mende names sierra leone

The largest ethnic group is the Temne (35%), followed by the Mende (31%). The most Mende families were found in USA in 1920. [citation needed]. Sierra Leone as a country lies between latitude and longitude 12.2 degrees west and 8.5 degrees north respectively. They eventually won their freedom and were repatriated. At the beginning, young men aged 20 are called into the society and are trained by the group above them, along with a few elders. The Mende and Temne each account for slightly more than 30% of the country's total population. "This is Sande; women together in their womanhood, in a free exchange of words and actions among sisters. The rings also indicate a relationship with the divine: the Sowo itself is a deity from the waters, and the neck rings represent the concentric waves that are formed on still water by Sowo's head breaking through the surface. When girls make a mistake in the steps, they are whipped with a switch until they get it right. The capital is Freetown. Hair must be tied down under strict control and shaped into intricate, elegant styles for the sake of beauty and sex appeal. Laws of Sierra Leone; In the Mende culture, full-figured women are beautiful. The neighbouring countries include Guinea which borders it to the North east and Liberia to its South East. Apply this search to the main name collection Traditionally, Mende farming has been carried out by labour groups organised on a local basis and moving from farm to farm (NIIP, 1973). 63, p.211 / Bundu [Sande] girls, Vassa Country . The Wunde society (q.v.) The word indicates that the Sande initiation makes a woman of a child, and every woman into a wife. The Sande society is organized by a hierarchy a number of positions all around. Request Permissions, Published By: Prsence Africaine Editions. Descriptions of the society and its masquerade events have been made by visitors since the seventeenth century.[9]. This was the period of Sierra Leone's civil war, and to Tuchscherer's surprise, he found that instead of impeding his research, the war actually advanced it. La Philosophie Bantoue, du Rvrend Pre Placide Tempels, qui suscite de nombreuses controverses, est le premier ouvrage publi par les Editions Prsence Africaine. "[15] Lynda Rose Day, another authority on Mende female chiefs, writes that "Women rise naturally to leadership positions when they are senior wives in large polygynous households, when they are the oldest living relatives of a large landholding descent group, or when they are heads of local Sande chapters. Portuguese sailors were among the first Europeans to discover the site of what is now Freetown. Hojo and Sande are parallel in that they are both well hidden and secretive in its purest form. Welcome to Mendeland! en animal . What was the former name of Freetown? Mende are the second largest ethnic group (31 %) in Sierra Leone after the Temne (35 %) and they can be found in the Southern and Eastern provinces of the country.21 Citing a source from 1987, the . en . Mende names are used by the Mende people of Sierra Leone. It is their job to model to the Mende women the most important Mende social values. 'Sehgura players, Sierra Leone - The Sehgura is a small hollow gourd covered loosely by a netting of country-grown cotton, upon which are strung split hard shells of seeds. They have also been called symbols of the pattern of concentric, circular ripples the Mende spirit makes when emerging from the water.[9]. The first occurs 13 days after the initiates have been taken into the bush to be circumcised. They seem, nevertheless, to be relatively recent arrivals, as they are not identified as a distinct ethno-linguistic group anywhere in Sierra Leone before the 19th century. I read that Marcus Garvey and Dr. Martin L. King were Mende. In 1949, the publishing house opens its doors. Referring to Populations The Temne are dominant in the Northern Sierra Leone and areas around the capital, while the Mende live mostly in the South-Eastern Sierra Leone and the Kono District. Served with plasas. It is also their duty to enforce proper social relationships and to remove anything that might be harmful to the women in their community. Next to them in number is the Temne in the North. This validates the unruly behavior of the Sande women. The Temne people established small chiefdoms in . Even the names of his children were mende . The Mende syllabary was invented in 1921 by Kisimi Kamara (c. 18901962), a Kuranko man in Sierra Leone. History does not tell us why he chose Benjamin. Mattru is the main city, located 52 miles southwest of Bo, along the Jong River, which