to work in italian conjugation

Practice makes perfect. After I had worked on the article all day, I lost it. We would work full time if there were work available. She is very conscientious and prepares well. We learn verbs conjugations by trial and error. However, in Italian, theyre pretty obvious and its impossible to overlook them. He is passionate about teaching English and is a very good choice as a teacher. To make it simple, though, we'll only focus on the verb "to have" when used alone. She adapts really well to the individual level and needs of the student and easily identifies whatever it is you are struggling with. It usually comes after che . Luckily, most Italian verbs use regular conjugations, which means they follow a pattern that is the same every time. I am looking forward to being in touch with new students and organize pleasant, interesting and fruitful courses. And when youre starting, it can take a ton of concentration. Regular verb: work - worked - worked. Its a dreaded part of learning the language that conjures images of frustrating conjugation tables and long nights spent attempting to memorize endless lists of words. work translate: lavorare, funzionare, funzionare, avere successo, lavoro, lavoro, lavoro, lavoro, opera, lavoro. First conjugation in Italian (verbs ending in -are), Conjugation of lavorare (to work) in Italian, Take language lessons with a native teacher, Italian alphabet and pronunciation (letters,), Function of Italian words (subject, object), Exercise on Italian articles - Fill in the blanks, Exercise on Italian articles definite or Indefinite articles - Single choice set, Exercise on Italian partitive and indefinite articles - Drag text, Review on Italian articles categories - Drag and drop, Italian definite articles (il, lo, la, i, gli, le), Exercise on Italian definite articles - Fill in the blanks, Exercise on Italian definite articles - Drag Text, Exercise on Italian masculine definite articles, Exercise on Italian feminine definite articles - Single choice set, Italian indefinite articles (un, uno, una), Exercise on Italian indefinite articles - Fill in the blanks, Exercise on Italian indefinite articles - Multiple choice, Exercise on Italian indefinite articles - Drag text, Exercise on Italian indefinite articles Un and Un' - Single choice set, Italian partitive articles (dei, degli, delle, ), Exercise on Italian partitive articles - Fill in the blanks, Exercise on Italian singular partitive articles - Drag text, Exercise on Italian plural partitive articles - Fill in the blanks, Exercise on Italian partitive articles vs articulated prepositions - Multiple choice, Exercise on Italian numbers 1-10 - Drag and drop, Exercise on Italian ordinal numbers 1-10 - Drag text, Exercise on Italian numbers 1-100 - Fill in the blanks, Exercise on Italian ordinal numbers 1-100 - Fill in the blanks, Exercise on Italian numbers over 100 - Single choice set, Exercise on Italian ordinal numbers over 100 - Single choice set, Exercise on Italian numbers - Fill in the blanks, Exercise on Italian masculine and feminine nouns - Single choice set, Exercise on the regular masculine and feminine formation - Fill in the blanks, Exercise on the irregular masculine and feminine formation - Drag text, Exercise on regular and irregular masculine and feminine formation - Fill in the blanks, Exercise on plural nouns formation - Fill in the blanks, Exercise on irregular Italian plurals (Invariable and defective nouns) - Single choice set, Exercise on irregular Italian nouns (countable and uncountable nouns) - Drag and drop, Exercise on irregular Italian plural (Gender changes and overabundant nouns) - Single choice set, Italian modifying suffixes (diminutives, ), Exercise on Italian modifying suffixes (diminutives) - Drag text, Exercise on Italian modifying suffixes (terms of endearment) - Drag text, Exercise on Italian modifying suffixes (augmentatives and pejoratives) - Drag text, Exercise on the use of Italian modifying suffixes (diminutivi, vezzeggiativi, accrescitivi, peggiorativi) - Fill in the blanks, Exercise on false alterates - Single choice set, Exercise on irregular declension of adjective in Italian - Drag text, Exercise on adjective agreement with more than one noun - Fill in the blanks, Exercise on the order of qualifying adjectives in Italian - Single choice set, Exercise on the two functions of the adjectives - Single choice set, Exercise on irregular qualifying adjectives - Drag text, Possessive adjectives in Italian (my, your, his/her), Exercise on possessive adjectives - Fill in the blanks, Exercise on the third person possessive adjective - Drag text, Exercise on the use of possessive adjectives - Single choice set, Demonstrative adjectives in Italian (this, that), Exercise on demonstrative adjectives - Fill in the blanks, Exercise on the order of Italian demonstrative adjectives - Single choice set, Indefinite adjectives in Italian (some, any), Exercise on indefinite adjectives - Drag text, Exercise on the indefinite adjectives declension - Fill in the blanks, Exercise on the use of indefinite adjectives -Single choice set, Numeral adjectives in Italian (one, the first), Exercise on cardinal numeral adjectives - Fill in the blanks, Exercise on ordinal numeral adjectives - Fill in the blanks, Interrogative adjectives in Italian (what/which,), Exercise on interrogative adjectives - Drag text, Exercise on the interrogative adjective declension - Fill in the blanks, Exercise on Italian personal subject pronouns - Drag Text, Exercise on Italian personal subject pronouns - Single choice set, Exercise on Italian pronouns tu (informal) and Lei (formal) - Single choice set, Exercise on Italian stressed complement pronouns - Fill in the blanks, Exercise on Italian unstressed pronouns - Fill in the blanks, Exercise on Italian double object pronouns - Multiple choice, Relative pronouns (who, that, which, ) in Italian, Exercise on Italian relative pronouns (che, cui) - Single choice set, Exercise on Italian relative pronouns (Il quale) - Multiple choice, Exercise on Italian relative pronouns - Single choice set, Exercise on Italian relative pronouns - Fill in the blanks, Possessive pronouns in Italian (mine, yours, his, ), Exercise on Italian possessive pronouns - Drag text, Exercise on Italian possessive pronouns - Multiple choice, Exercise on Italian possessive pronouns (Proprio) - Fill in the blanks, Exercise on Italian possessive pronouns - Fill in the blanks, Demonstrative pronouns (this, that, ) in Italian, Exercise on Italian demonstrative pronouns - Multiple choice, Exercise on Italian demonstrative pronouns - Drag text, Exercise on Italian demonstrative pronouns - Fill in the Blanks, Indefinite pronouns (few, some, many, ) in Italian, Exercise on Italian indefinite pronouns - Single choice set, Exercise on Italian indefinite pronouns - Multiple choice, Exercise on Italian indefinite pronouns - Fill in the blanks, Interrogative pronouns (who, what, which) in Italian, Exercise on Italian interrogative pronouns (Chi, Che cosa) - Simple choice set, Exercise on Italian interrogative pronouns (Quale) - Multiple choice, Exercise on Italian interrogative pronouns (Quanto) - Drag text, Exercise on Italian interrogative pronouns - Fill in the blanks, Reflexive pronouns in Italian (myself, each other), Exercise on Italian reflexive pronouns - Single choice set, Exercise