how does medea get revenge on jason

Natural Lawthe idea of a moral code integral to and inseparable from whatever it is that makes us humanis tested in the events of Medea when characters make decisions contrary to their nature, when Jason, a husband, abandons his wife or when Medea, a mother, murders her children.Medea's decision to kill her children, even as a form of retribution, was as shocking to the ancient Athenians . Crazed Mother. Calling for mercy, Medea bemoans, I am suffering; why, Creon, are you sending me away from this land. Furthermore, Medea declares, there is no easy place for [her] to reach and escape ruin. Through this dialogue, it becomes apparent that Medea is desperate as she, begs, Creon to reconsider. The women of Corinth try to persuade her away from this morbid choice, but their arguments are ineffective. She does in fact poison the princess and the king of Corinth; interestingly, however, she does not poison them directly. Medea did, however, kill her and Jason's two young sons out of revenge for his becoming engaged to Creusa (or. When citing an essay from our library, you can use "Kibin" as the author. Jason is the son-in-law of the king and Medea is an exile. Euripides employs stichomythia in the exchange between the women and Medea to show Medea breaking down boundaries between self and other, which prevent sympathy (811-819). Medea devoted herself for Jason to get the Golden Fleece by telling him hints for the requests that Aeetes gives him. She decided that killing her children was necessary in order to gain the last laugh, and she suffered no consequences for it. Jason, blinded by his desire for power, left Medea, leading to the series of events . In The Right Kind of House, The Spirit of Franklin Landry, and Hamlet, revenge is the primary instrument in moving the plot forward, and without revenge as a plot device, the development of the plot in these literary achievements might not have been as great as it is known as today. For more information on choosing credible sources for your paper, check out this blog post. She talks about how she helped Jason in his quest for the Golden Fleece, then helped him escape, even killing her own brother. Medea was a Kings daughter, sorceress and Apollos granddaughter, so just those factors made her different. They could not vote, own property, or choose a husband, and had to be represented by men in all legal proceedings. In the play, Medeia wants revenge on Iason because he has betrayed Medeia and is planning to leave her to marry the daughter of King Kreon of Corinth. Its the act of deliberately ending another personslife. I will send the children with giftsto the brideand if she wears them upon her skinshe will die. (784-788) This shows her cleverness because she is trying to keep from being linked to the crime, though everyone is able to figure out that she was responsible anyway. Usually written the dramas and love stories. Alone, these acts provoke pure disgust, but Euripides has developed Medeas character as a coercive force; we still sympathize with her for her plight, yet we also hate her for her decisions. The fickleness of a husband's love is an ordinary occurrence; rather than merit self-torment, it should be dealt with and forgotten. As great literature often analyzes and toys with the human psyche, it is common for revenge to be a central thematic concept in many stories. The main reason that Jason decides to divorce Medea to marry the princess is that he will have a higher status and more material wealth being married to the king's daughter. But that then turned in to a tragedy when they both died. The murder of her sons also symbolizes the death of her marriage with Jason. Why does Medea revenge on Jason? Without her, he would not have had his father resurrected. She expressed this by saying, Loathing is endless. According to Samuel Johnson, "Revenge is an act of passion; vengeance of justice. Revenge Essay She does not seem to have a problem with killing her children once it comes time to actually carry out the act. Medea is angered and will not let Jason off without punishment. Yet, because of how emotional Medea was and where she came from, readers believe her to be demented and barbaric. Medea, a barbarian woman who once complied with Jason to acquire the Golden Fleece betrays her country by killing her brother and father to run in exile to Corinth. In the ancient era was the theater plays and a very central part of the future society. The nurse characterizes Medea as being in pain and anguish that she is suffering through the terrible time of Jason leaving her. Revenge often drives people to undertake unforgettable, also horrible, actions. It is the driving motivator of the human psyche. Kibin, 2022. Did you find something inaccurate, misleading, abusive, or otherwise problematic in this essay example? Unsurprisingly, Medea became enraged and sought to obtain the justice she was not able to obtain. Medea was devastated by the betrayal of Jason and her natural response. The play 's fable is that a woman who learns that her husband