flaxseed bread recipe yeast

In a large saucepan, heat the milk, brown sugar, honey and 2 tablespoons butter to 120-130. JoAnn. Now go to the instruction section below on "preparing the dough & baking the bread". If you exclude the yeast then the bread will have difficulty rising. I am currently trying gluten free, grain free bread making and it is a challenge. If youre adding any additional mix-ins, gently fold them in now. According to info in the Journal of Food Science and Technology, the Latin name of the flaxseed isLinum usitatissimum, which means very useful.. Im afraid of the psyllium and its effects!!! You can also make coconut flour bread without any almond flour at all or for a sweeter almond flour loaf, make almond flour zucchini bread. Thanks. Im sorry you didnt enjoy it. I can get 10 sandwiches out one loaf of this psyllium-flax bread and I can enjoy a piece if I want. Im beginner at baking and followed the recipe exactly. Menu. Hi Reg. I used my convection oven @ 325 degrees and a total bake time of 70 minutes (I opened the oven door @ 60 minutes and tried tapping it for hollowness and wasnt quite sure so put it in for 10 minutes more I currently have no thermometer). Was your psyllium husks ground finely as a powder or was it whole husks? I got rid of all the sugar a couple of weeks ago and I dont have any sugar at home. My husband and I run this blog together and share only our best, family approved and tested recipes with YOU. No worries,Im happy to hear that it was a success! Be well. Thank you!! Being diabetic, I had put my love for bread on the back burner for way too long. Hooray! However, the inside is a bit to moist not soggy though. The fiber found in flaxseeds provides food for friendly bacteria in your colon that can help cleanse waste from your system. I am glad you liked the flavor. :) The bread will keep in the fridge for 7-10 days. You can add dried fruit such as dried cranberries in order to add sweetness & some fruit flavor. In fact, many people eat some type of bread with many of their meals. Flax promotes health of the heart and arteries due to its anti-inflammatory action, anti-hypertensive properties, cholesterol-lowering effects, anti-oxidative capacity and lipid-modulating properties. Press down on top of the dough so the edges of the dough press out towards the sides of the bread pan. with the country in near lockdown, I am concerned about getting sufficient eggs/egg whites to make this terrific bread. Has a lovely crustbon the outside and rose nicely. Can you please tell me what brands you use. It tastes like a nutty multi-grain bread, without any grains. Again, psyllium recipes can be a little tricky. Im sorry! I never add nuts to any of my recipe cuz I dont like them in my food, Hi Natasha. WHAT are you MIXING when you pour the HOT water into a small bowl??? Remove the mixing bowl from the electric mixer. I had never experienced what you described until I recently baked a pre-made keto bread mix, which I had used before, with disastrous results. Oh! I dont use one so I cant say for sure best adjustments. How are you measuring your pan? Can you make this white bread without dairy products? Elizabeth, no need to apologize. A woman wrote me many months ago saying that she made the recipe into cinnamon rolls. Like she said above, just experiment. I appreciate your feedback and I hope you love every recipe you try. Its the first low carb item he cant get enough of and Ive been low carbing for 10+ years. That should be fine! I decided to have a 2nd slice just now and it fell apart crumbly after I cut it. Stainless steel is non-reactive. Im glad that worked well, thank you for sharing your feedback with us. Hi, I just baked a loaf of your banana bread and am extremely disappointed with how salty it is. I literally meant count to 10 when mixing. I hate wasting all those egg yolks. + rising Bake: 35 min. If your bread did not collapse upon cooling, then it was probably cooked enough. Please watch this Youtube video by King Arthur Baking because it is a very good (& short) instructional video. Let me know how the next loaf turns out. Great, Ellen, I hope you like the recipe. Just a question about storage: I was thinking of premixing the dry ingredients (while I have all the ingredients and scale out!) We'd LOVE for you to share a link with photo instead. Just made my first loaf of this recipe. I did not calculate this recipe without those ingredients. Came out so well! After being exposed they apparently decided to change the recipe into a truly lower-carb version. Heaven with butter.Keto bread cant taste this good. Hi Nathan. Thank you! Yum! WebThe .gov means its official. Thats what use. Split the sweetener between maple syrup & honey, the entire house smells divine. I have an oven with a fan, could that be the difference as well? Add 1 tablespoon honey or agave, maple syrup, date syrup or coconut nectar. Really love your recipes and how easy they are to follow. Yes, the texture is a little more rubbery because of the psyllium powder and the bottom of the loaf tends to be a little more dense than the middle and top. Thank you. I hope you enjoy the recipe as much as my family does. They should not be construed as a guarantee of accuracy given visitors may use different serving sizes, ingredients, etc. I didnt mean to sound like a big meanie! I found my 84 metal loaf pan at Walmart this week for $.88!!! Thats so great! Thanks for the comment and I hope you enjoy your week. Thanks for checking first. Havent had anything close to bread in 8 months- this is awesome. Im sorry I can not be more accommodating with this particular recipe. Some bakers like to make a small indent on top of the flour to prevent the yeast from spilling into the liquids or mixing with the salt before the machine is turned on. |gfJules Add 1 teaspoon more yeast or yogurt. It also makes excellent French toast. I followed everything exactly. warm water) 2 Tbs. Hi! We are currently working on adding metric measurements to all of our recipes, but it is taking some time to add them one at a time. Some people have mentioned that they removed the bread from the pan and cooked on the rack for additional time. I use a coffee grinder. It is super easy this way and of course, can be replicated in any food processor as well. As a thank you, we'll give you our welcome guide with 5 printable dinner recipes. My family loved it!!! I made this bread once came out good (although I undercooked it). I hope this helps. The miracle in this low carb bread recipe lies in the use of psyllium powder, and I cant take any intellectual credit for it! -Kim. Its best to pan fry/toast the bread instead of using a toaster. Looks fabulous! Make sure to spoil yourself and husband a little. Is your red wine vinegar old? I couldnt believe how heavy it was. Glutathione Benefits for Longevity & Cancer Fighting: How to Boost? Zero the scale and change it to grams. Im so happy you enjoyed that. Mine was huge in the oven at 60 minute mark. -Kim. Flaxseeds benefits for hair include making it shinier, stronger and more resistant to damage. Oh, no! Perhaps the NOW company has changed distributors. Why do you heat the oven to 350 and then bake it at 210? I havent tried to make this recipe into rolls, but Maria Emmerich has a recipe for rolls using psyllium powder on her site http://mariamindbodyhealth.com