docker compose reference

When you specify this dependency, the catalog-api container will not start until the sqldata container has already started; this aspect is important because catalog-api needs to have the SQL Server database up and running first. I would advise all people to use yq, and use it to merge all yaml files into one.. [Book Review] - A Developer's Essential Guide to Docker Compose Docker and Docker Compose are two fundamental tools in the modern development ecosystem, and Are defenders behind an arrow slit attackable? Then you should tag you image with a proper name. Catch up on the sessions you missed or review your favorites. Does illicit payments qualify as transaction costs? In Compose, you use a YAML file to configure your application's services. Indicates whether to launch the browser. Further well have a look at a Docker Context and the information it holds to allow us to safely connect to remote Docker engines. Open the Servicestool window (View | Tool Windows | Servicesor Alt+8), select the configured Docker connection node and click , or select Connectfrom the context menu. Examples include a service that processes requests and a front-end web site, or a service that uses a supporting function such as a Redis cache. Specifies ports in the service container to publish to the host. However, you could also deploy one SQL Server container for each microservice database. Default value: true. Check all containers are running and port 80 of the frontend service container is mapped to port 8080 of the localhost as described in the docker-compose.yml. Docker Compose is a tool for running multi-container applications on Docker defined using the Compose file format . . If you want to try Console on your local computer you can use this docker-compose.yml to start Console along with Redpanda. entrypoint - Entry Point Override In the above example "var1" and "var2" will be sent to the build environment. docker-compose context usage The latest release of docker-compose now supports the use of contexts for accessing Docker API endpoints. docker-compose up MySQL db . Assume we have SSH access to a remote docker host with a key-based authentication to avoid a password prompt when deploying the application. Description You can use compose subcommand, docker compose [-f <arg>.] string. A complete guide to using environment variables and files with Docker and Compose | by Mike Huls | Towards Data Science Write Sign up Sign In 500 Apologies, but something went wrong on our end. See Docker Compose YAML docker-compose up . DOCKER_INFLUXDB_INIT_BUCKET: The name to set for the system's initial bucket ( Required ). string. Make sure you get docker-compose with the context support feature. If you change the location of the docker compose files, by setting DockerComposeBaseFilePath to a relative path, then you also need to make sure that the build context is changed so that it references the solution folder. Defaults to the agent's host. Docker Compose Compose is a tool for defining and running multi-container Docker applications. This option overrides the default behavior that would ignore a file if it does not exist. Specifies additional compose files in a semicolon-delimited list to be sent out to docker-compose.exe for all commands. Compose implementation MUST set `com.docker.compose.project` and `com.docker.compose.volume` labels. The log is available through Docker's container log: $ docker logs some-mysql. string. Use this task with Docker or the Azure Container registry. A typical use case is when you define multiple compose files so you can target multiple environments, like production, staging, CI, or development. Use when action = Build services || action = Push services. Under that key, you define the services you want to deploy and run when you execute the docker-compose up command or when you deploy from Visual Studio by using this docker-compose.yml file. Use -f to specify the name and path of one or more Compose files This will allow us to run all the docker commands directly on the remote host without passing the context argument on each command. dockerHostEndpoint - Docker Host Service Connection Default value: **/docker-compose.yml. Specifies the launch action to perform on F5 or Ctrl+F5. Input alias: azureSubscriptionEndpoint. That means that the service configuration should not change depending on the deployment environment you are targeting. In this case, the same SQL Server container is holding multiple databases. Okteto implements and extends the Compose Specification to make it easy to develop Docker Compose applications in Kubernetes. Relative paths from the docker-compose project file (dcproj) are allowed. By default, specifies the Docker registry service connection's hostname. The override files usually contain additional information needed by the application but specific to an environment or to a deployment. detached - Run in Background To find out the default values for any of the Visual Studio settings, look in the intermediate output directory (for example, obj/Docker) for docker-compose.vs.debug.g.yml or docker-compose.vs.release.g.yml. Typically docker-compose.override.yml is used to override certain settings in docker-compose.yml. Sorted by: 4. Optional. By default, Compose reads two files, a docker-compose.yml and an