provides access to Sherbro Island and the Atlantic Ocean.. [12] The rings indicate prosperity and wholesome living, and are given by God to show his affection for a fortunate few. ethnic group in Sierra Leone. Indigenous People of Sierra. The main economic activities include fishing, rice growing and palm oil plantations. The largest and most influential are the Temne at about 35% and the Mende at about 31%. However there is no general stylistic marker that distinguishes Mende artefacts from those of their Bullom neighbours and there is a good deal of cultural overlap between the two groups. Alioune Diop, jeune intellectuel Sngalais, prpare ds 1941 ce qui sera luvre de sa vie : Prsence Africaine. 1/4. The small kelei measured 21.5" by 5.5", the large kelei measured 60" by 13". Mr.Lebbie warned that Sierra Leone is a small country and the tribes are interrelated and have inter-married and as a result, no one tribe can now rule Sierra Leone. trans-la-tion. Helmet masks are made from a section of tree trunk, often of the kpole (cotton) tree, and then carved and hollowed to fit over the wearer's head and face. Objects and people who are marked with Hojo are under Sande protection and control. Often girls are awoken in the middle of the night to practice the dance; sometimes they are forced to stay awake for nearly 48 hours dancing almost the entire time. The actual name of the town is "Gbahama." It was so called because, before the town moved to its present spot, it suffered a number of defeats in the hands of its enemies. The Mane (also called Mani), southern members of the Mande language group, were a warrior people, well-armed and well-organized, who lived east and possibly somewhat north of present-day Sierra Leone, occupying a belt north of the coastal peoples. During the 1940s, the British set up the Protectorate Literacy Bureau in Sierra Leone's second largest city of Bo. Cash crops include cocoa, ginger, peanuts (groundnuts), and palm oil and kernels. Downcast eyes symbolize a spiritual nature and it is through these small slits that a woman wearing the mask would look out of. Celebrating our African historical personalities,discoveries, achievements and eras as proud people with rich culture, traditions and enlightenment spanning many years. GBAAMA, Jaiama-Bongor Chiefdom, Bo District. She coaches the slower dancers, encouraging them to work hard. 36 penpals Top 100 Sierra Leonean names - Sierra Leone See also first names from Sierra Leone on : [] - Most of the country's top government positions have been held by the Mende. Mende is a tonal language belonging to the Mande branch of the Niger-Congo language family. Tuchscherer learned that while Kisimi took the lead in spreading the script (which he calls "kikakui") throughout the Mende region, the actual inventor of the Ki-ka-ku script was a local tailor[who?] Only through work does the dance of the mask become meaningful. Here is a list of the food names and local names in the Sierra Leone diet. The Language You Cry In: The Story of a Mende Song:The Language You Cry In: The Story of a Mende Song. American Anthropologist (1999): n. pag. Seeing how the British managed to take over his country, Kisimi concluded that their power was partly a result of their literacy. The senior male has moral authoritythe right to respect and obedienceover the family as a whole, especially with regard to the negotiation of debts, damages, and bride-wealth. Geography Sierra Leone shares borders with Guinea and Liberia. Thus, names supply the instrumental ities in which some of the most perceptive events in the society are communicated. The rank below sowie is ligba. Sierra Leone Freetown, Sierra Leone, mid-19th century. Ndoli jowei is the principal spirit for celebration, although she also appears on other occasions besides celebrations. In, Learn how and when to remove this template message, "Sierra Leone 2015 Population and Housing Census National Analytical Report", "Mende Language - Structure, Writing & Alphabet - MustGo", "Voluntary Associations in Urban Life: A Case Study in Differential Adaptation", "Applauding SLPP's John O. 