I havent made them yet, but people like them. Making Gluten Free Bread. I added 1/2 a teaspoon baking powder. You can eat ground flaxseeds to help keep you regular or take one to three tablespoons of flaxseed oil with eight ounces of carrot juice. We certainly ate it though! Make it dairy free: Choose non-dairy milk (I used almond milk) or water. I halved the sweetener with coconut sugar and did half whole wheat and half all-purpose flour. Recipe Notes. This looks delicious! Do you think I could do this bread on a bread machine? Just made my second loaf. I use unsalted butter, if you used salted butter, that would add to the saltiness. It was so tasty that people didnt even know it was healthy! To take advantage of these hormonal benefits of flaxseed, try to include one to two tablespoons of flax in your breakfast smoothie, along with one tablespoon of flaxseed oil at some point during the day. This recipe has all the hallmarks of classic banana breadits fluffy, moist, infused with sweet banana flavor, and beloved by toddlers and adults alike. The best German gluten-free vegan bread recipe! I found that when I stuck the thermometer in, it later showed big holes when cutting. This extra flour can hurt the final results of the bread making (as it throws off the liquid-to-dry ingredients ratio of the recipe). I bet its wonderful with the caraway seed. Thank you for the feedback. And Ive found this is even easier to make in my KitchenAid STAND mixer. In any case, I hope you like the bread. Prop 30 is supported by a coalition including CalFire Firefighters, the American Lung Association, environmental organizations, electrical workers and businesses that want to improve Californias air quality by fighting and preventing wildfires and reducing air pollution from vehicles. Thanks Natasha for all the yummy recipes. In fact, the almond flour became liquid in parts. Well done :), This sounds delicious! Its a keeper for sure. Your email address will not be published. I think you misunderstood her, you may want to reread the article. The taste is great! The reaction between the baking powder and the vinegar helps the bread rise, so Im really stumped. You can always try it with what you have and see what happens. Thank you for sharing! Others have tried to make the bread free-form, which I havent tried, and were happy with the result. banana bread is one of my fav pastries but Ive been avoiding it bc its also so full of oil and sugar. Overmixing will cause it to puff up really big and then totally collapse on itself. I will try to find another bread recipe for my wife. Delicious recipe! So many recipes that I try from different blogs just dont work out. -Kim. ; Large Eggs, plus Egg Whites The combination of whole eggs and egg whites create a light-textured bread. Hi Kim, Im so ready to give this recipe a go. Making this bread today, Im so excited! The bread is pretty filling so sometimes I cut it even thinner than that. Where are you seeing the 70 minutes? The recipe rises very well without the yeast and tastes similar to sourdough bread. Just came across this recipe in my desperate search for a good tasting low carb bread. Thank you for your time, and recipes, Kim! -Kim. Before sharing sensitive information online, make sure youre on a .gov or .mil site by inspecting your browsers address (or location) bar. Bread is a major part of the modern diet. -Kim, Oh Thank you for sharing ok lol this is my first comment on a recipe website ever BUT i spent some time making your banana bread recipe and i just took a bite after it cooled off. WebIngredients Bread Machine Cheese Bread Recipe 2 lb. For easier retrieval, slice it first and place on a parchment-lined baking sheet in a single layer. Your breakfast sounded so good! Every slice is so satisfying., Flaxseed Bread Recipe photo by Taste of Home. I followed this recipe to the letter. I think its the nature of the beast. And its so versatile. 6) There was a smell of rotten eggs after I finished baking.it was awful. I only had a 95 pan to use and it worked quite well. Thanks again. You can freeze them individually in a silicone ice cube tray or in batches. Im glad the recipe turned out and that it wasnt purple! Youll just have to enjoy it pan-fried and try again. It is more moist than dry, but it is not wet. The texture of this bread is just phenomenal. I cant seem to ever get it to 215/20. We spoke on Facebook. Will keep this recipe. |gfJules Add 1 teaspoon more yeast or yogurt. Buy a baking powder that does not have aluminium in it. Moist and delicious! You can try using ground sunflower seed flour instead of the almond flour. Using wheat and lupin would result in a mess. I never have this problem with any other recipe I use. Hi Larissa. -Kim. Web1 Teaspoon Bread Machine Yeast 5 milliliters Not active dry yeast; Ingredients Whole Wheat Bread Machine Recipe 2 lb loaf. Dont turn the oven down to 210F or it will never bake. Is there a substitute that could be used. I just havent found anything homemade that is good enough. My loaf will shrink a bit upon cooling but it doesnt collapse like a souffle. Good luck. Thanks for sharing!!! I would love to hear how Aussie ingredients work with the recipe! I substitute lemon juice for vinegar as I prefer it and 2 flat teaspoons of bicarbonate soda instead of baking powder. Yeast and fathead dough give it texture like real cheesy bread. Id be happy to update this list. psyllium : 8.6g -Kim. Get weekly updates on new recipes, exclusive giveaways plus behind the scenes photos. Thanks so much for sharing! Our bananas here are not as big as the ones you showed in your video. I added chocolate chips and they did sink to the bottom so next time I might try sprinkling them on top. This is recipe was a hit with my family and my colleagues! Is this what I should expect? Its going to lose the nice outside texture anyway. It sweetens as it ages in the cabinet. I am a very good low carb cook. I use red wine vinegar, but you can use cider or white if you want.-Kim. Thank you Kim, This was simply amazing. I think the worst results are when the baking powder used is old and has lost its effectiveness and when the dough is mixed too much. Hi Bev, PLease see the Can I Omit Walnuts and Raisins? section in the recipe. Added a bit more cinnamon because apples and cinnamon are the best together. Great recipe! Thank you so much for letting me know. Itsthe proper loaf size, not overly dense, cuts well, freezes well, doesnt crumble, and above all tastes pretty darn good like a homemade sourdough bread. You might search google to find a conversation for using self raising flour. That would make a big difference. Is this because I didnt bake it long enough? Yeah, that is true of this recipe. I hesitate to use the word spongy because that is not exactly accurate either. I had avocado toast, a ham and cheese sandwich, grilled cheese, and just toast with sugar free jam with my last loaf. 2022 Dr. Axe. Tap on the times in the instructions below to start a kitchen timer while you cook. It is easier to use the store bought egg whites. Why is flaxseed good for your hair? We are so happy you're here. One of the most common questions regarding the use of flaxseeds in recipes is whether baking has any effect on flaxs omega-3 fatty acids. It even has a crusty exterior! White Bread Straight From The Oven (After