reflection about tutoring

7 Pages. I got to use those new skills in the video classes I was enrolled in this semester when no one knew how to get it to work. importance of identifying my students learning strategies quickly so that I One of the students on the trip had applied to be a leader but was denied. Reflection work is a core component of this model, which serves to guide students through the learning, reflecting, and connecting process of their peer tutor experience. a consistent tutor-tutoree relationship. Typically, I work with the same group of students to finish their math homework, work on a project for social studies, or help them sound out new words. I am also highly skilled in assisting the instructor in supervision of students arrival and departure time, performing clerical and record keeping tasks and maintaining discipline of the classroom in the absence of the instructor. However her frustration in evident when she comprehends English yet lacks the skill to articulate her thoughts in English. I showed them how to make mental maps, quizzes and my personal favorite flash cards. Tutoring kids is one of my favorite activities when doing community service. It has been one of my favorite lessons by far and I believe that I have brought a lot out of this class that will help me when I become a teacher and get my own class room full of, A couple of students were already in the classroom studying, and I was able to chat with them while I was getting prepared. I signed up for the class with very few expectation; I didnt even believe I was going to be allowed to tutor actual students. For most of tutoring sessions at the Writing center, I worked with Tyrica Terry on assignments for my writing food class. styles. Tutoring Reflection Paper Sung Huh Being a tutor and being a teacher in class were two different experiences. After being at school all day and dealing with ample amounts of stress, their innocent and bright minds cause me to ground myself and realize what is at the core of all of my hard work in academics: a thirst for knowledge. people can be told how to do it, while others need to see a picture to I personally know can be overwhelming to walk in to a big classroom full of unfamiliar bones, models, and equipment but I enjoyed helping them get comfortable and learning from the classroom. Heart Math Tutoring ("Heart" or "HMT") gives young students successful experiences in math through one-on-one, volunteer-delivered tutoring during the school day in Charlotte, NC. Distracting clutter will drive the language of academic writing in nursing practice. Twice a week, and I get together to read, review his homework, talk about current events, and share our life experiences. use. The student is coming to the tutor for help. Photo, Video, and Digital Media Release Form Individual Version, Bibliography (KPU Tutor Training Levels 1-3). Build Tutoring Relationships Based on Trust and Expertise, 8. 1 Page. I know I didnt really talked in your class a lot this semester at all but I still had fun in it and you thought me a lot of the past few months. In which I have learned about various roles and responsibilities of APN. She has been tutoring for three years. Complete the TECII (2) Tutor Excellence and Continuous Improvement Inventory and Debrief with a Learning Strategist, 15. In the past I have taught classes in creative writing, instrumental music, sailing, various sciences, and religious education, allowing me to experience the interactions between teacher and students in different environments. Often times, my students would forget Open Document. Tutoring Reflection 4 Elizabeth is a self-directed low-proficiency ELL. will have about twenty students who may not be able to see the connections all KPU Peer Tutor Level 3 Development Log, 23. As part of my CDA requirements I needed to spend time in a classroom so I began volunteering in my daughters PreK class. Every time we all walk into the room, the kids race to their tutor, eager to learn more, she said. The purpose of this field experience was to get 10 observation or tutoring hours in an elementary or junior high setting. My unique educational environment of a school has allowed me the opportunity to form close relationships with teachers and students alike, enabling me to interact with people of various backgrounds and ages. These experiences provided me with an opportunity to represent my classmates while fostering communication between the faculty and students. I really liked using games, storytelling, and other activities to help children develop language and vocabulary, improve social skills, and learn basic science and math concepts. Over time, I saw that almost equally important to paying attention to the way Faisal spoke and wrote was the way that I personally spoke and wrote. Reminder: You must email me using your Owens email, or I will not be able to respond, make calls during your break. The best part about tutoring, as far as I can tell after this first week, is watching the light bulb go off after a student begins to understand the assignment or comment. I have taken the classes that I was tutoring so it was nice to help the other students get familiar with the classroom. them out in this way, they would correctly solve the problem and would be more 13. This also proved to be beneficial if I had trouble understanding a portion of the chapter I could come with questions. Anyhow, Shayna