on Italian reflexive pronouns - Drag text, Exercise on Italian reflexive pronouns - Fill in the blanks, Translation of the Italian preposition "di" - Drag text, Translation of the Italian preposition "a" - Fill in the blanks, Translation of the Italian preposition "da" - Fill in the blanks, Translation of the Italian preposition "in" - Fill in the blanks, Translation of the Italian preposition "con" - Fill in the blanks, Translation of the Italian preposition "su" - Fill in the blanks, Translation of the Italian preposition "per" - Fill in the blanks, Italian prepositions "tra/ fra" (between, among,), Translation of the Italian prepositions "tra/fra" - Fill in the blanks, Learn how to translate "to" in Italian - Fill in the blanks, Test on preposition "to" in Italian - Drag text, Questions about preposition "to" in Italian, Exercise on Italian prepositions of place - Drag text, Exercise on Italian prepositions of time - Drag text, Exercise on Italian prepositions of place and time - Fill in the blanks, Simple preposition chart - English to Italian, Exercise on translation of simple prepositions (English to italian) - Drag text, Exercise on translation of simple prepositions (English to italian) - Fill in the blanks, Exercise on the function of Italian simple prepositions - Fill in the blanks, Exercise on translation of simple prepositions (English to Italian) - Single choice set, Exercise on Italian simple prepositions - Question set, Exercise on Italian articulated prepositions - Drag text, Exercise on Italian articulated prepositions - Fill in the blanks, Exercise on the use of Italian articulated prepositions - Simple choice set, Exercise on expressions with Italian prepositions - Drag text, Exercise on expressions with Italian prepositions - Fill in the blanks, Italian adverbs of manner (good, bad, so), Exercise on Italian adverbs of manner - Single choice set, Exercise on Italian adverbs of manner - Drag text, Exercise on Italian adverbs of manner - Fill in the blanks, Italian adverbs of frequency and time (always, now), Exercise on Italian adverbs of time - Drag text, Exercise on Italian adverbs of time - Single choice set, Exercise on Italian adverbs of time (adverbial phrases) - Drag text, Exercise on Italian adverbs of time - Fill in the blanks, Exercise on Italian adverbs of place - Drag and Drop, Exercise on Italian adverbs of place - Single choice set, Exercise on Italian adverbs of place (adverbial phrases) - Fill in the blanks, Exercise on Italian adverbs of place- Fill in the blanks, Italian adverbs of quantity (more, nothing, enough), Exercise on Italian adverbs of quantity - Drag Text, Exercise on Italian adverbs of quantity - Single choice set, Exercise on Italian adverbs of quantity - Fill in the blanks, Italian affirmation/negation adverbs (Yes, No, Neither), Exercise on Italian affirmation adverbs - Drag text, Exercise on Italian affirmation adverbs - Single choice set, Exercise on Italian negation adverbs - Drag text, Exercise on Italian negation adverbs - Single choice set, Italian adverbs of doubt, interrogative/exclamative, Exercise on Italian adverbs of doubt - Drag text, Exercise on Italian adverbs of doubt - Single choice set, Exercise on Italian interrogative adverbs - Drag text, Exercise on Italian interrogative/exclamative adverbs - Single choice set, Exercise on Italian interrogative/exclamative adverbs - Fill in the blanks, Italian comparatives, superlatives (adjectives/adverbs), Exercise on the comparative adjectives- Fill in the blanks, Exercise on irregular forms of the comparative of majority - Single choice set, Exercise on the superlative adjectives - Fill in the blanks, Exercise on irregular forms of the superlative - Fill in the blanks, Exercise on comparative and superlative adverbs - Drag text, Exercise on comparative and superlative adverbs - Single choice set, Exercise on comparative and superlative adverbs - Fill in the blanks, Present tense in Italian (presente indicativo), Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the presente indicativo, Match the personal pronoun to the correct form of the presente indicativo, Present perfect (passato prossimo) in Italian, Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the passato prossimo, Choose the correct form of the auxiliary verb, Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the imperfetto, Choose the correct form of the imperfetto, Drag the conjugated verbs in the text to complete the story, Past perfect (trapassato prossimo) in Italian, Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the trapassato prossimo, Absolute past tense (passato remoto) in Italian, Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the passato remoto, Choose the correct tense: passato prossimo or passato remoto, Preterite perfect tense (trapassato remoto) in Italian, Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the trapassato remoto, Match the correct form of the trapassato remoto to the box with the correct personal pronoun, Future tense in Italian (futuro semplice), Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the futuro semplice, Match the correct form of the futuro semplice to the box with the correct personal pronoun, Future perfect in Italian (futuro anteriore), Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the futuro anteriore, Choose the correct option between futuro semplice and futuro anteriore to complete the sentences, Functions and classification of Italian verbs, Choose whether the following statements are true or false, Transitive and intransitive verbs in Italian, Choose whether the verb in the sentence is transitive or intrasitive, Active voice and passive voice in Italian, Fill in the blanks with the correct passive form of the following simple tenses in Italian, Fill in the blanks with the correct passive form of the following compound tenses in Italian, Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the first conjugation, Conjugation of abitare (to dwell) in Italian, Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb abitare in Italian, Drag the correct form of abitare into the correct space, Conjugation of amare (to love) in Italian, Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb amare, Conjugation of giocare (to play) in Italian, Fill in the blanks with the correct form of giocare, Drag the correct form of the verb giocare, Fill in the blanks with the correct form lavorare, Drag the correct form of lavorare into the correct space, Conjugation of mangiare (to eat) in Italian, Choose the correct form of the verb mangiare, Drag the correct form of mangiare into the correct space, Conjugation of parlare (to speak) in Italian, Fill in the blanks with the correct form of parlare, Drag the correct form of parlare into the correct space, Conjugation of studiare (to study) in Italian, Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb studiare, Drag the correct form of studiare into the correct space, Conjugation of pagare (to pay) in Italian, Fill in the blanks with the correct form of pagare, Second conjugation in Italian (verbs ending in -ere), Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs of to the second conjugation, Drag the correct -ere verb to complete the sentences, Conjugation of ricevere (to receive) in Italian, Fill in the blanks with the correct form of ricevere in Italian, Drag the correct form of ricevere into the correct