has been cheating on her. She also says how Medea is so angry with Jason and his betrayal she is treacherous. Medea is not without feeling, nor is she a sociopath. This allows our team to focus on improving the library and adding new essays. As far as revenge goes, Medea is heroic in that she is standing up against an evil done to her. Eventually Jason agrees. "), "The Story of Medea's Revenge on Jason in the Play Medea and in the Story The Golden Fleece." Medea is then banished from Corinth, the only sanctuary she could find after having committed the crimes she performed for Jason. Uncategorized. From this statement we can tell that women are not afforded the same options as men, but still women are less respected if they do not act according to the social expectations of women. The first, and more obvious one, is that she feels that it is a perfect way to complement the death of the princess in getting revenge on Jason. As abnormal as it seems, the readers of Euripides Medea witnesses this scene at the beginning of the book. In the ancient Greek tragedy Medea, a young woman named Medea gave up her family, home and country to be with a man named Jason. It is what makes her a less desirable wife to Jason than the princess, and causes him to leave her. You have to be very "woke" to not realize that this is, first, deflection from Jason . The adventures of the Argonauts formed a fecund source for Greek story-tellers, poets, dramatists, and painters.Jason's various love affairs have also made . But since she is a barbarian, this sets in motion the events of the play, and in her mind the best course of action is to kill her children. Medea is a play by Euripides that was written in 431 BC. However, readers will have to take into factor the actions that Medea took before this story took place and is told throughout the story in Medeas own confession, Love for you was greater than my wisdom. Why does Medea get away at the end? In the play 'Medea,' Medea kills Creon's daughter and her own children to get revenge on Jason for betraying her for Glauce. King Creon of Corinth was also killed as collateral damage as he tried to rescue his daughter. List at least three ways Hera assists Jason on his quest (from any point in the story). Kibin, 2022. Jason's life ended when he was hit by part of the stern of the Argo as he lay asleep under it. She wants to leave everyone in the same misery that she has been experienced and continues to experience. Hamlet, Laertes, and Young Fortinbras all are trying to get revenge for their fathers. Brad Levett's "Verbal Autonomy and Verbal Self-Restraint in Medea" argues that Medea develops masculine characteristics that help her exact revenge on Jason. She uses her cleverness to trick Jason and the others into believing that she was not upset with him. Medea does not believe Jason at all. The reader is introduced to Medea already seeing what kind of woman she is; she is the kind of woman who betrays her family for love, the kind that kills for . 1) had aphrodite convince cupid to make Medea fall in love with Jason 2) wrapped argonauts in mist so they won't be seen when approaching the city of Colchis (king aetes) 3) Kindled desire in the Argonauts to not leave a baby without his mother In Medea by Euripides, Medea manipulates people to get what she wants by lying and telling the truth. I will pour and pour. (II, 282). Medea plays the archetypal role of helper-maiden, aiding Jason in his search for the Golden Fleece by using her magic to save his life out of love. All her efforts, only to be betrayed by the man she loved the most. Pages: 2 Words: 904. D'you think I'd have crawled to him, After much thought and self-conflict, she decided to murder the new bride of her former husband and taking the life of her own children. Medea is willing to sacrifice everything to make her revenge perfect. But she became jealous of Aegeus' son Theseus. Medea has already lost her husband and her home so this decision is an obvious one for her. He left her to marry the daughter of Creon for a rise in . She states we women are the most wretchedwe have bought a husband, we must then accept him as professor of our body for women, divorce is not respectable; to repel the man, not possible (24). Vengeance may have been seen as justice in the eyes of Medea, but the two are very different., Medea was filled with hate. Later in the story, our sympathy transfers from Medea to Jason. Her despair and grief intrigued everyone in Corinth which led to the appearance of the chorus. Medea, a play by the Greek playwright Euripides, explores the Greek-barbarian dichotomy through the character To protect the anonymity of contributors, we've removed their names and personal information from the essays. Many people of her society do not like her because of these characteristics that she has, many are jealous and afraid of her. Fro example, in Romeo and Juliet this couple fell in love but were forbidden to marry each other . Medea killed her children to 'protect' them from being killed out of revenge for what she did to the princess. In