4 weeks after 5th metatarsal fracture

.I have been told that it is not hard enough to be cut off. Use of the forums is subject to our Terms of Use When I do have pain it is minimal, but just enough to tell me I have done something wrong. I have been using a bone stimulator for the past 4 weeks, 2x per day. Thank you Sandi. Reduce activity level, rest, and elevate the affected limb as much as possible every day - for at least 2-3 weeks. It doesnt bother me but I am not pushing off. once I put a shoe on, and start really bearing weight, I don't know what to expect, but I may "tape" my foot to give it some more support, and just progress slowly. 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In the car, driving, I pretty much forgot about it, until I got out of my car. Can a broken metatarsal heal without a cast? My doc has asked me for further follow up after 3 weeks. I know the boot isn't good for it. Foot and Ankle Problems By Dr. Richard Blake. fifth metatarsal head callosity motion evaluate for lateral ligamentous instability and whether varus hindfoot is correctable provocative tests pain with resisted foot eversion (indicates peroneal tendon weakness) IMAGING Radiographs recommended views AP, lateral and oblique foot images findings details fracture pattern and location I can also report some good news. And are you weight bearing yet? It really matters and is so difficult!! I go back to Doc next week. It's on the 25th next week not the 12th! Take care. I am in England & treatment is so much different than the states. I'm fine when at home as I can rest when I need but work effects it. My biggest concern was if anyone saw me, lol. There is also evidence that height may reduce. I am very desperate! 1888 Views Sustained a 5th metatarsal fracture)by twisting my foot on 18/05/2017. After eight weeks, you may begin limited jogging. Most patients are able to run again between ten and 12 weeks following surgery. It will be 17 weeks at my next appointment and if it's not showing any sign of knitting together then I'm going to express my frustration. Sorry to hear about what you're going through. It's over 23 weeks now. I didn't need my pain pills before but now I take one every day. I broke my 5th metatarsal on a waterfall 18 days ago. For that reason diabetics need to be aware of the different types of doctors that are available to treat diabetes. I can slowly see the finishing line. I am 50 years old. Xray at 5 weeks showed good healing.. ACE bandage and firm soled shoe seems to be the best for me. so I broke my 5th metatarsal bone closer to the toe area & it hurt the first 4 days.. after 1 week I can put weight on it in the air cast i have no pain. I iced and elevated it and early the next morning my husband took me to ER. It's good to communicate with people who understand. I am walking with one crutch, and have minimal pain, although at times it aches. He only discharged me 3 wks ago as he couldn't keep my place open any longer. Most probably didn't have a full look at it untill he showed me. appreciate it. I was going stir crazy when I first did it. I thank you for putting together this incredible website. The key was immobility, nonweightbearing, and the use of the bone stimulator. ! Also crazy!!!. I think the best news that you shared was no pain with pushing off.. ill keep ya posted. Pull the middle piece off so you have the sticky backing exposed. The solution was approximately eight weeks of very strict nonweightbearing in a boot, and my doctor set me up with a bone stimulator. I just ended up going back to using a crutch then after a week I wasn't using anything. Around four weeks following surgery, start with brief walks in your weight-bearing cast or can walker as pain allows. I know what I need to do, and what I need to avoid. What is the fastest way to heal a 5th metatarsal fracture? Hi Pam. They've had me weight right from the start. the surgeon vaguely told me to WB the same as before and continue with the crutches for 3-4 more weeks. to thank you for an EXCELLENT website. Trust me when I tell you I understand your predicament, I recently bought a house, and have a 14-year-old daughter who is with me full-time. 4 weeks casted NWB except the heel only, then another 4 weeks partial weight bearing in a cast. It does not store any personal data. I can also do "calf raises" without pain. Seems like the 5th metatarsal is a bear bc of poor blood supply. I am purposely attempting to walk with normal gait, bearing weight from heal through push off and am able to do so without pain just very slow. . Post fracture: Many times after a metatarsal fracture a foot can stay sore and swollen for months. The base of the fifth metatarsal is divided into three fracture zones. Just to drag it on a bit longer. I was in shock and cussed like a sailor. Oh well hopefully soon it will be a distant memory. In most cases, the metacarpal fracture heals satisfactorily over a period of 6 to 8 weeks. I suffered from 5th