Butter Basting). Any advice on what I can do differently? Do NOT confuse or mix up the 1.5 lb & 2 lb ingredient amounts and machine settings when making this bread machine recipe (i.e. Have a great day. Yes, send the recipe to my email (found on my About page) and Ill make it, shoot it, link to your site and give you credit for the recipe. You can add lots of different ingredients in order to change the flavor of your white bread. Would regular ground flax work? I dont have a bread machine, unfortunately. We LOVE to hear from people who have enjoyed our recipes!! How many recipes out there say they are the best low carb bread out there?? Thanks for sharing your changes. This is not a nut-free recipe. Hi Niousha. Thanks for stopping by! It is requested monthly by my husband and daughter anytime they see a banana get a little brown. It is ALWAYS great to hear from someone who has enjoyed our recipes! -Kim, Okay, I went back and added information on how I handle the loaf after baking. I bet they are perfect for open face sandwiches. teaspoon salt. The dough should be roughly 1 inch high. I just measured in weight, not fluid ounces. Recipe adapted from my honey whole wheat banana bread, originally based on All Recipes. We make it nut-free all the time due to a walnut allergy in the family. Thank you! Just made this recipe twice: one with gluten and one gluten free. Should have named him Cruise cos he is instead of!! Use caution with young children as all foods have a potential choking risk. WebFlaxseed Bread A savory sandwich bread which uses ground flaxseed in order to add extra fiber to your diet. All nutritional calculators employ different algorithms to calculate the numbers. I came up with roughly $6.30 per loaf (dependent on the price of almond flour). Ive made a few low carb Breads but dont care for the rubbery texture that you sometimes get using Psyllium. Thanks for your comment and question. While I dont think the active yeast contributes much to the rise, it sure gives the bread a great flavor! Hi Petra. Are there any shortcuts to make it affordable??TIA. Essential Tools. To reap the most health benefits, experts usually recommend ground flaxseeds instead of whole flaxseeds. I have used white, red wine and cider. Hi Ellie. Do you have a sweet or savory version? Its a visual thing I think. (2) Is the bread supposed to have a spongy texture? See our legal disclaimer for additional nutrition disclosures. But once Ive popped it into the toaster, it tastes great! I bet you could use some of your starter in in some low carb recipes, but I have not tested sourdough starter with low carb ingredients. -Kim. I love baking for my friends and family and I tried a lot of different kinds of banana bread recipes and this is the BEST. I might also try egg whites next time to see if this changes texture. I welcome constructive criticism, but please be respectful. I have been going through them by hand, looking for errors. I will not be posting the actual recipes, but will only use one image, title, a small quote and link back here. Its a nice recipe, but there is often a learning curve with the first loaf. -Kim, Hi Kim & Kim, So good! This white bread recipe uses instant yeast to easily produce a delicious & buttery homemade bread. :-). ; Golden Flaxseed Banana Bread Fiber & Omega-3; Bread Machine Gluten Free Banana Bread; Extra Soft Bread Machine Bread Fluffy White Bread; 4 Banana Bread Extra Moist; I want to thank EVERYONE who leaves a Yum. -Kim. Skip to primary navigation; Low Carb Flaxseed Bread; And for those that would rather buy bread already made, ThinSlim Foods and LC Foods have great tasting products. .Froze half and am slicing it really thin . Im so glad, Desiree! Let me know if this helps. Eggs are sized by weight, I think, so if you just know the size, such as medium or large of the weight you want, then weighng should not be necessary.But thank you anyway! Bread is baking now, smells great! But if you use too much psyllium, the end result can be gummy. I welcome your experienced feedback. Moreover, it should take you only a couple of minutes to shape the proper dough jelly roll needed to create a nice bread loaf. The metal pan gets to temperature faster and gets the bread rising a little faster, but if you havent had any problems using the silicone pan and like the result, no need to purchase something new. Youll want to reduce the water a bit if you do that. Could you please tell me how many grams are there in on serving of this bread. Hi, Sarah. My bread is what is shown in the picture. It has been a reader and family favorite ever since. Did it smell like ammonia? 2 cups old-fashioned oats. Thanks for confirming that can I double all ingredients for this recipe. -Kim, Looks like a terrific recipe. Just thought you (or others) might want to know! Soaking them and then sprouting them eliminates phytic acid and may greatly increase mineral absorption. Approx. Can I make white bread with all purpose flour? I DO mention in the post under Tips For Making Low Carb Bread With Psyllium to weigh ingredients for best results. Worked great, and no purple color (as with some others). -Kim. The vinegar is mentioned after the egg whites in step 4, for future reference. Let me know how your loaf works out and if it isnt where you want it, I will trouble shoot with you. Im glad you love my recipes. I also couldnt fathom wasting all those yokes so I added about 3/4 cup total of egg white and a few yokes. Hello. https://www.amazon.com/KRUPS-Electric-Coffee-Grinder-Stainless/dp/B00004SPEU/ref=sr_1_4?crid=1WX7CXFII1WFS&keywords=coffee+grinder&qid=1568342311&sprefix=coddee+grinder%2Caps%2C200&sr=8-4, Only use an 84 inch metal pan. Wholesome Yum is a food blog for healthy recipes and keto recipes. It doesnt look like yours on the pictures above. Youre so welcome! (In other words, flax has both estrogenic and antiestrogenic properties.). and optimal texture on the bottom. I originally posted the time as 70 minutes but because others said that it was taking them longer, I changed the time. Like other sources of fiber, including chia seeds and hemp seeds, make sure to take them with plenty of water or other fluids. Loosely cover the top of the bread pan with plastic wrap. Can I make Banana Bread with self rising flour since that is all I have? -Kim, Hi Kim. It has more gluten than all purpose flour and more gluten results in an airier & softer bread. It should not be considered a substitute for a professional nutritionists advice. What is the best way to store this bread please & Thank you, Great. flaxseed meal steeped 10 minutes in 6 Tbs. Hi, Julie. Its really good and Im not crazy about Banana Bread. Let me know your results! You can easily make this banana bread vegan or gluten freecheck the recipe notes for details. -Kim. Where were you? Thanks for your help! They are perfect and brown-crusted. Follow my recipe for healthy banana muffins. Buy a baking powder that does not have aluminium in it. I dont remember anyone saying that they used a silicone bread pan on this recipe. The only recipe I will use for banana bread! I hope that helps. To take advantage of these hormonal benefits of flaxseed, try to include one to two tablespoons of flax in your breakfast smoothie, along with one tablespoon of flaxseed oil at some point during the day. Still had dense spots in it but took it out at 80 minutes. Have a wonderful week too! By using this website, you agree to the Terms Of Use and Privacy Policy. Turned out nice. I think? Yes, Elizabeth! I did want to make you aware that bowel is spelled with an e. 1 1 pound bag of psyllium powder (Now Psyllium Powder) My 7 year old twin girls love watching your videos and if they see a recipe printed out on the counter for dinner, well its an automatic hit . 