible retirement or decarbonization of emitting assets and that the decarbonization or retirement is successfully achieved. This looks like it could be a really useful contribution as many asset owners are wrestling with exactly this question of how to determine and aggregate measures of alignment across a diverse portfolio. This is how Dan Mikulskis, partner and lead investment adviser at consultancy LCP, reacted on LinkedIn to news of the publication of a report on portfolio-alignment metrics. In order to implement the sustainability goals that asset owners have set as strategic initiatives they will need board and C-suite buy-in and directive. Failing to account for these crucial differences can lead to climate strategies that are impossible to carry out or inadequate to slow global warming. Portfolio Alignment Team softens presentation of implied temperature rise (ITR) metrics News Financial net-zero alliance boosted by service providers 2021-09-22T15:54:00Z Another group of actors in the investment process makes formal net-zero commitment News UK asset owners warn TCFD about portfolio alignment proposals 2021-07-16T15:12:00Z The PAT team has engaged with 11 of the world's foremost portfolio alignment method providers, in addition to multiple expert academics and practitioners. There was pushback: a group of asset owners involved in the Transition Pathway Initiative (TPI) said that although they strongly supported the principle of portfolio alignment and agreed with many specific elements of the consultation, they were concerned about a rush to adopt portfolio alignment metrics and hard-wiring inappropriate reporting requirements into TCFD. \FZL>~h.D&$#)P$_d(K)t3Y^ }!E The financed-emissions calculations are an important and useful tool. A TCFD-aligned framework for best practise in the construction of portfolio alignment metrics. Prospects 2023: ESG-driven divestments threaten energy transition, Print advertising rates and specifications, Digital advertising technical specifications (pdf), TCFD now states that investors should disclose alignment of their activities with a well-below 2C warming scenario, The Portfolio Alignment Team (PAT) has issued best-practice guidance on portfolio alignment metrics to foster convergence and robustness, A financial coalition led by Mark Carney could be the right forum to progress alignment metrics to the next level. Close. Leaders of financial institutions know that this decade is critical for climate action. Proposed Guidance on Climate-related Metrics, Targets, and Transition Plans. the Portfolio Alignment Team (PAT) issued a report Portfolio Alignment Team during its production, the in 2020 titled Measuring Portfolio Alignment: Assessing recommendations and research priorities contained the Position of Companies and Portfolios on the Path to Net herein should be viewed as a first step toward promoting GJ%t#MK kFUn5:nHX2x@%=yuWjwg The PAT has now been disbanded. Portfolio alignment is generally associated with portfolio decarbonization (Bolton et al., 2021; Jondeau et al., 2021;Le Guenedal and Roncalli, 2022). Portfolio-alignment tools can resolve the three challenges of the financed-emissions approach. . Responses to the consultation suggested that some organizations are actively using forward-looking metrics, with more expecting them to be useful going forward, but that many were looking for more clarityon methodology and standardization. We emphasize that these technical supports are being designed in ways that engage with counterparties and facilitate their transition. This note serves as theSBTi's formal response to the" P r opose d G ui dance on C l i mate -r e l ate d M et r i cs, Tar get s, and Tr ansi t i on . Crucially, the use of production and capital stock metrics at sector level have various benefits and must not be ignored, according to the think tank, whose PACTA methodology does just this. Subscribed to {PRACTICE_NAME} email alerts. In conjunction with this consultation, the Portfolio alignment Team (PAT) issued a report in 2020 titled Measuring . Canada To achieve an effective net-zero transition, we must recognize that different geographies and sectors will need to decarbonize at different rates, based on their different capabilities and needs. The Portfolio Alignment Team (PAT) is a collaborative initiative of nine financial institutions aiming to bring convergence and transparency to measuring portfolio alignment with the objectives of the Paris Agreement. Portfolio-alignment tools thus provide much-needed context to financed-emissions metrics. The PAT report, Measuring Portfolio Alignment: Technical Considerations, was developed at the request of the TCFD on the back of a consultation on forward-looking metrics for the financial sector. 46 million in 2021 and expected to reach USD 4,279. The PAT updated its report based on feedback received in response to the consultation and released the final version, Measuring Portfolio Alignment: Technical Considerations, on October 14 . We want end-users to be able to trust that such metrics reflect real-world action," said David Blood, head of PAT and senior partner at Generation Investment Management. This helps institutions plot their course toward the Paris Agreement's goals. Alignment of all on-going projects with the overall business strategy is generally recognised as very important for most modern organisations. Vision. This allows users to measure emissions performance along a trajectory rather than at points in time; it further permits measurement down to the level of each counterparty in the portfolio. In its 2021 climate-related financial disclosures, the Bank of England said methodological variations produced ITRs ranging from <1.75C to 4C for its corporate bond purchase scheme. To share an initial view of potential enhancements to the Key Design Judgements as outlined in the 2021 Portfolio Alignment Team (PAT) report. pline as each team adapts to navi-gate more challenging work environ-ments and markets. The third challenge for the financed-emissions approach is that this