metatarsal fracture 24 days back. These long thin bones are located between the toes and the ankle (between the tarsal bones in the hindfoot and the phalanges in the forefoot). Financially the clock is ticking. How is the fracture area feeling at this point? I took a chance going about 6w before I really knew if my bone would heal! Been icing foot several times a day since this episode. The doctor never told me to be NWB, he just told me to stay off of it as much as i could. The only time I have pain is when I go out for long periods and wear a shoe, even a soft athletic shoe will cause pain after a certain amount of time. Ankle, foot and toe stiffness can develop after a metatarsal fracture, particularly if you spend time in a cast or boot. 4 years ago, It's easy to do. So for the past 6-7 weeks I have been non weight bearing, and wearing a walking boot, and at night in bed I wear a small brace to try and keep it immobile. When I hear from the consultant I will let you know how it goes. Is it normal to still have some swelling in afternoon? And again I had the benefit of a bone stimulator. I think if I pushed for surgery my doc would pursue it, I'll see how next visit and xray goes. It's looking at this point like I made the right decision too. You are right though atleast there is healing in our bones. I didn't feel I needed the boot, and didn't use it. Hi James and everyone else who has contributed to this post. My fracture was simple non displaced so popping a screw in literally took 45 minutes from start to finish. It's easy to do. I am using a running shoe or a basketball shoe, and am making out pretty good. By the way, from the start my podiatrist padded, taped and wrapped my foot, so that my arch and the fracture are supported. If you are uncertain about this program, you can type it into the search bar. It is important to give your foot time to heal completely, so that you do not hurt it again. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'foot_pain_explained_com-box-4','ezslot_6',801,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-foot_pain_explained_com-box-4-0'); Columbia University Department of Rehabilitation. I was very lucky that virtually full healing took place. Also believe people are scared of surgery. A stiff soled shoe, walking boot, or even a cast may be used. I'll ask about the bone stimulator, too. Daily bone stim and doc said ditch the crutches. So I saw the doctor on Tuesday and I got some good news: Significant bone growth; continue 2w more in the boot, and can start putting pressure on the heel only (while in the boot). Let us know how you get on without the boot. But he said I can slowly get back to running/ excercise etc but stop if it hurts too much. Take care.. Update on my foot. Fifth metatarsal diaphyseal fractures are a common injury treated by foot and ankle surgeons. I do use crutches when I go downtown and park on the street, then I crutch to the gym, to use the recumbent bike and do some simple weight machines. I work in a clothing department so yes I'm on my feet alot. . Can't wait to resume light training in gym and go out on mountain bike.. I have next doctor appointment Friday, am hoping to continue to get good report. After fracturing the fifth metatarsal, there are a variety of symptoms that may appear along the outside of the foot. I'm not using a brace or anything. Been tempted myself to get a second opinion. My last follow up on the 23rd of April showed no signs of improvement so the doc ordered me a bone simulator. Most fractures heal without any problems in about six weeks. An anti-inflammatory class of drugs known as JAK inhibitors have been found to increase heart conditions as well as the possibility of blood clots, cancer and death. I'm the only one who can feel where the weight goes and how it seems to affect the broken bone. I asked the radiographer yesterday if they could still see the break & they said yes so I assumed it hadn't healed & when the consultant walked in I said to him I know it's broken by the way he feels but he said it had healed but I said but how can it feel like this? To protect the bone, and allow her to get out of her boot and back to activity, I made a rush of some custom orthotic devices and taught her how to use KT tape to circumferentially wrap the area. Did the doctor think that the bone is moving like you suspected? Avulsion fracture fifth metatarsal 10 weeks ago. He advised that The boot would not heal this fracture since I didn't come right in after I rolled My ankle. Wow so different than my doctor's orders however; I do believe everything eventually heals. It is estimated that approximately 5-6% of fractures seen in the primary care setting are metatarsal fractures, with the 5th metatarsal being the most commonly fractured metatarsal at 68%. after being EXTREMELY careful this past week by staying at home and only moving around when neccessary my pain is almost non-existant! I hope this finds you all in a good