what is part of planning a differentiated environment

Submitted by VFleming (not verified) on February 6, 2018 - 8:31am. (4) At the option of the physician, required visits in SNFs after the initial visit may alternate between personal visits by the physician and visits by a physician assistant, nurse practitioner, or clinical nurse specialist in accordance with paragraph (e) of this section. (ii) Test, inspect, and maintain an approved, supervised automatic sprinkler system in accordance with the 1998 edition of NFPA 25, Standard for the Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance of Water-Based Fire Protection Systems, as incorporated by reference. (a) Standard: Qualified intellectual disability professional. (d) Choice of attending physician. For Medicare and Medicaid purposes (including eligibility, coverage, certification, and payment), the facility is always the entity that participates in the program, whether that entity is comprised of all of, or a distinct part of, a larger institution. (viii) TIA 12-1 to NFPA 101, issued August 11, 2011. The headteachers standards are intended as guidance to be interpreted in the context of each individual headteacher and school (including maintained schools, academies and independent schools). (3) Demonstrate that each separately certified facility is capable of actively using the unified and integrated emergency preparedness program and is in compliance with the program. Download samples, investigate a variety of helpful links, and more. (ii) To be designated as an occupational therapy assistant, an individual must be eligible for certification as a certified occupational therapy assistant by the American Occupational Therapy Association or another comparable body. Upon request, the provider must give a copy of the grievance policy to the resident. (ix) Document, complete on a timely basis based on the resident's needs, and include in the clinical record, the evaluation of the resident's discharge needs and discharge plan. At a minimum, the policies and procedures must address the following: (1) The provision of subsistence needs for staff and clients, whether they evacuate or shelter in place, include, but are not limited to the following: (ii) Alternate sources of energy to maintain the following: (A) Temperatures to protect client health and safety and for the safe and sanitary storage of provisions. In the case of individualized evaluations, information that is necessary for determining whether it is appropriate for the individual with MI or IID to be placed in an NF or in another appropriate setting should be gathered throughout all applicable portions of the PASARR evaluation ( 483.132 and 483.134 and/or 483.136). The facility must ensure that its -, (1) Medication error rates are not 5 percent or greater; and. Time out means the restriction of a resident for a period of time to a designated area from which the resident is not physically prevented from leaving, for the purpose of providing the resident an opportunity to regain self-control. (1) The emergency safety situation that required the intervention, including a discussion of the precipitating factors that led up to the intervention; (2) Alternative techniques that might have prevented the use of the restraint or seclusion; (3) The procedures, if any, that staff are to implement to prevent any recurrence of the use of restraint or seclusion; and. (2) This review must include a review of the resident's medical chart. Redesignated at 56 FR 48918, Sept. 26, 1991, and amended at 57 FR 43925, Sept. 23, 1992], (a) Standard: Protection of clients' rights. (ii) A non-primary diagnosis of dementia without a primary diagnosis that is a serious mental illness, and does not have a diagnosis of IID or a related condition. The facility may permit unlicensed personnel to administer drugs if State law permits, but only under the general supervision of a licensed nurse. The facility must conduct and document a facility-wide assessment to determine what resources are necessary to care for its residents competently during both day-to-day operations and emergencies. (e) Psychotropic drugs. (1) The facility must not use drugs in doses that interfere with the individual client's daily living activities. You can use non-fiction reading materials for reading and science, you can teach a math and science combination lesson together with a writing assignment afterward, etc. (ii) Is under the supervision of the physician. (2) Annually is defined as occurring within every fourth quarter after the previous preadmission screen or annual resident review. (2) Professional staff must be licensed, certified, or registered in accordance with applicable State laws. If parents and kids can talk together, we won't have as much censorship because we won't have as much fear." (3) Prevent further potential abuse, neglect, exploitation, or mistreatment while the investigation is in progress. If the information in the notice changes prior to effecting the transfer or discharge, the facility must update the recipients of the notice as soon as practicable once the updated information becomes available. (a) The facility must require staff to have ongoing education, training, and demonstrated knowledge of -. (1) A client may be placed in a room from which egress is prevented only if the following conditions are met: (i) The placement is a part of an approved systematic time-out program as required by paragraph (b) of this section. (A) The facility must be able to demonstrate their response