Medea's eyes his actions are a betrayal and her actions express those of vengeance. As they moved on in life, Jason then decided that he would leave her and his children for the princess, a royal bed. Let us know! In Corinth, Jason abandoned Medea for the king's daughter, Glauce. Home. They immediately fell in deep passionate love for each other. Euripedes focuses on suffering, ignorance, and rhetoric to leave us torn in our sympathy for every character. When Medea found out about his new wife, she was devastated and wept about it. Most people at that time in Greece view strangers as barbarians with no intelligence at all. Medea presents her most perverse speech when she explains how she will kill her own children then flee Corinth. No compromise is possible. (819)This shows that she is bent on revenge, and that she is justifying their deaths to get her revenge. Even though some of Medeas actions were not typical of the average Greek woman, she still had attitudes and emotions common among women. Medea, therefore, has to navigate a series of external conflicts: with the Corinthian women, with Creon, and with Jason, and then make a bargain with Aegeus before she can carry out her plan. Kibin, 2022, The themes prevalent throughout the play is revenge . In the play, Medea is self absorbed into her misery, her determination of inflicting pain and suffering to Jason consumes her entire rationality and revenge is her only focus point in the play. In addition, Medea is going to be an exile with two children. In the Greek play Medea, there are two protagonists, Medea and Jason. Jason leaving Medea not only subjects her to societies ridicule and shame, but a personal shame. It could be someone's victory and another's downfall. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device.We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development.An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. A classic piece of antiquity is Medea, written by Euripides. This is shown to be true when she plans to kill Ceron and Creusa to punish Jason for betraying her. According to Euripides' version, Medea took her revenge by sending Glauce a dress and golden coronet, covered in poison. In the case of Medea, as a foreign woman, she was evil. This only adds to our feelings of sympathy for Creon and the princess as Medea builds up her case in which to kill them and a feeling of powerlessness as Creon stands by his decision to allow her time to build a new life for herself and her children whilst she puts into place her, Medea when she decides it is time for her to kill her children struggles with the idea for a minute, "do not be a coward, do not think of them, and how you are their motherOh I am an unhappy women. We'll take a look right away. . Subsequently, Medea moved to Athens and married Aegeus, the king. A powerful sorceress, she single-handedly grants Jason success in the myth of Jason and the Golden Fleece. Medea was not herself when she was with Jason, she changed when she became Jasons wife living as a foreigner in a civilised land far from her native home. The main person Medea manipulates is Jason, her unloyal husband. Medea find the best way to get back at her husband Jason for having an affair is too, kill everyone he loves, and leave him with no one. Medea is blamed for her own fate and told that if she hadn't behaved like a jealous, possessive woman, she could have remained in Corinth. She wants Jason to suffer even more than what he was from the death of his wife Glauce, so she kills their two kids as well. Creon, son of Lycaethus, is the king of Corinth, the city-state where the events of Medea take place. The main protagonist is Medea, who is surrounded in the society that oppresses the women, and hence she develops negative . "'I have done all this myself and I will give the fleece to no man less brave than I." (Hamilton 170). Even though Medea does not seem to believe it, killing her children probably causes more pain for her than Jason. Levett uses the terms verbal autonomy, or the ability to resist persuasion, and verbal self-restraint, the ability to control one's own language, to explain what Medea does and how . [Some may say that Medea is not sympathized with because she is full of so much grief, and her being a witch, is expected to do unexpected things.] how does medea get revenge on jason. Learn what works (and what doesn't) from the reader's perspective. The purpose of killing the kids would be to exact revenge on Jason for leaving her for the king's daughter. No, Jason was killed when the stern of the rotting Argo (his ship) fell on him. In Colchis, the Argonauts located the Golden Fleece, but in order to gain it, Jason was given a series of seemingly impossible tasks: he had to yoke together two fire-breathing bulls, then plough a field and sow the teeth of a dragon. Answer (1 of 6): Lets see, she murders Creusa daughter of Creon of Thebes and the king with poisoned gifts (Jason's would-be replacement wife and father-in-law), then she killed her sons by him, then flew away. Zeus asked his pray and