warcraft 3 rifleman quotes

I think some are listed in Kent site. Moved by Turalyon, the Council united with the dwarves and gnomes to create the Alliance of Lordaeron. /stopattack. Does anyone have any Auburn kittens that they would sell or trade? The first 2 lines work, but it doesnt go back into AotH. ive even subbed /targetenemyplayer /targetnextenemyplayer, i have the pet sambas and i found there to be much more burst in this Wanted to add that Kripparian has a great video dealing with Hunter macros, their usage and limitations. Welcome and to answer your question, yes I still have the figures. The AA cannon is actual a late 1943 Italian naval submarine cannon. Is this too many casts? The other melee macro that combines raptor and mongoose is ok too, but hunters have become less and less viable in melee range, making that almost obsolete. As soon as they open on you, you will trinket their stun, use a pot to get your lost health back, your crab (in this case) will root the rogue, and you will be immune to damage. Correction: It isnt a set of stairs. My 13 year old asked when the Super Bowl will be played. Not sure of a way to show only the active states. After their massive retreat and almost get to the border when every body was quite is when the hell,the real more bloody part of war start (late 1950 till mid 1953).Most of those battles were fought in very high terrain with cold weather even at early summer nights. I tried this myself since posting and it doesnt workbummer, I tried macros and was frustrated by them. My personal favorite Willie & Joe cartoon (out of many great ones) is the GI with the .45 about to put a bullet through the radiator of his broken-down jeep, putting it out of its misery. The second options is only once and will do all time. just a couple of macros that ppl might like, im a draenei BM hunter (love my spirit beasts) I would guess that this could be their first offering based on the CHT001. /script UIErrorsFrame:Clear(). A figure with blue legs may be a dollar. I had a good show, my sales were up from last year despite a slow Thursday and Friday. Up to about a year ago, I was concentrating mostly on 28mm Franco-Prussian sculpts. Can anyone identify this for me. It seems somewhat expensive, like all his stuff these days. UK E-Bay http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Supreme-1-30-Napoleonic-combat-set-with-8-Mounted-and-16-Foot-British-French-/291614997842?hash=item43e59bbd52:g:DMAAAOxydlFS~hYt. It was pretty serious & he was getting better but had a relapse. Timpo Foreign Legion the semi painted variety, my Cresent Red Devils and Marx Battleground Marines and GIs. Yes, actually there is a [swimming] condition. Where I messed up earlier or in this spot? We do not know yet. Example: Scatter Shot.. then Pallys Hammer of Justice.. try a freeze trap or Wyvern Sting (be aware Wyvern leaves a dot that can break many CCs including Scatter, Freeze Trap, Blind, etc..) all the while DPSing the original target! They were used for the scenes and display to be use in special effect mix with digital effect pic and animation. From what I can see you have a nice collection. Wile I see the Beu geste and War lord playset sale x less than many large barzso playset often. The figures are a hard plastic and are one of three groups they did. Thanks very much! The Robin Hood figures pictured are for the television which starred Richard Greene. Mike, I think you will find a lot more dealers are open on Thursday, but by Friday morning the number of dealer rooms will be at its peak, as the final dealers arrive Thursday evening. Paul , here is a nice Knight I thought You might be interested in, but time is limited ! Also, you dont need to copy the *.bak files. Once the master figure is done, I can have a mold made for it that is used to produce many copies of the figure. One may divide them into two groups; those who serve the Alliance one way or the other, and those who do not. /targetenemyplayer Lanyard Toys got the lisence (the Corps figure lines). I got a MM hunter and so far i seem to be doing ok but i cant seem to keep my focus up. A: Macros are simple scripts that allow you to combine multiple abilities, tasks and conditionals into one action bar slot. , http://www.ebay.com/itm/Set-of-5-Cossacks-Figures-54-mm-Soft-Plastic-Russian-Toy-Soldiers-Tehnolog-/121733064476?hash=item1c57db271c:g:ucUAAOSwHnFV0O9y Hello not sure Im member but I can read posts, so ??. /cast [@pet,dead] Revive Pet Their goals and desires differ from most other dwarves, making them freelancing individuals following whatever seemed more profitable. Photos? I has been awhile. . I use SatrinaBuffFrame to monitor my aspects. Nope. I do not have the card any more. And the slaves speak to the Puerto Rican natives being a mixture of Taino, Africans and Spaniards. /cast Aspect of the Monkey As long as I get the Wolfs Hounds in soft plastic I will be happy! On the move they often keep the mule armies men carrying the winter packed clothing on back line wile front line forces fought in summer dress.As need it or required.The ones carrying it move forward to delivery to their comrades.supply lines of reds was done with massive human lines,often using prisoners and forced civilian . Ed unfortunately $13.00 is the less you can paid for international shipping from most countries, in fact from here to Canada is about 11-13.00 for first pound only. My deepest sympathies to his family and friends. There, the Wildhammers became more bonded with nature and learned to ride the mighty gryphons, the creatures becoming emblematic of Wildhammer culture. Good combo, but Id guess IceHUD would collide a bit with Power Auras for available screen real-estate. Check it out show is 3 and 4. In your case I think you have to already be targeting (whoever) and then cast the macro. If you dont have a target selected, or want the macro to automatically target the nearest target, then you need to change it to this: /targetenemy http://www.ebay.com/itm/121996137208?_trksid=p2060353.m2749.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT. I believe Bill is referring to ELDON big ,NOT 1.32 SCALE is like x 1.30 or bigger scale ,it has a thick cannon as did shoot with spring shells. Earthen were originally stated to have been created by the titans, then degenerated into either troggs or dwarves. Yes MPC were in scale base in hatch size, but they do nor represent any near WW2 or even Korea, in fact one is very close to soviet 70s track vehicle, wile other appear to be a far cry of M29 Weasel very bad done ,the tank had the odd shape ever of a mix Stalin 3 chassis with and odd M60A2 turret type-not exact and long barrel. Jack.Base in what I heard from comments, listing description is that the figures was released in 1963 for short time and retired after some complain because considered too violent !!!?. /script UIErrorsFrame:Clear(). The hilicopters are nice ,but a bit toys and some under scale. Does anybody have any info on Marx prototype/production WW2 60mm Japanes WOW? [20], While the dwarves in Northrend stayed rather inactive and never ventured far away from Ulduar, the dwarves emerging from Uldaman traveled across much of the world and interacted with many other races. Only close 1.32 scale M26-tank Marx #51 with mini cannon is the closes we can get from Marx and so far insane priced as mold never found again. http://www.legacy.com/obituaries/timesunion-albany/obituary.aspx?n=william-j-hamilton&pid=149869163&fhid=4784. cast hunters mark [62], With the marked decrease in tank to tank actions, the automotive deficiencies of the M26 in the mountainous Korean terrain became more of a liability, and so all M26s were withdrawn from Korea during 1951 and replaced with M4A3 Shermans and M46 Pattons. I had missed your email but I just did a search and replied. The tank kind of looks like the French AMX-13 but Im not sureErwin? Seems a shame that this guy could never get his act together. Still great sculpts, I dont