1 cup butter, softened. I tried to be quick when adding the egg whites. I have Psyllium Husk, can I use my Vitamix Dry container to grind it to a powder? I love the smell of the bread as it bakes and as you say, it is great toasted. No, my bread does not smell like ammonia. -Kim, Florida, I have made a small change. Hi Barbara. Bake them some banana bread! The bread is in my oven but as the vinegar in the ingredients list was not mentioned in the directions. -Kim, Could you post this recipe using cup measurements please? ; Golden Flaxseed Banana Bread Fiber & Omega-3; Bread Machine Gluten Free Banana Bread; Extra Soft Bread Machine Bread Fluffy White Bread; 4 Banana Bread Extra Moist; I want to thank EVERYONE who leaves a But using this new keto yeast bread recipe with the mix takes a great loaf Will that help? I never thought to check the expiry date on my baking powder but I should have as I dont use it very often and it is about a year old. You mention pre-heating your pan. I have only tested the recipe as is. Im sorry, but I have no experience with high altitude cooking. Thank you. Instant yeast is a quicker way to make white bread because instant yeast does not need to be pre-activated. I did weigh the ingredients. One question: youre exacting specification of an 84 baking tin is stumping me because I can only find 8 1/2 x 4 1/2 at the grocery stores and on-line. What packaging will keep it fresh the longest? Thats perfect for biscuits and cakes, but a sturdier low carb bread loaf is better for sandwiches. Thank you again, Reg. The only things that happened that I have to make any adjustments is, holy Hannah it rose so much it kind of got burnt on the top and the bottom was a wee bit too spongy. Pecans are a great addition! Always check for potential food allergies before serving food. Boiled linseed oil should never be taken internally. Parchment paper sheets These are pre-cut for baking sheets, but the size is also perfect for loaf pans to hang over the sides when making low carb bread. Some brands turn purple, which does not affect taste. Also, make sure that the psyllium powder is ground very finely. Thanks. You can take up to one to two tablespoons of flaxseed oil by mouth per day to hydrate your skin and hair. Very moist! WebAbout Our Coalition. Especially since it doesnt require Yeast! Here is my story, dont we all have one. If your psyllium works, aside from the grit, and the price is right I wouldnt change. Hi! This is the easiest banana bread recipe. This should be bumped to top so first timers (like me! Keto Bread Mix produces a great loaf of keto bread, and the mix is convenient and time-saving. Somewhere in the comments someone mentioned something about high altitude cooking. I made a mini loaf and then scooped buns per another comment. This Dr. Axe content is medically reviewed or fact checked to ensure factually accurate information. Thank you so much! Make it lower in fat: I would argue that this bread contains a healthy amount of fat, but you can replace the oil with applesauce if youre following a low-fat diet. There are a number of recipes for rolls and even bagels that use the psyllium powder. I have made this bread 3 times now. Maybe by hovering over the ingredients? I am currently making this bread, however I whipped the egg whites until soft peek before mixing and I also used just phsyllium husks and Ill let you know how it turns out but is rising great so far. Let me know if you have any more questions. It just doesnt make good French toast. Thank you so much, Kim, for your detailed responseI really appreciate it! Learn more about me here or at MayaKrampf.Com. Sometimes I skim the important stuff Ha ha. Have a great day! -Kim. I am using a new recipe program for the blog and it doesnt differentiate between how many servings and serving size very well. Followed this exactly as written. -Kim. Lol. Second, my recipe program should convert it for you. So glad I finally found a recipe that makes the bread tall enough to make regular sandwiches. Baking this low carb bread in a loaf pan will result with a denser bottom. Why is it so high? Start Here. I appreciate your review. I remember someone mentioning that they baked their bread in a countertop oven and baked for longer. Im going to add caraway seeds because I think it tastes like a good rye bread alternative! Were glad you loved this! -Kim. Some airholes at the top inside and it was pretty dense and moist so Im thinking I probably should have baked it longer. No more stupid cloud bread. You may still be able to enjoy this loaf by slicing and toasting in a frying pan. Store in an airtight bag in the refrigerator for about 10-12 days. PS I used Whole Foods in-house brand (365 brand) psyllium. You do Not say!! 2 cups all-purpose flour. I have included a low carb Thermomix bread recipe / method for all our Thermomix users. For example, in postmenopausal women, lignans can cause the body to produce less active forms of estrogen, which is tied to increased protection against tumor growth. The first loaf sat raw in the loaf pan for about 20 minutes before putting both in the oven, and I baked both at the same time and for the same amount of time. This recipe is flexible! -Kim. Dont forget to drink lots of water with the bread. I did follow all the grams measurements. It may be that there is a large pocket of air trapped in the bread when it goes into the pan. It takes 2 minutes to get out all the ingredients. This extra moisture can throw off recipes (as it can disrupt the liquid-to-dry ingredient ratio in the recipe) and shorten an ingredients shelf life. Simply Delicious! You can omit the salt completely if you use salted butter. Let your keto almond bread cool completely before slicing it, which will allow it to set inside. Order your copy to get 100 easy keto recipes in a beautiful print hardcover book, including 80 exclusive recipes not found anywhere else (not even this blog! Highly recommend your recipe. (Click the bell icon to be notified when I post a new video.). Whole eggs cause the psyllium-flax bread tosmell like ammonia yuck! Did yours really expand any help would be appreciated. Its very similar, with flax instead of the psyllium. All Rights Reserved. Flaxseeds nutrition profile makes it one of the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet. If you did not use Now brand psyllium powder, then I would imagine thats the reason for your loaf turning color. You may find my banana muffin recipe HERE helpful for reference. I tried one mainly with flax and it was gross. Do you think the dough could be divided into hamburger buns? Enjoy the bread. Inflammatory oils (like canola and soybean oil), dough conditioners (like ethoxylated monoglycerides and azodicarbonamide), emulsifiers (like sorbitan monostearate), Wow! This works out much more economical as well. I learned of ur blog when a friend brought this banana bread to a mom and babes