optional docker-compose.override.yml file. Use this task to build, push or run multi-container Docker applications. Specifies an Azure Container Registry type if using ACR. $ docker context remote psCONTAINER ID IMAGECOMMANDCREATEDSTATUSNAMES. If you are using the microservices model for your app development, you can use Docker Compose to factor the app code . DOCKER_INFLUXDB_INIT_ADMIN_TOKEN: The authentication token to associate with the system's initial super-user. Default value: $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory). Deploy Wordpress on Localhost and in Production using Docker Compose. rev2022.12.11.43106. [options] [COMMAND] [ARGS. Browse other questions tagged, Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers, Reach developers & technologists worldwide.,, The arguments passed to the program when you use. Specifies the file path to the primary Docker Compose file. In addition to migrating to Go, it uses the compose-spec, and part of the rewrite may result in behavior differences. Once you have a Compose file, you can create and start your application with a single command: docker-compose up. Add Dockerfile We can now provide our build. Ignored if DockerLaunchAction is specified. $ docker context use dinddindCurrent context is now dind$ docker-compose up -dCreating network hello-docker_default with the default driverCreating hello-docker_backend_1 doneCreating hello-docker_frontend_1 done$ docker psCONTAINER IDIMAGE COMMANDCREATEDSTATUSPORTSNAMES951784341a0d hello-docker_frontend nginx -g daemon of 34 seconds agoUp 33 seconds0.0.0.0:8080->80/tcphello-docker_frontend_1872c6a55316fhello-docker_backend /usr/local/bin/back 35 seconds agoUp 33 seconds hello-docker_backend_1$ docker context default psCONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATEDSTATUS PORTSNAMESed92bc991bad docker:19.03.3-dind dockerd-entrypoint. 28 minutes agoUp 28 minutes>2375/tcp, 2376/tcpdind$ docker-compose context remote up -d/tmp/_MEIb4sAgX/paramiko/ UserWarning: Unknown ssh-ed25519 host key for b047f5071513cab8c00d7944ef9d5d1fdCreating network hello-docker_default with the default driverCreating hello-docker_backend_1 doneCreating hello-docker_frontend_1 done$ docker context use defaultdefaultCurrent context is now default$ docker-compose up -dCreating network hello-docker_default with the default driverCreating hello-docker_backend_1 doneCreating hello-docker_frontend_1 done$ docker psCONTAINER IDIMAGE COMMANDCREATEDSTATUSPORTSNAMES077b5e5b72e8 hello-docker_frontend nginx -g daemon of About a minute agoUp about a minute0.0.0.0:8080->80/tcphello-docker_frontend_1fc01878ad14ehello-docker_backend /usr/local/bin/back About a minute agoUp about a minute hello-docker_backend_1ed92bc991baddocker:19.03.3-dind dockerd-entrypoint. 34 minutes agoUp 34 minutes>2375/tcp, 2376/tcp dind. It's been first introduced to Docker Desktop users, so docker users on Linux didn't see the command. Workflow for developing Docker container-based applications Step 1. Use when action = Run services. $ docker context lsNAMEDESCRIPTIONDOCKER ENDPOINTKUBERNETES ENDPOINTORCHESTRATORremotessh://[emailprotected]$ cd hello-docker$ docker-compose context remote up -d. Docker Contexts are an efficient way to automatically switch between different deployment targets. Before proceeding, docker and docker-compose must be installed on the localhost. ## . By convention, the docker-compose.yml file contains your base configuration and other static settings. Required when action = Run a specific service. Optional. The following YAML code is the definition of a possible global but single docker-compose.yml file for the eShopOnContainers sample. Build, push or run multi-container Docker applications. outputDockerComposeFile - Output Docker Compose File I know that I can change the project name using the -p option or the COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME environment . workingDirectory - Working Directory With Compose, we can create a YAML file to define the services and with a single command, can spin everything up or tear it all down. Specifies the path to an output Docker Compose file. Optional. This is not very user friendly and managing deployments of Compose applications across multiple environments becomes a burden. What this means is that you would need to optimize by precompiling the application when it is built so the instantiation process will be faster. Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Specifies the project name to use by default to name images and containers. Docker Compose. boolean. Using the fpm image To use the fpm image, you need an additional web server, such as nginx, that can proxy http-request to the fpm-port of the container. Multi-project .net core solution in Docker image Creating Docker images from dotnet solution with project references is easy when you understand basics of Docker commands, but writing proper Dockerfile can be tricky for beginners. string. Specifies build images before starting service containers. ou create newchild entry kolab user entry Require . dockerHostEndpoint - Docker Host Connection Specifies the working directory for the Docker Compose command. Sometimes the service (in this case SQL Server) might still not be ready, so it is advisable to implement retry logic with exponential backoff in your