metric would discourage financial institutions from funding decarbonization and the responsible retirement of existing emitting assets. These tools will also help financial institutions to report and demonstrate their net-zero efforts to the wider society. This online global event brought together asset owners, managers and academics for a practical take on sustainable investment. This will have the benefit of making it easier to identify sectors leaders and laggards across geographies, and allocate capital accordingly, according to PAT. These tools will also help financial institutions to report and demonstrate their net-zero efforts to the wider society. This helps reveal whether an institutions climate strategy is both achievable and sufficient for the collective goal. PAT describes ITR models as translating an assessment of alignment or misalignment with a benchmark into a measure of the consequences of that alignment in the form of a temperature score. The PAT consulted on a draft report in parallel with a further TCFD consultation, on proposals about guidance for climate-related metrics, targets and transition plans. In response to these challenges, the Portfolio Alignment Team has worked with leading institutions, method providers, and thinkers across the financial sector to codify a new approach to measuring climate impact: using portfolio-alignment tools. The mission of project portfolio management (PPM) is seen in evaluating, prioritising, and selecting projects in line with the business strategy. To achieve an effective net-zero transition, we must recognize that different geographies and sectors will need to decarbonize at different rates. The overall trajectory thus reflects a portfolios unique sector and geographical composition. 1. The metrics can be simple but the methodologies themselves must keep a degree of complexity if they are to do the topic of climate change justice, he says. 1 Many investors are avoiding the PeoplesRepublic, but they would do well to look atthe reality, Investor support for miners is crucial to ensure a sufficient supply of metals for renewable technology, Copyright 19972022 IPE International Publishers Limited, Registered in England, Reg No. IN THIS REPORT 2 Performance Review Absolute Performance Relative Performance 3 What Worked, . Portfolio-alignment tools can resolve the three challenges of the financed-emissions approach. In The Alignment Cookbook, a report published by Institut Louis Bachelier about portfolio alignment, the authors write that "multiple layers of uncertainties compound themselves at each step of a temperature alignment methodology" and that ITR metrics could "create disproportionate expectations and misunderstanding" on behalf of non-expert users. Today, the tool most widely used to measure climate impact across the global financial sector is the calculation of financed emissions. That company goes on to produce emissions. From June-July 2021, the Taskforce on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) sought public comment on two documents: Proposed Guidance on Climate-related Metrics, Targets, and Transition Plans and the associated Measuring Portfolio Alignment: Technical Supplement.In response to the consultation, today 2 Investing Initiative published a report containing our feedback and recommendations . Measuring Portfolio Alignment: Summary of consultation responses (2021) Author: Portfolio Alignment Team Industry Group: Asset Managers, Asset Owners. In light of the findings of the Forward-Looking Metrics consultation, the Task Force commissioned the PAT to conduct further analysis and to 1) develop technical guidance on emerging best practice as it relates to building portfolio alignment tools and producing forward-looking measurements of financial portfolio alignment with the goals of the Paris Agreement, and (2) identify future research priorities where the field is not yet mature enough to identify best practice. One way to drive better execution is to align the project portfolio with the organization's strategy. In The Alignment Cookbook, a report published by Institut Louis Bachelier about portfolio alignment, the authors write that multiple layers of uncertainties compound themselves at each step of a temperature alignment methodology and that ITR metrics could create disproportionate expectations and misunderstanding on behalf of non-expert users. He adds: Implementing these best practices would significantly advance the sophistication and comparability of these metrics.. The physical science makes clear that attaining a warming limit of 1.5C or 2C is dependent both on achieving net-zero emissions and on limiting the cumulative amount of greenhouse gases we emit en route to the goal. In cooperation with leading financial institutions, McKinsey joined the Portfolio Alignment Team, set up by Mark Carney in his capacity as the UN special envoy for climate and finance. To align with the ambition of the Paris Agreement, the world needs a climate strategy built around a total carbon budget, not only a net-zero target for some point in time. It's a collaborative initiative between nine different institutions. He adds: Furthermore, we see great variation in the way companies are expressing their relative emission indicators and this is a challenge in the temperature score calculator in that it cannot benchmark all types of relative emission indicators up towards the global emission trajectories in IPCC.. The Portfolio Alignment Team was commissioned by the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures to produce a survey and synthesis of existing best practices in building and using portfolio-alignment tools. Vancouver, Colombie-Britannique This should encompass all current and future initiatives, programs and projects including business projects, operations projects, technology projects, etc. Prospects 2023: Does zero China make sense? Alignment in practiceKLP, a 87bn Norwegian pension provider, divides its investments into different categories according to how certain it can be about calculating