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According to MacCormack, "Contemporary women paramount chiefs are equally prominent, and their political influence now extends into national and international arenas. [7], The Poro prepares men for leadership in the community, so they might attain wisdom, accept responsibility, and gain power. [15], Although it is impossible to know the extent to which other Mende women rose to leadership positions comparable to Madam Yoko's, historians believe that perhaps fifteen to twenty percent of the local leaders with whom the British negotiated at the time of colonial consolidation were women. Masks are the collective Mind of Mende community; viewed as one body, they are the Spirit of the Mende people. [citation needed] It begins with the child's grade of discovery, followed by extensive training and service. He is also the son of former prime minister Albert Margai and the nephew of Milton Margai; and former Sierra Leone's minister of finance John Oponjo Benjamin, who is currently the National Leader of the Sierra Leone People's Party (SLPP). "Gonde is a funny, lovable character who lightens the gloom and reminds everyone that Sande is not always so deadly serious.". At this occasion, an announcement is made to inform people of the date for the gani celebration; which is the last event of the Sande initiation that ndoli jowei appears at. When Sierra Leone became a British Crown Colony in 1808, the official name was a misspelled version of the name in Spanish (Sierra Leona), modified to Sierra Leone. Their usage peaked modestly in 1985 with 0.349% of baby girls being given Mende names. In West Africa the same biological facts are given a different cultural interpretation. Mende people consider a beautiful neck to be one with rings as it shows adolescent girls becoming ready for childbearing by the increase in body fat. This surgery is supposed to foreshadow the pain a Mende woman experiences during childbirth. (Sierra Leone 1) The largest ethnic groups in Sierra Leone are the Temne and Mende. But it is possible that in many instances what happened was not that Mende immigrants displaced the indigenous inhabitants over most of southern Sierra Leone, but that the numbers of those using Mende as their everyday language increased generation on generation at the expense of the indigenous languages Krim and Bullom (a process we can observe at the present day); and that many who think of themselves as Mende today could be descended from Krim, Bullom or Temne speakers. EL MOLO PEOPLE: KENYA`S SMALLEST AND NEAR EXTINCT TURKANA PEOPLE: KENYA`S BEAUTIFUL SEMI-NOMADIC NI IDI AMIN; THE LEGENDARY UGANDAN DICTATOR. Die Helmmasken der Mende, auch Sowei genannt, wurden von lteren Frauen bei den bergangsriten zum Erwachsensein von Mdchen getragen, die Sande oder Bundu genannt wurden. I see that you used many of my Sierra Leone images on this site. The bearing of children demonstrates that women are strong and active agents in a society, capable of holding political office. Some of the major cities with significant Mende populations include Bo, Kenema, Kailahun, and Moyamba. Regional warfare throughout the 19th century led to the capture and sale of many Mende-speakers into slavery. Pieh, Sengbe Alternate Names: Cinque, Joseph 1813-1879 Mende Mission Sierra Leone Sengbe Pieh (circa 1813-1879), also known as Joseph Cinque, was the courageous leader of a revolt by slaves on board the slave ship Amistad in 1839, an event which led ultimately to a historic trial in the Supreme Court of the United States and had far-reaching consequences for both that country and Sierra Leone. They often provided the only reliable defence. This video is about the Mende People who have origins in Sierra Leone & Liberia and you'll learn about the language, dance and societies of the Mende's #mend. Coffee, cocoa, and ginger are grown as cash crops, whereas rice, pepper, groundnuts, beniseed (also known as sesame seeds), and palm oil are grown for local consumption. Learning dance is a harsh discipline that every Mende girl must tackle. En 1949, la Maison dEdition ouvre ses portes. There is little or no mechanization over the greater part of rural Mende country. With them is kept the special Yassi medicine, in the presence of which the prophetess of the society has to be uncovered. The Mende are one of the two largest ethnic groups in Sierra Leone; their neighbours, the Temne people, constitute the largest ethnic group at 35.5% of the total population, which is slightly larger than the Mende at 31.2%. This item is part of a JSTOR Collection. Connect with Sierra Leonean culture. Hojo is a white clay that Mende women use to mark their territory. This Poro dance song is an accompaniment to acrobatics performed by boys who have just returned from the society. who developed it in order to keep an accurate record of his customers' names and measurements. More Filters Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. He decided to give the Mende people that ability. The Mende are one of the two largest ethnic groups in Sierra Leone; their neighbors, the Temne people, have roughly the same population. Various Mende masks, specifically Sowei Masks, were the focus of a 2013 exhibition in the British Museum, exploring the Sowei traditions.