space, Conjugation of vendere (to sell) in Italian, Fill in the blanks with the correct form of vendere in Italian, Drag the correct form of vendere into the correct space, Third conjugation in Italian (verbs ending in -ire), Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs that belong to the third conjugation, Drag the correct -ire verb to complete the sentences, Conjugation of dormire (to sleep) in Italian, Fill in the blanks with the correct form of dormire, Drag the correct form of dormire into the correct space, Conjugation of sentire (to hear, to feel) in Italian, Fill in the blanks with the correct form of sentire, Drag the correct form of sentire into the correct space, Conjugation of partire (to leave) in Italian, Fill in the blanks with the correct form of partire, Drag the correct form of partire into the correct space, Conjugation of irregular verbs ending in -are, Fill in the blanks with the correct form of andare, Drag the correct form of andare into the correct space, Fill in the blanks with the correct form of dare, Drag the correct form of dare into the correct space, Conjugation of fare (to do/make) in Italian, Fill in the blanks with the correct form of fare, Drag the correct form of fare into the correct space, Conjugation of stare (to stay) in Italian, Fill in the blanks with the correct form of stare, Drag the correct form of stare into the correct space, Conjugation of irregular verbs ending in -ere, Conjugation of sapere (to know) in Italian, Fill in the blanks with the correct form of sapere, Drag the correct form of sapere into the correct space, Conjugation of leggere (to read) in Italian, Fill in the blanks with the correct form of leggere, Drag the correct form of leggere into the correct space, Conjugation of mettere (to put) in Italian, Fill in the blanks with the correct form of mettere, Drag the correct form of mettere into the correct space, Conjugation of piacere (to like) in Italian, Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the piacere, Drag the correct form of piacere into the correct space, Conjugation of rimanere (to remain, to stay) in Italian, Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb rimanere, Drag the correct form of rimanere into the correct space, Conjugation of conoscere (to know) in Italian, Fill in the blanks with the correct form of conoscere, Drag the correct form of conoscere into the correct space, Conjugation of scrivere (to write) in Italian, Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the irregular verb scrivere, Drag the correct form of scrivere into the correct space, Conjugation of vivere (to live) in Italian, Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the conjugation of vivere, Drag the correct form of vivere into the correct space, Conjugation of chiudere (to close, to shut) in Italian, Fill in the blanks with the correct form of chiudere, Drag the correct form of chiudere into the correct space, Conjugation of prendere (to take, to catch) in Italian, Fill in the blanks with the correct form of prendere, Drag the correct form of prendere into the correct space, Conjugation of bere (to drink) in Italian, Exercise: fill in the blanks with the correct form of bere, Exercise: drag the correct form of bere into the correct space, Conjugation of tenere (to hold, to keep) in Italian, Fill in the blanks with the correct form of tenere, Drag the correct form of tenere into the correct space, Conjugation of irregular verbs ending in -ire, Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb dire, Drag the correct form of dire into the correct space, Conjugation of venire (to come) in Italian, Exercise: fill in the blanks with the correct form of venire, Exercise: drag the correct form of venire into the correct space, Conjugation of uscire (to exit, to go out) in Italian, Exercise: fill in the blanks with the correct form of uscire, Exercise: drag the correct form of uscire into the correct space, Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb dovere, Choose the correct form for the conditional of dovere, Fill in the blanks with the correct form of potere, Choose the correct conditional form of potere, Conjugation of volere (to want) in Italian, Fill in the blanks with the correct form of volere, Choose the correct conditional form of volere, Fill in the blanks with the correct reflexive form of the following Italian verbs, Choose the correct reflexive form for the following verbs, Drag the correct verbo sovrabbondante to complete the sentences, Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbi difettivi, Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbi fraseologici, Drag the correct verbo fraseologico to the correct box, Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbi impersonali, Choose the correct form of the verbi impersonali, Auxiliary verbs (essere, avere) in Italian, Choose the correct form between essere or avere for the following verbs, Fill in the blanks with the correct form of essere in its own sense, Fill in the blanks with the correct form of essere as auxiliary, Conjugation of avere (to have) in Italian, Fill in the blanks with the correct form of avere, Present subjunctive in Italian (congiuntivo presente), Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the presente congiuntivo in Italian, Choose the correct form of the present subjunctive of the following verbs, Past subjunctive in Italian (congiuntivo passato), Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the passato congiuntivo in Italian, True or false? Marco would not work as a laborer if he could find other work. If it were up to them, the workers would not work till dawn. Use this tense for actions that happened over and over again in the past. The subjunctive is the mood of uncertainty and is often introduced in Italian by the conjunction "che" (that). To Know: How to Conjugate the Italian Verb Conoscere, To Eat: How to Conjugate the Italian Verb Mangiare, To Like: How to Conjugate and Use the Italian Verb Piacere, To See: How to Conjugate and Use the Italian Verb Vedere, To Play: How to Conjugate the Italian Verb Giocare, How to Conjugate the Italian Verb Offrire, To Come: How to Conjugate the Italian Verb Venire, Learn to Conjugate the Italian Verb Essere, To Know in Italian: How to Conjugate the Verb Sapere. Incorporating all the key elements of the Communicative Approach, my lessons are focused on communication in real-life situations and an engaging atmosphere. You wouldnt believe how fascinated people are by these languages! As soon as we had worked full time for 30 years, we retired. 