care about the helmets, their shoelaces or how many buttons are on their flys. I love animals so it was a natual fit for me. I have a certain key I always press to pet mend. If hes back, hell be back in metal only, I wouldnt get my hopes up about plastic. I also check a Russian blog and got same response from a guy there too. I only got one of each of three modern NATO armor and not cheap when got them. What this does is fire off a KC whenever its off cooldown if the pet is on the target. best. Download the client and get started. Much as they claim descent from the titans, they consider their snowy home of Dun Morogh to be the prime example of Greatfather Winter's blessings. I was worried something health wise had occurred but am glad youre back in the saddle again. I picked up two of the Blue Box Pirates vs Pirate skeletons sets off amazon.com in January and noticed the price for the set was continuing to increase toward $20 from the original $10 price. You would have to place Arc Shot in the /castsequence line, but again dont do this. Thanks I recommend adding the conditions [noharm] [dead] every time you use the /target*whatever* commands. Also if they made Plains Indians or Apaches or Mexicans as well. I can see where the US military contractors were going with the new vehicle per the website photos. This casts Misdirection onto your friendly focus target (main tank) without deselecting your current target. One figure in bases in Italian tarzan pose by NARDI,very hard to see at all. thx bro nice macrosyou helped me a lot to have more funn with hunter, Hey there I love you macros but I think I saw a macro for kill shot. Would pick up some recast mounted if I saw them. Heres an example for a Hunter: #showtooltip /targetenemy [notarget][noharm][noexists] Item number 131948821900, http://www.ebay.com/itm/MARX-DEMONSTRATOR-STORE-DISPLAY-3680-FORT-APACHE-VERY-RARE-L-K-/131948821900?hash=item1eb8c33d8c:g:T6QAAOSwCGVX5b~m. Ed I agree totally. We know the Schleich did some nice scenic pieces to look at for your scenes. /cast Multi-Shot I also bought a set of 3 which contained a kneeling Indian, the Aztec victim and a kneeling captive female, (not sure what set this figure came from, does anybody know?). That was my posting.May be I did not explain well. /clearfocus [@focus,dead] http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-6Nt_DDfqr8Y/TohnXIpWCUI/AAAAAAAAAbs/LTBB0wpik7w/s1600/TSSD+US+Marines.jpg, Legs of TSSD machine gunner Obviously, replace the sentences within the quotes to the appropriate name as referred. /cast !Auto Shot Dear Twitpic Community - thank you for all the wonderful photos you have taken over the years. I thought that once. The surgery was for Cancer, & now I,m on Chemo!!! I tried: They even try making in plastic some of metal figures nad reverse later using some plastic mold figures to resin and lead. The molds were last used in Hong Kong for the Warriors of the World. One of the most important events that strengthened this friendship was the building of Gnomeregan, which both races contributed to the city's construction. This bond has been strengthened after the Alliance of Lordaeron saved the dwarves during the Second War, by liberating them of the Old Horde's siege, which prompted them to pledge their allegiance to the Alliance and to offer military and technological support to their human allies. Sad that this happen but may be a lesson. Ill try to test it out tonight if I get a chance, but give it a shot in the meantime and see if it does the trick. I have some blown polyvinyl? The colors we have are gray, tan, purple and cream we do have a few red but too few to list.Also we have the MPC Pop-Top monsters. This is because those suck and you should not use them ever. George , It seems like it should work if you spam it. /cast roar of courage Auburn probably had the best non-fighting poses of any GIs, not too many depections in toy soldiers of a guy smoking a cigarette. Arlin I recommend sifting the flaxseed meal for best results. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Vintage-lot-of-8-Toy-Army-4-Soldier-Figures-Green-Brown-Hard-Plastic-on-Base-/371631658125?hash=item5686f9148d:g:zuMAAOSwPcVVzSA7, Model Kits http://www.ebay.com/itm/VINTAGE-FIRE-WAGONS-HOSE-REEL-FIRE-ENGINE-WAGON-PLASTIC-BUILT-AS-IS-/252384186256?hash=item3ac3450f90:g:79QAAOSwuAVW0dQy. I love the ideas; Mark, some great suggestions for figures to use. My luck was buying a collection from a gentleman who collected Spanish Figures from the hobby store in Maryland. It seems like it would be beneficial to know at a glance which one is active, and since Im using Bartender4, itd be a great real estate saver if I could actually just remove my Aspect bar and keep that one button. Hi thanks for this great article. Secondly, been enjoying the use of the following macro. here is a direct stract from some historical data. I think WW2 figures of US GIs would work well with the Korean War. I do appreciate your macros. Im glad that decent mass market plastic soldiers will continue to be available to kids at Walmart. Timpo is a niche seller and most of that niche is overseas, as Erwin says. But I have continued to use my credit card with Michigan Toy Soldier Company both before and after the above incident, and have never had any problem at all. Dad bought them for my grandmother over the years. Unfortunately I did not get any pictures, but maybe there is an East or Central Texas poster on here who can? was very very usefull the item # listing as an engeneer ive always made a use glove macro built into my haste cds and always flipped macros pve to pvp cause of the different gloves.have to say after 400+days played on my hunter and looking at A LOT of macro sites over the years that this is the best ive seen since BRKs site during BC. I was hoping you could help us out. Sorry .I forgot mention a 3 version not that detail had been on sale in bucket for few month now from HK direct as well.I had not got hand on those yet. I will think that was made then go in all different ways and odd scales,sets playset production at same time. On the Marx Howdy Doody Figure I do not have one for sale or know of one for sale. Im wondering if anyone has any advice on Irish toy soldier manufacturers or retailers. We was on 1832 then we got a 17(!) I noticed this start to happen in MoP , no problems in Cata with this macro. /cast Disengage British are more recon,but others pre 50s are very difficult to find real maker because neither box or mark. Regarding using distribution name rather than actual company name is complete normal mainly in Chinese products. What are we to make of these? They look to be late 1960s or 1970s production due to the level of detail which was not seen in metal figures of the50s and earlier. It would be like putting Mickey Mantle and Ted Williams rookie cards on bicycle spokes!! /stopcasting Then this guide will be the best macro material on the internet! /cast [nocombat]Aspect of the Dragonhawk. The League's struggle to gain knowledge of the titans has not only resulted in a better understanding of the world, but it has also unlocked one of the dwarves' ancient abilities - [Stoneform]. That was never done by any other country in Europe in that scale they did. No Idea. Detheroc's powers of mental domination allowed him to enslave Garithos and his men. Spec into Improved Revive Pet. I have the tank and jeep models for the Haunted tank cover, but need the figures. Any tips/tricks? The scale was correct versus 1.32 or 1.30 because size of hatches versus soldiers . Thanks, There is a finite number of these guys to begin with. _____________________________________________________, #showtooltip Cobra Shot [4] After the great war that saw the titan-forged victorious, the titan-forged keepers Archaedas and Mimiron created two mighty machines, the Forge of Wills and the Forge of Origination; the former being what would be used to craft the next generation of titan-forged[5] including the Earthen using a so-called "subterranean being matrix". The DID make mistakes as well. http://www.bigbadtoystore.com/bbts/search.aspx?search=MOFOS. Well u used well in battle and was large for the time era toy, about 27/28 .Good idea as transport. Whats the point? No word as to when. But it looks pretty nice, and Ill probably end up getting one. This will remove dust, dirt, and grime, but will not harm the paint. Neither exist I need possibly three conversions done (WW II) and Im wondering if someone might be able to assist me. Since my recent retirement, I have got back into painting and must say that the Expeditionary Force figures paint up beautifully, despite my limited talent. /petattack prevents the aspect from being shut off when the macro is used. Death Pact can be cast on invulnerable undead units, like those raised by Animate Dead. Dwarves are an ancient, bold, and courageous race descended from the earthen.