said she had just gotten a new Tutor gig and she is tutoring kids preparing to take the ACT. Reflection On The Tutoring Session. formulas for the exponential functions in Math 1525, I came up with certain Despite the fact that I had taught a few class periods previously (PSY 2020L), I felt like I had never taught before! I understand that no every teacher teaches the same just like no every student learns the same, reiterating what I spoke to you in class is I really appricate you as a professor going the extra mile to understand us students. I learned the importance of the school 's administration and just how many interactions they have with classroom teachers. In my human anatomy tutoring sessions we actually found some apps on our smart phone or tablets that had fantastic 3D models of the human body and body systems that was interactive and had quizzes and I believe we all benefitted from that. When I teach in a Reflection allows students to make their learning meaningful and therefore memorable. some very important information about one-on-one tutoring which will not only As a college student. However, when I came to America, I felt more difficult to write and express my thoughts in English because I did not know much vocabularies and lacking grammatical knowledge. One day, we visited Audubon Park near sunset and. Emporium last year and have helped friends with math every now and then. Becoming a PTA is so important to me that it kept me driven to have a complete understanding of the material, even when it was most difficult., I got to learn what to do when one of my students got too overwhelmed with the work, and I got to learn how to work with a student who couldnt sit still. I had great students in my tutoring sessions they were all a lot of fun and happy to be there. Open navigation menu. Why are these significant for you? classroom or help a student one-on-one, I need to make sure that I am cheerful The things I learned in microeconomics I am for sure going to use them in life because they are helpful tips., During this semester I personally contributed to my overall success in the PTAP 2310 class by studying consistently and coming prepared to class. session. Then, I decided to go back to school to improve my writing skills because I recognize the significant of writing in my everyday lives. Campus E-mail: my abilities as an educator. When taking notes I was able to help students spell and define certain words, but I enjoyed helping them answer questions more. Self-Reflection Questions For Students. Reflective summary Language learning and teaching course is a necessary course for everyone interested in the field of teaching English as a second language. However, I was never able to establish The child (speaker) in The Little Black Boy establishes his private relationship with God by perceiving the divine image with his acute eyes and untainted soul. It is because of this lack of expectations and previous tutoring experience in math that I went into the relatively calm, though the first two observations had me shaking. Throughout this semester English 45 has thought me many different techniques to improve my English, The Reflective Essay Peer Tutoring Final Reflection. Through the EDU 101 class I was enrolled in I learned so much about communication, the, The first week or so was pretty lonely sitting in a classroom waiting for people to show up but finally they did! They were pediatric oncology patients at the hospital that I was volunteering at. My experiences at these schools gave me a better insight into the differences between schools, classrooms, and teachers. one of my Math 1525 students struggled with the same problem, so I tried to Communicate Your Tutoring Accomplishments, 13. Tutoring kids is one of my favorite activities when doing community service. That way, my students will get more excited about That was not my first tutoring experience, but the students I taught were unique. Great Essays. Fortunately, I am a very happy person and mathematics To do this, you may reflect on emotions, memories, and feelings you've experienced at that time. I want to be a strong influence on younger kids in particular, because I enjoy working with them the most. With these recent school experiences, I have learned how communication and compassion can instill responsibility and be a person's most valuable allies., In conclusion, observing the classroom motivated me to continue on the path of becoming a teacher so that I could one day make a difference in the lives of children. What are some of your strengths as a Tutor? What are some of your strengths as a Tutor? vary my teaching strategies accordingly so that every student in my classroom Being able to observe different classes and teachers at Westside Junior High and South Live Oak Elementary was a very new and exciting experience for me since I cant say Ive always wanted to be a teacher. Through these positions, I had to chance to lead class periods and I have found that I enjoy teaching at the university level, as compared to the times that I have helped with elementary and middle school classes. However, after a review of grammar . The most entertaining aspect of my sixty hours was volunteering to go on a field trip with my class., This year being at Multnomah University I really enjoy being in both of your classes. After receiving my own education, I look forward to sharing my knowledge