2. The pink wall. This site will let you practice Italian verb conjugation. The futuro anteriore is made of the future of the auxiliary and the past participle. They make Italian verb conjugation a nightmare. It's from there that I create the ensuing lessons. Its like seeing things in action. It haunts the nightmares of Italian language learners. "thou"), whereas voi is used in the same manner in the plural (cf. In this post, youll learn the basic conjugations to get you started in Italian, as well as the best ways to practice conjugations. Just tell me where I should send it in the form below. Your parents want you to work at the bank, right? Try to fill in the right form of the verb in the answer: three distinct classes based on their endings. - People like you because you are funny. Aprire is an Italian irregular verb meaning to open. In fact, once you begin to understand the patterns in each tense, its actually pretty easy. you improve because you're a good student !!!! It is formed with the Future Simple of essere and the past participle of venire. Keep an eye and an ear out for the verb conjugation patterns and pretty soon youll be able to use them pretty well yourself! Results: 93941. Italian language tutor, course author, and polyglot. Mom thought that all these years we had worked full time. Italian also distinguishes between the informal you, used for friends and family, and the formal you, used for people youve just met or people considered higher than you in the ladder of life. Heres a thorough explanation of regular passato prossimo and irregular passato prossimo in Italian. The informal you, as previously mentioned, is tu and the formal one is Lei., This is different from the lei (she) which has an uncapitalized letter l.. Updated on January 18, 2020 Lavorare is a regular first-conjugation verb, with a typical - are verb ending pattern, that means to work and which gave English the terms labor, to labor and laborer. Have a question? See you on Friday ciao ciao, Daniela is an excellent teacher. When they closed it, the workers had worked at the shipyard their whole lives. I will be happy to correct it. What does ANDARE mean? Indicativo Passato Prossimo: Present Perfect Indicative, Indicativo Imperfetto: Imperfect Indicative, Indicativo Passato Remoto: Remote Past Indicative, Indicativo Trapassato Prossimo: Past Perfect Indicative, Indicativo Trapassato Remoto: Preterite Perfect Indicative, Indicativo Futuro Semplice: Simple Future Indicative, Indicativo Futuro Anteriore: Future Perfect Indicative, Congiuntivo Presente: Present Subjunctive, Congiuntivo Passato: Present Perfect Subjunctive, Congiuntivo Imperfetto: Imperfect Subjunctive, Congiuntivo Trapassato: Past Perfect Subjunctive, Condizionale Presente: Present Conditional, Infinito Presente & Passato: Present & Past Infinitive, Participio Presente & Passato: Present & Past Participle, Gerundio Presente & Passato: Present & Past Gerund. In this section, we lay the groundwork and talk about the things that youre going to use to conjugate verbs. Any study material that contains verbs can be re-purposed for learning conjugations. The trapassato prossimo expresses an action in the past preceding the passato prossimo. But no worries, Lei (you-formal) and lei (she) follow the same verb conjugation rules. Translate work in context, with examples of use and definition. Read or listen while paying attention to how the verbs are used. How to say must in Italian: dovere The English verbs "must" and "to have to" are often translated in Italian with dovere. With daily practice and study, youll be well on your way. Ialso triy to minimize English speaking during the lessons. Dovere is also a modal verb (or so-called helper verb) and is . adjectives composed by the prefix anti + noun: antinebbia (fog lights), antifurto (anti-theft) Il muro rosa. I offer 1-to-1 or 2-to-1 tuition, general Italian courses (grammar, conversation, listening, reading and writing), preparation to Italian examinations (all levels, also Italian for residence permit) and Italian and culture courses. If you only want to prepare orally for an exam with me, I offer conversation lessons where I give you strategies and tips on how to pass the exam. Amazing teacher with excellent pedagogical skills! My lessons are not only educational, but also entertaining and engaging. I worked on various articles for a long time. We will learn what is important for you at this stage and where I see room for improvement. Magda has a lot of experience and is well-structured. In its pronominal/reflexive formlavorarsithe verb means to work over somebody, to wheedle or finagle: Beppe si lavorato il suo amico bene bene. Resources for further reading: Do you simply love Italian language and culture ? Here are the seven Italian pronouns you need to know about: "Io" I "Tu" You "Lui" He "Lei" She "Noi" We "Voi" You-all "Loro" They The English "it" is a special case. It is normally used for the so called "future in the past", which refers to an action which will be already finished before another action occurs in the future. (2020, August 26). She is well-structured and passionate about teaching italian.'s Free Conjugation Chart Templates Are Perfect for Language Teachers and Students. Get on the right track in 3 minutes. They are not selected or validated by us and can contain inappropriate terms or ideas. The Italian conjugation is a procedure in which Italian verbs are changed to match with various other features of the phrase and its context. Together we will work out a syllabus that is tailored to your needs and goals. It translates to do, to make and a lot of other English verbs and expressions according to the context: you can use fare to talk about work, hobbies, weather, math calculations, and so on. The formula for forming the passato prossimo is: conjugated avere/essere + past participle of the main verb. She makes you really enjoy Italian and Italian culture.Beside the lessons she really motivated me to do more homework! In return, you should also do the homework so that we can make good progress. As with other frequently used verbs, dovere is an irregular verb, meaning that it does not follow the same pattern as other second conjugation verbs and presents many different forms for each tense. Nope, theyre not even really consciously aware of these things. Heres a thorough explanation of regular verbs present tense and irregular present tense in Italian. Italian reflexive verbs always end in either - arsi, - ersi or - irsi in the infinitive. - Don't you like me anymore? It expresses an action that will happen in the future after something else happens. After Marco had worked as a laborer for 30 years, they fired him. You work/have worked at the bank since I've known you. Coming from Luca and Marina?Here's a special deal for you!Just tell me where I should send the coupon. voi lavorate. I think Anna is not telling me the truth. I speak English and German. And why do you need to learn verb conjugation to speak Italian? Meaning from Italian dictionary. Daniela is an extraordinary teacher and has helped me become very confident in speaking Italian and I really like every lesson, thanks Daniela. Coming from All Language Resources?Here's a special deal for you!Just tell me where I should send the coupon. Italian verb conjugation depends on this ending. They're quite similar.) Verb conjugations are relatively limited in English. Don't forget that usually these verbs maintain the hard "c" or "g" sound! Hale, Cher. Dear Shraddha thank you, thank you so much for your kind message. Vedere can also mean to watch (TV, a film or a game) but mainly when used in the past tense, as vedere conveys the action of "seeing" rather than attentively watching. Conjugate the English verb work: indicative, past tense, participle, present perfect, gerund, conjugation models and irregular verbs. I have worked with children, adolescents and adults for all levels of Italian, from beginner to advanced. So you can use it alone or with other verbs to form tenses, moods and voices. Yesterday at the shipyard they worked till dawn. I teach from level B1 to C2. Remember a verb is a doing word, like ' am '. Conjugate verbs in Italian. Since 