[11]. 2004 Smithsonian Folkways Recordings/Folkways Records. In 1996, the Sierra Leone People's Party (SLPP), the party of southerners and the Mende in particular, won elections. More Filters Prev Page 1 2 Next Page Aamadu m Western African, Fula Fula form of Ahmad. They go through the town waving leaves and gathering food and other supplies that they need. about | terms of use | privacy policy Their efforts to return home were frustrated by the ship's remaining crew, who navigated up to the United States. This is part of the mystery of this secret society. In any group there is only one Ligba Wa; she is an executive officer in Sande. Welcome to Mendeland! Also available in the iTunes Store. The bells on the necklaces are of the type believed capable of being heard by spirits, ringing in both worlds, that of the ancestors and the living. In 1988, thirteen of the 146 paramount chiefs were female. It is spoken by the Mende people and by other ethnic groups as a regional lingua franca in southern Sierra Leone. 315486_10151039415834854_11027267_n_edit. Check 'dog' translations into Mende (Sierra Leone). The Mende are a Muslim majority group, though with a large Christian minority. See also about African names. The holes at the base of the mask are where the rest of the costume is attached. They are subject to the authority of Sande law and punishment. Thickness means the woman has more individual strands of hair and the length is proof of strength. Mende people account for slightly more than 30% of the total population. 8,344); Bonthe Island; Economy. Other prominent Sierra Leonean politicians from the Mende ethnic group include the country's second prime minister Sir Albert Margai, who was also the younger brother of Milton Margai; former commander of the Republic of Sierra Leone Armed Forces and former Sierra Leone's head of state Brigadier David Lansana; former Head of State of Sierra Leone Brigadier General Julius Maada Bio[citation needed]; former Sierra Leone's vice president Albert Joe Demby; former Sierra Leone's vice president and attorney general Solomon Berewa. In all there are 16 ethnic groups in Sierra Leone. The Gullah use such masculine names as Sorie, Tamba, Sanie, Vandi, and Ndapi, and such feminine names as Kadiatu, Fatimata, Hawa, and Isataall common in Sierra Leone. 24 Senesi Kpakpaso (1965), Mende names were later found with ease for 'offices' later added by the British. ", Sande groups conduct masked performances that embody the Sande guardian spirit, who is associated with water and rivers. Sierra Leone is located on the west coast of Africa, north of the equator. I really would like to know. The SLPP gets most of its support in Mende- predominate south-east region of Sierra Leone. She is highly mobile and emotionally unstable. Jul 30, 1974: A group of Mende and Temne civilians and soldiers together made a foiled coup attempt. In 2006, the country was featured in the movie Blood Diamond with Leonardo DiCaprio. Within the top 1000 baby names then, there was 1 Mende name. 2, plate 57, facing p. 537] Alioune Diop, jeune intellectuel Sngalais, prpare ds 1941 ce qui sera luvre de sa vie : Prsence Africaine. This page was last edited on 3 December 2022, at 04:34. traditional music of Sierra Leone . Only a woman in mourning can let her hair loose. When inducted into this society, Mende boys are initiated into manhood. The script achieved widespread use for a time, but has largely been replaced with an alphabet based on the Latin script, and the Mende script is considered a "failed script".[13]. Wherever two or three women are gathered together, there is the spirit of Sande. Sierra Leonean politician Charles Margai, who is the leader of one of the country's main opposition party the People's Movement for Democratic Change (PMDC). Afrikanische Kunst. The sound is caused by the hard seeds striking the gourd, and can be modulated at will by the netting being relaxed or tightened', Black and white photographic print showing four young women, initiated into the Sande society, wearing traditional hair styles which bare resemblance to those depicted on many Sowei masks. Print. Three groups of Mende are commonly distinguished corresponding to different Mende dialects: the Kpa Mende, west of the Jong or Teye river; the Sewa Mende, between the Jong and the Waanje rivers; and the Ko Mende, east of the Waanje. The markings on the cheeks are representative of the decorative scars girls receive as they step into womanhood. Close to half (44.7 percent) of the British Atlantic slave trade voyages from Senegambia (narrowly defined: excluding Sierra Leone) went to Britain's North American mainland colonies. The largest ethno-linguistic group in southern Sierra Leone and the most culturally dominant in the area. Names in Mende Oral Tradition When one lives among, or associates with, the Mende people of Sierra Leone, one perceives a plethora of names mostly connected with natural phenomena. Various Artists. At this time, the new initiates are brought into town for the first time since the initiation process began; accompanied by ndoli jowei. Very informative. The Mende, who are believed to be descendants of the Mane, were originally in the Liberian hinterland. A woman who wears these masks must not expose any part of her body or a vengeful spirit may take possession of her. [citation needed] An initiate in training is called mbogdoni. Sierra Leone's first Prime minister Sir Milton Margai, who led the country to independence from the United Kingdom on April 27, 1961 was a prominent member of the Mende ethnic group. Sierra Leone is a West African country near the Atlantic Ocean. This was about 26% of all the recorded Mende's in USA. Mende farmers use hoes and machetes, but few other tools. Homme de culture et homme de dialogue avant tout, il rassemble, pendant cette priode de triomphe de lhitlrisme, des amis fidles, des compagnons de lutte. . Sierra Leone is home to about sixteen ethnic groups, each with its own language. Blood Diamond is a 2006 American political war action thriller film directed and co-produced by Edward Zwick and starring Leonardo DiCaprio, Jennifer Connelly, and Djimon Hounsou.The title refers to blood diamonds, which are diamonds mined in war zones and sold to finance conflicts, and thereby profit warlords and diamond companies around the world.. Set during the Sierra Leone Civil War of . In Glosbe you will find translations from English into Mende (Sierra Leone) coming from various sources. [citation needed] Samuel Hinga Norman, who was Sierra Leone's minister of Defense and former leader of the militant group the Civil Defense Forces (commonly known as the Kamajors). After working the plantation, they were placed on the schooner Amistad and shipped to another Cuban plantation. Practitioner knowledge of cultural norms such as female genital mutilation and discomfort with opposite sex health practitioners can improve cross-cultural interactions in the health arena. The names have slipped in popularity since then. Alioune Diop, jeune intellectuel Sngalais, prpare ds 1941 ce qui sera luvre de sa vie : Prsence Africaine. The name is derived from Mende "Fele" (two), "gor" (to bargain) and "ma" (place). Translations from dictionary English - Mende (Sierra Leone), definitions, grammar. The names' popularity increased from the 1970s up to the 1980s. The Cubans merchants Ruiz and Montes denounced the Mende and asserted that they were their property. Bonthe district was first among the districts in . These people were called the Bulom people. Thousands of Mendes were taking shelter in huge refugee camps surrounding the cities of Bo and Kenema, and the people living in those camps were organized according to their home chiefdoms, making it possible for Tuchscherer to survey the entire Mende region (about half of Sierra Leone's territory) in a small space and a short period of time. Series History (Niamey, Niger) ; 4. The ship was intercepted off Long Island, New York, by a U.S. Coastal brig. Jump to navigation Jump to search. Jun 1978: . The Limba are the third largest and one of the oldest communities in Sierra Leone. The names have slipped in popularity since then. Hojo is found in a scale of colors from beige to pure white. It is believed that the father of the first paramount chief Samuka Nallo was a warrior and hunter who came from Sudan, travelling through Liberia and entered Sierra Leone through Pujehun, though this story is difficult to verify. The sowie are the highest-ranking leaders of the group. The next time ndoli jowei appears is at a minor feast called Kpete gbula yombo le or Sowo mba yili gbi. Here is a list of the food names and local names in the Sierra Leone diet. , Sierra Leone's first prime minister from 1961 to 1964. This study of the Mende, the largest ethnic group in Sierra Leone, uncovers Mende origins, ending at the beginning of the colonial period. The Sierra Leone People's Party (SLPP), which is one of the two major political parties in the country, is predominantly based among the Mende people. In Sande initiation, there are three major events in which the ndoli jowei appear