[1] The race is split into various different clans, with the three most predominant being led by the Council of Three Hammers. That means there were still M-1s in use up to that time. Already clearance in TRUs since last year . As I understand it, it should act as a fail-safe to always cast the highest rank but that maybe has been rendered pointless? I suggest just devoting one key on your keyboard to the macro listed above, then just practice keeping out of melee range. /showtooltip bestial wrath is there anyway to make a macro to cast kill shot if available and if not cast explosive shot? While collectors in UK may like and buy then ,the abundance is more ,but also most then willing to pay less high price versus Australians and Germans generally Its entitled Toy Forts and Castles by Allen Hickling. Among the vehicles and diorama pieces each set has some very nicely done 1/32 scale figures. I got few of softer more easy to convert and cut later in the historical series version only. I am able to move some items as I have a few customers others will sit. /cast [@focus,help][@focustarget,help][@target,help][@targettarget,help][@pet,nodead,exists] Misdirection. Much of the news will surface on various sites. , To combat this, and to allow for more control, I manage mine manually. http://world.guns.ru/userfiles/images/machine/mg41/Stoner63lmg-3.jpg, http://world.guns.ru/machine/usa/stoner-63-e.html, http://www.warbird-photos.com/gpxd/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=34582, Brian is By Eldon, they did also a Catalina too in actually more close scale to 1.32, Also Remco made a larger with propels and retractable wheels . /stopcasting So, what are you waiting for? I make sure I have a way of quickly canceling out both of these spells if necessary, in the event that I need to cast a crucial ability against a target. I have already directed new sculpts with better weapon detail to China months ago to re work some of them. Can you help me, have been trying to get your anti-Druid/Rogue macro to work although its not casting hunters mark for some reason. It isnt any of the tanks in the pictures in the Bing link either. Since it may be necessary to switch focus targets multiple times during an encounter due to taunt switches, debuff stacks, tank dying, etc it is a good idea to have your focus target assigned to a keybind. They look like advertising possibly, as they have no articulation. We should hear more on the show later in the week. I have fun with the people I used to have that junk then I tell them what it is worth they shake their heads. i was wondering if you could incorporate aspect of the fox and steady shot and when you want to us aim shot when it procs and chimera with aspect of the hawk is therir a macro for what i need. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Marx-Bop-A-Bear-Toy-MIB-/222255239555?hash=item33bf71d183:g:w90AAOSwdIFX0D34, WOW!. You can only get 1 GCD skill into a macro, so if youre trying to combine multiple abilities that all share the 1.5 second global cooldown, only the first one will fire. Last time I saw him was at a Hackensack Show many years ago. No, we cant. Let me correct myself: As I re-look at the ebay posting, the seller states his conversions are vintage, and from the turquoise color thats what they appear to be. I got Alex w it in want list hunting x me .He is my main Russian line supplier. Its not possible to script a macro to intelligently cast those shots, nor would you want to do it that way. Thanks for the info Ping. Anyway, I picked up a Red River set (remember the name of that one); it had Marx cowboys, which Id never had growing up, a wagon, some fencing, and cattle. The way the macros laid out, it will always attempt to fire KC, but if your pet is out-of-range of its target, then Arcane would fire. Every post you do has two squares option bellow. They are shorter than humans but taller than gnomes, taking advantage of their size when possible and relying on their robustness and strength when not. I have my shot rotation down, I use a game pad to make it faster, and I do good reliable dps but always see a lesser geared hunter or huntress 1-2k above me (I do 3-5K+ in surv. In the future I will have a device that I can do the web site when I am away from home health or otherwise. Yup, it is possible. Never seen the large in that format. I have just started PvPing on my hunter and I must say this site is simply awesome for macros. mandando ala pet a atacar?? Instead, Sylvanas ordered Varimathras to kill Garithos as well. I sold a extra Ahona early charion for 723.00 when went x a bid. P.S. These boxes werent in the same vein as the Josie Wales of course, I believe they were a reproduction of the Construction Playset box and two custom monster boxes one for the Mummy and I think Dracula. Best way to do this is to macro it in to your shot(s) like this: As long as the gloves youre wearing have an on-use engineering enchant of some sort, you never have to fiddle with the item name in the macro. Ignorant of Garithos' policies, officials from neighboring non-human states such as Ironforge sent him aid, recognizing him as potentially the last remnant of Lordaeron's government, and certainly the strongest warlord in the area. Your email address will not be published. These figures are relatively rare as compared to the other 60mm generic character set and the 54 mm character set. The show will have metal and plastic. Another possibility is that although Disengage no longer needs a target, you still need to be in combat. Ken, Those abilities all share the global cooldown, which means you cannot combine them. it was not a native american figurine, she was completely molded plastic, i drew a picture from memory, 11 = finger 1 Alway s call out when you do it and when its broken. He was honest, cheerful and always fun to chat with. wont work, and i dont get why. Come by and join us. /cast Aimed Shot. Reason done as that is because were for gamers hobby world that use made out bases and attach to already made bases such castles with opening-hole for it, it is part of entire series for gamers in Russian start in the 90s. I found I like figures for their poses. /cast Aimed Shot, This will ensure that youre always in fox when trying to regen focus, and have you in hawk anytime youre casting a high DPS shot. 4 = shirt We are looking at years. One thank you for the macro guidance. Not a hugely necessary macro, but I like to keybind all of my abilities if possible. First of all, AWESOME tips for macros, helped my PvP a lot :D. I did post some pictures here of past ones. /cast [target=pet, dead] Revive Pet; [modifier:ctrl] Revive Pet; Mend Pet. It requires the applicant (which nearly always is a dwarf) to possess supreme skills in everything from the recognition of mines and herbs to map-making and geography. Im sure there a lot not real seal going around. and I bought a lot from an auction in the UK. It does revive and mend pet, But won,t call it if it s not out..any recs for me? Thanks! Price is marked down to $54.95 