with my students. As, My role as a Tutor is complex and demanding. I also told her, I have not been tutoring this semester due to my course load but will continue tutoring in the summer as my full-time summer job. O the authors describe xxx to emphasize explanatory material. Essay Sample Check Writing Quality. Perhaps the most rewarding thing has been witnessing them improve dramatically, such as being able to read a word with ease that we sounded out multiple times the previous week, with a smile on their face and a new sense of confidence and accomplishment. I was most worried about the diction and grammar part of tutoring; I had the misconception that an English, Strengths And Weaknesses Of Humana Leadership, Food & Fashion : A Speech On Fashion Food And Fashion, The Art Of Peer Pressure Rhetorical Analysis, Theme Of Symbolism In A Thousand Splendid Suns. Describe the approach(es) you take to setting goals for yourself and for your tutoring sessions. Since I have been a freshman in, During my sophomore year of college, I decided to lead one of the alternative spring break trips at my school. Develop a Personal Tutoring Philosophy, 20. This act took a lot of patience, which I must also One of my greatest strengths is helping maintain a well-disciplined learning environment, with minimal interruptions and maximum productivity. struggling. An accelerated class tends to be a fast-past class that covers 2 classes in one. Show More. Even though I had a short experience with the class for only half of the semester, I have learned what it takes to be an excellent, and successful, SSL. A series of lockdowns has prompted the use of digital platforms for business and other things, education included. RTI is definitely a need when working with students that struggle. can help them in the best way possible. Want to create or adapt books like this? These experiences prepared me for my encounters beyond the realm of the classroom. The key skills and strength that I possess for success include my enthusiasm and dedication to my assigned duties and my ability to support and inspire young people through being a good listener to them and offering appropriate advice. Follow Learning Centres Procedures (including continuing Tutor Certification Process), 14. Teaching mverscha 4.1k views 35 slides Tutoring guest7d6b40 For reflective essay examples, readers expect you to evaluate a specific part of your life. Write a reflection paper on your observations about your tutoring. So often, students are hesitant to ask essential questions or engage in important conversation with the teacher. This reality should be more openly accepted. When queried on her grammar strengths and areas of need Elizabeth had a difficult time conveying some responses. Each paper got more difficult as more texts got introduced, but it only led to a more accomplished feeling as each paper was completed., During these nine weeks, I had a really interesting time being a Student Service Learner at my school. As I came to English 45, I thought it was going to be a tough class, because it's an accelerated class. ways of explaining things on the spot. Since I have What are your strengths, concerns, weaknesses, and areas for future growth? Using techniques I have learnt through the course of my life and studies, I gain their trust and confidence and in turn this builds their confidence in themselves and their studies., I am currently in a teaching role in various disciplines and with different groups of Learners., In addition to my enthusiasm for investing in young lives, I have done some volunteering as a teaching assistant to get some hands-on classroom experience for formal teaching. Plosone. 342 Words. more fun. I did tutor over the distance system and although it took a while it was nice to learn how to use the computer, camera and microphone. Credits: 3 1664 Words. in the tutoring environment as they only make things worse. I got to When queried on her grammar strengths and areas of need, Elizabeth had a difficult time conveying some responses. Working in partnership with someone in consulting work means you always have a critical friend to problem solve, add to your thinking . This I have been tutoring kids for almost two years now. patience, kindness, and the ability to view the situation objectively, my I tutored students in a after school program and they recepted my help thoroughly, this boosted my confidence that this is what I am meant to do with my life. help him in the same way as the first student. Also, in my future career as an educator, I will have many students in Tutoring kids is one of my favorite activities when doing community service. remain positive and uplifting throughout the session. Figure 14 reflection nursing essay. In this reflection, I talk about how I think the semester went overall, focusing on what I did well and what I need to work on in the future. students will be able to fully learn the concepts with which they are Additional Contact Information: I applied that to tutoring because I wanted them to gain study habits outside of the college because it is so important! While this seemed intimidating at first, I learned that he depended on me to help with his work. I am committed to learning and developing the knowledge and skills that a great leader needs to make a difference in education. 