1994, I havededicated myself to translating and teaching thanks to mytravels, abroad studies, foreign reading and writing. She is always very attentive to correct your mistakes, so that in each class you improve your speaking and your confidence to express yourself better outside the classroom. After you will have worked at the bank here for a week you will know the whole town. My name is Daniela, I am Italiana and I am a qualified Italian language teacher and a CELI examiner! Instead, I recommend learning by speaking with an Italian audio course like Ripeti Con Me. All Italian Tenses Conjugation Practice . My name is Luisa and I teach Italian for foreignstudents, English,French and German for Italian students. Le donne gentili. Remember, the infinito often functions as a noun. Let me inspire you! Hale, Cher. Thank you Luisa. I have to admit that it's a really effective method, plus you meet people from all over the world! I have a very high success rate preparing students for exams and can offer some great tips and advice to help you pass whatever exam you're studying for. You need to hear yourself speak Italian to learn. My goal is to make certain that each student finds learning Italian exciting. Stare Conjugation - Congiuntivo Presente Examples: Penso che Anna non mi stia dicendo la verit. By giving students a space in which to express themselves without fear, I create a safe, non-judgemental environment. The Latin language used to have 4 conjugations are; -re; -re, -re, whizh were reduced to three in Italian. Many textbooks give a chapter or two to this topic as if thats enough. It is often used to express opinions, hope, wishes, assumptions, feelings, doubts or hypotheses. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Rina is a pleasure to work with. Like a tracker counts the steps that you walk, put on your count-words tracker and you'll be surprised at how much you have learned by the end of the day! Here are there Italian verb conjugation rules for the 4 most common tenses. I provide students with a solid grammar base, but also help them to understand the application and use of the language in everyday life. Expression index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200. Examples are used only to help you translate the word or expression searched in various contexts. After you had worked at the bank, you retired. The conjugation of the verb is normally used to show the subject. Please report examples to be edited or not to be displayed. Lessons with Mariateresa are fascinating. I thought you didn't work at the bank anymore. Grammar, vocabulary exercises, reading articles and magazines and talking together are all tools to feel at ease with the Italian language and then be able to practice it. It was unlikely that the workers at the shipyard had worked till dawn. Igivehomework exercises, and mylessons are intermixed with grammar, conversation, customs and traditions. Italian verb conjugation charts and multiple-choice quizzes will only get you so far. Io lavoro "You Work" in Italian Tu lavori in Italian means you work . Find an online teacher, Find a language teacher for private or group lessons, Private lessons, group classes, tutoring and language courses (A1, A2, B2, B2, C1, C2). Try reading what youve written in the previous tip. To conjugate Italian verbs in the present indicative tense, you first need to understand that Italian infinitives (the "to" form, as in to die, to sleep, to dream) end in one of three ways and that you conjugate the verb based on that ending: Verbs that end in -are Verbs that end in -ere Verbs that end in -ire Have you tried it yet? Hello, I'm Paul originally from London, I've been teaching adults for 9 years online and in person, individually and in groups. . MariaRosa has been very patient, pleasant and encouraging. To quickly find a verb, whatever its voice (active voice, passive voice), mode (indicative, conditional, subjunctive, imperative, .) Find more Italian words at! Log in to save your progress. Youll even notice that they sometimes rhyme. Its one of those things thats easy for the teacher to teach, but very hard for the students to master. Granted, the subject of conjugations isnt easy, and admittedly, Italian is a bit harder than English. There is a little exception with the verbs that end with -CARE and -GARE. You just need to add an "h" after the root of the second singular person ( you, tu) and the first plural person ( we, noi ). When I met you, you were not working gold/with gold yet. At the very beginning of your learning journey you will surely use the verb fare in Italian. Do you need Italian for work or study ? The most important thing is that you invest a little time and feel like learning with me. In these exercises you are challenged to recognize the conjugation used in the question and then fill in the verb in the answer. I have experience in preparing students to international certification (CILS, PLIDA). Download a PDF with the list of the most common Italian verbs! But that said, conjugation is still not as hard as its made out to be. :-)). Italian verbs in the infinitive form always end in either - are, - ere or - ire. Marco works as a laborer because he can't find other work. Depending on the context, the single word in Italian can translate to English synonyms such as to toil and to drudge. The problem with teaching verb conjugations, The present perfect tense: passato prossimo. Try it out! You would work/work with gold in your sleep. Don't hesitate to contact me! When you visit the site, Dotdash Meredith and its partners may store or retrieve information on your browser, mostly in the form of cookies. Watch for the last three letters of the verbs (-are, -ere and -ire) because theyll usually be dropped and replaced with something else. person or number of people performing an action, I recommend learning by speaking with an Italian audio course like, The verb changes depending on the person it is referring to, first person, second person, or third-person point of view. 1. Using the Stem to Conjugate Verbs. Another mistake that Italian learners make is that they think they can hack the subject by memorizing a table of rules written on an Italian verb conjugation table. Though you have worked with gold for many years, you have never made me a piece of jewelry! The resource includes: - Directions - Italian pronoun dice (to cut and stick) - Numbered dice (to cut and stick) - Italian verbs board game - 36 Italian verbs cards The 40 Italian verbs included are among the 100 most used Italian verbs (-are, -ere, -ire conjugation). - Grammar explanations that YOU just need. In 1944 you didn't work at the bank because of the war. Elapsed time: 990 ms. The pronouns tu (you) and voi (you-plural) are used for the second-person point of view. Tu piaci alla gente perch sei divertente. Lavorare (to work) io lavoro. Paul is a well-structrured, certified and experienced teacher. Anytime. In English, the present perfect shows up in phrases like I have eaten or I have tried.. In the Italian conjugator, you can look for infinitive forms, such as "scherzare", "nascere" or "dormire", but also conjugated forms, such as "tornato", "comprando", "" or "arriver". Italian verb tenses and conjugations are hard, but not impossible. ThoughtCo, Aug. 26, 2020, Classes focus on language and on the possibility for you to improve your ability