and rationale for such response. For information on the availability of this material at NARA, call 202-741-6030, or go to: http://www.archives.gov/federal_register/code_of_federal_regulations/ibr_locations.html. [81 FR 68864, Oct. 4, 2016, as amended at 87 FR 47618, Aug. 3, 2022], (a) Provision of services. The LTC facility must develop and implement policies and procedures to ensure all the following: (i) When COVID-19 vaccine is available to the facility, each resident and staff member is offered the COVID-19 vaccine unless the immunization is medically contraindicated or the resident or staff member has already been immunized; (ii) Before offering COVID-19 vaccine, all staff members are provided with education regarding the benefits and risks and potential side effects associated with the vaccine; (iii) Before offering COVID-19 vaccine, each resident or the resident representative receives education regarding the benefits and risks and potential side effects associated with the COVID-19 vaccine; (iv) In situations where COVID-19 vaccination requires multiple doses, the resident, resident representative, or staff member is provided with current information regarding those additional doses, including any changes in the benefits or risks and potential side effects associated with the COVID-19 vaccine, before requesting consent for administration of any additional doses; (v) The resident or resident representative, has the opportunity to accept or refuse a COVID-19 vaccine, and change their decision; and. Menus must -. 28, 1993, as amended at 81 FR 68871, Oct. 4, 2016], (a) Basic rule. 483.358 Orders for the use of restraint or seclusion. ED 429 944. Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on March 5, 2012 - 1:19am. (1) A safe, clean, comfortable, and homelike environment, allowing the resident to use his or her personal belongings to the extent possible. Peace. (o) Record retention. The facility must provide sufficient support personnel to safely and effectively carry out the functions of the food and nutrition service. Differentiated instructions are very necessary to help ALL students learn and succeed. The completion of a primary vaccination series for COVID-19 is defined here as the administration of a single-dose vaccine, or the administration of all required doses of a multi-dose vaccine. (3) Staff must document in the resident's record that the serious occurrence was reported to both the State Medicaid agency and the State-designated Protection and Advocacy system, including the name of the person to whom the incident was reported. Submitted by Darnell Turner (not verified) on April 10, 2018 - 11:55am. Julio replied on Mon, 2015-03-30 21:45 Permalink. For purposes of this section, the following definitions apply: Compliance and ethics program means, with respect to a facility, a program of the operating organization that -, (1) Has been reasonably designed, implemented, and enforced so that it is likely to be effective in preventing and detecting criminal, civil, and administrative violations under the Act and in promoting quality of care; and. (ii) The facility may not transfer or discharge the resident while the appeal is pending, pursuant to 431.230 of this chapter, when a resident exercises his or her right to appeal a transfer or discharge notice from the facility pursuant to 431.220(a)(3) of this chapter, unless the failure to discharge or transfer would endanger the health or safety of the resident or other individuals in the facility. (x) TIA 12-3 to NFPA 101, issued October 22, 2013. Differentiated instruction is very helpful in the classroom. In a state that does not provide for licensure or certification, the individual will be deemed to have met this requirement if he or she is recognized as a registered dietitian by the Commission on Dietetic Registration or its successor organization, or meets the requirements of paragraphs (a)(1)(i) and (ii) of this section. The program works well and is user friendly. Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on July 2, 2012 - 5:10am, Submitted by (not verified) on January 22, 2014 - 5:00pm. (3) Distinguishing employee from agency and contract staff. (ii) Measure at least 80 square feet per resident in multiple resident bedrooms, and at least 100 square feet in single resident rooms; (iii) Have direct access to an exit corridor; (iv) Be designed or equipped to assure full visual privacy for each resident; (v) In facilities initially certified after March 31, 1992, except in private rooms, each bed must have ceiling suspended curtains, which extend around the bed to provide total visual privacy in combination with adjacent walls and curtains; (vi) Have at least one window to the outside; and. jg.You are sooooo correct. (2) Include dementia management training and resident abuse prevention training. (v) The facility must have written policies and procedures regarding the visitation rights of residents, including those setting forth any clinically necessary or reasonable restriction or limitation or safety restriction or limitation, when such limitations may apply consistent with the requirements of this subpart, that the facility may need to place on such rights and the reasons for the clinical or safety restriction or limitation. (d) Standard: Staff treatment of clients. (6) The use of volunteers in an emergency or other emergency staffing strategies, including the process and role for integration of State or Federally designated health care professionals to address surge needs during an emergency. As teachers we need to make sure we are asking easy questions, but figuring out a new way to ask the question. (E) The staff members who may authorize the use of specified interventions. (1) New admission. 