6 Reflections on My Tutoring What I've Learned by Tutoring Describe the approach (es) you take to setting goals - for yourself and for your tutoring sessions. Next, it is quite the romantic ideal of creative thinking to those trying to mimic the voice was formal, impersonal, and distant. HMT's mission is to ensure that all elementary students develop the strong foundation in math and enthusiasm for academics needed for long-term success, by . Learning Centre Tutor Self-Evaluation, 22. This program allows me to spend a period in an elementary classroom, assisting the teacher for an hour each day. Sign in|Recent Site Activity|Report Abuse|Print Page|Powered By Google Sites. I chose to observe a few different classrooms instead of tutoring students., I have planned on becoming a teacher for years. This past October, I applied to be a tutor for both The Study and Student Athlete Support Services here at Loyola. mathematics themselves, and therefore increase their likelihood of succeeding For example, when helping one student remember the different I enjoyed being encouraged to be creative and playful in daily activities and have a substantial input in the classroom curriculum and schedule. For this class, I was required to get a job as a one-on-one math tutor. This experience has given me a renewed excitement to gain a greater knowledge of education, in order to hold a position in this field., Every week at a nearby elementary school, I tutor children from kindergarten to sixth grade as a part of their YMCA after school care program. Final Reflection (Tutoring) Powerpoint 1 of 7 Final Reflection (Tutoring) Powerpoint Nov. 24, 2009 1 like 2,362 views Download Now Download to read offline Education Technology This is my Powerpoint for my tutoring Experiences> stephea Follow Advertisement Recommended Tutoring vs. about doing the work and not focus as well as usual. In An excerpt from William Blake: A Critical Essay, how to write essays correctly. The second week lesson was focused on the complexity theory and selected skills, understandings, and integrative abilities of the APN and specialty nurse practitioner practice. Office Hours & Location: MW 12:30-1:30; 3:30-5:30/TR 3:30-5:30 in FH 1026 Your experiences with your tutors show that fact in so many ways-in your learning, in their learning, and in the learning of students they are tutoring. Reading coaches assist in determining if students have made enough growth along with the results from other assessments to be placed in a regular language arts class or if the student should remain in a reading program with after school tutoring or pull outs with an interventionist. She has been tutoring for three years. You will start this process with an Outline. Throughout Reflection is critical in student learning. The organization that she volunteers for goes to the middle school every morning and tutors the kids who have difficulty with their classes. to this semester, I had very little long-term tutoring experience. I noticed that my attitude affected that of my students, so I had to Credits: 3 key items from previous lessons or not understand how one problem connects to As a tutor, I spend about 3-6 hours a week in The Study, located on the 3rd floor of Jenkins Hall, helping fellow students and student . 316 Words2 Pages. words or sayings that would help him remember which function to use and the Close suggestions Search Search. My goal is to be sharp, skilled, creative and effective as a teacher and leader so that I can significantly influence the organization and overall culture of my school, other teachers, students, and the community. No longer was I just helping out', but I had a responsibility to to assist with his learning and be a positive role model in his life. Overall this semester of tutoring went very well, I believe the most important part was helping the students gain the skills and knowledge they needed learn. Instead of just working one-on-one, I My experience at the school allowed me to acquire a number of skills and also help enhance my weaker ones. Of my first days in Mrs. Pfaltzgraffs class, I was pretty much nervous, but excited: I was actually going to help my fellow classmates!, Eventually I started learning about computers in school and I found them so fun to use. 1. Teaching Methods Reflection In this course I experienced an important change in my beliefs about teaching; I came to understand that there are many different theories and methods that can be tailored to suit the teacher and the needs of the student. Good Essays. The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has taught us important life lessons. Another been studying math for a long time, these problems were easy for me to Level Three Peer Tutoring Fundamentals and Integration Workbook by Kwantlen Polytechnic University is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted. I realized the Filed Under: Essays. Watching the students learn new skills and become independent went very well. It wasn't just to help out my fellow schoolmates, but rather to observe and experience the classroom through a different perspective. Teaching assistant opportunities are valuable for undergraduate students to decide . This has given me extensive experience in delivering information to varying groups with differing needs, using a variety of teaching methods and styles including interactive presentations, keynote/powerpoint, producing comprehensive course notes/handouts, plus practical and experiential based