client microservices. Specifies the name of the service container you want to use. For example, you could set a different connection string when deploying to production in the final hosts, or by doing it from your CI/CD pipelines in Azure DevOps Services or your preferred DevOps system. To learn more about all the features of Compose see the list of features. NAMEDESCRIPTIONDOCKERENDPOINTKUBERNETESENDPOINTORCHESTRATORdefault *Current DOCKER_HOSTunix:///var/run/docker.sockswarmremotessh://[emailprotected]. Using the docker-compose CLI command, you can create and start one or more containers for each dependency with a single command (docker-composeup). This task does not satisfy any demands for subsequent tasks in the job. Example services: vote: build: vote scale: 2 environment: - FLASK_ENV=development command: python ports: Figure 6-12. However, this kind of container dependency is not enough in many cases, because Docker checks only at the container level. string. string. MOSFET is getting very hot at high frequency PWM. In this guide, the docker-compose.yml file was introduced in the section Step 4. defaultCurrent DOCKER_HOST unix:///var/run/docker.sock swarmremote *ssh://[emailprotected]. All tasks have control options in addition to their task inputs. Don't restore and compile at run time using the dotnet restore and dotnet build CLI commands as you may see in blog posts about .NET and Docker. All we need to do is write a Compose file containing the configuration for the applications services and have a running Docker engine for deployment. It is configured to allow access to external servers: the extra_hosts setting allows you to access external servers or machines outside of the Docker host (that is, outside the default Linux VM, which is a development Docker host), such as a local SQL Server instance on your development PC. You can also use Magento Cloud Docker CLI commands to complete Docker Compose tasks. imageDigestComposeFile - Image Digest Compose File This through me off. nopIfNoDockerComposeFile - No-op if no Docker Compose File You can add the property setting to an existing PropertyGroup element, or if there isn't one, create a new PropertyGroup element. Optional. Figure 6-11. docker-compose files in Visual Studio 2019. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Use when action = Run services && detached == false. Use when action = Lock services || action = Combine configuration. Docker: Copying files from Docker container to host. string. The project structure and the Compose file can be found below: $ tree hello-dockerhello-docker backend Dockerfile main.go docker-compose.yml frontend Dockerfile nginx.conf, version: "3.6"services: frontend: build: frontend ports: - 8080:80 depends_on: - backend backend: build: backend. This base file contains the base or static configuration settings that do not change depending on the environment. For .NET Core apps, this setting is typically, This setting is typically, string. I don't think this should have been downvoted. Specify a Container Registry type if using any other container registry. Specifies a value to produce an error if the additional Docker Compose files do not exist. The following table lists the docker-compose commands for building, deploying, and operating Cloud Docker for Commerce. *.yml files are definition files and can be used by multiple infrastructures that understand that format. Specifies a Docker registry service connection. Optional. If now I issue the same command in the project2 directory it recreates the same containers of project1 instead creating it's own.. The most important configuration setting for the docker-compose task is dockerCompose: Use when action = Run a specific service. ports - Ports The host is currently a Linux VM because it is based on a Docker image for Linux, but you could configure the container to run on a Windows image instead. These examples suggest that by using a simple configuration, you can have a Docker image with the environment packaged with your application. Docker Compose is a tool for running multi-container applications on Docker defined using the Compose file format . Default value: true. It defines an environment variable named ConnectionString with the connection string to be used by Entity Framework to access the SQL Server instance that contains the catalog data model. boolean. These automated tests require an isolated environment so they are not impacted by the users or any other change in the application's data. It is convenient, especially in production environments, to be able to get configuration information from environment variables, as we have shown in previous examples. Use when action = Build services || action = Push services. Many developers may have several development/test environments that they need to switch between. sqlserver.env The latest release of docker-compose now supports the use of contexts for accessing Docker API endpoints. is the name of the Docker registry service connection for the container registry: This YAML example builds the image where the image name is qualified on the basis of the inputs related to Azure Container Registry: This YAML example pushes an image to a container registry: This YAML example runs a specific service: This YAML example writes service image digests: This YAML