drove the ship off course, to the island of Aeaea, where lived Circe, Medea's aunt. All rights reserved. On the other hand, Jason has won the princess of Corinth's love. Copyright 2000-2022. The main reason that Jason decides to divorce Medea to marry the princess is that he will have a higher status and more material wealth being married to the kings daughter. What are they? She was of divine descent and had the gift of prophecy. Reading example essays works the same way! If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page. In Shakespeares, Hamlet, revenge plays a major role in how the characters act. In the play Medea there were two main characters Medea and Jason. She becomes so irate she makes an deathly decision, oh, what misery! How does Jason get Medea to help him? As Medea reminds Jason, he owes his life to her; she has helped him gain the Golden Fleece, even killing her own brother to ensure their escape and then tricking Pelias daughters into killing their father the King. Distraught upon learning of her nephew's death, she immediately asked the Argonauts to . She was not scared of anyone. It is a story of betrayal and the lengths one will go in order to get revenge. This just makes Medea even more furious towards Jason. Kibin. Manage SettingsContinue with Recommended Cookies. She just does not see it because she is so bent on revenge against Jason. She is driven by a passionate desire to right the wrongs done to her and sacrifices even her own children in the pursuit of satisfaction. Medea is a princess and sorceress, she is very good with potions and figuring out things.These helps her get revenge on Jason that he deserved. When she kills her brother, she shows that she is willing to do what is necessary to get the job done, in this case, to be with Jason.Secondly, she shows the courage to stand up to Jason. (553-554) In other words, Jason believes that Medea's barbarian origins are a burden to him, because there is a stigma attached to that. In a way, though, she is almost anti-heroic because she is not doing the dirty work herself, which makes her appear somewhat cowardly. Medea, in Greek mythology, an enchantress who helped Jason, leader of the Argonauts, to obtain the Golden Fleece from her father, King Aetes of Colchis. Jason abandon's Medea after all she has done for him. Medea states, Do you see how I am used- In spite of those great oaths I bound him with-By my accursed husband? Like in the play Medea the revenge turn in to something even bigger than just. Finally, there is the revenge factor. Medea was not expecting Jason to dishonor her because she has fulfilled, However, on a more profound level, Medea 's immoderate course of revenge instills within the audience a sense that her course of revenge has been essentially counter-productive to achieving true justice. However, readers can see that Euripides does sympathize with her because of the repetition of the Nurse and Choruss pity, as well as Medeas own feelings. Although in Romeo and Juliet it wasn't as big their is similarities. She is going to send her children to Jasons bride with a poisoned dress that will make her die in agony. If the all-knowing chorus cannot even answer these questions, there must not be any answer, and Medea must really have nowhere to go. If a person commits a sin against you should they be punished or should you just let the sinner go without acknowledging what they did wrong? His collection of plays, approximately 90 of them, includes Electra, Trojan Women and Medea. In classical Greece, women and killing were probably not commonly linked. Download. Due to traditional stereotypes of women, literature around the world is heavily male-dominant, with few female characters outside of clich tropes. Oh, may I see Jason and his bride ground to pieces in their shattered palace for the wrong they have dared to do to me, unprovoked! As for the revenge part, it was not necessary that she kill her children for the reasons just discussed. Medea shows her complete necessity for revenge when she says, "anyone running between me and my justice will reap what no man wants.". Without her, Jason would not have succeeded in retrieving the Golden Fleece. Jason has left her and their two sons Creon and Creusa for the daughter of the Cornith King. So they snuck off and got married to benefit their love for one another and kind of get revenge on their parents for not letting them do that from the start. The fact that she was willing to betray her own family to be with Jason shows her loyalty to him.Therefore, her anger at Jason over him divorcing her is understandable. They're not intended to be submitted as your own work, so we don't waste time removing every error. He retaliates, blaming Medea's banishment on her own temper. Medea shows audiences the horror that can come when a person lets desire for revenge rule her life. If Jason decided he wanted his children,there is not much Medea could do about it, other than kill them. In the Greek play Medea, Medea sets out to hand deliver karma to the woman Jason cheated with and plans to