learning. I can remember the first day we met you told me that your class was going to be fun and it was. Mesmer and Mesmer (2008) state that RTI is a process that incorporates both assessment and intervention so that immediate benefits come to, Tutoring has been a wonderful experience academically as well as personally. times, but it taught me a valuable lesson: each person learns mathematics in a very different waysome 001 slight 168 11. Since it's about yourself, you already have a topic to write about. I started when I was in my senior year in high schoolat first I did it for the hours but now that I am in college I continue to tutor children because it was a great experience to share your knowledge with others. I told Shayna that I tutor as well but I do online tutoring. It is important for APN, As a tutor, I have many responsibilities to make the learners of which I teach, feel safe and supported in their learning environment., I received the opportunity to be a teachers assistant during my senior year. The district did an excellent job with incorporating their higher level staff into the classroom. The organization that she volunteers for goes to the middle school every morning and tutors the kids who have difficulty with their classes. Level III Fundamentals Learning Objectives, Level III Integration Learning Objectives, Draft Philosophic Statement of Tutoring and Learning, Complete all Tutor Certification Processes, Level Three Peer Tutoring Fundamentals and Integration Workbook, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Learn more about how Pressbooks supports open publishing practices. Contact Hours: 3 Discuss these reflections with your Tutor Supervisor. The highlights of my days volunteering was when I saw a childs eyes light up when they learn/try something new. If you need good examples of student reflection questions, this list has you covered. By watching them thrive in a positive environment and develop a love for learning, they constantly teach me new things. So I found that I kind of had a knack for using them so I really began to focus on it. Watch on. I believe all students can have academic success., I interviewed a friend of mine who tutors at a middle school. These were children who have to be hospitalized for long period of time in order to receive treatments for their cancer. experience different learning styles first-hand and coming up with creative I did not understand how the distinction between a narrative essay, report essay and an analytical essay, argumentative essay, and reflective essay among other types, a whole. One of the unique aspects of the Department of Child Development and Family Relations is that many of the department's large core courses offer teaching assistant opportunities to undergraduate students. However, there were multiple times where it was completely difficult to work with them. Plus theyre, Pursuing something new is fun and exciting, especially if the pursuit positively impacts someone else. Even though they were in the same classes, I couldnt help them all out in the same way; they needed to I took a group of ten students to New Orleans, and my co-leader and I were completely in charge of ensuring the safety and well being of all the students. Use of recording devices, including camera phones and tape recorders, is prohibited in classrooms, laboratories, faculty offices, and other locations where instruction, tutoring, or testing occurs. In what ways do you model effective study skills and student behaviours for your tutees? These are experiences of reflection and learning as well as connecting on a deeper level with people I normally would not. Ashely is super busy since she is preparing to move to Georgia with her husband who is in the military full-time, Course Syllabus When the children were lined up waiting to come into class, and then run in and give me a hug, it warmed my, During the months of September and October this semester I spent time at two different schools in four different classrooms. This is achieved by pulling misbehaving students aside, reinforcing positive behaviour, and implementing a reward system., The first week lesson was focused on the historical development of the Advanced Practice Nursing (APN) role and evidence-based practice from the perspective of various philosophical and theoretical foundations. Teaching is inherently and inescapably a moral matter. An organization like this is needed in our community because everybody in my town does not believe that education is important for the future and tutoring children at a younger, more impressionable age makes an impact. My goals in joining peer tutoring were to have an easy term project assignment and spending one hour each week for studying with my friends in an enjoyable atmosphere, but after a couple of sessions, I discovered that peer tutoring was more than that. This has given me many ideas of what to take to my own class room. seeing the connection. Often my students lack confidence in themselves and their abilities. Within this environment, I planned my class' junior and senior trips. calmly break down the problem for my students in order to guide them in the that he really enjoys working on math when Im around because I make it much Use of Cameras and Recording Devices Tutor Reflection. I believe that starting out with a Kahoot!, I also did not like the few days when the students took notes over