483.108 Relationship of PASARR to other Medicaid processes. Jean-Paul replied on Sun, 2014-03-30 09:47 Permalink. (1) If the facility does not employ a qualified professional person to furnish a specific service to be provided by the facility, the facility must have that service furnished to residents by a person or agency outside the facility under an arrangement described in section 1861(w) of the Act or (with respect to services furnished to NF residents and dental services furnished to SNF residents) an agreement described in paragraph (g)(2) of this section. (iii) Any services and treatments to be administered by the facility and personnel acting on behalf of the facility. The article is very useful can be applied even at the secondary level with some tweaking. (A) The facility must establish and maintain a system that assures a full and complete and separate accounting, according to generally accepted accounting principles, of each resident's personal funds entrusted to the facility on the resident's behalf. Participation by the client, his or her parent (if the client is a minor), or the client's legal guardian is required unless that participation is unobtainable or inappropriate. Submitted by Martha (not verified) on November 17, 2015 - 4:26pm. (d) If the order for restraint or seclusion is verbal, the verbal order must be received by a registered nurse or other licensed staff such as a licensed practical nurse, while the emergency safety intervention is being initiated by staff or immediately after the emergency safety situation ends. CP Scott: "Comment is free, but facts are sacred" the hierarchy of the document. (e) Minimum data set (MDS). Comprehensive dental diagnostic services include -. (D) A statement that the resident may file a complaint with the State Survey Agency concerning any suspected violation of state or federal nursing facility regulations, including but not limited to resident abuse, neglect, exploitation, misappropriation of resident property in the facility, non-compliance with the advance directives requirements and requests for information regarding returning to the community. (ii) Not less than 10 hours between breakfast and the evening meal of the same day, except as provided under paragraph (b)(1)(i) of this section. (3) Inform residents, their representatives, and families of those residing in facilities by 5 p.m. the next calendar day following the occurrence of either a single confirmed infection of COVID-19, or three or more residents or staff with new-onset of respiratory symptoms occurring within 72 hours of each other. You are using an unsupported browser. administrators who are committed to enhancing student achievement. The registry -. Determinations made by the State mental health or intellectual disability authority as to whether NF level of services and specialized services are needed must be based on an evaluation of data concerning the individual, as specified in paragraph (b) of this section. (i) Persons with an ownership or control interest, as defined in 420.201 and 455.101 of this chapter; (ii) The officers, directors, agents, or managing employees; (iii) The corporation, association, or other company responsible for the management of the facility; or. The section consists of (ADA) Chapters 1 and 2 and Chapters 3 through 10, of the 2004 ADAAG (36 CFR part 1191, appendices B and D, adopted as part of both the Title II and Title III 2010 Standards). (ii) The facility must allow the resident to obtain a copy of the records or any portions thereof (including in an electronic form or format when such records are maintained electronically) upon request and 2 working days advance notice to the facility. (vi) Health information technology resources, such as systems for electronically managing patient records and electronically sharing information with other organizations. A facility must not use any individual working in the facility as a paid feeding assistant unless that individual has successfully completed a State-approved training program for feeding assistants, as specified in 483.160. (E) Routine personal hygiene items and services as required to meet the needs of residents, including, but not limited to, hair hygiene supplies, comb, brush, bath soap, disinfecting soaps or specialized cleansing agents when indicated to treat special skin problems or to fight infection, razor, shaving cream, toothbrush, toothpaste, denture adhesive, denture cleaner, dental floss, moisturizing lotion, tissues, cotton balls, cotton swabs, deodorant, incontinence care and supplies, sanitary napkins and related supplies, towels, washcloths, hospital gowns, over the counter drugs, hair and nail hygiene services, bathing assistance, and basic personal laundry. I know with my own students, sometimes I can try the most bizarre methods of either getting the student to comprehend or correct behavior. (f) Annual review. (ii) Until the emergency safety situation has ceased and the resident's safety and the safety of others can be ensured, even if the restraint or seclusion order has not expired. The facility must ensure that nurse aides are able to demonstrate competency in skills and techniques necessary to care for residents' needs, as identified through resident assessments, and described in the plan of care. The State intellectual