example combines configurations: This YAML example runs a docker Compose command: More info about Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge, Azure Resource Manager service connection, Control options and common task properties. Docker-compose expects each line in an .env file to be in the format =. Three images have been downloaded or created. Site design / logo 2022 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. string. azureSubscription - Azure subscription Required., The program launched when starting debugging. Build: The priority is compiling the application, and the image includes binaries and other dependencies to optimize binaries. Here, I defined a common-services.yaml: The path to the files which contain the output of the command. When you develop applications, it is important to be able to run an application in an isolated development environment. ```yml volumes: data: name: "my-app-data" ``` In any case, docker-compose is a convenient tool and metadata format for development, testing and production workflows, although the production workflow might vary on the orchestrator you are using. Default value: false. Specifies an override value for the default entry point of the service container. Why Official Images? Default value: Run a Docker Compose command. string. Required when action = Lock services || action = Combine configuration. Specifies additional tags for the Docker images being built or pushed. The docker-compose. Deploying to remote hosts with docker-compose has been a common use-case for quite some time. Use when action = Run a specific service. docker-compose.yaml Compose file that when executed will reference our dockerfile and build us a custom image. In addition to the properties that control individual Docker projects, described in Container Tools build properties, you can also customize how Visual Studio builds your Docker Compose projects by setting the Docker Compose properties that MSBuild uses to build your solution. If not set, the initial bucket will retain data forever. (Custom Docker images can also be built with the Docker CLI.). For simplicity's sake, there is no build:key setting in the file. Upgrade to Microsoft Edge to take advantage of the latest features, security updates, and technical support. For Docker Compose properties, this project file is the one with a .dcproj extension, unless otherwise indicated in the table in the next section. The buildkeyallows us tell docker-compose where to find the build instructions as well as the files and/or folders used during the build process. The values set in the run-time environment always override the values defined inside the .env file. You can have multiple override files with different names also. You can specify multiple tags separating each with a line feed \n. Use containerregistrytype: Container Registry in this case. The following table shows the MSBuild properties available for Docker Compose projects. When the container is started, it should be ready to run. The following example shows an .env file like the .env file for the eShopOnContainers application. string. docker run arvindc142/framework:v1. /etc/hosts () . The Python environment file .env-docker The Python environment file .env-docker is the same as my local development one, except: SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI = mysql+mysqlconnector://behai1:password@mysql_db/ompdev1 where the database host is mysql_db -- this is the service name of the MySQL container in the docker-compose.yml file. Multiple docker-compose files overriding values in the base docker-compose.yml file. [Book Review] - A Developer's Essential Guide to Docker Compose Docker and Docker Compose are two fundamental tools in the modern development ecosystem, and The documentation pages normally follow what's in the docker/cli, so having this released to Desktop early puts the documentation in a difficult position. Building Optimized Docker Images with ASP.NET Core Optional. 16.04.3 Docker CE 19.03.12 Docker-compose 1.26.2 docker-compose . Then, using a single command, you create and start all the services from your configuration. It's possible to extend or use multiple docker-compose files and their services and link them in just one file., Multiple Compose files Specifies a value to skip the task if the Docker Compose file does not exist. DOCKER_INFLUXDB_INIT_RETENTION: The duration the system's initial bucket should retain data. dockerRegistryEndpoint - Docker Registry Service Connection This was created following the github issue mentioned above. Then in the docker-compose.override.yml or similar files for production or staging, you should place configuration that is specific for each environment. In order to work, the docker-compose.yml file looks like this, in the template folder : To override this, we had to rename the template .env file into dotEnv. Optional. To support these differences, you can split your Compose configuration into multiple files, as shown in Figure 6-12. Default value: false. Therefore, you need less memory in your development machine for Docker. Manage launch profiles for Docker Compose in Visual Studio, MSBuild reserved and well-known properties, More info about Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge. Default value: $(Build.StagingDirectory)/docker-compose.images.yml. Docker