alignment. Established by Carney in 2020, the PAT published its final report in October in conjunction with updated guidance from the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). This frees them to extend decarbonization financing to high emittersprovided that they are achieving necessary climate progress by retrofitting, replacing, or retiring existing assets. It is important, then, to begin thinking now about these changes, even though the tools are still very new. It was Mark Carney, UN special envoy for climate action and finance, who had posted the news, saying the report delivered best-practice standards to avoid fragmentation and greenwashing. The climate impact of a financial institution can be measured as the sum of the emissions it finances across all the companies in its lending book, investment portfolio, or insurance portfolio. This great transformation will only be possible if we replace, at scale, the global economys productive asset base with nonemissive technologies. . The SBTi has been consulted by the TCFD's PortfolioAlignment Team as part of the original report onportfolio alignment and as part of the creation ofthe latest Technical Supplement. The use of financed emissions creates three challenges related to the development of effective climate strategies, however. Lars Erik Mangset, chief adviser on climate change at KLP, supports the temperature score concept, but we still find that the regression between company performance and Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) scenarios is unclear, which makes it a bit of a black box. One Impact Awards judge noted that PAT "addresses a critical problem with a tangible solution, is focused on the current period and evolving efforts for net-zero alignment, and overall, it is very thoughtful and practical". It begins when a financial institution invests in, lends to, or insures a company. This chapter sets out proposals to require schemes to calculate and report a metric setting out the extent to which their investments are. The Taskforce for Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), the reference body for climate-related disclosures, now backs this framework. Through our Team Alignment program, we help you to define a clear and shared purpose, ensuring the team is all onboard. Measuring Portfolio Alignment: Technical Supplement. The 2021 PAT report identified three key categories of portfolio alignment metrics tools to support financial institutions' efforts: Binary target measurements measure the alignment of a portfolio with a given climate outcome based on the percentage of investments or counterparties in a portfolio with net-zero, Paris-aligned targets. 685 1784 92. The Global Project Portfolio Management Market size was estimated at USD 3,982. To achieve the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement and restrict further increase in global average temperatures to well below 2C, human society needs to reach net-zero emissions of long-lived greenhouse gases by midcentury. ]-i;7g%Aog43_6>2T!^L4V+m TIP*Kg&Qk5AVs0n!-_ k;m$vprJ9>,:N1JfY* {3jU`iRll3"2AQ 5)/-i'0@Xsu3. Something went wrong. Download resource . Only through engagement, rather than divestment, can we ensure the transition to a 1.5C future. Portfolio alignment metrics help evaluate whether investing or lending is in line with a pathway to a Measuring Portfolio Alignment: Enhancement, Convergence, and Adoption aims to offer guidance on multiple technical aspects, structured around 9 'key judgments'. Thus the approach would constrain the strategic space available, forcing a focus on green growth only while deprioritizing the greening of brown assets. Success in the transition to a net-zero society depends on the ability to keep capital flowing to emissive industries engaged in decarbonizing activities while redirecting funding away from activities that do not support the 1.5C ambition. The past year will be remembered as one of the most challenging for institutional investors ever. MetLife Investment Management: MetLife Investment Management, (MIM) provides public . Close. use policy. We'll email you when new articles are published on this topic. the portfolio alignment team was formed by the un special envoy for climate and finance, mark carney, to respond to growing investor and lender interest in measuring portfolios' relative alignment to the objectives of the paris agreement, and to advance industry efforts to promote widespread adoption of consistent, robust, and decision-useful It says a portfolio-wide ITR is a type of aggregated alignment metric, which is mostly of value in supporting high-level disclosure, given the ability to communicate results in a single indicator, but that alignment results purely at sector level using metrics related to economic activity are more actionable. Chapter 1: Measuring and reporting Paris alignment 1. V6T 1Z1, Prsentations aux conseils dadministration. Portfolio Alignment Team, Measuring portfolio alignment: Technical considerations, Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures, 2021, tcfdhub.org. A TCFD-aligned framework for best practise in the construction of portfolio alignment metrics. The Portfolio Alignment Team was formed to respond to growing investor and lender interest in measuring portfolios' relative alignment to the objectives of the Paris Agreement, and to advance industry efforts to promote widespread adoption of a consistent, robust and decision useful approach. Thomas Hohne-Sparborth, head of sustainability research at the asset manager, says the final PAT report provides a thorough review of both the best practices to be followed and pitfalls to be avoided in the design of ITR metrics. These are some of the questions that the workstream aimed to tackle, culminating in the publication, last month, of a significant new report with timely practical case studies. Some investors already use ITR metrics but there have been concerns about the approach being prematurely promoted as the gold standard. 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