php optimize image for web

rev2022.12.11.43106. Apologies, but something went wrong on our end. Deposit funds to your account and select a package. In cases where you need a transparent background, then PNG is the right choice. 6. Some people dont know how to crop and resize images, or they use a phone, not a computer, so there are no tools to do it precisely. Even if internet connections becoming faster and faster, it's still important to keep your website as fast as possible. Change the image size and resolution. Spatie has a decent package that gets updated regularly, I've been using for a while without problems: Read an article on asynchronous JS uploading . The use of advanced online facilities like compress image tool, image resizer, and image crop tool is highly advantageous in optimizing images for your website. Resizing and cropping: By adding the width (w) and height (h) parameters to their URLs, you can resize images with Cloudinary, as in this example: Loading code examples Want to Learn More About Compressing And Optimizing Images? It's all part of image optimization in the grand scheme of things. If your site on the Internet will not work fast enough, you have every chance to miss your potential income. PHP provides the following methods to support image optimization in PHP-based Web applications: Imagecreatefromjpeg(): This function returns a reference to the image specified in the function parameter. Image optimization is a process of delivering superior-quality images in the appropriate format, size, and resolution while keeping them in the compressed size. Using the service is as easy as clicking of button! Just connect your site to our service and the system will search for all images and compress them on its own. PHP image optimization includes these tasks: In this article, youll learn how to create a simple PHP image compressor. Another prerequisite for PHP is installing a GD library. jpeg optimization generally involves lowering the quality setting, but it's non-trivial to figure out how far you can go that route before you get too many visual artifacts. Using this free online service, you can resize, compress and optimize your image files. Here is an example of a script that displays a compressed JPEG in a browser window: Instead of displaying the picture in the browser, you can create compressed versions of images, put them in a separate folder, and show them as needed. When compressing images on the site, their original versions are saved next to the original file. We can say that optimizing images of PHP-websites allows reducing the occupied space on hard disk. 3. Essentially, I would need to be able to take .jpeg, .png, and .gif images and reduce their file size as much as possible without losing quality (or with minimal quality loss). However, they are all based on the same basis - all the service data there (for example, the name of the program that stores the file, etc.) Properly optimizing and caching images is a crucial step for enhancing website performance. You will now see the image export options. The good news is you can always make improvements and update your website with a better-sized graphic. If you want to load a large image without affecting the page load time, the image needs to be optimized to reduce the size. This method may consume a lot of storage, so we recommend adaptive delivery, which compresses an image to whatever format, quality, and size is needed, depending on the visitors device, Internet connection speed, and many other parameters. Create image . On-site PHP image optimization may be important for all sorts of web services that allow picture uploading. Essentially, I would need to be able to take .jpeg, .png, and .gif images and reduce their file size as much as possible without losing quality (or with minimal quality loss). Simply drag-and-drop SVG files into the tool, and it will do all the work for us. Pixlr - free application for basic editing. Give it a try now! Also you might choose the option of saving it in our Cloud. Consider lazy loading. Saves a lot of time. For a user it looks like this install it and you can forget about it. The service supports all known CMS and frameworks, as well as self-designed sites in PHP. programmable media and media asset lifecycle applications. The compressed images are scaled down from the original by quality and size. DESCRIPTION. 4. It therefore does not affect the operation of the site, which remains accessible to visitors. you cannot "optimize" without fundamentally fiddling with the image's contents, or bumping up the compression level. 1. To resize your image, go into your preferred graphics program and look for image size adjustment tools (in Photoshop, for example, it's Image > Image Size). Here's how you can use it: use Spatie\ImageOptimizer\OptimizerChai. What is the most effective way for float and double comparison? It's time to understand how image optimization exactly works. Read more in the official documentation . You can also use the cropping tool to make your image smaller by cropping width or height from it and then changing the image . It works with already uploaded pictures and it either saves the output as a .jpeg file or shows it in a browser. 7 steps to optimize images for the web. The top three image formats to choose from are JPEG, PNG, and GIF. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Reduce your image's file size. Why is the federal judiciary of the United States divided into circuits? Radial velocity of host stars and exoplanets. Create an Uploadcare API object to access methods: After that, you can access all Uploadcare methods via $api. It's easy to connect to any site in PHP. The Internet address (URL) of the compressed images does not change, they will continue to be stored on your site. It has provided me with almost 90% compression. I have been following the instructions in the tutorials to export files to jpgs to upload to my website ho. composer require tinify/tinify After installing the library, get your API key from TinyPNGwebsite. Image optimization is special processing of a graphic file in order to minimize its size without loss of visual quality. The result is a compressed image with superior visual quality. Choose the right file format for your website image. Image optimization is the process of creating and delivering high-quality images in the ideal format, size, and resolution to increase user engagement. However, it uses another technology at its core, which is based on one of the most efficient Python open-source libraries, Pillow-SIMD. Web page/site design programs like Adobe Dreamweaver let you insert images, set tags and accessibility attributes, and see these elements in your HTML code. Central limit theorem replacing radical n with n. Did neanderthals need vitamin C from the diet? With PHP, though, you can easily optimize an entire directory full of JPEG and PNG images with one simple script without losing any noticeable quality. To keep it short I recommend it. This is a toolkit for ImageAPI. How To Optimize Images for Web and Performance The primary goal of formatting your images is to find the balance between the lowest file size and an acceptable quality. A one-second delay in load time can cut visitor satisfaction by 16 percent, leading to a seven-percent-or-higher drop in conversion rate. Here, Cloudinary maintains the aspect ratio but resizes the image to the height and width you specified. The plugin scans the entire website, finds all website images and compresses them afterwards. Use TinyPNG to Optimize Image On Upload To get started you need to install the TinyPNG library. They are more suitable for web pages, email attachments, or even storage on your disk. If a browser does not support any of those formats, Cloudinary delivers the image in the format depicted by the file extension. Are defenders behind an arrow slit attackable? In fact, half of all visitors expect websites to load within two seconds. This reference can then be used to optimize the specified image or to modify it to create a new image. Youll need PHP 5.3+, Curl, JSON and Composer version 2. 1 Review. Compress Your WordPress Images. Conclusion and next steps. TinyJPG and TinyPNG are two free online tools to optimize JPEG and PNG files respectively. Which "href" value should I use for JavaScript links, "#" or "javascript:void(0)"? To understand how an image reaches a certain size we have to know 4 basic concepts: The format. 3. Image optimization, which results in the smallest possible file size but no loss in visual quality, is a mandatory step before delivery. Here are some good ones to use: Photoshop - $10/mo, complex file editing Adobe program. how to resize images during the uploading process to save disk space and make sure your website loads quicklySupport me on patreon: It works with .png, .jpg and .gif images, and is very straightforward to use. Is it appropriate to ignore emails from a student asking obvious questions? 1. They respond immediately with all the necessary help. Developers thank you so much !!! Standard PHP functions have all the basic tools to do simple compression. CloudFlare - a popular option that's easy to set up and delivers all of your static files, including images and HTML. Other parameters and progressive loading in detail . 9 Image optimization tools in one single toolkit. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. Distracting JPEG artifacts are minimized without big sacrifices in file size. How does legislative oversight work in Switzerland when there is technically no "opposition" in parliament? 1. The longer the page of the site loads, the fewer customers will be able to perform certain target actions there. The OptiPic plugin provides image compression on the PHP sites. In this article, we've provided you with eight tips to help you optimize images effectively. As can be expected, large images take longer to load. Also, imagejpeg() may be used for generating images (e.g., from text or vector information). Privacy policy. It should be mentioned that the search engines too have the requirements of fast page loading and provide a fast sites with a priority of the results. How to reduce the image file size using PIL. Alt tags. Resize your image. Most people have unoptimized photos from their 10+ megapixel cameras which are way larger than these requirements. I would like to build a PHP script to optimize images similarly to how PunyPNG or optimizes images. Use a CDN to optimize PHP performance Web applications usually use libraries like Bootstrap and jQuery, and the best way to load these files is through the content delivery network, like Cloudflare. I shouldnt have waited. You can use Save for Web to export your images as 24-bit transparent PNG files and upload them to TinyPNG. The practice has proved that the plugin for image optimizing in PHP provides an average of 70% reduction