disability authority may make categorical determinations that individuals with dementia, which exists in combination with intellectual disability or a related condition, do not need specialized services. (i) As an integral part of an individual program plan that is intended to lead to less restrictive means of managing and eliminating the behavior for which the restraint is applied; (ii) As an emergency measure, but only if absolutely necessary to protect the client or others from injury; or. (1) A long-term care (LTC) facility may do either of the following: (i) Arrange for the provision of hospice services through an agreement with one or more Medicare-certified hospices. (5) The State must provide information on the registry promptly. (4) A nursing facility must notify the state mental health authority or state intellectual disability authority, as applicable, promptly after a significant change in the mental or physical condition of a resident who has a mental disorder or intellectual disability for resident review. [1], (A) A schizophrenic, mood, paranoid, panic or other severe anxiety disorder; somatoform disorder; personality disorder; other psychotic disorder; or another mental disorder that may lead to a chronic disability; but. (I) A provision that when the LTC facility personnel are responsible for the administration of prescribed therapies, including those therapies determined appropriate by the hospice and delineated in the hospice plan of care, the LTC facility personnel may administer the therapies where permitted by State law and as specified by the LTC facility. (6) Includes the bases for the report's conclusions. (2) When required. If you use assistive technology (such as a screen reader) and need a I am planning to conduct a study about it's effectiveness in enhancing my students conceptual understanding and attitude in my subject since it's, well, considered by many as a hard science. (d) Interdisciplinary coordination. (c) Standard: Storage space in bedroom. (2) The facility must keep confidential all information contained in the clients' records, regardless of the form or storage method of the records. The facility must employ or obtain the services of a licensed pharmacist who -. (3) Have a policy regarding use and storage of foods brought to residents by family and other visitors to ensure safe and sanitary storage, handling, and consumption, and. Submitted by Katherine (not verified) on April 23, 2014 - 8:17pm, Differentiated instruction can be effective if done correctly, Submitted by Michele (not verified) on February 5, 2014 - 1:16pm. 483.132 Evaluating the need for NF services and NF level of care (PASARR/NF). (B) Television/radio, personal computer or other electronic device for personal use. The ICF/IID must meet the requirements for evacuation drills and training at 483.470(i). (iv) Include the average portion sizes for menu items. (k) Standard: Paint. Any applicant for admission to a NF who has MI or IID and who does not require the level of services provided by a NF, regardless of whether specialized services are also needed, is inappropriate for NF placement and must not be admitted. (2) The facility will develop and implement policies addressing: (i) How they will use a systematic approach to determine underlying causes of problems impacting larger systems; (ii) How they will develop corrective actions that will be designed to effect change at the systems level to prevent quality of care, quality of life, or safety problems ; and. (1) Be sufficient to ensure the continuing competence of nurse aides, but must be no less than 12 hours per year. (i) An individual is considered to have a mental disorder if the individual has a serious mental disorder as defined in 483.102(b)(1). The facility will conduct an annual review of its IPCP and update their program, as necessary. (2) Nurse aides who have an offer of employment from a facility; (3) Nurse aides who become employed by a facility not later than 12 months after completing a nurse aide training and competency evaluation program or competency evaluation program; or. Small group allows you more time to recognize student needs and learning styles. (1) The facility must provide or obtain radiology and other diagnostic services to meet the needs of its residents. (3) The facility shall inform the resident of the right to participate in his or her treatment and shall support the resident in this right. (vi) The hand hygiene procedures to be followed by staff involved in direct resident contact. We use some essential cookies to make this website work. (2) Be free of potentially hazardous conditions such as unprotected light fixtures and electrical outlets. (b) Requirements for approval of programs. (b) Adaptation to culture, language, ethnic origin. FFP is not available for specialized services furnished to NF residents as NF services. (5) The right to be informed in advance, by the physician or other practitioner or professional, of the risks and benefits of proposed care, of treatment and treatment alternatives or treatment options and to choose the alternative or option he or she prefers. Therefore, the facility must -. A facility must not use any individual who has worked less than 4 months as a nurse aide in that facility unless the individual -. Meet your favorite authors and illustrators in our video interviews. The facility must ensure the rights of all clients. [81 FR 68863, Oct. 4, 2016, as amended at 82 FR 32259, July 13, 2017]. (2) A system to track the location of on-duty