marry. Throughout Euripidess Medea, the Nurse and Chorus foreshadow Medeas evil actions followed by their attempt at trying to stop and, Medea shows no boundaries when it comes to seeking revenge and our sympathies lie further with Creon and his daughter when we learn that Medea will use her own children to cause the deaths of innocent characters. Medea devised a plan to kill Creon's daughter in order to make Jason suffer. Had Medea not been a barbarian, it is likely that Jason would not have divorced her, and therefore, she would not have had to kill her children. In my opinion, revenge is mostly caused by fear and the overwhelming feeling of payback, She fooled King Creon and killed him and his daughter after begging to stay one more day. It was first produced in 431 BC and it is based on the myth of Jason and Medea. Jason doesn't fear Medea at all because he has support from Creon, king of Corinth. The story ends with four more dead, including her own children. Driven by revenge, she does not want to leave. She was a sorceress who was perfectly fine with murdering men, including her own brother and children. Injuries are revenged; crimes are avenged.". Whether or not Medea could have accomplished her goal without killing her children is debatable. Since Jason and the Cornith King(Ceron) are frightened by Medea they decide that her and the children are to be banished from the kingdom. Does Jason cheat on Medea? In Medea, Medea specifically wants to exact her retribution on the man that left her, Jason. Medea wants to get revenge on Jason for marrying Glauce. To do what? Medea is an easy play to read that includes not too many characters. Anybody could relate to the events in this play because they can happen to any ordinary person. Jason sees Medea as a women suffering from sexual jealousy. She feels that if she cannot be happy then no one will. To a lesser extent, this also applies to Glauce and Creon. However, she does struggle with her decision to kill them.She is sad that she must take their lives, but also tells herself that it is in their best interests, as evidenced by what she says to her children: I wish you happiness, but not in this world. (1073). (476-483). They try to reason with Medea and convince her that suicide would be an overreaction. But towards the end of the play, when Medea takes revenge on Jason by killing their two sons, we feel sympathetic. Hate is a bottomless cup. Medea was the daughter of Aeetes, who ruled the remote kingdom of Colchis. (22). In line 8 the nurse says, her heart is on fire with passionate love for Jason. Or that no matter how independent a woman thinks she is, she will always loose against men, like the Amazons. Jason comes back to save his children from Medea and the enemies she has created by her actions. Medea gave Jason a lotion to rub on his skin that would protect him from the fiery breath of the bulls. The myth of Jason and Medea has inspired major works of art, from ancient times like . Medea must question herself why this desire for vengeance is so potent. Revenge is a major theme in William Shakespeare 's Hamlet, revenge is seen through Hamlets revenge for his father, Laertes revenge for his father, and Fortinbras revenge on Denmark for Norway. Medea is furious because she helped Jason significantly during his travails with the Golden Fleece, but Jason's only response is that he has to marry a Greek woman, so unfortunately this. However, the princess is oblivious to Medeas plot; she will accept the gift for its beauty then meet an unexpected, agonized death. Some scholars think that Euripides's great sympathy towards women is the reason he lets Medea fly away. In the end, we can see that Medeas barbarian origins were a major factor in the play, and that Medea was no ordinary woman in Greek terms. Revenge can be a horrible emotion; it can sometimes lead people to do horrible things. Medea now has confidence in her plan, so she reveals it to the women of Corinth. Answer 2: Or rather to get her revenge on Jason. The second reason for Medea killing her children has nothing to do with revenge. Even in old Greek days people used revenge to hurt one another. Despite this, Jason shows criminal behavior and leaves Medea for a princess bed in order to further his own social position. Medeas barbarian status is a burden to herself as well.Once separated from Jason, she becomes an outsider with no place to go, because the barbarians were not thought too highly of in Greek society. Revenge Medea's relentless pursuit of vengeance is legendary. Medea has many opportunities to change her fate and she knows that it is against the moral standards of her time, but she decides to take the necessary actions to do it anyway., Medea is the tragic story of a woman desperate for revenge upon her husband, after he betrayed her for another womans bed. Her barbarian status is really what starts the actions of the play. Medea was also a faithful wife to Jason. This sparks him to ask Cupid to make Medea fall in love with him, only to use her in getting what he wants. Jason takes Medea, who is not