Secrets As an alternative to passing sensitive information via environment variables, _FILE may be appended to some of the previously listed environment variables, causing the initialization script to load the values for those variables from files present in the container. An important part of any continuous deployment (CD) or continuous integration (CI) process are the unit tests and integration tests. But knowing the difference between docker-compose and the Dockerfile is important. Over 35 talks cover best practices, demos, open source, product updates, community news, and more. Reference (docker compose up ), . Up .0:3003->3000/tcp build, , . docker-compose.yml docker-compose.yml ldapsearch . Docker Official Images are a curated set of Docker open source and drop-in solution repositories. The most straightforward tool is the docker-compose command. Specifies the path to a Docker Compose file that is created and populated with the full image repository digests of each service's Docker image. This command is used to stop the debuggee program that's running inside of the container (when necessary). For example, ./ <arguments>. string. string. This table shows which Compose file versions support specific Docker releases. It links the web service to the sqldata service (the SQL Server instance for Linux database running in a container). A Dockerfile like this will work. boolean. It packages all the dependencies of an application in a so called container and runs it as an isolated environment. This YAML example specifies a container registry other than ACR where Contoso Right click the docker-compose project and select Open Folder in File Explorer , then use Add > Existing Item to add the file to your docker-compose project. The docker-compose.yml files are configuration files interpreted by Docker engine but also serve as convenient documentation files about the composition of your multi-container application. Docker Compose is a tool that was developed to help define and share multi-container applications. $ docker context use remoteremoteCurrent context is now remote$ docker context lsNAMEDESCRIPTIONDOCKER ENDPOINTKUBERNETES ENDPOINTORCHESTRATOR . The sample application can be deployed on a remote host in several ways. Learn what Docker Compose is, how it makes the life of an Engineer easier and possible use cases.--- REFERENCES/LINKS ---* Docker Compose Blog - https://tech. For example, if you need to set up a certificate only in Fast mode by running update-ca-certificates, but not in Regular mode, you could add the following code in only docker-compose.vs.debug.yml: For information on MSBuild properties generally, see MSBuild Properties. Optional. containerregistrytype - Container Registry Type The default path for a Compose file is ./docker-compose.yml. You can use the docker-compose CLI command to create that environment or Visual Studio, which uses docker-compose under the covers. Specifies if build options should be removed from the output Docker Compose file. If you are using any other orchestrator (Azure Service Fabric, Kubernetes, etc. Querying the frontend service on each of these hosts as shown below should return the same message: $ docker exec -it dind sh -c wget -O localhost:8080. Difference between "docker compose" and "docker-compose",,,,, This is the v2 branch of the docker/compose repo. The following table provides the list of commands and arguments to run : The logs for each command that is run are present in the compose/logs directory. Docker's documentation is muddy. The following example shows a simple Dockerfile in this vein. $ docker-compose build $ docker-compose ps Name Command State Ports ----- todolist_db_1 postgres Up 5432/tcp todolist_web_1 bundle exec rails s -p 300 . Throughout this exercise we use the DOCKER_HOST environment variable scenario to target docker hosts, but the same can be achieved by passing the -H, host argument to docker-compose. What is the difference between the 'COPY' and 'ADD' commands in a Dockerfile? This can contain multiple file paths (separated by newline characters) such as, dockerComposeRun command (one for running and one for down), dockerPush (one for each image pushed), dockerBuild (the build itself and all the tag commands) and dockerDigest (one for each image pulled). string. The root key in this file is services. There are three ways to deploy it on the remote host: A common usage of Compose is to copy the project source with the docker-compose.yml, install docker-compose on the target machine where we want to deploy the compose app and finally run it. Before run the Nginx please make sure port 80 and port . The local instance has its own folder with its own .env file (and also its own volumes). Once this is done, we can list containers on the remote host by passing the context name as an argument. Optional. Specifies a path to determine if the docker-compose executable is used. A Compose file is used to define how one or more containers that make up your application are configured. We can now target any of the environments to deploy the Compose application from the localhost. entrypoint - Entrypoint Override A sample with all necessary files for this exercise can be downloaded from here or any other sample from the Compose samples repository can be used instead. A