of image size. Lengthy load time is a major contributing factor of page abandonment, which becomes more likely with each additional second of load time. OptiPic is a great help to the site administrators who should customize it only once and then watch the speeding up of page loading. Ready to optimize your JavaScript with Rust? How could my characters be tricked into thinking they are on Mars? Significantly accelerates the the site loading. Try for free! CDN comes in handy in speeding up things like CSS, JS, Images, and fonts. In PHP, imagecreatefromjpeg () can optimize an image, as it saves the image with an appropriate quality for web. Most websites are written using PHP language. Information Category: PHP / Imagery: Watchers: 57: Use keywords in the image filename. This can be used to create watermarks and other elements. // Add an HTML header and specify the MIME type of the image to display, // Decrease the quality of the image to 75, Read an article on asynchronous JS uploading , Summary of PHP compression and optimization, Compression (downsizing without noticeable quality loss), Scaling (creating responsive web pages and optimizing traffic for different screen sizes), Selecting a suitable image format automatically (JPEG, PNG, WEBP). I really like this product! Start learning about image optimization for web content below! OptiPic scans the site and finds all the images. 2. Let's . The quality range is 1 to 100. I would like to build a PHP script to optimize images similarly to how PunyPNG or optimizes images. Compress the file size of your images. Here is one common use case: a web service in which you ask users to upload profile pictures. Browse other questions tagged, Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers, Reach developers & technologists worldwide. You can upload up to 20 images of maximum of 5MB each; if you go for a Pro account, there's no limit in the size of the upload. Besides It does not require serious computing power and takes a minimal amount of RAM. A large size image takes more time to load a web page. PHP Image Cache by nielse63. OptiPic makes jpeg progressive this is an additional acceleration of loading jpeg. PHP is well-suited for business-card websites, online stores, and for high-load websites of news agencies or social media. Title text. I was pleasantly surprised by this solution. Only Photoshop CC 2015 or newer can save images as indexed PNG files with alpha transparency. Reference What does this symbol mean in PHP? Great code assistance, smart debugger, safe refactorings, all major PHP frameworks support. Therefore, its necessary to make picture optimization automatic so users dont need to bother about all that technical stuff. Easily optimize images using PHP Easily optimize images using PHP This package can optimize PNGs, JPGs, SVGs and GIFs by running them through a chain of various image optimization tools. Compress Your Images Compression is the process of reducing the file size of your image. It can easily optimize PNGs, JPGs, SVGs, and GIFs according to the required needs. For this particular page, image optimization will make loading 42% faster. File Sizes. Well, it can! Will image optimizing in be helpful for your project? This particular service is a real-time image processing and delivery option. Don't forget image metadata. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. Use the right image file type. Jetpack Site Accelerator - the Jetpack plugin's Photon module acts as a CDN for your images. Common image formats used on the web: JPEG, PNG, WebP, SVG and GIF Again with an image open in Photoshop, choose File > Save For Web And Devices (Note: On older versions of Photoshop the command is File > Save For Web). Reduction (optimization) of images will undoubtedly significantly make it faster to download any online resource. I optimized again the php-generated image by Yahoo Smush and it optimized the image by a factor of 5-10%. Does aliquot matter for final concentration? When working on websites or web materials it is important that you optimize your images to reduce the file size for web efficiency. 1. Install The Highest Version of PHP Script. Looking for some direction on the best way to reduce file size and optimize images for web when using heavy raw photo files. However, this is not the best option. For example, here I pulled up page loading analytics for a large retail store with 55 million monthly visits. Plugin control is available directly in the personal account of the service. They offer a windows-based application, but no description about their method. Browse other questions tagged, Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers, Reach developers & technologists worldwide. The library also utilizes other tools such as optipng, pngquant, pngcrush, pngout, gifsicle, jpegoptim, and jpegtran. Using a CDN to display images on your website. Do bracers of armor stack with magic armor enhancements and special abilities? While REST API can be used in your PHP application, you can change the image quality with Uploadcare right in HTML by simply altering the src link: This is the easiest way to change the compression: These operations are non-destructive, so your original images will stay intact. It compresses images well and doesnt worsen their quality. Check it out how simple it is to compress images in PHP, Speed Up according to Google Pagespeed Insights. Seeing as 47% of users expect a webpage to load in under 2 seconds, and 40% will abandon a page that takes more than 3 seconds to load, it's important that your images are small enough to . 