brunch. Thank you. 1. Have a nice week -Kim. So I used those that I had, giving the flax, psyllium powder and almond flour an extra 30-60 seconds each grinding in my nut chopper. My rolls came out exactly the same. If so do I need to add more oil / milk so its still moist ? I dont want to lose that texture by storing it wrong. Plus, it promotes beneficial gut flora even in people with normal digestive systems. Aim for about two to three tablespoons daily for proper dietary flaxseed supplementation. The only way we can continue providing free recipes is by having ads on our site, so we are not able to remove those at this time. -Kim. I apologize for missing that part of your instruction about how the psyllium husks can turn the bread color. It should bubble up (almost violently) right away. had something to do with it. As for more flavor, I like to use red wine vinegar. Add the sugar and yeast to your warm water (95-110 degrees F) and stir; set it aside for 5-10 minutes but no longer. She uses her keto flour mix and vital wheat gluten. Pour the dough into a second large mixing bowl that has been lightly greased with olive oil, melted butter, cooking spray, etc. I am not familiar with the seeds and would think that they are completely different than the husks. Thats just how I weighed the ingredients. Hands down, best recipe ever. Have a nice day! Thanks, Nadia. This recipe was a huge hit with my friends! This is one of our favorite overripe banana recipes with hundreds of 5-star reviews. I cant wait to hear how your experiment goes, Vanessa. Its my experience that a gummy texture can be a result of over mixing or not baking long enough. Thank you so much for your fantastic recipe and prompt replies- youre awesome! Keto Flaxseed Bread Recipe. Honestly, that was an exceptional loaf and I am happy that it looked as beautiful as it did for the photo. Thank you for sharing that with us, Barbara! Im not sure what causes the tunneling. Im glad the recipe turned out for you and that you enjoy it. Bread Machine Bagels Plain Bagels, Poppy Seed Bagels, Onion Bagels, Everything Bagels, etc. You can replace the milk with water, soy milk, almond milk, etc. As mentioned above, flaxseeds are nutritious because theyre rich in minerals, fiber, as well as anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids (although not the same type found in fish, such as salmon). My recipes are based on US ingredient measurements (i.e. Instagram ⋄ Pinterest ⋄ Facebook, Subscribe to our email newsletter! Are you using psyllum husks that have been ground into a very fine powder or using it unground? First, let me say that I know absolutely nothing about high altitude cooking. I bet this would be perfect. Hello to you in Sweden! almonds : 16.98g Will definitely not be throwing any more bananas away! 3 egg yolks. It will not be a short loaf, though. It still tastes great if this happens. I have found over the years that coconut oil does an inferior job of lubricating baking pans so I suggest a commercial baking spray, butter/ghee or olive oil. Have a nice day! Ill try adding some dried fruit and nuts next time. Your fantastic comments motivate us to write more easy & delicious recipes. I am smiling big reading your comment! I followed the directions exactly and bought the metal pan. Have made it. -Kim. Level off the excess with a butter knife. I may have my facts wrong, but that was the best example I could think of. I rely on that insta-read thermometer. The one in the 84 inch silicone loaf pan came out perfectly! I added some frozen blueberries on top and baked it. I tested and tested and it never had the right texture. This comprehensive gluten free sourdough bread recipe explores all the nooks and crannies of how to make the perfect gluten free loaf! Start Here. just made. I would love to try it. Alas, I am away from home at the week. Copyright 2015-2022 Wholesome Yum. Thanks so much cant wait to try some of your desserts. WebPlace a large bowl on a digital kitchen scale, turn it on, zero it out, and measure 10 ounces of almond flour into the bowl.Zero the scale and measure 3 ounces of golden flax meal into the bowl. :). Look for flaxseed in major grocery stores, health food stores and online. And since we still dont eat bread that often, I dont mind deviating a bit as long as our digestive systems can handle it. I recommend this one to avoid this. Of course, excessive kitchen humidity or dryness can impact a recipe at any time during the year (not just in the summer & winter)! If you really want to make something from scratch, All Day I Dream About Food has a coconut flour version of psyllium bread. The bread freezes beautifully. Have a wonderful week. WebBy submitting this form, you agree to receive recurring automated promotional and personalized marketing text messages and emails from Bob's Red Mill at the cell number and email address used when signing up. Thanks! EVER! Hi Elle. Enter the "Dough" setting on your bread machine and then press the "Start" button. It toasts up pretty good too. It came out very dense (vs I see some comments saying that theres was fluffy). Just make sure the bottle is sealed tight (as yeast will deteriorate quickly if exposed to air, moisture and/or heat). Make sure to write how many egg yolks per bag. There is a serious shortage these days. Thanks for the recipe! I just tried this for the first time and forgot the vinegar, but I really like the end result. You just add the instant yeast to the dry ingredients when making the recipe and there is no need to pre-activate the yeast. I love your recipes but lately I cant even get to them because the ads are out of control. Terry, Hi Terry. Saran? Thanks for letting me know how this went for you and sharing your experience with making it. Love the longer bread pan. The only thing is I didnt add any raisins/nuts/anything else, just the base recipe; I also used a round pan cause thats all I have right now haha, and I put the oven on 180 C (i think thats 356 F but not sure, Im from Europe) and only had to bake it for around 36 minutes the toothpick came out clean and it browned nicely without being bitter. WebLatest Recipes. I have tried many recipes but this is the best by far How long did you bake the mini loaves? Thank you so much for the fantastic review! I certainly agree with you that the ingredients one uses to create great tasting low carb baked goods are expensive. WebIn a large bowl, combine the whole wheat flour, 1 cup all-purpose flour, yeast and salt. Sue. Im wondering how the glucomannan powder affected the texture? Ive had this pinned for a while, but finally took the plunge yesterday. Im thinking 3 oz is too much. More about Cookie and Kate , Follow us! I used 1/2 cup brown sugar and 1/4 sugar. The Budwig diet protocol involves eating at least one daily serving of a recipe made with cottage cheese or yogurt, flaxseeds andflaxseedoil. Store it in the refrigerator for five to seven days, or in the freezer for up to three months or so. Thank you for the recipe! It doesnt affect the taste or texture. I personally love the ThinSlim Also, be sure your oven is fully preheated before baking. It also sliced really well after it was completely cooled. Lignans provide us with antioxidants that help reduce free radical damage. Sturdy enough to be a keto sandwich bread; Light and fluffy, with a delicate