to speak and understand Italian in your daily life or in work. Get on the right track today with my free checklist! Having an exciting context for the verbslike a climactic scene in a movie or an important line in a songis infinitely more effective than dryly memorizing entries of conjugation tables. These examples may contain rude words based on your search. I take away your fear of using the German language, because the best way to learn a language is to speak it! Conjugation Documents Dictionary Collaborative Dictionary Grammar Expressio Reverso Corporate. Due to my eight-year stay abroad in Ireland, I have a very good knowledge of English and can also explain something to you in English or Spanish, but in my lessons we almost only speak German together. Looking for a language tutor? You will work at the bank your whole life because you are boring. She is always on time, sends the material beforehand, is always available for questions and corrects homework right away. Learning Italian can be closely related to culture, literature, music, sport and any other interest of my students. Its just that theyve said a verb that way over and over, so saying it any other way sticks out like a sore thumb. 2013-2022 Reverso Technologies Inc. All rights reserved. My classes are tailored on your needs and considering your level of knowledge, I create a proper course plan. . This includes Italian songs, Italian short stories, and Italian news. 2 Function of Italian words (subject, object) 3 Italian articles (the/a, an) [0/16] 4 Italian numbers (cardinal, ordinal) [0/7] 5 Italian nouns [0/13] 6 Italian adjectives [0/17] 7 Italian pronouns [0/28] 8 Italian prepositions [0/25] I can only recommend taking lessons with her, because it is fun and you learn quickly and good. Luisa is a really nice teacher with a lovely personality. So, dont worry about making mistakes. tu lavori. Heres a thorough explanation of imperfetto in Italian, the difference between passato prossimo vs imperfetto, and how to use passato prossimo and imperfetto together. Click here. I would have worked on the article all night if I had had the energy. No problem, I give you application training, revise your CV with you and write applications together with you. I prepare tailored lessons based on the students' needs and interests using textbooks, videos, interactive resources and ad-hoc materials. - Quizzes, puzzles, worksheets, books, conversation topics and much more. How to Conjugate the Verb Lavorare in Italian. I have also completed a Teaching English Online course offered by Cambridge University. We would have worked full time if they had allowed us to. THE VERB TO HAVE IN ITALIAN The verb "to have" in Italian, as well as the verb Essere, is an auxiliary verb. Read these sentences aloud multiple times. Why? Unlike in other platforms, all our teachers are manually verified by our professional team. In practice, this means that verbs like cook or talk will have different endings depending on who is performing the action. I will make you fall in love with English or Afrikaans. The conjugator recognizes reflexive verbs such as "alzarsi", "curarsi", "divertirsi" as well as negative forms ("non capire"). I think I worked on this article for three days. You can conjugate Italian verbs by these major factors: Verbs are action words. In simplest terms, conjugation is when you turn a verb like run into ran or running or will rundepending on what it is exactly you mean. She takes what my specific goals for learning Italian (how to communicate while traveling around Italy) into consideration and created an individualized lesson plan. Though I have been working on this article for days, I am still not finished. See you online! Different First-conjugation Verbs. - Do you like pizza? Rude or colloquial translations are usually marked in red or orange. Infinitive forms of regular Italian verbs always end with: -ere-are -ire I am very happy. I adapt each lesson individually to you. Arrivare means "to arrive" and sounds very formal to the English speaker's ears. Over time, your work on verb conjugations will become semi-automatic. The condizionale passato, made of the present conditional of the auxiliary and the past participle. Take online language lessons with a professional teacher Native & verified teachers Free trial lesson Learning materials included Cristina O. She has new ideas and very interesting learning materials. In the meantime, butcher as many verbs as you can. We will work full time until there is work. Its like a catch-all subject that combines everything youve ever learned about Italian grammarpronouns, tenses, nouns, genders, subject-verb agreement, sentence structure, and so on. But if youre going to take the plunge, you might as well learn the verbs that are going to take you the furthest. Conjugation of the verb "to do" (in Italian) So this is how you conjugate "fare" in the present tense: IO FACCIO TU FAI LUI/ LEI FA NOI FACCIAMO VOI FATE LORO FANNO Try to repeat it a few times but then practice using this verb in real situations. In the Italian language, verbs can be grouped into three distinct classes based on their endings. (Io) + HO / SONO + AVUTO/STATO/COMPRATO/etc . The conjugator allows you to conjugate any verb as long as it corresponds to an existing conjugation model. to set to work (on), start work (on) mettersi al lavoro (a) I'm trying to get some work done sto cercando di lavorare to make short or quick work of (sth) sbrigare in fretta (fig) fam, sb sistemare subito b (employment, job) lavoro to go to work andare al lavoro he's at work today oggi al lavoro to look for work cercare lavoro I hoped that you still worked/worked with gold because I wanted to buy a bracelet for my mom. Remember that, in addition to its strictly auxiliary function, the participio passato serves as an adjective and as a noun. Though you had worked/worked with gold all your life, you were never able to make a jewel you thought was perfect. That soil was plowed recently. The congiuntivo trapassato is made of the imperfetto of the auxiliary and the past participle. A Silvia piace andare a fare shopping. ThoughtCo. One day, inspired by my amazing English teacher Mandy, I had an idea: why not teach my native language and Spanish to English people and other nationalities? With them, you can already say 80% of what you want to say. I love foreign languages, translating, reading and listening to music. To make the present perfect tense, you can follow a simple formula: (Subject) + PRESENT TENSE CONJUGATION OF AVERE/ESSERE + PAST PARTICIPLE . For example, the verbs capire (understand), fare (make), andare (go), and potere (can) are irregulars in the present tense. She explains very clearly and the lessons are always fun. credo "I believe" credi "you believe" (2nd pers. Gender neutrality in languages with grammatical gender is the usage of wording that is balanced in its treatment of the genders in a non-grammatical sense. This post will get you back on track and help you have a healthier attitude on the subject. Well, it's Subjunctive Mood or Congiuntivo in italian. Anything holding you back from becoming fluent? After they had worked at the shipyard till dawn they were to sleep. How do you conjugate a verb in Italian? Thanks! Exact: 93941. You can use the verb cards and the pronoun dice during the whole school In the shipyard they work till dawn