powerpoints. form of virtuousness. and enthusiastic without overdoing the emotions. However, her frustration in evident, when she comprehends English yet lacks the skill to articulate her thoughts in English. Though I have previously tutored economics at GUTS, the position has offered me unique opportunities to engage with the organization in greater depth and learn how it is providing . Campus Phone: 567.661.7680 2. In my mind, a tutor is close to a However, when I came to America, I felt more difficult to write and express my thoughts in English because I did not know much vocabularies and lacking grammatical knowledge. I also tutored over the distance system using the video models which was really nice I got to learn how to use the advanced equipment they use at our college. In this essay, I will identify and elaborate on the various points of view of how the speakers in The Little Black Boy, Holy Thursday, and The Divine Image get in touch with God by virtue of their pristine behavior appends to Gods will. Helping out in the classroom has taught me a lot about the education field, and has helped me consider all of my career, We got a lot of snacks while we were working on a difficult translation in class. I entered this class knowing that my performance and understanding of the information relied heavily on my entrance into the PTA program. That coalesces with the positive environment that Sr. K provided his students, your already making your class a positive environment for me to, Progress understand, and I would sometimes get frustrated with my students for not This is also an important tool for me in the classroom. The tutor should know more than the student, that's why they are a tutor. this idea is expressed in "collaboration, control and the idea of a writing center" by andrea lunsford, where she argue that a writing center should "engage students in not only in understanding and valuing collaboration but in confronting squarely the issues of control that successful collaboration inevitably raises; not only in reaching We all have realized that internet-based learning or online tutoring is the future of education . School of Liberal Arts A necessary attribute of a great teacher should be the desire to seek ways to improve learning for all children. and enthusiastic about the topic, my students seemed to be more willing to I worked on the floor at the Math important lesson I learned this semester is the importance of patience. Watching them take that spark and ignite it into something much larger than themselves has been one of the most rewarding, Much of the transformation and impactful experiences in my life have taken place in the presence of others with a while leading backpacking trips, retreats, or during tutoring session. As a college student, my writing are about different, The Reflective Essay excites me, so I was very enthusiastic at all of my tutoring sessions. Contact Hours: 3 I noticed how important my attitude is to the productivity of the tutoring While it has taught us how uncertain life can be, it has also made us realize the importance of technology. Section Number: 064 see the problem from a different perspective. I even had a student tell me one time Education in any form, in fact, is a moral matter, and cannot be otherwise. understand. this semester, I worked with a few different students with varying learning When a student's, again, since as I have mentioned previously neither one of lives near the other. I ran into this problem a few I have been tutoring kids for almost two years now. Create Reflective Journal Entries on Tutoring Practices, 18. Throughout She described her love for watching kids get excited about learning and doing their work. help me in future tutoring jobs, but I can also use these lessons to strengthen Her reasons for volunteering are that she enjoys helping kids learn and believes that education is a very important thing. This class actually been one of my favorite class at Multnomah. order of the variables. Course Number: ENG 112 Although this helped to calm my nerves a little, it did not protect me from the intense wave of anxiety that filled me in the minutes leading up to the start of class. 1. My dad then took an online course in the basic office applications and I completed them all long before him and so I actually started doing his PowerPoint slides for his presentations. my classroom that will learn in a variety of ways. If I work with them with Reflection On Tutoring Experience Superior Essays 1332 Words 5 Pages Open Document Essay Sample Show More My Tutoring Experience Spring 2016 This was my first officially semester of tutoring here at Northland Pioneer College and it was a great experience. You to get to know the communities people, history, and issues. demonstrate when working with students. Reflection Essay On Peer Tutoring Satisfactory Essays 979 Words 4 Pages Open Document When I chose Peer Tutoring as one of my courses for Grade 11, I knew exactly why i did. At times, working with the students in the class was pretty fun and a lot like working with your own friends. It will be up to me to figure out their learning styles and Last semester, I started working for Greater University Tutoring Services (GUTS) as a Tutor Resource Coordinator. 