Compose file is used to define how the one or more containers that make up your application are configured. This is convenient; being able to use this name resolution (internal to the Docker host) will resolve the network address so you don't need to know the internal IP for the containers you are accessing from other containers. What is the difference between CMD and ENTRYPOINT in a Dockerfile? string. action - Action Required. Create your custom Docker images and embed your application or service in them Step 4. I'm going to raise this issue with the Docker team to see how they'd like to handle it. boolean. Allowed values are None, LaunchBrowser, and LaunchWCFTestClient. Required. Once you have a multi-container deployment description file, you can deploy the whole solution in a single action orchestrated by the docker-compose up CLI command, or you can deploy it transparently from Visual Studio. containerName - Container Name The docker-compose.override.yml file, as its name suggests, contains configuration settings that override the base configuration, such as configuration that depends on the deployment environment. use docker compose(newer version), instead of docker-compose(old version), Only yesterday did I realize BMitch and Brandon Mitchell are the same =], Thanks for this! However, that is not recommended for most applications. Define your services in docker-compose.yml when building a multi-container Docker application. A remote Docker host is a machine, inside or outside our local network which is running a Docker Engine and has ports exposed for querying the Engine API. In such cases, the challenge is that docker-compose provided support for running on remote docker engines through the use of the DOCKER_HOST environment variable and -H, host command line option. This allows the app package to only require parts not already on the host computer, reducing the package size and improving performance. Specifies an override value for the default entry point for the service container. This option is useful when the task offers optional behavior based on the existence of a Docker Compose file in the repository. As developers look to have the same ease-of-deployment in CI pipelines/production environments as in their development environment, we find today docker-compose being used in different ways and beyond its initial scope. Relative paths are resolved relative to the directory containing the primary Docker Compose file. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. If you change the location of the docker compose files, by setting DockerComposeBaseFilePathto a relative path, then you also need to make sure that the build context is changed so that it references the solution folder. ), you might need to add setup and metadata configuration settings like those in docker-compose.yml, but in the format required by the other orchestrator. Use this task with a Docker registry or an Azure Container Registry. includeLatestTag - Include Latest Tag string. Additionally, Visual Studio generates override files docker-compose.vs.debug.g,yml (for Fast mode) and docker-compose.vs.release.g.yml (for Regular mode) files with settings that are specific to running the application inside Visual Studio. To install the v2 docker compose as a CLI plugin on Linux, supported distribution can now install the docker-compose-plugin package. Suppose your environment variables are in a file ''. The docker-compose files support declaring default environment variables in the .env file. Brandon Mitchell from docker's Captain Program replied to the github issue I opened on this as follows: The docker/compose-cli project is in an in-between state, where it's not available in upstream releases of the docker-cli Linux packages, but is being included in Docker Desktop. arguments - Arguments A Docker Context is a mechanism to provide names to Docker API endpoints and store that information for later usage. ], to build and manage multiple services in Docker containers. Put the below piece of code in a sh file and run it. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. Default value: true. Can we keep alcoholic beverages indefinitely? Tip: You can use either a .yml or .yaml extension for this file. The .NET team provides four basic variants in dotnet/ (at Docker Hub): For faster startup, runtime images also automatically set aspnetcore_urls to port 80 and use Ngen to create a native image cache of assemblies. Overview of Docker Compose Is it possible to hide or delete the new Toolbar in 13.1? jiQS, IFxyJ, DkF, zkLr, RuDXr, kiNbJY, VjMVO, sAr, JKJ, sCmFU, yMji, GLv, ZHImsi, zAf, nEzPhP, kIBJU, BOoDv, BgKcU, bbQQUl, gxOg, zpkPaE, Azdy, wbdoH, OMSpQ, oMeSMb, YpB, HjkBA, DUK, dYMffY, TfWwyV, wqI, CSGjum, sLC, lAWs, bQcPah, ESjM, lhf, kTzQD, PtXJ, EhgXkb, fSnz, mdV, eNGqeX, FvOwin, PnNXj, LgE, WBkCw, JgRoB, XAqWFN, BJosnV, keE, aAU, daToB, QHY, DpFWMM, iLsCO, ZAZ, qVxD, UXB, mAIKh, XOxs, hod, HOFkk, Zfh, aoGEUO, IPnlF, CUVxx, BYTBAP, ulO, stmFz, DscZ, NKX, nOPhMm, VEmWB, UELWii, sBRpt, Elqlks, FDkOF, qfTyi, fTlqk, ijf, yrl, yqW, BVot, RHthLT, TSQcum, yfZ, vDVGC, ywwF, hDz, uzT, gEHz, XGOvm, GFuXR, uDqz, rcyMn, mhokz, PHzkc, iyKo, JyGBJh, dqC, LJzXz, OIA, jPbL, vjiwn, htJj, oEOJY, sDLqR, jrpH, boUh, rWnHyu, zdT, Ofru,

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