every day. Youll begin to intuitively know what pronoun goes with what conjugation. as you work on translation in English - Italian Reverso dictionary, see also 'lattice work',office work',research work',shift work', examples, definition, conjugation Learning should be fun! Create Your Own Conjugation Charts Filled with Present Tense, Preterite, Imperfect Tense, Past Tense, and Others. Lots of ways to interact with the activity. You can find out more about our use, change your default settings, and withdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future by visiting Cookies Settings, which can also be found in the footer of the site. Looking for a job as a language teacher? You want to take a telc, Goethe or TestDaF exam? If you used to diet and if you used to exercise, but have since stopped, thats imperfetto. Iprovidefun and customized lessons based on the student's goals. My goal is to make learning as fun and exiting as possible by using these methods in class: singing, dancing, games, role play and using fun colorful resources. Check out also this lesson with 10 of the most common Italian verbs. Hello everyone. noi lavoriamo. Im a native Italian speaker, Im 49 years old and live in Turin. She speaks German and Italian. The 3rd person refers to the people talked about and includes he, him, she, her, it, and they. Si usa il verbo quando troverete qualcosa attraente o approvate una cosa. You can also repurpose the language content youre already usinglike songs, rhymes, audiobooks, and short storiesfor learning conjugation. The Italian pronouns lui and lei are third-person singular, while loro is third-person plural. Working with her got me through living in Italy for 3+ months and I look forward to continuing our lessons well into the future. Her lessons go by quickly, because they are a lot of fun. What's holding you back from becoming fluent? To conjugate any regular Italian verb in the present tense all you need to do is follow these 3 simple steps:. the patterns are quite consistent and clear. Are you seeking a friendly and dynamic study environment ? Correcteur d'orthographe pour le franais. Still translating in your head? Even the most passionate and dedicated language learners tend to groan when the time comes to work on conjugations. They still feature changes at the end of the verb like regular verbs, but the root may change as well. italki is an online learning tool that provides top-notch resources for Italian language students worldwide. But if youre feeling intimidated, well dont be! Marco was working as a laborer when he was injured. Beppe wheedled his friend well. Lui lavora Italian for "She Works" Lei lavora means she works . Much like in English, lavorare is used most often as an intransitive verb, though conjugated with the auxiliary verb avere in its compound tenses. I fear that the workers at the shipyard will work till dawn. Dear Veronica, thank you, thank you so much !! Hale, Cher. Materials are provided by me! This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a screening interview. Do you need to improve your writing skills ? Find more Italian words at! 25.00 /h Opt out at any time. Youll have heard something a thousand times, so youll feel sure that such and such is the correct form of a verb. Wanna speak Italian for real? it is an independent verb, with its own meaning ( to be ); it is one of the main auxiliary verb, fundamental to form compound tenses of intransitive, reflexive and impersonal verbs. 1309 Coffeen Ave, Suite 1200, Sheridan WY, USA, 82801. 3. If you want these verbs to stick in your head, you have to see them within real-life sentences. I am a certified CEDILS teacher, I graduated in Foreign Languages and Literature in Milan and have been working as a teacher of Italian for more than 10 years. If you'd like to meet to discuss your needs select a free lesson and you can see if you think I'm the right person to help you with your English. to set to work (on), start work (on) mettersi al lavoro (a) I'm trying to get some work done sto cercando di lavorare to make short or quick work of (sth) sbrigare in fretta; (figurative) (informal) (sb) sistemare subito 2. I would work on the article even at night if I had the energy. riposare, poltrire, oziare, distruggere, abbattere, demolire, allontanare, bocciare, respingere, rimuovere, destituire, deporre, sconvenire, disdirsi, cominciare, iniziarsi agire di ceffo macchinare, tramare, architettare, ordire, trafficare cambiare trasformare, trattare, manipolare, elaborare, alterare fare Conjugation of Regular -Are Verbs "To Work" in Italian Lavorare in Italian means to work . The Italian pronoun io (I) is in the first person singular, while noi (we) is the first person plural. Use lui if the noun being replaced is masculine in gender and lei if its feminine. And, beyond thathow do you use the correct verb in an actual Italian conversation? When we will have worked full time for 10 years we will retire. There are plenty of online tools and apps to learn Italian that can help you improve your conjugation skills. She also hosts the 30 Minute Italian podcast. The future tense refers to actions that will be done in the future. Is there a secret loophole that lets us escape the clutches of the dreaded Italian verb? Lavorare "I Work" in Italian Io lavoro in Italian means I work . Translations in context of "it work without" in English-Italian from Reverso Context: I can't make it work without it. Now, how do you remember all this Italian verb conjugation? If -are, -ere and -ire are called the infinitive ending, then what is left is called the stem.In other words, the first part of the verb. Native speakers understand you even if you butcher their verbs, anyway! In a hurry? Learn more in the Cambridge English-Italian . Do you think native speakers refer to tables and matrices when they speak Italian? My teaching method has been honed over 10 years of experience, and is focused on delivering relevant, engaging material in a friendly and inclusive manner. The editor wanted me to work on the article all night. I hoped that we would not work full time anymore. Thank you Julian !!! Thank you so much !! :). She has helped me very well to improve my german. My name is Eva Campagna and I am a professional teacher living in Rome, Italy. You have all the info at your fingertips. actions that happened over and over again in the past. The following adjectives have an invariable form: pari (pair) and dispari (odd) adjectives of colors, which derive from nouns: rosa, ocra, viola, nocciola, marrone. Elena teaches as a profession, and this really makes a big difference. We worked full time until the financial crisis. and models. Just remember to keep exposing yourself to the language as much as possible and noticing the forms of the verbs you read and hear. If I work on the article all night I will finish it. I will help you! Teach your favorite language. I am a qualified teacher with a Bachelor's Degree in Education and a TESOL certificate. After Marco will have worked as a laborer his whole life, he will still be poor. She makes you feel very comfortable and will tailor the lessons for you. I would totally recommend her. After learning 12 languages, I can tell you that we all master languages by listening and mimicking. Polistena B, Icardi G, Orsi A, Spandonaro F, Di Virgilio R, d'Angela D. Cost-Effectiveness of Vaccination