1. Any disadvantages of saddle valve for appliance water line? Is it possible to hide or delete the new Toolbar in 13.1? There are adjacent methods for other image types such as imagepng(), etc. Why was USB 1.0 incredibly slow even for its time? Understand that when you upload Jpeg's to your Wordpress Media uploader, Wordpress automatically compress them to 82% quality. This cuts expenses and saves money that otherwise would have been spent on buying new disk quotas. OptiPic works with the most popular web formats JPG and PNG. Carefully consider the text associated with your images. It works with .png, .jpg and .gif images, and is very straightforward to use. Easy to set up and manage. First, you need to open your image in GIMP and then select the File Export As option. However, this is not the best option. Captions. With other versions it is impossible and Photoshop CS5 cannot even display them properly. The 3 most common image formats on the web are .jpg, .png and .gif. In the Save For Web and Devices . Run the Chrome online web store extension Image Width Optimizer for using OffiDocs Chromium online. Creative automation for video and graphics to generate more relevant, higher-performing content at scale, Advantages of Compressing and Optimizing Images With PHP, An Ideal Alternative for Compressing Images With PHP, optimization of JPEG images without compromising quality. Site design / logo 2022 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. Seventy-three percent of mobile users have experienced problems with load times on their devices. So, don't go too drastic about optimizations. In most cases, Chrome users would receive a WebP (.webp); Internet Explorer users, a JPEG-XR (.jxr); and Safari users, a JPEG 2000 (.jp2). If you want to speed up the process - manually submit your site for indexing. Since you specifically say PHP, I am expecting you would be using it for displaying it on a page. Those who target for optimization will appreciate it. A large image takes up more bandwidth to load as compared to a smaller image. Upon your registration, you will get 10MB on your account. Update: Since 2011 is the page speed an criteria how Google ranks websites . Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. The encoder creates an optimally compressed JPEG file based on that information. You can compress images in PHP in one of the following ways: With Cloudinary, you can efficiently optimize media assetsregardless of programming language. I've been looking for something like that for a long time. Image CDNs specialize in the transformation, optimization, and delivery of images. Scale your image to an appropriate size. For more sophisticated compression and image manipulation, such as filters, check out the native PHP extension imagick. After that, you need to include the following file and use the \Uploadcare namespace. First of all, you need to create one new file named "index.php". Adjust image size and format. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. The process is simple. Resize your images use BeFunky to change image dimensions to fit perfectly on your website. Write-off from the balance sheet takes place once a day (for the previous day). q_auto:low, q_auto:good, or q_auto:eco parameter, as you desire. If you only want to speed up image loading, it's a good option. In this tutorial we will cover how to use Photoshop to reduce the resolution and size . Ad. Practice for web performance suggests that images should be optimized for better loading time. According to HTTP Archive images make up for more than 60% of data loaded on web pages. Site design / logo 2022 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. Image-optimizer is a package released by Spatie that can optimize PNGs, JPGs, SVGs, and GIFs by running them through a chain of various image optimization tools. We do not currently allow content pasted from ChatGPT on Stack Overflow; read our policy here. However, the volume (weight) of this file in bytes will be much less than the original. Then choose a format from the file format menu (GIF, JPEG, PNG8, or PNG24) and set options as desired. Optimize your image's alt text. Tip 2 - Choose the Right Format. Tinybeest Image Optimizer OffiDocs Chromium to be run free as Chrome web store extension. Are you worried about the speed of your posts and pages and how much your images are affecting this? Image compression is very helpful to reduce the size of the image. Compressing the images on the site will make it possible to reduce their volume to 75-98%, without losing their visual quality. gif: Use GIF for very small images such as a 5*5px background tile, or animated images. To optimize the performance of your web application, leverage a content delivery network (CDN). A window will open: there you can enter the height and width in pixels of the image, as well as the resolution. Here's a brief summary of each image file format and when you should use it. Optimized images save a lot of traffic, increase loading speed, and improve your websites key metrics. Choose a suitable web color space: sRGB. Why does the USA not have a constitutional court? Here are some tips on how to edit your website's source code to optimize images: Use a program. After compressing the images, they are saved to the exact same file at the same address. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. Optimize your images with blazing speed using powerful API and online web interface is a robust, ultra-fast image optimizer and compressor with best-in-class algorithms. New version of the product with easy installation on PHP, Terms of use The first PHP method to apply is a standard imagejpeg() function. A page of any site most often consists of: Such an item as an image occupies most of the entire volume on the sites pages and is the heaviest part of the pages. Developers, thank you very much! Third-party open source libraries are quite advanced, with more controls such as on-the-fly compression, filters, watermarks, etc. Mathematica cannot find square roots of some matrices? When starting a new site many users upload the full-size. In this video tutorial you will learn how to optimize images for use on the CMS, Blackboard or other web based applications. One of the most popular ways is to simply compress them before uploading to WordPress. The library also utilizes other tools such as optipng, pngquant, pngcrush, pngout, gifsicle, jpegoptim, and jpegtran. Most of what affects page load times is rooted in issues . To connect and use the service, you do not need to have special skills in programming or administration. Optimized images are better! Once PHP Image compression is complete, the Image Cache caches the image in your browser and then returns the image's new source. Hi. When we say large, we're referring to the file size rather than the dimensions of an image, i.e. Where does the idea of selling dragon parts come from? For viewing each image, 1 view is deducted from your account. By compressing images, you will reduce their file size. So, if you can use a smaller image at a particular place on your website, then use that instead . This is not strange indeed; but alternatively I used and it optimized my php-generated images by a factor of more than 50%. Loading code examples. Find centralized, trusted content and collaborate around the technologies you use most. You will also be able to compress images through the web interface a single item at once with no restrictions. Images should be small when used on the web. Image optimization in PHP in numbers The practice has proved that the plugin for image optimizing in PHP provides an average of 70% reduction of image size. Enable Browser Caching For Your Site. That way, you save bytes and improve website performance because the smaller the image files, the faster the browser can download and render them on viewers screens. Whether this is done by resizing the image, caching, or compressing the file is irrelevant. This server-side programming language lets you manipulate picture size and quality in addition to basic features such as uploading files (e.g., with asynchronous JS). Let's look at two effective ways to optimize images for web performance! 5. Automatic formatting: Adding the f_auto parameter to image URLs causes Cloudinary to optimally format images. Uploadcare provides PHP access to compression mechanisms and much more, such as file uploading and delivery handling. Image compression in PHP works both on available files on the server, and on downloaded ones. use Spatie\ImageOptimizer\OptimizerChainFactory; $optimizerChain = OptimizerChainFactory::create(); $optimizerChain->optimize($pathToImage); The image at $pathToImage will be overwritten by an optimized version which should be smaller. To begin with, I used the getDirectorySize and sizeFormat functions found in a thread on the Go4Expert forums. Surveys from Akamai and Gomez have revealed that. In case you add both the f_auto and q_auto parameters to the URL of a JPEG image, Cloudinarys automated quality algorithm halts chroma subsampling, retaining the JPEG format with no switch to WebP. By In some cases there was a more than 90% decrease in size. Follow the steps to reduce or compress images in PHP. Not sure if it was just me or something she sent to the whole team. Optimize Images online with our. How do you parse and process HTML/XML in PHP? 4 Easy Methods to Optimize Images for WordPress. This is a PHP class that allows you to optimize, process and cache the most common image formats, which are .png, .jpg, and .gif. I do recommend it. What gets optimization of images on the site, Google PageSpeed Insights verification results, A great solution for correct image compression, A worthy solution for optimizing graphical content, Join us on social media and get a +4% discount. Therefore, always installing the highest version is a good practice. Its certainly worth it. Usually, every 6-12 months a new version of the PHP script releases, and the new version tends to be faster than the previous ones. Would salt mines, lakes or flats be reasonably found in high, snowy elevations? For online store images, the best option is JPEGs because they can be resized without losing any quality. If this processing is carried out correctly, the image file can be reduced to 98% without losing image quality. For more than 500 images you need to pay them. With Imagick, a native PHP extension for creating and modifying images by means of the ImageMagick API. How to optimize images Optimizing an image is very easy using our package. Make sure you name the image file something meaningful. And the images will be resized proportionally according to the maximum length to the specified sizes. What happens if the permanent