for the set, which equates to $6.10 per figure, plus postage. I will update the review. I have to see if I have any boxes left. I wonder if it Tudor Rose of England. TORGANO UPDATE- Best.. Marx tin buildings are great. Ive been trying to do these but havent met with much success . I may have mentioned before Id like to bulk up some of the Marx Germans (as well as dirty them up to make them less parade ground) to match the newer stuff as well. Many thanks for this useful post, i want to let you know that i very noob at macros,thats why i have a question Since then never see any more other than local US vintages, About the prototype in question, I saw one in 2002 at Aberdeen providing ground-MA (that was complete close and collection split between three museums and few sold out to privates collectors and abroad) As to civilan figures it gets tough. Mike, Nice work, Mike!! 2-They use the spooling material in two types generally that is sold by mm sizes and is costly and very fast spend. I just found several new western wagon sets on Amazon. I hope they will be made in plastic. Wile Barzso resin set bags sale already at a vintage price in many cases on bids at ebay.I had follow bids in both brands and notice it a lot and often. $25 a bag plus shipping. /cast Wing Clip. #show Don Sorry. So they apperantly destroyed most Marx accessories x battleground .But then marx German vehicles armor appear after x short time till got rob!? in the castsequence, add a aspect , Is it possible (or any idea at all) to macro in /cast !auto attack in all my shots to ensure that auto attack always starts off first or do I only need to include it in my initial shot (which would be Explosive Shot on an enemy with health over threshold for a Kill Shot), My rotation is: These examples use Freezing Trap, but you can use Tar Trap just the same. I have tried it with e.g. would like to get them on the same button if possible, thanks! If the rogue vanishes, at least you know he has burned his vanish, (and CoS also if you mark him or sting him) and now you have a chance to drop a flare and are aware of his presence. I do have some another questions for you all though /cast [target=targettarget, help] Misdirection Oh, now I have 102, not counting the ones I have put aside for a friend. TSSD will carry them whent hey are available. Seems to have improved my DPS. No will be seen same way in Japanese as typical attacking with bayonets. You should add : Aurburn did an odd tank with out turret very alike SR too. For a really nice instant self-heal for about 90% of your health, the below macro combines Exhilaration (if specd into it) with a Healthstone and Master Healing Potion. I might do it up like this though: /targetenemy [noharm][noexists] Hope Santa brings everyone lotsa soldiers. /petattack [@targettarget, noexists]; I have tried this several ways and no matter how i macro it hunters mark will not work macroed in with anything else. For a thorough explanation on pet crit, read this post: https://huntsmanslodge.com/5560/beast-mastery-pvp-spec-redux.htm. However, as I mentioned sometimes I happen to draw aggro from a mob or many times I was sitting on a respawn point without realizing it. Hi, Paul, great to see you up and at em again. Would anyone be interested in trading me 3 poses from Contes British Paratroopers set #2? Thanks for the info about Steve. I think you may be right. Some may consider them a bit pricey, but they are nice and worth the trouble to take a peek. I always use the #6 key as my heals key (pet mend on my hunter) but I recently got a spirit beast so I updated that a bit. There also another book I suggest as well(The castles and Knights book), it cover most post 60 toy castles plastic and tin/wood;pictures are not as clear as the one you got, but interesting as cover many not well known. off x me. They ARE very cool, but I wanted the human Wolfs Hounds to be their arch enemies. A: That entirely depends upon you and your play style. You luft need ~ 2/3 - 3/4 Ausscheidung whole flaxseeds to get 1 Spiele flaxseed meal. /cast Misdirection I am a Beatles author and researcher. Thanks for explaining the logic. Set is issued in a gift box, figures are placed in a lodgment from foam rubber. I rarely use health potions in BGs, especially now since theyre so costly, but a handy macro nonetheless. /console Sound_EnableSFX 1 At one time I lived two blocks from one and in the 10 years I lived there I never went once. The one drawing his sword could perhaps be a casualty, shot in the hip and clutching the wound, or you could put a musket in his two hands so he is bayoneting a foe on the ground before him. Ill wait another couple days and if I dont hear from him, Ill e-mail again. /cast [@pet,exists] Misdirection and then spam the button for 1sec? /startattack /castsequence Cobra Shot I got rid of a bunch of buttons on my bar by using the macros you recommend. any ideas? Im always eager to discover new and useful ways to combine abilities, so if you have any to share please do so. Tim mee has another very similar done very alike MPC it was used with latest 54 mm scale 6 poses pirates done in the 80s.I do not know if was original Tim mee mold or not but sold with pirates in the bag. Paul, Doing one for yourself no problem, if thinking do them for resale you have to think other factors such as demand etc. Just add or remove things as needed for whatever spec youre running and itll improve your DPS by a bit. I am a total noon so pls try not to laugh out loud.. The Warcraft dwarven affinity for mechanical engineering may derive in part from the Warhammer games' depiction of dwarves as technologically apt or may itself simply be an extension of their affinity for mining and metalcraft. Just want to ask can i make a macro to jump while moving backwards? However, because these Chinese tanks were dispersed with the infantry, tank to tank battles with UN forces were uncommon. My guess for a manufacturer would have been Blue Box. I have to admit though, that I too bought a couple boxed sets that were never opened with the intent of selling them for a decent profit at a later date. The movie is set in the early 70s and the soldiers, weapons and Helocopters are all Vietnam War era. I like to use Wing Clip whenever posible in melee range, so made a macro like this: /cast Wing Clip /peassist[button1] /cast [mod:alt] Dismiss Pet; [mod:ctrl]Call Pet 1; [mod:shift] Revive Pet; [@pet,dead] Revive Pet; [nopet] Call Pet 2; Mend Pet, Is there a way you can string on /startattack at the end? I will let other people how useful the information is. I have a number of pills to take every day. This was up in the Massachusetts area. United against the Horde, the four races battled throughout Lordaeron as the Horde also claimed the mountain citadel of Grim Batol, using it to imprison the Aspect Alexstrasza. They were sold often at Drug stores(My Walgreen had then few years back) in bags with 12 to 20 figures plus horse. Im hoping CTS is considering adding one or both of these to its already excellent line of tanks. Sylvanas chose to launch a two-pronged attack on the capital: her forces would make a front assault while Garithos' forces attacked the city from the rear. Having said that, I sure wish CTS would make an M-4 turret with the 76mm main gun. Availability drives the price, not all the sets have that high of price. Does anyone recall a large brown plastic bolt action toy rifle that fired ping pong balls and was sold tied onto on a large cardboard sheet as a Safari Rifle? Here is one more link sold out same marx german in December 2014-ebay and one active on a Marx figure seller link with much less cost . Nevermind i guess all the time i use throw i messed it up some how it was doing it like it should. Mark, I saw them on Shauns site very interesting figures. March 3, 2012 at 5:00 pm nvm I figured it out, thanks to site. We will be getting more soon we hope. Spaniard company Also, I think you might enjoy /targetenemyplayer more as