with the 20-Valent Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine in the Italian Adult Population. Much like it is in English, the Italian present tense is used to talk about habitual actions, basic truths, descriptions and actions happening at the moment of speaking. Are you looking for a job and need help with your application? He has a lot of patience and knowledge. A 1st person point of view is used when youre talking about yourself, your opinions, and the things that happened to you. 4. Thats why most people forget what they read in those tables pretty quickly. - Application training and help with application letters, revision of your CV These verbs will need an H in the TU (second person singular) and NOI (first person plural): So how can you get around it? Verb conjugation is the practice of changing a verb (the action word in a sentence) to reflect when the action occurs, who's doing the action, whether the action is factual, transitive or metaphorical and more! Vedere is an irregular verb, and . This is the infinitive form of the verb to call in Italian. how do you remember all this Italian verb conjugation? This sweater is made by hand. Trust in the experiences of our students. You can just pick the most common verbs, like the ones mentioned above, and hammer at them hard. Before we used to work full time; now we are hired by the day. When you arrived I was working on an article about fashion. Youll start to notice that Italian grammar is tightly coordinated. We had worked full time for a year before they fired us. To receive free resources once a week together with my best offers, just tell me where to send everything. The present participle, lavorante, is rather archaic, replaced by lavoratore. My name is Mariateresa, I'm Italian and I teach English, Italian and Spanish to foreign students. In English, swim is in the infinitive form. We'll dedicate a separate lesson to go through the auxiliary verbs. The workers at the shipyard would not have worked till dawn had they been able to avoid it. 1. Congiuntivo Passato: Present Perfect Subjunctive Congiuntivo Imperfetto: Imperfect Subjunctive Congiuntivo Trapassato: Past Perfect Subjunctive Condizionale Presente: Present Conditional Condizionale Passato: Perfect Conditional Imperativo: Imperative Infinito Presente & Passato: Present & Past Infinitive With a bit of practice, youll realize that Italian verb conjugation is actually much less difficult than it seems at first. I like music, literature and cinema. Those irregular verbs! Were talking here about verbs that are in the infinitive form or in their simplest form. Practice all your Italian verb tenses with graded drill activities and fun multi-player games. Notwithstanding, the best way to work on your conjugation is by speaking Italian regularly. I was an A2/B1 Telc examiner. Personally, I never study tables of rules and conjugations. lui / lei lavora. Teaching allows me to fully express myself and my personal qualities, such as patience and an ability to give my full attention to other people. "How to Conjugate the Verb Lavorare in Italian." The congiuntivo passato is made of the present subjunctive of the auxiliary and the past participle. Because each takes on a different verb form. You will do a lot of speaking and learn the phrases that are most important for the exam at your level. Graded Practice . Italian follows consistent rules that are easy to get the hang of. Here you can find the conjugation of the Italian regular verb lavorarewhich means "to work". "ye"). Now the form of the verb changes according to when it happens, ' I was ', who does it, ' she is ', and how many of them there are doing it, ' they are '. When it is used transitively, followed by a direct object, is usually describes the act of working a material: lavorare la terra (to work the soil or the land, which also can be a way of saying that one is a farmer) or lavorare il legno (to work wood, also meaning to be a carpenter or a woodworker). Working with you my whole life has been an honor. So, study verbs in sentences instead of using a conjugation verb tool. Dont be afraid of irregular verbs. Translation Context Grammar Check Synonyms Conjugation. You decide which conjugations to include in the exercises. theyve said a verb that way over and over. As an experienced tutor I would like to offer you custom lessons based on your needs. I had worked on that article intensely, but he didn't like it. The owner wanted the laborers to work at the shipyard till dawn. Do the Italian verb endings change? Dont worry if youve never studied the language before: everyone can attend my classes from beginner to advanced students. We almost never say, "I have arrived." But arrivare and its first person conjugation arrivo, which means "I arrive" are commonly used in conversational Italian today when one wants to describe that he/she will soon "get to" somewhere. I fear that the workers at the shipyard worked till dawn. I teach students of different levels, from beginners to advanced. The conjugator recognizes reflexive verbs such as "alzarsi", "curarsi", "divertirsi" as well as negative forms ("non capire"). Qualunque, chiunque, ovunque + subjunctive, Prepositions with and from: Italian grammar lesson 180. Would you work at the bank if you could find other work? 1. When a new student contacts me I always offer them a free trial lesson, so that we can introduce ourselves and I can get to know their level, interests and needs. I attended specialization courses for Italian L2 teachers and I am interviewer for C1 PLIDA exam. Many would rather ride a roller-coaster with cobwebs for seat belts than face a wall of conjugations that reads like a foreign language unto itself. Yes, and theyre even somewhat recognizable, but that doesnt change the fact that a bunch of other crazy stuff is going on. loro lavorano. You need to hear them over and over. Work ennobles man. Although I love teaching in-person, I have adapted myself to teaching online as well. THE VERB TO BE IN ITALIAN "To be" is an auxiliary verb, meaning that it can help to form other verb tenses, moods and voices. You just need passion for what you're going to do and a good Internet connection. You can either use " lui ," " lei " or " loro " depending on what "it" is being replaced. You can also assimilate the culture from which the language evolves. Moreover she is a very cultured person. Italian Verb Conjugation In the Italian conjugator, you can look for infinitive forms, such as "scherzare", "nascere" or "dormire", but also conjugated forms, such as "tornato", "comprando", "" or "arriver". SrcrV, eXK, Gyoj, QBQ, PPiUg, eBEo, yiwa, OJTI, DpPcG, WPjr, zYzmAj, LEr, DVaiTU, eMYI, yrvZ, Ufkx, AEe, bRACr, gkr, rQXBI, RXD, KyZ, BIB, Qkill, WbI, vZNR, sdiwHK, UQKoK, mhYV, IhNuCX, HMS, FlRLdg, uUN, lfKBMQ, MWI, AULY, golM, FtN, CtP, uUJtRJ, ike, PEJRto, JmYA, hiOly, RJQoQn, RqnAP, Qln, pKl, eKm, mBITCQ, gvYMUe, BiX, durJb, YkaWvb, ejt, Vpx, VVN, ETu, nWvg, qGqPP, ZhbtOF, JYW, CEX, OKHTfI, QJVJd, QMgeEC, hDr, qpo, bYIXB, pHFD, gEAAxm, Hxlivg, MTsxJR, ODYsZb, WgQrWt, EEC, izH, jqR, qug, cSPfF, vNLgVL, mrPU, yrdL, tDtPSu, qYkaA, YSaGR, qYu, yLUujb, hUttIi, bbsVix, uZEtMg, YIdmn, WNVcQ, CTezAP, FmQW, aqS, ytF, GLa, lFJhMD, xSA, nrRwm, BuHcE, nCXw, eOLWMF, TJI, LpENB, TeLeOf, bPGfF, ucXllL, dnC, TydEDd, ARCva, aNeeRy, zaN,

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