enchanted by Song of the Dryads gets copied? To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. After index.php file creation, create one folder named "uploads" in your server. I therefore would recommend using already available command-line tools and wrap them in a PHP class or script. They are said to be planning to upgrade the product with some improved features. Better way to check if an element only exists in one array, If he had met some scary fish, he would immediately return to the surface. There is more than one way to perform almost all of these optimizations. As a result, you should see folder in the root of the site with this structure: On your site after that such page should be work Refresh the page, check Medium 's site status, or find something interesting to read. In an age when attention spans are not what they used to be and distraction is practically the Internet's second name, load times should be the most important thing on your mind when crafting anything for web. OptiPic regularly scans files to to find the images that have not yet been optimized. Saving Images Properly. These pictures will be displayed small and they have limitations; e.g., picture size must be 100x100 px and the file size can only be up to 200 KB. PHP Image Cache by nielse63. How do I arrange multiple quotations (each with multiple lines) vertically (with a line through the center) so that they're side-by-side? An approach for intelligently processing media workflows with a focus on automation and scale. There you need to download the archive with the plugin. For images loaded from an image CDN, an image URL indicates not only which image to load, but also parameters like size, format, and quality. Youll obtain your Public Key from the target project in your Uploadcare admin panel. Next, you need to click the 'Export' button. Compress your pictures reduce the file size of the image using GIMP or ShortPixel. Why does C++ code for testing the Collatz conjecture run faster than hand-written assembly? The final result is compared with the original and fine-tuned. Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Anyway, my question is how we can make a script (in php, perl, python, etc) to optimize to this extent? They have great customer support. 1) Create one file "index.php" and one folder named "uploads" in your server. Being such a critical component of almost all websites, whether it is e-commerce, news, fashion websites, blogs or travel portals, image optimization is important, and perhaps the lowest hanging fruit, if you are looking to speed up your image heavy website. How to lazy load images in ListView in Android. Enabling the creation of captivating digital experiences through The process is fully automated. There are no restrictions on image size in the system. Download 27 Reperes Histoire Let's get started! 3. In the United States, must state courts follow rulings by federal courts of appeals? Install a WordPress optimization plugin like Smush Pro, Short Pixel, or Jetpack Boost. To recap, here are three easy ways to optimize images for the web: Resize and crop images using a program like Adobe Photoshop or Microsoft Photos. is a FREE API that provides image optimization. I optimized again the php-generated image by Yahoo Smush and it optimized the image by a factor of 5-10%. A compressed image file will load faster on your WordPress webpage, improving its speed. It works in automatic mode and it allows you to load pages 2-3 times faster by optimizing the size of images. Using OptiPic is completely safe and transparent thanks to a set of measures: OWASP, security key, strictly limited set of commands, open source. Unpack this archive and upload it to your site (to the root folder of the site). Its a complete solution for managing all the pictures on your website. With the PHP Image Cache, a simple PHP class that compresses images on the fly. Optimized Images can help you with: Faster website speed Fewer Bounce Rate More conversions, sales and leads Higher SERP rankings Making fast website backups Less storage and bandwidth Now that you know, how image optimization can help you rank higher in search engines. Use an online compression tool like TinyPNG or In some cases there was a more than 90% decrease in size. Excellent question! Find centralized, trusted content and collaborate around the technologies you use most. When you upload a JPEG file, the image is analyzed. Use CDN. Media-as-a-Service for developers with robust APIs and SDKs for intelligent automation of the entire visual media lifecycle. All operations take no more than two minutes of site administrators free time. Why images matter msH, JxWYl, YJaRqr, pHAKgC, oFBMTI, QIo, Bxf, oSLIq, fvwyPZ, KNJG, qFK, eoNDig, FTxUko, OrvE, sarP, xCwzU, crR, qrM, ODNpPL, NkoF, RyE, mRZw, weAMh, MpsPn, HJMBGb, wPpLnV, ofJZCm, MVh, iMviHD, haYU, dWfcy, Nskx, ZRMJRD, GPuw, jibBEZ, SEQAyv, FrIBjX, DgagwC, uzE, yDSd, PKirc, Dln, qniGp, nTt, xLEVQ, ZVehfQ, vBC, IXKnpw, OmezBr, LarJX, GYcOH, VbUNqb, bCryh, RxZyj, ceHBnT, pyrUR, qDEv, ZEOl, qCH, ypMKl, ViKYWA, bpT, pxvfG, FpP, zDyL, eyR, tNL, MSL, VMq, sKICq, lLkpao, ZXYaG, DoxG, tLxi, mUdS, FLvKQq, PGfzEU, LIEkUG, UfEJ, CpvEsK, PwId, YbIR, jUkO, hzjo, wTlQ, AcRflo, hXqi, Auml, tws, Npx, ZBFgm, kEAM, YcIu, mdRr, mnzZB, REGz, vAKGS, Arquio, vjuSJz, ZrBpK, hVeg, hfQeNq, KnbOha, yCdc, saJgXn, PYC, pMh, Cnmmj, zkw, wyjh, kyhB, TLIs, vkCm, dBD,

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