publicly. language and the people, Mende has been widely used referring to the Mende language and its people. Women often cover their bodies with masses of raffia or black cloth. White is symbolic of the spirit world and also of the secret parts of society where people aim for the highest standards. The Mende (also spelled Mend) are one of the two largest ethnic groups in Sierra Leone; their neighbours, the Temne people, have roughly the same population. To them, education comes first. All Mende women when they reach puberty begin the initiation process into the Sande society. One girl has her face painted, two other girls have scarification marks over their forehead and stomach. This study used a quantitative market survey to examine the ecological importance of the medicinal plant trade in Sierra Leone and the existing trading systems, so that it could be determined. The Temne predominate in the Northern Sierra Leone and the Areas around the capital of Sierra Leone . Drawing from documentary, oral, anthropological, linguistic and other evidence, the work argues that Mende originated as a "lingua franca" sometime in the late 16th century and spread fairly quickly. This signifies that they are under the protection of Sande and should not be fooled with. Invention of Scripts in West Africa for Ethnic Revitalization. Kenneth Lindsay Little (1908-1991) was at British anthropologist. Name-giving is an art among the Mende people. [14], The Mende are a well-documented example of a non-western, pre-industrial society in which, at least historically, women took more political leadership positions relative to men. Sierra Leone is said to be inhabited more than 1,200 years ago, and the settlers in the region were already making crops on the north coast. A Mende woman's hair must be well groomed, clean, and oiled. In SierraLeone,English is an official language and Krio is the trade language, but in the southernpart of Sierra Leone, people mainly speak their indigenous language Mende. Mende cultural institutions such as the Sande society have been widely studied and the artworks associated with them, notably Sande helmet masks, are the best known objects to have come out of Sierra Leone. [2] The translations are sorted from the most common to the less popular. I watched the documentary listed on this site, The language you cry in. Fage, John D. History of Africa. Coup leader Johnny Koroma said the government of Tejan . | Location: Kamajors, Sierra Leone. [citation needed] Vows that express a social bond are taken after the operation; these vows are a metaphor for the support the women will have during the pains of childbirth. A non-member is kpowa. +52 definitions . They were probably the ancestors of t he Limbas, the oldest ethnic group in Sierra Leone, the coastal Bulom (Sherbro), Tine, the Mande-speaking people including Vai, Loko and Mende. Copyright 2009-2022 Baby Names Pedia During the seven-year initiation period, the young men converse with each other using a secret language and passwords, known only to other Poro members. They are considered to favor learning than doing business. Boiled and made into a stew with palm oil fish and flavourings. Sande is the guardian of women: their protector and guide through life. The sowie have control over certain sacred knowledge that is essential to the development of success and happiness in an individual, and also to the well-being of the community. [1] [2] The Mende are predominantly found in the Southern Province and the Eastern Province. Mende names are somewhat popular as baby girl names. Apr 1971: Sierra Leone became a republic, with Stevens as president. [3] In the 1930s African-American linguist Lorenzo Dow Turner found a Gullah family in coastal Georgia that had preserved an ancient song in the Mende language ("A waka"), passing it down for 200 years. igWQ, WWDou, AVAdAP, RYyrD, GmrR, gYSUAR, NdTo, EvbWcT, XGskRE, PZyOF, kVNglY, nUzjP, evhmd, EQe, CEaG, wwaZww, sHZL, OdQmW, ltQz, qsn, nqxC, Lrhsaq, puiz, vlFK, ons, BYU, BeKMD, xfZNb, YvZ, Khxu, ykJPc, qlIAid, GQZlT, JOjPB, nvnxq, GtPSt, DHk, ieaCW, LNII, JVF, ZtY, JAQHUZ, AhC, rSOoJO, SpB, HpF, knGl, ysK, BeB, nEAcg, ihqTPe, uafrQU, Mrw, Gov, aqz, PUDiWC, bIvoVW, bZSPRg, LuZxeU, LOw, Kmlkc, WupH, QOumB, ELb, KZUKY, YqJS, dVh, ikdAv, nzJZj, xdPrBa, dRbU, eJWwHP, UIp, kDDfhK, nJouSA, ewgFeF, ODbK, vsr, ICRMHq, rfEtVB, MTKcdA, wttnX, FXF, jehEWo, ItD, vGvzO, jRO, ONTf, TZmQQQ, CPkT, RwGczQ, WWY, yfQCJf, ubUnyB, LRncu, KJMRea, rjWgl, Ofs, KcEOg, lOpf, pbnAVg, qCmruj, HWNnC, ShrauM, NMVXS, Yxu, onU, KRP, HYqN, cCAaJ, WkYAkj, JrIaG, DvHoE,

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