2 pages, 574 words. I think a combination of the fact that I was videotaping myself, in addition to wanting to do well, really exacerbated my anxiety. I quickly knew this was my opportunity to live out my dream of being a preschool teacher. I worked super hard in my Computer Studies classes and did moderately well in them. can learn the material and succeed in my class. He ended up on the trip as a participant and ignored everything my co-leader from the first day. Prior On my part, I seemed to approach to my tutee and the students in the team-teaching class differently, and on the students' part, they also seemed to treat me differently. Tutoring Reflection This paper was written at the end of the semester in MATH 2644: Math Tutoring. My experiences this semester taught me Our tutoring sessions are schedule for 2:30-3:30 every Thursday and have proved exponentially helpful for me in improving my writing abilities. In what ways do you model effective study skills and student behaviours for your tutees? When they suddenly were able to make the letters in their name, or do something they werent previously able to do, I got as excited as they did. You to get to know the communities people, history, and issues. learn and practice the concepts. I am grateful for the opportunity to re-enter grad school, this time at the doctorate level, to realize a dream that Ive had since the beginning of my teaching career. Supervision like this makes campus jobs transformative and rich, and better develops tutors as career-ready candidates for future employers. the time. Throughout the course we wrote four papers, including a narrative, a response, a synthesis, and an argument. Finally, The SETQ system consists of the measurement, feedback and reflection of teaching qualities of faculty. I worked in the. Tutoring Reflection Tutoring Reflection 4 Elizabeth is a self-directed low-proficiency ELL. things, but when I drew graphs of each function and asked him to think about Teaching Assistant Reflection 394 Words | 2 Pages. Then, I decided to go back to school to improve my writing skills because I recognize the significance of writing in my everyday lives. I will take all of these lessons with me into my future career as an Writing has been one of my favorite hobbies since I was in high school, so I used to spend many hours to writing in my daily journals in Vietnamese. but this job turned out to be very fun and educational. As the scope of practice for APN is vary from state, I have explored the role and scope of practice of Nurse Practitioner (NP) in Texas. In which I have learned about the APNs leadership role in healthcare policy to facilitate best practices for diverse populations. Another Analyze Your Personal Strengths as a Tutor, 4. I found that having previously read the chapter and notes, I was able to further understand what Dr. Amite was teaching. But, whenever I was unhappy or a little down, my students would complain A reflective essay is a type of written work which reflects your own self. In reflecting on the approach I took to communicating with Faisal, I notice a few tactics that were particularly effective in providing him with practice, feedback and support. Tutoring kids to learn is an inspiring and fulfilling feeling to have. previous concepts. While the students were getting ready for their exam I saw some flashcards and it made me so happy. I really enjoyed showing the students studying skills and techniques. Thanks for providing your insights into how to engage . Throughout the 2014 fall semester at the University of Evansville, I was enrolled in First Year Seminar with the topic title being: Sex, Love, and Lust. I enjoyed the class very much and I am very glad that I decided to take it. GUTS Tutor Reflection Paper. Tutoring has been a two-way street: the children have impacted my life in a positive and meaningful way just like I have impacted, As my son was finishing up his PreK program the teachers announced their retirement. I have always struggled through my last classes and hoped to get out of my struggles this semester. I started when I was in my senior year in high school at first I did it for the hours but now that I am in college I continue to tutor children because it was a great experience to share your knowledge with others. Instructors Name: Dr. Joy Ellen Parker It was reassuring to hear their comments that I was helping them learn. right direction. Steadfastly teaching them that by working hard and not giving up they can reach their goals, it leaves me with such a proud feeling when I see them putting it into action. Open Document. As most regular kids, I always went straight for the games whenever I got the chance often wrecking the keyboards in the process., My Tutoring Experience Spring 2016 This was my first officially semester of tutoring here at Northland Pioneer College and it was a great experience. This took away much of the anxiety that I had towards my future bosses being ranked so much higher than myself. I was very apprehensive going in to my first tutoring session this year, One of my passions is teaching, which I have also been able to explore during trips/retreats in addition to the obvious application to tutoring. Students with disabilities who need to use a recording device as a reasonable accommodation should contact the Office for Students with Disabilities for information, Reflective Writing: Collate Session Plans and Document the Tutor Processes, 17. When I was a child, writing was one of my favorite hobbies, so I used to spend many hours to write in my daily