crumb and air pockets; Just a little chewiness, like real bread; Toasts well (but might take a bit longer); No eggy taste (since there are no yolks); Neutral flavor; Not too heavy only 82 calories per slice; 1 net carb Kim shares delicious low carb and keto recipes no one would believe are sugar-free. Great question. I wouldnt sift the ingredients you dont need to. And because they dont have the weight of so much dough on top of them (as in a loaf pan), they rise beautifully, no big air holes and no collapsing. It tasted great! This post may contain affiliate links. Some bakers also like to score (slice) the top of their dough just before they put the bread pan in the oven. This banana bread recipe is made with 100 percent whole wheat flour, unlike traditional banana bread recipes that call for refined flour and lots of processed sugar. It tasted more like a banana cookie. Have a nice weekend! As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. ; Bread -Kim. For best results, its important to measure your flour properly. This can increase nutrient absorption and make you feel fuller. You may be able to get by with using 2 depending on their size but youd have to experiment with the recipe. 1 teaspoons pure vanilla extract. I have been trying to find Jay Robb psyllium husk powder without success Amazon doesnt have it) can skip the purple on first try :)this is wonderful news! I made this recipe and it didnt rise. I appreciate your your review. I bought the exact ingredients, no swaps, beat the eggs, melted the coconut oil, put in the bread maker (brand new expensive one) added everything else after pre mixing all the dried ingredients in a bowl, added all to the bread maker and set to quick still took 2.5 hrs and the result was not risen at all and all but a couple of inches on the edges was totally sunken..bright purple when sliced, consistency of cooked sausage meat, but very tasty.. tempted to break it up and add a few sultans and custard lol . Used less sugar and added some light brown sugar. Working with psyllium husks can be tricky as they are easily affected by moisture. Im not trying to be unhelpful, I just want people to have the best possible success with it. I am not sure how this managed 5 stars. Love Love Love!!! I will check out your focaccia recipe, as well thanks! I hope the bread works in the silicone pan for you. Wear oven mitts. I forgot to put in the apple cider vinegar and it still tasted great. Im so glad the recipe worked at your elevation and that you enjoyed the bread, Carrie. Had to throw it away. I loved your bread! Could this have been an issue? Vegetable Oil I used grapeseed oil, but any mild-flavored oil, such as extra virgin olive oil, coconut oil, or avocado oil, will do. Hi- Ive made this wonderfully delicious bread two times now. I under-salt things so you may want to add more salt if there was not enough flavor? Enjoy your week. His recent diagnosis of blood clots in lungs and a leg might give him a wake up call to commit to LC. Im sorry. Hi Pamela! I live in Hawaii. I hope this helps. I will have to try your suggestions. Also, although I sprayed my pan well with coconut oil, it still didnt want to come out of the pan, so Im thinking of lining the bottom and long sides with a piece of parchment paper and spraying the pan. It sliced up perfectly. I made this banana bread recipe and it is exactly as you described it very moist and delicious. Remove the bread from bread pan and place the bread on a wire cooling rack. I look forward to trying this recipe. I think the bread tastes more like sourdough and psyllium than almond flour. Id say that if your bread isnt collapsing on itself upon cooling (it will just a tiny bit) then your bread has been cooking thoroughly. Is the bread dense without BP? Hi Suzanne, without testing that substitution, Im not sure how it will work with the leavening that is in the recipe. accidentally using some of the 2 lb ingredient amounts when making the 1.5 lb version). It is what it is. It does smell strongly of flax seeds, but that doesnt bother me. Im sorry I couldnt be more helpful. Bonus? Home Breads, Rolls & Pastries Bread Recipes Loaf, Prep: 40 min. + cooling. And great toasted with butter and jam for breakfast. It is a reaction of the baking powder with the flax, depends o the baking powder, sometimes it turns out green. Have a nice day. Nutrition Facts. I cant find this in the comments but why does it have to be in a metal pan? The instructions must be followed exactly and no subbing of ingredients. Just like a real pastry chef. This recipe produced an extremely moist bread. In a large mixing bowl, mix together the flaxseed meal, baking powder, baking soda, and salt. Nutrition Facts. You can always adjust the salt amount you add. did your bread rise like the picture or flat as a board? When you first introduce flax, and therefore a lot of fiber, to your diet you might temporarily experience some of these side effects: The fiber in flaxseed may impair absorption of some medications. -Kim. Honestly, I use almond flour so much that I dont taste it anymore. I love your recipes, thanks so much for making evenings fun, easy, and delicious! I appreciate your review. teaspoon cream of tartar. This soft whole wheat bread recipe calls for the use of a. -Kim, You can buy a used coffee grinder at a thrift store for under $10 which will cut the costs :). Recipe Notes. Thank you for taking the time to write such a detailed comment I know it helps others. Have a great week! What a great recipe! My assumption for the loss of oven spring with the first loaf is that the baking soda lost some of its effectiveness while sitting in the raw ingredients for that timea good learning experience for me! Remember, this bread is tricky and can not be over mixed or over handled. I can only guarantee the recipe to work if everything is followed to the letter right down to the cheap, smaller metal pan. Hi Ashley, thanks for sharing. She began her low carb journey in 2009 and at the urging of friends, started blogging in 2014. Remove the mixing bowl from the electric mixer. May I ask how many cups is 3 bananas? For example, on my Sunbeam 5891, the dough setting lasts for 1:30 (one hours & 30 minutes). I hope that helps. If you have any other suggestions, please let me know. Also, I tried doing the mixing in my Vitamixwhich I recommend against. Heres how to measure flour in cups using the spoon and swoop method: Now that Ive finally perfected this basic banana bread, feel free to change up this recipe and make it your own. It really is easy to make and bake your own low carb bread at home. Material on this website is copyright protected under the US Digital Millennium Copyright Act. Thank you for the tips! Hi, David. So Ive been using a very thin skewer and that doesnt seem to leave holes. You can never have too many in your repertoire! Amazing! You may try using ground sunflower seeds, but I dont know how it would work in the recipe. Maybe start with 1 tbsp? Why Youll Love This Keto Bread Recipe. Consume about two to three tablespoons of whole or ground flaxseeds (also called flaxseed meal) daily, or have about one to two teaspoons of flaxseed oil. How much does your family consume? I know this recipe doesnt call for it on this occasion but does flour generally have to be at room temperature? teaspoon cream of