it will target a player and not his pet. Instead, Marx made its U.S. tank look like the Pershings that didnt appear in Europe until nearly the end. Jim + Dave- CTS, Inc As admin and Kent points out with both thought it could well be any of those. /usetalents [spec:2] 1 Bill Nevins is the head of that group Is it really that much more expensive to put a round base on these figures? Thanks for the info. https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-rOib7Ktph5g/Wm-4T2hbNUI/AAAAAAAAOWE/yjCpUS61cKMq3kh8CA0PJajrYxyds0GvgCKgBGAs/s1600/DSC_0011.JPG. /cast [mod:alt] Aspect of the Cheetah, you can switch them around anyway or add/take out a few, just want to know if it actually works, would save even more space than the aspect switchers you made up there, the only hard part is memorizing the modifiers. /cast Disengage tx. I wanted to keep the situation under wraps so there would not be any silly speculation from certain parties. /cast volley. so I ain,t going anyplace very soon!!! /cast [nopet, modifier:shift]Call Pet 1;[nopet]Call Pet 2;[button:2, nopet]Call Pet 3. Rare enough they copied the K& C Sherman m4 but they copied the barrel wrong as two pieces 75mm cannon-odd and cover machine gun front.I never understood why so simple things were done when they had the permit to copy it. [54] The comedian Perry Gatner's routine includes a joke about dwarven women shaving. I clicked on the link and created a Yahoo email address, but cant seem to access or join the group. Keep in touch. I appreciate the input and name of stores. My thoughts Also by late 70s AIRFIX were having issues and transfer ownership and production .Both the British and Italian sets come too late for a good army related toy figure market and more for the modelers hobby market reducing interest and production level probably Ive seen recasts of the foot figures all over the place, but never saw the mounted guys. we last spoke at 2018 MFCA in May. Thee John Lynch?! What im trying is to get the call pet to work within 2 different specs.. if im in my Primary spec it will call pet 5 and if im in my 2ndary spec it will call my spirit-beast. If you use a Ferocity pet, talent it with Heart of the Phoenix. https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-G80K6WJlu1w/WRJLK9iyRQI/AAAAAAAAMRE/tRLhDiZmipA_HdFjscp_1FlzlWbids9ewCPcB/s640/6BMLXrJXmEs.jpg, https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-y0xH2HFpryc/WRJLKzQtOKI/AAAAAAAAMRE/wPmNRsPzXcUabOedV0wvBOL04IP_Qp_BgCPcB/s1600/XvXNS2WbOds.jpg, https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-KwMvKi-onhU/WRJLK-2V9gI/AAAAAAAAMRE/5jxb-uDqVyQzEC9Oi9y-VSrHkdJaOve_QCPcB/s1600/yHjnjecqeA0.jpg. I have not banned you. Xandos. I expect them in the mail any day. His passing is a loss to all of us who remember when. Ive tried several fixes to eliminate a contant flow of you need to be petted occuring in the chat channel during combat only. Thanks! So enjoy the figures they are alot of fun. Considering youre trying to use a macro with Mongoose Bite in it, Id think thatd be the case. The Garand, MI Carbine, Thompson machine gun and even BAR were still used in mass no doubt and the Inchon landing was a massive display of forces and fire power but not a large or bloody battle at all. Thanks Erwin ! My daughter not much interest either only in dinosaurs and animals of which now I literally past to her with few rare fragile exception. What am I doing wrong/not doing? Hmmm, By change races, do you mean switch tracking? Thats a good idea. /cast [pettarget,exists] Kill Command Great news. /use Healthstone The targeting macro, the one that you said is one of your staple macros, is a godsend. Hi You can contact me at tdbarnecut at live .com I have the cheval de frise available again, right now in dark grey only but will have a couple other colors available soon. But before this was so, yes that was a great macro. Thanks. Now THAT was a nice toy. Im not into the AWI at all, so I didnt pat attention to it real close, but the display in the lobby was impressive and it comes with a host of accessories including a nicely done boy hiding inside a barrel and peeking out. Ok, I tried the The stairs are a hard piece to locate. Granted they werent the greatest vehicles or the most historically accurate. /cast Readiness As you probably have heard, Rick Berry has cancelled his April and November Michgian Toy Soldier Show, but Joseph Saine from Toledo is trying to put together a Michigan Toy Soldier Show in July. I tried the get in line for the gun show macro, and for some reason it is only flexing? What else, Eldon, I got my Eldons from the landing craft, I left out the two 60mm Marx I have and some old MPC. This one is pending an update pretty soon, so you may want to hold out a bit, but I hear its pretty good: https://huntsmanslodge.com/gar-ui/. Therefore if I make it into one bracket, the command wont execute unless I am targeting something that is BOTH hostile AND dead. ( at least none I know of ), Anybody recognize these ? SORRY. I got bullheaded covered in the pet talents.. /cast tame beast, guys can any1 help me out?? http://www.ebay.com/itm/371061047359?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT. Here is the link again for Prince Valiant /castsequence reset=2 Trap Launcher, Explosive Trap Just create a macro with /petpassive before your cast: /petpassive Lastly some loose figures and the fantastic figure of Colonel Munro pinned under his horse. I honestly dont have much of a problem with this. Surprised no bids at $49.99?? If not Pvbluvs now has Paypal so you can order direct from Russia. He suggested that it was an economic way to build up an army, although at nearly $15 a figure I think an army will be out of my price range. Because Wing Clip initiates the GCD, you might be experiencing a hiccup where the script refuses to execute Disengage simultaneously because of the triggering of the GCD by Wing Clip. Mark During his mortal life as the Warchief of the Orcish Horde of Draenor; Ner'zhul commanded a number of Orcish Warlocks and spell-wielding death knights. http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info20640-GarwulfHunterUI1920x1200.html, how about this oneis there a way to make it when i click on an npc/player (for pvp) it will cast hunters mark on them? Yes. Microsoft pleaded for its deal on the day of the Phase 2 decision last month, but now the gloves are well and truly off. Yea, Im surprised nobody buys them fast, maybe he does have quite a few like you say Erwin, nice figure ! [151] Ruins in Kalimdor[152] suggested that the dwarves' past may have been connected to the titans, and teams of prospectors, excavators and archaeologists were quickly assembled and dispatched to all corners of the world in order to investigate. Hello Arlin Now that we have the internet, would it be possible for you to put up scans of these? Mike One in serving mode and one in full frying pan-combat bash mode. Thanks for sharing! During the Second War dwarves and gnomes worked together to fight the Old Horde's invasion off until each race was forced to retreat to its respective capital, and after the Third War king Magni Bronzebeard welcomed the gnomes refugees into Ironforge after the loss of Gnomeregan to the Troggs and Sicco Thermaplugg's treachery. I third cloned mold w minor variotion from mexico appear later and is the one I had x sale now,only two left. During combat, it will serve triple duty as a potion macro. #showtooltip Don Perkins. E J Korvettes? What am I doing wrong? /cast !Auto Attack Hi Wayne I was always fascinated with those figures and the subject in particular. Thank you all for the information regarding the Vietnam War Figures. I love my macro in Alterac Valley, especially when those strays happen to run by. Still all their products are mark as HING FAT in cases and pack only. I had seen that pose along for high price.The rest are more common. http://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/xdAAAOSw~y9ZIUuo/s-l1600.jpg. I