journals. what would happen in each situation, he perfectly understood which equations to I worked in the Student Athlete Academic Support Services office tutoring student athletes in a variety of math courses. Watching them transform from a confused, worried, even hopeless individual into a confident and motivated individual is truly remarkable. likely to remember how to do them in future. I am the product of Clark County Educational system. Self-Evaluate, Receive Tutee and Other Feedback, Create Future Goals, 21. I have often said that teachers are professors of ethics, for what they do, how they behave, and what they value. Facing My Challenges When I got to English 45 I assumed that it wouldnt be tough, although the results were opposites, English 45 gave me many challenged to face throughout the whole semester. Essay Sample. Her reasons for volunteering are that she enjoys helping kids learn and believes that education is a very important thing. We do this in several ways. 1. I have been tutoring kids for almost two years now. One the greatest challenges that I faced was the distinction that existed among different types of writings that are performed within the English language. The words and phrases did nothing to help him remember one-on-one with students. The results indicate that teacher identity develops through dynamic interaction between a reflection of teaching practice and a deepening knowledge of theoretical pedagogical constructs. The session was supposed to start at 6:30 pm and end at 8:30 pm and five adults attended the session, excluding the professor and myself. then. I fully enjoy seeing students finally understand a concept they have had trouble with and connecting students with their passion. The age of my students ranged from seven to fifteen, so I utilized a variety of teaching techniques to keep the students interested. Currently, I participate in a class called . the semester, though, I realized that frustration and anger are not appropriate Not only am I a professional individual; I am also a friend, mentor, counsellor and confidant to all of my students. By Anonymous August 29, 2014 For me the role of a tutor is one who helps the student with what they are having trouble with. We try to practice what we preach! For this class, I was required to get a job as a one-on-one math tutor. Reflection of feelings is a term used in psychology to describe when a counselor listens to what a patient says and then mirrors the patients' words and feelings to help the patient recognize and . Finally, student reflection is an effective way to inspire and enhance dialogue between the teacher and student. Course Name: Composition II I have grown to love teaching and every time I see a look of understanding on a child's face, I feel I have made a difference in their development, even if it was just a small impact., I have had the chance to serve as a tutor, a peer advisor, and as a teaching assistant for a variety of courses while I was an undergraduate and in my current role as an AmeriCorps VISTA. Consolidate a Personal Tutoring Portfolio, 19. Reflective Essay: Tutoring Students 358 Words 2 Pages Reflective Essay: Tutoring Students community. semester really taught me some of the finer points of teaching and working Fall Semester 2014 I might of digressed a little to much but thats some of my honest opinions on what made his class so enjoyable and a positive learning environment. Create Supplemental Materials for Tutees, 16. These devices are also not allowed to be used in campus restrooms. REFLECTION: The role of the tutor in helping with writing. Whenever I was very happy Throughout my high school and college years it has taken me lots of trial and error methods to learn how to study and Ive learned a lot. educator and continue to practice them in future tutoring opportunities until Explain a few of the most significant things you have learned from your tutoring experiences? Reflection in tutoring - Read online for free. Instead, I exhibited patience and Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. There were four males, relatively young and one . The week of March 12, 2018 I was involved in an evening tutoring session for Hispanic adults wishing to obtain the GED. I definitely started out by getting to know them and being friendly. I was a Biology tutor and some the classes I tutored included Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology, General Biology. Through weekly reflections, they have the opportunity to ask questions and share information through written dialogue. This course provided me with theories and explanations in how human acquired the first and second language and what factors can affect their ability to acquire the language. This paper was written at the end of the semester in MATH 2644: Math Tutoring. Reflection On Teaching And Tutoring Experience Reflection On Teaching And Tutoring Experience Good Essays 1268 Words 3 Pages Open Document Essay Sample Check Writing Quality Teaching and tutoring experience I joined the specialist paediatric osteopathic practice (SPOP), clinical tutoring team at its inception in 2015. No matter the grade or subject you teach, you can use student self-reflection questions as bellwork, homework, warm-up exercises, or as exit ticket informal assessments after group work/projects. Whenever I helped in the subject. community. 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