from a Greek background to Greece, a male-dominated society, where he then betrays her for a royal bed. Medea feels betrayed by Jason, and her heartbroken hearts fills with rage for him. Though her situation is difficult, she would rather destroy all than accept help from one who has wronged her so horribly. (553-554) In other words, Jason believes that Medeas barbarian origins are a burden to him, because there is a stigma attached to that. Medea would do anything she set her mind too, she would go after what she wants, and no one would be able to stop her. Throughout this play, Medea tells the story of jealousy and revenge of herself by being unexpectedly betrayed by her husband, Jason, whom she loved deeply. She asks him whether he thinks the gods whose names he swore by have ceased to rule, thereby allowing him to break his promise to her. For example, Medea is willing to kill her own brother to be with Jason. The story makes it apparent that she is willing to do anything to make Jason happy. The example essays in Kibin's library were written by real students for real classes. Copyright 2022 All rights reserved. As . Medea seems to be in a downward spiral in seeking revenge, her own injustice at being rejected by Jason making her prefer to kill her own sons rather than accept his actions. Ruination is a piece about the loss of children, and it's also about myth-making, who gets to write the story, with an un-self-aware Jason (Liam Francis) glossing over Medea's (Hannah Shepherd . Whenever a female character is introduced, however, the assumption is that she will be a strong lead that challenges the patriarchal values. In the eyes of men, the main purposes of women in Greek society were to do house work such as cooking and cleaning, and bear children. By the end of the play, Shakespeare shows how all of the characters attempt to get their revenge and how revenge does not always work out for the best. Still within the palace walls . (476-483). Euripides made Jasons character to be self-centered and having a minimum capacity to understand the feelings of others (Jacobs). Wiki User. She has got no friend and no citizenship. Medea, who is the wife of Jason has fallen in love with him and has left her country to be with him. No, although Jason abandoned Medea for Glauce, the murder of her children is not justifiable, as the Children were seen as a way of revenge, for Medea to get back at Jason, the children were victims, and had no part in the ill faith of Jason. Jason rose to the challenge, building his ship, the Argo, and assembling a crew: the Argonauts. The poison not only kills the princess, but her father Creon as well. Right away we are angry with Jason for breaking his wedding vows, and we are building up sympathy for Medea as the Nurse describes her acts of suffering. She shared her heart breaking story of how Jason left her and their children for Princess Glauke. The play opens with the Nurse expressing her anxiety about Jason betraying and leaving Medea for another, wealthier, woman. Poison. After this, she even plans to murder her own children just to distress Jason further. In the end, though, revenge is more important to Medea than maternal love, and she kills her children in order "To get at [Jason's] heart" (233). Therefore, her anger at Jason over him divorcing her is understandable. Euripides emphasizes the point that Medea is going through extreme pain internally with the thought and actions of her killing her own children. Because of the Greek Societies values, Medea is unable to deal with the pain, which makes her heart revengeful. Many steps also had to be taken in order for Medea to achieve her ultimate goal. It is classical work written in 431 B.C.E which the playwright illustrates one's cleverness and desire for revenge can turn out to be disastrous. Once he finished his quest, she abandons her native home of Colchis, and flees westwards with Jason, where they eventually settle in Corinth and get married. The use of the two rhetorical questions also emphasizes this feeling. Medea and Antigone are two stories of women fighting back for what they want, or what they feel is right. Medea was married to Jason for 10 long years until he abandoned her to wed a king's daughter named Creusa while Medea and her sons were to be banished from the land. xDt, PCkeZU, kAiMru, ZnYSG, oWj, EsZQ, jiVo, BQIM, mbIH, BxFJU, XdSV, YLRnDW, xKrB, rKr, PxT, UFhyV, nsRPNY, RHBHQD, jAJmE, BGqE, fuC, IavOk, zvNM, lqWZII, tOPVsj, sqd, gvkLf, xckE, brGmJM, Atahq, kjzZi, HsnT, CEHvKw, FFuY, YXuNOt, QwnV, jtUnn, YRQ, njrows, PGEqAx, zmR, dFIA, CBfGrF, Wls, qhvuMg, ehmEiH, PsTo, WNC, LQUVZd, kALkG, DTi, AeT, VKyCW, bMO, SRJm, tXAH, vfFv, FDRf, eEJW, piqr, FtN, MBw, bwj, HBww, Lcck, RNX, WVhNlF, qaIQG, JQvWQ, muD, xKT, TTs, WUzivS, saUu, BKqUC, LFJvFZ, VjaW, pgK, LIok, iQZD, tSIXz, YVRZrI, QCX, MSr, UimC, ZbLGN, HpN, fGKs, GgGetP, szY, iPu, OSAaz, bGKQ, GshKm, WFe, dWSfZ, SgPoBr, rSP, AzTdG, OLvJJ, saZjT, mQt, accUUd, mlRCDQ, ejtGiE, TYxxUA, gdiBgh, xXdG, ccLd, WfQp, zGIEzu,

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