staff and sheltered residents in the LTC facility's care during and after an emergency. The evaluation function must be performed by a person or entity other than the State mental health authority. (2) Furnish, maintain in good repair, and teach clients to use and to make informed choices about the use of dentures, eyeglasses, hearing and other communications aids, braces, and other devices identified by the interdisciplinary team as needed by the client. (5) Ensure that each client eats in an upright position, unless otherwise specified by the interdisciplinary team or a physician. Using differentiated reading materials is often difficult due to the lack of access to varying materials. (ii) Ensure that the heating apparatus does not constitute a burn or smoke hazard to clients. (vi) The resident's medical record includes documentation that indicates, at a minimum, the following: (A) That the resident or resident representative was provided education regarding the benefits and potential risks associated with COVID-19 vaccine; and, (B) Each dose of COVID-19 vaccine administered to the resident; or, (C) If the resident did not receive the COVID-19 vaccine due to medical contraindications or refusal; and. (In pooled accounts, there must be a separate accounting for each resident's share.) Such steps include, but are not limited to, utilizing monitoring and auditing systems reasonably designed to detect criminal, civil, and administrative violations under the Act by any of the operating organization's staff, individuals providing services under a contractual arrangement, or volunteers, having in place and publicizing a reporting system whereby any of these individuals could report violations by others anonymously within the operating organization without fear of retribution, and having a process for ensuring the integrity of any reported data. (C) Not restrict, limit, or otherwise deny visitation privileges on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, or disability. (d) Notice of bed-hold policy and return -, (1) Notice before transfer. Subpart E - Appeals of Discharges, Transfers, and Preadmission Screening and Annual Resident Review (PASARR) Determinations. (7) The facility must protect and facilitate that resident's right to communicate with individuals and entities within and external to the facility, including reasonable access to: (i) A telephone, including TTY and TDD services; (ii) The internet, to the extent available to the facility; and. (2) Request additional information form the requesting entity. For purposes of this subpart, the term resident representative means any of the following: (1) An individual chosen by the resident to act on behalf of the resident in order to support the resident in decision-making; access medical, social or other personal information of the resident; manage financial matters; or receive notifications; (2) A person authorized by State or Federal law (including but not limited to agents under power of attorney, representative payees, and other fiduciaries) to act on behalf of the resident in order to support the resident in decision-making; access medical, social or other personal information of the resident; manage financial matters; or receive notifications; (3) Legal representative, as used in section 712 of the Older Americans Act; or. Best-practice standards for headteachers. Based on the comprehensive assessment of a resident, the facility must ensure that -, (i) A resident receives care, consistent with professional standards of practice, to prevent pressure ulcers and does not develop pressure ulcers unless the individual's clinical condition demonstrates that they were unavoidable; and. 3001 et seq.). (ii) The client is under the direct constant visual supervision of designated staff. Giving students options of how to express required learning (e.g., create a puppet show, write a letter, or develop a mural with labels); Using rubrics that match and extend students' varied skills levels; Allowing students to work alone or in small groups on their products; and. Featured Writers . In all other cases, except for 483.130(h), a determination that specialized services are not needed must be based on a more extensive individualized evaluation under 483.134 or 483.136. (B) The facility is fully sprinklered in accordance with NFPA 13, Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems. (1) The State mental health and intellectual disability authorities may delegate by subcontract or otherwise the evaluation and determination functions for which they are responsible to another entity only if -. You Are Loved, and We Are So Happy You Are Here! (3) Transmittal requirements. (4) The facility must establish a grievance policy to ensure the prompt resolution of all grievances regarding the residents' rights contained in this paragraph. The emergency preparedness program must include, but not be limited to, the following elements: (a) Emergency plan. OK, jg and all of your supporters, yes, elementary teachers work hard too, but I have (as an administrator) seen elementary teachers who seem to think lesson planning consists of turning to the next page in the teacher edition - and I don't mean the night before - I am talking about doing that when it's time to teach the lesson, so HS teachers with yellowed lesson plans in a dusty cabinet don't have a monopoly on lack of planning. (4) Facility data retention requirements. Evaluating whether an individual with mental illness requires specialized services (PASARR/MI). Submitted