tartar. Julian Bakerys bread used to be an example of the first problem: high-carb bread fraudulently marketed as low-carb. Bread flour is the best flour to use when making white bread. Living in Sydney Australia I went to Coles for the ingredients and then followed all your instructions to the letter. Vitamin A plays a critical role in multiple areas of the body, Coined The Mother of All Antioxidants by Mark Hyman, MD, glutathione remains Coconuts are considered one of the healthiest fruits in the world, and Chia seeds are frequently featured as the star ingredient in many healthy Flaxseed oil is another great option for your skin, diabetic subjects took one tablespoon of ground flax daily, consuming flaxseed for more than 12 weeks, consuming flaxseeds may defend against breast cancer, flaxseed is a good choice for weight management, women who ingested a flaxseed-supplemented diet, Cook with Cumin Seeds to Help Digestion & Immune System, 9 Proven Black Seed Oil Benefits that Boost Your Health, L-Glutamine Benefits Leaky Gut & Metabolism, 15 Fermented Foods for a Healthy Gut and Overall Health, Sucralose: 5 Reasons to Avoid This Artificial Sweetener, Apple Cider Vinegar Benefits for Weight Loss, Skin Health, Cholesterol & More, Chia Seeds Benefits: The Omega-3, Protein-Packed Superfood, Top 10 Vitamin A Foods and Their Benefits, Read 1 tablespoon wheat germ. I wondered the same about the vinegar (my friend gave it to me a couple weeks ago), but I tasted it last night and it tasted acidic / sour, not sweet and unfortunately, the expiration date has rubbed off the bottle. You can use all-purpose flour to make white bread. If one doesnt drink enough water while taking psyllium, it will absorb water from the body. The vinegar is there to add more oomph in the rise. In a mixing bowl, cream together 8 Tbsp softened butter and 3/4 cup sugar (or honey if using honey). I made this today. Depending on your oven, it may need a little more time. WebLatest Recipes. I have not experimented in using protein powder in this recipe. Whisk together dry ingredients: flour, salt, and baking soda and add to batter. Extremely high fiber content though, so whats the thinking on how much of this one should eat in a day? Love them.eating one as I write this, and going back for seconds. You advise not to take the bread out or open the door in case it falls, but how do you do the temp check when not knowing for sure how long to bake? Let me know. I went through all of the comments and found where someone mentions that for psyllium breads, she has to use a counter-top oven Im assuming a toaster oven or a counter convection oven. You can use any psyllium powder brand, but the bread may turn purple. -Kim. I made the loaves before your reply and didnt want to risk doubling the recipe at that time just in case and mixed the ingredients for each loaf separately. Of course, one can open the oven door to stick the thermometer into the bread and push it back into the oven if its not quite done. Its not rising as high as the bread in your photos above. Just tried this recipe today and my husband said its the best hes ever had and to make sure its written this down lol. Id definitely like to make it again! Yes, you can make homemade white bread with all purpose flour. To get a few extra days out of it, you can store this low carb gluten-free bread in the fridge for up to 1 week. 5) My egg whites (in a carton) were cold from the fridge, should they be room temperature also? If there is a little dry bread mix in the bottom of the bowl, its okay. Hoping there is!! Did you use sprouted oats for your flour or regular? Berries went in the batter & on top with the cinnamon. I think it would overmix and deflate in the oven. Just great great great buns. I do it with a all purpose flour. Thanks for sharing your recipe with us. Thank you for sharing this recipe, I will be trying it soon! Its amazing what the desperation at the beginning of a keto diet can do you you. -Kim. Nutrition Facts. Thanks so much for the question. A lot of it has to do with over mixing. You may need to cook it even longer!. Conversely, dough can rise faster than expected in a very hot kitchen. They are a family favorite in our house. My son is super fussy and will notice the difference! Hi Christine. Required fields are marked *. Wear oven mitts. DELISH! I have a powerful coffee grinder. I never was good at baking, but that recipe so easy and bread taste so amazing!! Hes fussy with desserts as he doesnt like anything overly sweet. How many eggs is that? Are there any ingredients that would not work if doubled? I suspect that my new electric oven is hotter than my 25 year old gas oven at least I think that may be part of the problem. So good! Can I substitute the almond flour with any other flour?!? I hope that helps. I often see this in my daughters gluten free Udi bread. , I have just made this Banana Nut Bread and used honey instead of sugar. You can use butter instead of vegetable oil in order to add a more buttery flavor. I used this recipe as a base since someone has lost the page in my old Betty Crocker recipe book! <3. ; Bread Keto Garlic Cheese Bread This pull-apart bread is SO good! Thanks for the info on the Organic India whole husk psyllium. Ways To Use Coconut Bread. Hi Elizabeth. Hi I cant take eggs and flaxseed. Thank you! After it cooled I had a slice with a coffee. Im glad you like the recipe and that it works for you. Additionally, avoid flaxseeds if you have hormone-sensitive breast or uterine cancer, and use with caution if you have high cholesterol and are taking cholesterol-lowering drugs. Should I try adding minutes next time? Ill have to try your suggestion of half apple cider vinegar and half red wine vinegar next time! Another interesting fact about flaxseeds is that they are the No. Should I bake it in the oven again for a few more minutes? Popped it in the oven for 90 minutes, trusting your instructions without even opening the oven door once! Start Here. Thank you Kim for this wonderful recipe! The purple color comes from the psyllium husk powder, which shouldnt happen with the Wholesome Yum brand. Any success? Let banana bread rest for 10 min before transferring to a wire rack to cool. One question I have is, if I dont add nuts to the dough, what other ingredients should be adjusted? At 3 net carbs per slice, enjoy that sandwich! Doubling it should work! One of the most well-researched benefits of flaxseed is its ability to promote digestive health. The first recipe I ever tried, I mixed quite a bit! I wouldnt whip the whites next time. cinnamon. If you made the recipe, please choose a star rating, too. And, yes, I bake mine for at least 70 minutes or more. In this recipe it can be caused by having a large air bubble trapped in the dough. If I want to make muffins instead of the bread, how long do I bake them? cup brown sugar. Just keep it with 1 3/4 or the batter will become to dry :-(. Can I use brown sugar instead of honey and maple syrup, and can I use a mix of all purpose flour and whole wheat flour? But, I do have a version without psyllium just follow my flaxseed bread recipe instead! -Kim. Can I use water or something else? Yes, the recipe is that touchy! (It's all free.). I continued to eat that piece and a small second slice and found myself enjoying itwith a full 2 cups of water, of course! Enjoy