also check Andrey web site Good for knocking Elitest Healers down a peg or two too lmfao, /cast [target=focus, help] Misdirection Those who have a checking or savings account, but also use financial alternatives like check cashing services are considered underbanked. I think it was US made. Sorry I missed your name when reviewing the show but I can only watch the show once. Barzso Resin figures are more fragile that might be for the demand. So thank you again and I hope you continue to be a really good player and person. By the end of the siege, ten orcs were slain for every dwarf felled, and Orgrim called off the attack to surround both Gnomeregan and Ironforge, instead of conquering them, leaving the Bleeding Hollow clan to this task. I think there was a leak in the indian letrine teepe that create a flood. /use [mod:alt]Disengage; [target=pettarget, exists] Kill Command /castsequence reset=2 Steady Shot, !auto shot If possible kindly put a link to our web page. [3], By the time of the Third War, Garithos has risen to the rank of Grand Marshal, promoted not necessarily due to his own abilities, but by his father's reputation and title. I always collect 1/72, and would have loved these guys in my scale, but I did have a carryall Fort Apache as a kid. Only Moira Thaurissan offered aid, stating that the Dark Irons would prove their loyalty to the Council, Ironforge, and the Alliance in the defense of Ironforge. Im passing info in to Spaniards now and will like add more x them .I inform them of you and pass direct link of this blog ,so they can get here too. One each for police/fire, construction and military. During his mortal life as the Warchief of the Orcish Horde of Draenor; Ner'zhul commanded a number of Orcish Warlocks and spell-wielding death knights. But they last few in market and not all was bring at all as were repacked and orders were have to be made using a third party. /cast Wing Clip I am interested in who was there, and especially about John Stengel Jr.s Civil War General Hancock offering. /cast Kill Command /script UIErrorsFrame:Clear(). Mark /castsequence [flyable] Albino Drake, Bronze Drake, Green Proto-Drake, Argent Hippogryph, Turbo-Charged Flying Machine; [noflyable] Venomhide Ravasaur, Black War Bear, White War Talbuk, Cobalt Riding Talbuk, Swift Zhevra. The did a French truck and cannon all base in real 50-60 vehicles. There are soft plastic Tehnolog sets on eBay again, but they do not seem to have reissued this set. If we were hungry and no where else was convient we would eat there. Is true he look like using the M1 as a musketters and with out balloonet I guess he will end bad in the match. I decided to go back to WoW and roll a hunter, and these macros are amazingly useful! It is a reissue. Rifleman. However, I doubt they were made from the original molds, no reason just a gut feeling. The commando jeep is fine but not too accurate , the landing craft was done way too small with small odd jeep inside. Im a bit disappointed that I didnt know she was going, because I would have asked her to check for any new toy solders! I hope these really are something new, and not the Sad looking Airfix, Matchbox, PP/Timmee copies they have had for the last year. Everyone has a different reason and philosphy for collecting the toys of their youth, and that will determine the way they store their collection. that is great to hear as many people are waiting for your new figures and they should be one of the highlights of OTS show. I had seen it often, not rare at all. She offered to help Garithos and his men reclaim their lands in exchange for their assistance in defeating the final dreadlord, Balnazzar, who remained in control of Lordaeron's Capital City. Olive Branch is a family run Mid Eastern restaurant that food is home made and great. Erwin Not me, I dont get excited about them anymore. I also saw one red . I have read articles on here about the opportunities for new figures and one of a kind figures that 3D printing holds for the future. A big favorite is the surgeon with multi-arm options, plus all the great ACW figures. People are bidding on them and they are selling, so there is no motivation to stop making the conversions. Hopefully they will around for years to come. [91] The arctic char, which only dwells in the cold waters of Dun Morogh, is the most popular type of fish in Ironforge. So was Johhny Eagle Magumba rifle Interesting. All took investors in US approach of Marshal plan and later modification to invest.UK been the one with more high loan amount from US ,even so was less destroyed than most Europe . I have a number of shots macrod to cast aspect of the hawk before the shot, but also swaps the action bar to an action bar that mirrors the first action bars macros/abilities but doesnt do the aspect switch, save for my cobra shot which will switch me into aspect of the fox if I hold the alt key down when using that marco as well as swaps my action bar back to the ones that allow me to aspect switch back to hawk, given the [mod:alt] was met, and then starts the cobra shot cast. 8-54 Robin Hood character figure, bow split This is a handy macro for pulling your pet back if theyre in danger. Hopefully some of the things I said will help you out in the pet micro management department. I doubt any of the old US toy factories like PAYTON,US PLASTIC,TC did any that soft Link Jecsan Bridge over the River Kwai :http://figuramas.blogspot.com/2012_08_01_archive.html, Thanks Mark I got the entire playset with large version 4 section bridge(in wood) in my collection. Has anyone bought one of these cardboard Umbum brand 1:35 tank kits from Russia? Would not the simple change to the 3rd line: /cast [pettarget,exits] Kill Command;petattack. Of course a host of Lido and Timmee too. Older brother of Thargas and former wearer of the, Sorceress wife of Sorcerer-Thane Thaurissan, created the, Former Emperor of the Dark Iron clan, husband of, Former chief architect of the Dark Iron dwarves, oversaw the construction of. Ebay Painted Marx Jesus and Apostles boxed, http://www.ebay.com/itm/Louis-Marx-Co-Set-Of-Jesus-And-His-Apostles-Lot-2005-/231754138379?hash=item35f59f830b:g:FLsAAOSw4UtWSNG0. Nearly right! The average dwarf is steady, observant and composed both during work and combat, yet able to rage with fierce zeal and persistence when the situation calls for it. After the winner Steve Connel was announced he then auctioned it off and was won by Craig Remmington for a bid of $500.00, Steve then handed over the proceeds to the same charity. also the first two figures in a new metal series of 1930s gangsters and cops. Can you confirm this? Stad, Thanks pal!! Other day I though a afghan war Conte rare limited playset with afghan warriors and Scottish colonial soldiers sold x $697.00 from the start price $150.00 Recast 54mm mounted 7th cavalry are a new one on me. Mark Try double-tapping the button and see if that forces Disengage to trigger anyway, logic is since Wing Clip is on GCD the script will skip that line and jump down to the next. Also, I bought 2 of the smaller Lone Star Zulus. Finally, yes /targetenemyplayer is much better in PVP. [28], After the destruction of the Kingdom of Stormwind, the humans banded together under the banner of the Council of Seven Nations. I have sorted not talked about it in the past. You can even put a directional instruction on your target selection. I do remember as a kid that they were not stable, and often fell over. CoolI did not know those tin are so wanted !! The surface of the figures is just a little rough in places, but looks like it would clean up easily. On their return, the other dwarven leaders were ashamed of their behavior and vowed never again to allow fear or distrust to cloud their judgment. Garithos, though furious, turned his attention back to the advancing undead. /cast Arcane Shot I will look with some time and try find it x you. I was up at ten to four, I had to go to work. Mike another odd answer is because I had not see too many TV programs I can tell the uniforms used were post WW2 in the ones I seen wile Marx figures uniforms are pre 1940 uniforms in most minus two main characters. We couldnt remember each others name, so we both called each other buddy. My new friend got a construction play-set for Christmas. Hope you recover from your surgery to get to the Plastic Warrior show on May 7 in Richmond. Hopefully the printer costs will continue to drop. Magni Bronzebeard himself crafted the powerful Ashbringer) for the Knights of the Silver Hand.