by Renee (not verified) on November 28, 2017 - 10:02am, Great practical ideas. (2) A bed in a certified entity to a bed in an entity which is certified as a different provider. The operating organization for each facility must develop, implement, and maintain an effective compliance and ethics program that contains, at a minimum, the following components: (1) Established written compliance and ethics standards, policies, and procedures to follow that are reasonably capable of reducing the prospect of criminal, civil, and administrative violations under the Act and promote quality of care, which include, but are not limited to, the designation of an appropriate compliance and ethics program contact to which individuals may report suspected violations, as well as an alternate method of reporting suspected violations anonymously without fear of retribution; and disciplinary standards that set out the consequences for committing violations for the operating organization's entire staff; individuals providing services under a contractual arrangement; and volunteers, consistent with the volunteers' expected roles. (F) A provision stating that the hospice assumes responsibility for determining the appropriate course of hospice care, including the determination to change the level of services provided. (vi) Include opportunities for client choice and self-management. (4) Transmission of data and reports to the State Medicaid agency for purposes directly related to the administration of the State Medicaid plan. (2) The policies and procedures of this section do not apply to the following facility staff: (i) Staff who exclusively provide telehealth or telemedicine services outside of the facility setting and who do not have any direct contact with residents and other staff specified in paragraph (i)(1) of this section; and. (p. 14). (A) The facility can only charge a resident for any non-covered item or service if such item or service is specifically requested by the resident. (i) Staff of the facility must not use physical, verbal, sexual or psychological abuse or punishment. (vii) NFPA 101, Life Safety Code, 2012 edition, issued August 11, 2011. (1) The State may contract the daily operation and maintenance of the registry to a non-State entity. (E) A resident has not resided in the facility for 30 days. (ii) The facility must provide immediate access to a resident by immediate family and other relatives of the resident, subject to the resident's right to deny or withdraw consent at any time; (iii) The facility must provide immediate access to a resident by others who are visiting with the consent of the resident, subject to reasonable clinical and safety restrictions and the resident's right to deny or withdraw consent at any time; (iv) The facility must provide reasonable access to a resident by any entity or individual that provides health, social, legal, or other services to the resident, subject to the resident's right to deny or withdraw consent at any time; and. (2) Care area assessment (CAA) guidelines and care area triggers (CATs) that are necessary to accurately assess residents, established by CMS. (ii) An individual is considered to have an intellectual disability if the individual has an intellectual disability as defined in 483.102(b)(3) or is a person with a related condition as described in 435.1010 of this chapter. (3) The facility must ensure that licensed nurses have the specific competencies and skill sets necessary to care for residents' needs, as identified through resident assessments, and described in the plan of care. (ii) Direct outside ventilation by means of windows, air conditioning, or mechanical ventilation. (c) State requirements in specifying an RAI. (i) Examine the results of the most recent survey of the facility conducted by Federal or State surveyors and any plan of correction in effect with respect to the facility; and. (p) Social worker. Except as otherwise may be provided in an alternative disposition plan adopted under section 1919(e)(7)(E) of the Act, for any resident who has continuously resided in a NF for at least 30 months before the date of the determination, and who requires only specialized services as defined in 483.120, the State must, in consultation with the resident's family or legal representative and caregivers -. Behavioral health encompasses a resident's whole emotional and mental well-being, which includes, but is not limited to, the prevention and treatment of mental and substance use disorders. (b) Standard: Management of inappropriate client behavior. Preorder. The LTC facility must develop and maintain an emergency preparedness communication plan that complies with Federal, State, and local laws and must be reviewed and updated at least annually. Determinations may be -, (1) Advance group determinations, in accordance with this section, by category that take into account that certain diagnoses, levels of severity of illness, or need for a particular service clearly indicate that admission to or residence in a NF is normally needed, or that the provision of specialized services is not normally needed; or. [56 FR 48875, Sept. 26, 1991, as amended at 81 FR 68864, Oct. 4, 2016]. CESA 6 has been a leader in educator effectiveness across the state. (vi) To be designated as a social worker, an individual must -, (A) Hold a graduate degree from a school of social work accredited or approved by the Council on Social Work Education or another comparable body; or. 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