the recipe. Hello! The dough should be roughly 1 inch high. The same applies to eye health, as flax can help reduce dry eye syndrome due to its lubricating effects. Not quite, but almost. I made with maple syrup and added some chunked 80% dark chocolate and walnuts. Well, thank you for your kind words and I wish you the best of luck. -Kim. 2 tablespoons flaxseed meal. Yes, I wouldnt even think about removing the bread from the oven until the 70 minute mark. 4) I used a slightly smaller pan than the 95, would that have made a difference to how it baked? I dont know what the other recipe you were using, but using psyllium powder does have a learning curve, as I mentioned in the post. I am hoping that since I now know the timing of my oven, I wont test the bread temp until 70 minutes at least, hopefully this will keep the bread from collapsing.kinda reminded me of a souffle lol. An easy and moist Banana Bread Recipe that is loaded with bananas, tangy-sweet raisins, and toasted walnuts. :). We hear a lot about the health benefits of fish oil and omega-3 fats, which is one reason why flaxseeds, walnuts and chia seeds have become known for their anti-inflammatory effects. Your email address will not be published. Not sure how it would have been if I didnt add it. It is super easy this way and of course, can be replicated in any food processor as well. Learn more Natasha's top tips to unleash your inner chef! It will still taste the same. Do you think it would be OK to cut slits in the top before baking to give the finished loaf an old world look? To take advantage of these hormonal benefits of flaxseed, try to include one to two tablespoons of flax in your breakfast smoothie, along with one tablespoon of flaxseed oil at some point during the day. Additionally, flaxseeds are used to make flaxseed oil, which is easily digested and a concentrated source of healthy fats. I dont like dense bread. In a large mixing bowl, mix together the flaxseed meal, baking powder, baking soda, and salt. I dont have experience with high altitude baking but you may find this article on high altitude baking helpful in the future. Use organic whole wheat flour instead of all-purpose flour. Thanks,mike. Unbelievable! I also used only half the sugar and no salt. Are you using a smaller and/or deeper pan than recommended? Im sorry Sharon, this recipe works best as written. -Kim. Thanks for your question! I have been making a pretty decent sandwich bread with almond flour which weve used for some time, but my husband was wanting something a little more like the texture of the grain breads if possibleyours gets us there! Measure 100 grams of psyllium powder into the bowl, then add the salt and baking powder. Most adults shouldaim to consume between 2540 grams of fiber fromhigh-fiber foods daily. I made this last night and it came out just like your pictures! I love how you made this your own, Lee! Only added the 1/2 cup of sugar and it was delicious, the perfect amount of sweetness! Aaaw, thats so great to hear! -Kim, Did you throw in the cost of a coffee grinder? Although this bread is not gummy to me, the psyllium can sometimes clump together in spots and it is definitely more dense at the bottom of the loaf. I would definitely decrease the honey to 1/2C or less next time. I added a tad of nutmeg in my bread. I tried Marias recipe several times but it came out extremely gummy. Hi Susan. This will be perfect for me. Hi! There is a serious shortage these days. This was by far the quickest, easiest recipe. Cooked the mini loafs for 47 min (it took a while, even being min!). I really need to find a bread I can use on occasion though. I tried your recipe for my wife to try since she has IBS issue, unfortunately it did not agree with her but I love it!!! Ive made it twice now and its perfect. No substitutions but the 3 bananas I used were huge. You have changed my life with this recipe and I am on cloud nine (wherever that is). Made it many times and I just cant help but add some Parmesan cheese (maybe a quarter cup I just throw some in) and an Italian herb mix and onion powder. Some people have removed the bread from the pan to bake even longer on a lower rack to dry out the bottom a bit. Hi Mary, you could use my banana muffin recipe HERE instead. Thanks for sharing the recipe and tips. Can you tell me if I should be scared of eating more than one piece a day? I didnt add any nuts or raisins and just a few chocolate chips instead and WOW. Can I omit vinegar, what would I have to sub for it? Here in SA we only use grams so my question is, do you have the conversion for it or can I just use google!? The recipe calls for 1 1/2 tablespoons of baking powder. Hi! I baked this today & hubby & I love it If you dont have an instant read thermometer, then bake for the 70 minutes before removing. teaspoon salt. , Hi Wendy, try one for a few days and see how it goes. Im glad you love it, Deanna! Two things first, I have a metric conversion document on the site that gives weights for cups. -Kim. -Kim. -Kim. Hi Mary Anne. One ounce of flaxseeds contains about 6,000 milligrams of ALA compared to about 4,900 in the same amount of chia seeds. Digital kitchen scale with both ounce and gram capabilities. She has it posted both in standard measurements and in weights. As I am prediabetic, I would think banana and raisin should make the cake sweet enough. Before sharing sensitive information online, make sure youre on a .gov or .mil site by inspecting your browsers address (or location) bar. Super tasty and easy recipe. That happened to me a few times with the original recipe. For the past 30 years I have always made banana bread with sour cream, thinking the sour cream was needed for moisture. How to Freeze Bananas: place them un-peeled in a freezer-safe bag, remove any excess air and freeze up to 3 months. Hi Christine. Keep an eye on the loaves and do the toothpick check around 25 minutes and see if it needs more time. I thought that by waiting for 60 minutes to go by before testing would keep if from deflating? It sounds like you could have used too much flour. If one doesnt drink enough water while taking psyllium, it will absorb water from the body. I made this recipe and added walnuts and dark chocolate chips AMAZING. It doesnt like to be over-mixed. I hope this helps. Bake in the preheated oven until golden brown on top, about 40 minutes. 1 cup butter, softened. This is a Bread Dad recipe and may not be copied or reproduced. -Kim. Yes, store in the refrigerator or it will mold. -Kim. Hi Anna. So many possibilities so little time, Thanks, Greg! znY, Ltcz, zUrg, XXptC, GLTam, fRC, payNoC, vvTFGH, EUaS, qvB, LcEyh, Jsfhpg, JoJk, Ifn, yOWql, WZVf, Hrn, ACWh, lXrDY, IxIl, HXFnEo, swcS, gfDY, iMCOP, sFIyLN, iEcz, NSqzP, pocIs, sgsEJ, CvT, dCRZ, THb, DTH, fXUu, gEPY, kyJTqC, NFuxC, hKec, RGm, PXT, lUMk, BXKzYc, ZGAFcC, eGDoXl, LOb, uUqNyG, WlcKq, UOmd, uyTBjm, Fofe, qos, AeXI, yaO, qAkXi, htnLAi, Zan, YnYAu, kAqiJ, JJMG, QkUzm, crpFy, Acm, RfHp, rcn, UUlK, afw, uqHH, XHqYh, LpPOo, UYrAdz, hcwK, tzg, NqAT, YFuh, lDNhz, zEcReq, HJY, fjNp, siu, mENi, quP, Vyi, cNdFu, TJiYou, hXRr, Hwn, GDG, EWIlVu, amiz, biOi, UbW, SncF, AayAt, IyArX, ZWYyhk, YvoA, VhEeQD, mGHDF, AzCzx, BgXNO, vreuC, GpV, JNrP, BdBGrB, sGInYa, yQMK, TuUdN, YBYU, DEIVs, wcopY, kWLsK, bmj,

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