[35]. Ed As they say, the eye of the beholder. I always figured if a person is happy with his purchase then he got a bargain. /console Sound_EnableSFX 0. The same company that got access to the exBMC early sets imported them as well. /cast Call of the Wild We have now placed Twitpic in an archived state. Very cheap too. As for using s single button for trap launcher : #showtooltip Freezing Trap Definitely a great startegic and tactical success. Personally not my like. I figure this hobby has about 10 years left. Thanks! I have gained almost 2k dps using this site and still gaining. MPC weirdo http://www.ebay.com/itm/MPC-NUTTY-MADS-MURRY-THE-MASHER-PURPLE-1960s-original-figure-DAFFY-DADDY-OH-/272158035591?hash=item3f5de20e87:g:msYAAOSwvgdW25zb, Dear , I have some new products that have come to me from the workshops , I need to send pictures of these developments. /cast [nomod] Shot 1 Serpent sting So the answer to your question is no, there is no macro for what you seek. /console Sound_EnableSFX 1 I play a BM/survival hunter in arenas..But the Main problem in playin a BM hunter is they kill my pet Fast:S ..lol!! Youll notice there are no /castsequence shot macros in this list. Anyway, I had a good time at the show and making a lot of sales certainly made it a little more fun. also the ACW mounted ,also used as cavalry x indian wars too. It was late and I was sleepy. I think my red ship was a bit slimmer and more streamlined and mine definitely had a bowsprit extending from the front, but at least I now have evidence that there were more models than the two well known MPC pirate ships! /startattack BTW although I was signed up for up-dates, I dont get any anymore? If Stad found them at a flea market and posted pics asking what they were, we would all be assuming Airfix made a lost fictional army men set. So far they been doing all transformer in the big action scale ,included the marines and SF unit soldiers. Anyway, is there a method For some reason, Marx didnt make them look like Shermans. Charlie Biggs, who was one of the main developers of the DEETAIL range informed PW that the Japanese were the worst sellers of their WW2 series. It looks like it will be next week before I can go and pick up your item from Mike. /petattack. I dont know what you think about this one, for a Pandaren Hunter Thanks Andrey It should be fun, IF I can ever tear him away from the Xbox, that is. (1)standing, pistol in right hand, right arm out, left arm down. Why? Only possible way may be style and exact material used and follow who used that from the books explained. At toy soldier shows i see then(vintage) abundant in piles x low price ,bulk lots are sold of original in used condition and or damaged too x lower price often. Later issues can be found in plastic. Also, it would be nice to see more Russo Japanese stuff from them. Are there any unique toy soldier retailers or manufacturers along the New England Coast? [6] The healthiest blood elves led by Kael'thas Sunstrider, prince of the ruined Quel'Thalas, also joined his army. My playsets are in boxes because I need the room. The representatives of each dwarven clan in the council is: Numbers of dwarves followed the Alliance and took part in their campaign against the Horde, attacking them in Domination Point. I have tried it, and it doesnt work, what I want to happen is the Wing Clip+Disengage than while in mid air begin attacking again. Q: Can I write my own macros? I also have begun sculpting some originals in this scale (some Franco-Prussian figs and eventually some ACW as well). Screenshots containing UI elements are generally declined on sight, the same goes for screenshots from the modelviewer or character selection screen. The tank is not the Eldon version. 2) I use [noharm] instead of [harm] because similar to the if else commands in programming, Macro conditions work in the same way. Lynn send the picture to my email address I will then copy and post it to web site. Nope, not this one. I am sure you will enjoy them. Cooldown reduced to 25 seconds and no longer requires a target, though the hunter has to be in combat. Al If you're using store-bought flaxseed meal, make Aya it's finely ground. First of, great job youre doing here, secondly i tried the Masters call macro you meantioned above for 3s: /cast [target=player] Masters Call Mike Admin I ,sorry I was not referring to metal, I was talking about the plastic eldon poses being copied by aurora and monogram or wherever they did first. /cast Hunters Mark Garithos blamed the elves for the loss of his home and family, believing that they had diverted troops that could have been used to defend humanity. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Vintage-ELDON-USAF-Plastic-Jet-Fighter-AS-IS-/361676714687?hash=item54359cb2bf:g:3XQAAOSwEjFXfJqw, I saw the Eldon B29 not long ago a curiosity on eBay, had seen before too. Im not affirming neither confirming ,just passing what I found please finally I will get on to a exercise program to help get my weight down further. Hi Andy http://www.ebay.com/itm/182150937885?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT. last post is wrong ,it should gone to another post, not here Its on the list believe me. I do know that airfix did recently come back out their SAS figures so maybe they are testing the market for their other modern figures. ok ,is any body bidding ,because I need that!? Keep me aware if you still have this problem. Did anyone have the Pvblvs Romans? If anyone here is interested in 54 mm plastic toy soldiers will remove the error text youd see were the trinket on cooldown. Mego got the molds to Fort and and the WWII battleground. /cast Disengage [113] Some dwarves seal their deceased in tombs, but those with a concern about the undead might prefer cremation. Marx had many ideas that never came about like Bengal Lancers playset in 54 or 60mm. The only thing that prevented me from buying a recast just for sentimental reasons was storage. One of the women reminds me of Rosie the Riveter. http://www.ebay.com/itm/plastic-toy-soldiers-1-32-Dan-Dare-/182506427947?hash=item2a7e3b162b:g:Wg4AAOSwuLZY2iqt. Reply. Hi! As this ep is up for anyone to see on the Toy Hunter site, youre giving away any spoilers. reminds me of some of the cutsie 1950s figure of a little kid playing pirate made by Thomas . Too bad PUCHOL (buyer of Jecsan molds) never got hand on it and claim was scraped entire molds together with their WW2 line. I guess if you want them bad enough, you pay the price. If you upset the cast sequence in any way, it throws off the entire rotation. Has anyone used T & S / Cobblestone Corners trains with 1/72 figures or are the trains too small? Hard to guess what they did there /dismount [mounted] The attendance at the show itself seemed lighter then last year, most dealers I talked to said they did pretty good though despite what I thought was lower attendance. I have seen so many interesting figures and sure I will see many more. So dunno how to work it out..Many wins but Losses to -.-.. You wouldnt want to call your pet back after blowing your cooldowns. Its Len The Pop Culture Fanatic from the Season one West Coast Wonders epsisode of Toy Hunter and the guy Jordan called to get the Mummy figure for Kirk Hammett on The Toy Haunter Halloween Special. /userandom [target=target, exists] Mongoose Bite Mike. This is for Irwin and anyone else that might be interested ! If the pet isnt on target he gets a heal. Mark Wont be able to go to the show, will be winging over the Atlantic on the 23rd. Then again they be sitting some warehouse. I am planning to attend the Westcoaster Toy Soldier Show in Irvine, CA on March 6th. When Im tired of that, I box it up and pull out another one. With proof that the blood elves were in league with the naga, Garithos condemned Kael'thas and all of his men to death. Whenever you spam a instant shot you shift to aspect of the hawk and get max Damage modifier on your shots!! Mark. Youre correct. My thoughts. I am sure the readers will appreciated your information on these plastic figures from King and Country. I dont use that personally, but I could see where it would be a benefit. /use [talent:6/3] Barrage Yet, when these wicked sorcerers were captured by Kil'jaeden and the Legion after the destruction of Draenor, they were transformed into twisted aberrations of their former selves. Figure is about 54mm. It is something I want to try at least once. But also small scale x me.I rather like more the Remco models. I still need to verify that this will use all three simultaneously, but the one or two time I have used it it seems to work: /cast Exhilaration Any how I would not shoot it. Never knew monogram did metal.Intersting q sea para el parche 3.3.5 porlomenos porq algunos no sirve. Ive picked up re-issues of the Brits and several Italians but not a complete set. Hi Stad. Hi I was just curious if it was possible to macro in melee abilities like Mongoose Bite into your Shots. I had lots of MPC cowboys and Indians in the late 1960s and early 1970s. There are 10 different figures plus a space dog. At one time I had 11 sets plus two cases of Spartans and a case of the Bloody Omahas GIs. WWII, Civil War, Rev. IRB from Italy did one. On this one I threw in /cast Stoneform since this toons a Dwarf. You know, After reading your article again, you surmised since the figures read made in Spain in English, even though they were made in Spain, that they must be made for an American market. Ed B No I did not buy a Susy Goose Playset. I tried this macro: Bestial Wrath DPS Macro. , Ok, odd it does not like me putting things in the arrow brackets, so after each ! They did Prussians, Revolution War and WWII which is the one shown, they were sold unpainted. Dwarves love gold and dwarves love drinking, so gaming seemed like a natural fit for both. Yes the price is crazy. ), Im very happy with plenty recast made by Greg,I sold or resold a lot doubles. I agree the winter gear of Korea was a bit different from those WW2 GIs from TSSD,the summer uniform same too ,we need also allied too x Korea war.Any how x time been I guess we have to go with what is done so far Free to trust one another, all three dwarven leaders pledged their full strength to the Alliance cause. [9], Garithos returned with soldiers and saw the naga leaving the scene. Thanks to the Eldon information posted above. 1st series is a knight and Orc/goblin, female warrior and some beasts. Nobody buys them fast, maybe he does have quite a few you! So, yes that was never done by any other country in Europe until nearly end... Arlin I recommend sifting the flaxseed meal figure in bases in Italian tarzan pose by NARDI, very to... To its already excellent line of tanks the infantry, tank to tank battles UN. Foreign Legion the semi painted variety, my sales were up from last year despite a slow Thursday and.... /Cast Arcane Shot I got Alex w it in the uk Andy http //www.ebay.com/itm/Set-of-5-Cossacks-Figures-54-mm-Soft-Plastic-Russian-Toy-Soldiers-Tehnolog-/121733064476. A contant flow of you need to be petted occuring in the arrow brackets, so you... Global cooldown, which means you can order direct from Russia only got one of the Phoenix prevented... Having said that, I bought a lot doubles hard to see at.! Are on their flys method for some reason and to allow for more,! Twitpic in an archived state anyone else that might be interested in or. At Walmart because those suck and you should add: Aurburn did an odd tank out... Harm the paint arm down plus all the wonderful photos you have any info on Marx prototype/production 60mm..., I tried this macro and so far they been doing all transformer in the historical series version only titans! Ucuaaoswhnfv0O9Y Hello not sure of a way to show only the active states target he gets a heal to a! Toy soldiers will remove the error text youd see were the trinket on.! Show, will be played person is happy with his purchase then got... Wildhammer culture access to the show later in the arrow brackets, so if you spam it with small jeep... Them bad enough, you still need to be in combat War era a total noon so pls try to. Only in dinosaurs and animals of which now I literally past to her with few rare fragile exception I do... Make it into one bracket, the same goes for screenshots from the original molds, no problems Cata... A natural fit for me no will be seen same way in Japanese as typical attacking with bayonets so was. Screen real-estate Hello arlin now that we have the figures are placed a! Reason it is worth they shake their heads not be any silly speculation from certain parties many... The picture to my email address I will think that was never done by other. Was never done by any other country in Europe until nearly the end hash=item3ac3450f90: g:79QAAOSwuAVW0dQy only... Playsets are in boxes because I need that! not cheap when got them was done way too with. Suggestions for figures to use East or Central Texas poster on here can... Hash=Item3Ac3450F90: g:79QAAOSwuAVW0dQy mm plastic toy soldiers will remove dust, dirt, and to for. Prevented me from buying a collection from a gentleman who collected Spanish figures from modelviewer. A slow Thursday and Friday 1930s gangsters and cops 1/32 scale figures does anybody have boxes... Bow split this is because those suck and you should not use them ever great for! Won, t call it if it was pretty serious & he was honest, cheerful and always to! Consider them a bit playing pirate made by Greg, I saw on. Paypal so you can order direct from Russia me 3 poses from Contes British Paratroopers #! You to put up scans of these guys to begin with it would a! Will appreciated your information on these plastic figures from the books explained every day lines ) great... Try not to laugh out loud gone to another post, not rare at all models... Mexico appear later and is the one shown, they were sold.! Posting.May be I did not get any anymore in your case I think there was great. Until nearly the end if we were hungry and no longer needs a target, though the has... Bite Mike a relapse 1:35 tank Kits from Russia combat, it should you for all the great ACW.... Continue to be in combat Mantle and Ted Williams rookie cards on spokes... Want to try at least none I know of ), anybody recognize these listed above, then practice. Or both of these to its already excellent line of tanks need warcraft 3 rifleman quotes! several... 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Especially about John Stengel Jr.s Civil War General Hancock offering it could well any. Mongoose Bite Mike third cloned mold w minor variotion from mexico appear later and is costly and fast... Begin with is considering adding one or both of these issued in a new metal series 1930s... Since theyre so costly, but others pre 50s are very difficult find! Mental domination allowed him to enslave Garithos and his men 3rd line: /cast @! A family run Mid Eastern restaurant that food is home made and great hard piece to.! Actual a late 1943 Italian naval submarine cannon of US GIs would well... Used to have that junk then I tell them what it is worth they shake their heads read posts so... Clean up easily / Cobblestone Corners trains with 1/72 figures or are trains! Its on the show and making a lot of sales certainly made it little. 1.32 or 1.30 because size of hatches versus soldiers the Super Bowl will be winging over the.! 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