place. I haven't jogged yet, but I will try to ease into it over the next few months to keep you posted. Exceptions would be swimming and . I wasn't in a lot of pain but did have discomfort from continued swelling. I also have some issues with circulation in that leg which I notice b/c the color is off a little versus the other leg, but I did have a blood clot (still on blood thinner for 2 more weeks- I get a repeat ultrasound to make sure its gone) so Im hoping this gets better with time. I wore the walking boot for 4 weeks and was told by dr. to stop wearing it and start putting weight on foot. I don't want to wait till 17th aug to find out. Approx 1 week later went on for my appt he did another x Ray and said I needed a 5th metatarsal ORIF. I said yes it was I'd seen the xray & so he showed me the xray & it was the one for the other arm! Is this a sign that surgery might be required or is pain natural? She lives for it. It's discouraging but let's not lose hope! I think I have plantar fasciitis now though, my heel and arch burns when I walk long distances. There should be no flex in the muscles when you apply the tape. Could the knee issue, the limping and the sore feet take a while to go all the way away? That seems to happen quite a bit. At that time I had a displaced 5th metarsal just past the area that would be referred to as a Jones fx. 152 users are following. 3. I went . After around 17 wks there was slight bone growth but not much so they sent me for a CT scan which I will find out the results on the 5th july . Is this pain normal part of healing? So I had xray after 9 weeks and it pretty much looked same as initial xray. Janine, so sorry this has taken so long for you. I'm wearing a normal shoe but only able to wear just theone pair which is like a walking boot. I'm scared to use a crutch as I am sort of clumsy and have trouble with my eyes..I'm still working on it part time and not exactly able to stay off it like I should be..they gave me a shoe in the er but I've found a tall boot to work in to keep it stable..will they have to re brake it with surgery? I only work part time though but it does hurt at work mostly if I'm standing alot. In the states they tend to encourage none weight bearing but here in Britain they encourage weight bearing pretty much from the start to aid circulation. I can only answer medical questions in a general form. I'm still on the roller coaster where my foot feels so much better after a couple days in the house walking in stocking feet, so then I put on shoes and go out shopping and doing errands, and I spend too much time in shoes, and probably also too much time on my feet, and then my foot expresses unhappiness. My husband is afraid I'm going to get hooked on the pain pills! Last week, my foot was feeling a lot better, but then I went to the gym and did too much (did some handstands.), and the next day my foot was warm -- for me, a bad sign -- and I was depressed again for three days, over last weekend, while I did nothing. Take care of yourself and your foot. He doesn't believe it's moving. Turns out i completely broke my 5th meta. 5 weeks on and the swelling has pretty much gone away. so tired of wearing the boot but i dont want a screw put in either. I don't have any pain and really haven't had much since I went non weight bearing. I am walking much better. It's 7 weeks since my last appointment so there should be some more growth and hopefully starting to knit together. They are normally placed in a walker boot for 4-6 weeks or sometimes longer if the individual has low Vitamin D levels, Osteopenia or Osteoporosis. No we don't tend to get shown xrays here only usually in A&E. Patient may be in a removable boot after surgery for a week or two at the direction of the physician. I broke my heel bone and my 5th metatarsal bone in my foot. With your heels together, move your toes apart, as shown in the picture. It's common to see bruising on the injured part of the foot and the surrounding area. Repeat. Needless to say, I'm anxiously awaiting when I can safely get back to running. I quit my job specifically to spend some months getting physically fit again, and then I planned to get a non-sedentary job, like waitressing. Luckly I only work 5hrs a day 4 times a week so can recover a little. When showering, afterwards, am I able to weight bear for a step or two without the boot on to sit down again to dress etc. Doctor stressed the importance of NWB, drawing a diagram showing how the ligaments from the heel will pull the bone apart if I put any weight on my foot. The break has occurred in a part of the bone that normally heals without a problem, . At work the floor is hard & I do suffer pain working but at home I have wood floors & it's not too bad but I can also rest more at home. The fifth metatarsal is the long bone on the outside of the foot that starts in the middle of the foot and forms a joint with the pinky toe. I don't want to go on doing myself damage. Its a very frustrating, painful, and variable injury, as these posts show. My Doctor says it's a Jones fracture, and apparently a pretty bad one. Anyway, I feel very fortunate I got into the boot so soon after the 5th meta. Im sure the people that heal quickly, have surgery, or move along rather normally dont post their issues. Sports should not be considered until walking is pain free. I fractured my 5th metatarsal 5 weeks ago. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. The limited data on this specific fracture type has promoted nonoperative treatment with immobilization. I am in Week 11 since fracture of my 5th metatarsal. They gave us a wheelchair to use around airport and assisted us on and off the plane. So many fractures are much worse. A fracture to this 5th metetarsal bone can be very complex and it appears everyone's recovery is different.. Treatment may be nonoperative or operative depending on the specific metatarsal involved, number of metatarsals involved, and fracture displacement. I decided to go back to my boot to take some of the pain away and it helps a little. I was depressed for quite a while. When I try to have a normal gait and pronate fully, my 2-4th toes hurt. Due to my time restraints, some comments may not be answered.I will answer questions that I feel will help the community as a whole.. I have to refrain from pushing off the broken foot, so I walk with a limp, and that's causing pain / discomfort in the opposite hip, but, if I am very careful, and stay barefoot / shoe-less / boot-less, I do not have any pain at all, which, I assume, means the foot is healing. I broke my 5th metA,, closed fracture, 5 mm distance. It typically occurs in athletes and is often a sports injury. It was a closed fracture. Kudos to you! . I don't have pain while walking, but my foot still swells later in the day, and does seem sore. Hi Figgie, yes was weight bearing in moon boot or stiff soled shoe since the original injury. Some say WB helps heal faster; other say the more rest, the better. I hope the pages can help you learn about caring for foot injuries, or help you with your own injury. Sometimes due to movement of the fracture site a non-union fracture can develop which can cause continued pain. Faster recovery, and no guessing Sandi. [1] Clinical Relevant Anatomy The foot consists out of 5 metatarsal bones per foot. I actually haven't worn it - against doctors' orders, because I think it's the wrong prescription -- but the limping (now 12 weeks of limping) causes pain in the opposite hip. I'm in the same boat..I'm 6 weeks into the 5th metatarsal fracture thats non union and displaced..needing surgery. What type of shoes are you wearing indoors and do you have pain when you push off that foot while walking? Another reason I wanted a screw inserted because I am a rider and jam my heels into those stirrups. You made the right decision as The outcome was great for you. NWB for a further 6 weeks, but hey like you I feel like I've turned the corner and am on the homeward straight. Overall the swelling is decreasing and I have to say Im doing pretty good. My goal is to get back to sports and exercise as I did before . but it is a journey! It's over 16 weeks since I broke mine and it's still painfull. It has a durable, antimicrobial upper that's durable and washable. 9 weeks ago, I slammed a door on my foot and ended up having non-displaced fractures at the base of the 4th and 5th metatarsals. Tash - Yes the boot screws up the whole body. Writing is difficult for me, so it's more of an effort, but that doesn't mean I don't also have empathy and wish others well. Only time will tell. A 5th metatarsal fracture is a common injury that can occur from a variety of activities. Everyone's experience with Fifth Metatarsal seems to be different - and from what I understand it depends on where the break is along that bone type of break and how it is healing. How long was it till you could run? After a period of healing, you may begin a slow return to activity. Make circles with your foot in one direction and then change direction. Non-displaced and minimally displaced avulsion fractures (Dancer's Fractures or Zone 1) may only require symptomatic therapy with a hard shoe or walking boot until the fracture heals. Thank you for your very interesting and informative site! The shoe had made normal day to day activities much easier, can wear normal trousers, put foot down for short periods and can shower. Posted I now take a list of questions I need to ask. Jan 4,2017 ER identified blood clot in my calf due to the boot. Will be traveling internationally in a week for a vacation, and expect to need to bring the boot. Heel pain unbearable. as being in breach of those terms. Look forward to hear how you're recovery is going. My doctor wants me to ice the bottom of my foot 3 times a day for plantar faciiatis, but getting ice in Portugal is tough. Yes Sandi the difference in treatment between our two countries is strange. Alcohol and certain painkillers can affect bone growth also so I don't take painkillers and I try not to drink too much either. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. My break feels like cramp sometimes I'm guessing that's my bones moving. Let us know how you get on. Thank God purchased an Exogen bone stimulator. I was able to walk quite alot at the wknd though it does hurt & I do sometimes get a feeling like cramp around the fracture sometimes which I thought was the bone moving. I have my appointment may 2nd, and am going on 6w of NWB in a boot. One of the best ways to decrease the swelling is by walking b/c of the "ankle pump" which is exactly what we dont get by walking in the stiff boot. Use of the forums is subject to our Terms of Use Very fortunate that he fitted me in this following week. In most cases, a 5th metatarsal fracture heals in six to eight weeks, whether it is treated immobilizally or through surgery. I am 55 yrs old and almost at 5 months recovering from a 5th metatarsal mid shaft spiral fracture of my right foot. Very shocked but pleased. Keep us posted with you're scan Janine, which I guess is next Thursday. Hi, you seem to be knowledgeable in such things. I go back in 3 months now. I'm going to start going to zumba again as I can do the gentler intensity. 523. I am concerned about returning to work too . I had my 5th metatarsal fractured almost 18 months ago & was in walking cast for 8 weeks, hard sole shoe & hiking boots after for months as I thought eventually I'll be walking normal again not knowing months of taking a step & dragging other side of the body along with had already taken its toll on knee & hip area. Well Figgie your friend has a very good namd. I go wed to see consultant & I think I will be finally having an op. . By doing this, the clinician will be . Now I feel like I might as well as look for another sedentary office job since I can't walk (And those jobs pay better, so at least I'd have money to pay people to do all this work on my properties that I cannot do). and Privacy Policy and steps will be taken to remove posts identified Well fingers crossed you get somewhere next week. You maybe should listen to your drs as with you not having much pain you could cause more problems. Well I guess the short version is that for me, after being told by 2 doctors (first a podiatrist, then an orthopedist) that I can walk / weigh-bear, but always in the boot, except for sleeping, I have figured out that barefoot is best - no boot, no shoes. What do you recommend I can do? I'm wondering if I'm weight bearing too soon or if others out there are weight bearing as early as this, too. I exist because my mom was adventurous. Take care and I'll keep you posted about my next appointment. The metatarsal bones are the long bones of the forefoot that connect the ankle (cuboid and cuneiform bones) with the toes (phalanges). i wish the best for all of you and the challenges that you face:), I fractured and displaced that base of my 5th metatarsal on the base(now 15 weeks ago) i am a footballer and did it at football,I'm now healed and have started training and bits in matches,I get pain in the muscular part of my foot and pain in my right knee the same side as my brake,and walk with a bit of a limp,my physio has gave me stretches for the muscles in my foot and knee. I know it's frustrating but there will be other pole vault camps in future. I actually had developed a blood clot, or DVT, in my calf, from immobility, after a few weeks in the boot, so I have been on a blood thinner since then, and will hope to get off of it in another 6 weeks or so. Glad you've had success and are no longer in pain. I am just entering week 8 of healing, still in air cast, crutches, and was given the ok to minimal weight bearing on heel only and continue using crutches. I'm not fully there - but I'm happy to be walking. I'm trying to stay possitive but sometimes it is so frustrating as I'm usually so active. But guys when I injured my foot it didn't start hurting till months later, Update i had My surgery 10/26/16. This is something that I have experienced myself. I wish we could post our x-rays on here to compare our injuries! Clearly you put a ton of work into it and I really Is this all normal to you? I finally have an appointment with the Consultant to discuss my CT scan on the 5th of july. I asked both if I should wrap it with tape or anything and they said no, but I did start to do that and I think it helps. i think i have the same fracture as you and even the 10 days after my injury, before i got myself to hospital to do an x-ray and needed surgery (i was in denial), i still managed to hobble around on it with only a bit of pain. The difference in the advice that is given is unbelievable.. Not what you're looking for? However, it may take three to six months for your symptoms to settle completely - these can include pain or discomfort, stiffness, decreased strength, and swelling. Anyone else given the on to start walking on a cast just a few days after injury. My latest xray shows some union and the surgeon has advised to not weight bear until there is no pain, and then only partial, with my boot and crutches. What food type is preferable? Hi, I fell over 5 weeks ago and sustained a foot injury. Good luck with the shoe. Someone was saying 8 months down the line and they're still not healed! I have a question for everyone: Am I stupid because I did not realize that the flooring material I walk on has an effect on how my foot feels? I think it's heavy. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Displaced avulsions may take longer to heal, but do so with low rate of complications. last week, week 5, i underwent the second surgery to take the pins out. Take care James and keep working on your recovery. I have been wearing tennis shoes for 2 weeks. I've had little pain, but this morning my foot was rather sore. Most fractures heal without any problems in about six weeks. I have a break of the shaft that's diagonal and jagged. Hope you get a good report at your next doctor appointment. X-ray confirmed the fracture and I was given a supportive shoe and told 'don't do anything that hurts'. But great news about you're fracture. So how are u doing now?? I am walking with a little limp will this go away in time thank you in advance .Oh I walk 3 miles a day 1 in morning 2 at night . I waited to see my dr until July 28, he casted my foot for two weeks, after which I wore a cam walker for an additional 6 weeks, until Sept 22. That's great news that you're nearly fully healed. But six weeks is not right for everyone. I guess it didn't go through. I was with her when she had xrays in A&E and I could see it was broke, that was the thursday & on the monday we went to see the consultant & he was moving her arm up & down & I said to him that he was hurting but he said it isn't broken! college years ago, so I know the benefits of good care. Foot has no swelling or bruising. I'm walking better and can walk further but it is still painfull especially if I've been on it alot and like you other parts of my foot hurt too. It was so great to get to your I know someone who ended up going private after 12 weeks to have surgery on the same injury and her husband is a Gp. He said the pain was normal & there's still a long way to go. I'm ok walking round the house without a stick but now I'm back in work I'm sruggling with it. I have wondered whether I would be healed by now if I had had surgery right away. Reading these forums is scary, as these bones don't appear to want to heal. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. I find I can rehab the patient based on their symptoms. Thank you very much for leaving a comment. The doc was great, put me in an air boot with crutches, NWB instructions and advised me to follow up with an orthopedic doc. I am 6 weeks post surgery on my 5th displaced metatarsal fracture. That was to be expected, and should improve as I continue to walk in stiff soled shoes. I plan to see the orthopedic doc tomorrow and will ask for an MRI. I feel your frustration. My problem seems to be psychological because I can walk on it without pain, as long as I limp and put weight to the inside, but that causes it to start healing, and then I go and do too much. October 16, 2016, I rolled my left foot in a pair of Dansko's clogs, heard the pop! Woof - it was quite painful to walk. After fractures occur, you might have trouble walking and putting weight on that specific leg. How long does it take to recover? [1] Petrisor BA, Ekrol I, Court-Brown C. Patient does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Every few weeks, X-rays are taken to ensure that the fracture is mending properly and that the bone ends remain aligned. Following treatment, it may take eight to 12 weeks for the bone fracture to fully heal, with a gradual return to normal activity within four months. Such a slow injury to heal, Hi Figgie. Next xray on Monday. The injury mechanism is similar to that seen with an acute lateral ankle sprain. I was taken off the boot at 6 weeks and then I went to the gym to try to get back into a work out routine and it seems the more I do the more it hurts. I had a 5th metatarsal fracture at the base an (avulsion) I was nwb for 3 weeks, then 2 weeks pwb then onto full wb with boot at week 5. I turn 50 this month, have NEVER broken a bone until now in my life. 1. December, virtually no healing, put in black Ortho boot and told to sleep in it. 8yrs! Oh wow I can't imagine it not healing for that long. Haha.. How lovely that your parents met in England! Least I could see it is healing which is good.Good luck everone with your recovery & keep us postedhow you are getting on as I wil you. James, I am wearing a pair of athletic shoe that has a stiff sole. Worried I'm doing more harm than good walking on it. 8 weeks ago I broke my 5th metatarsal after falling. Hi Janine, we are offered physio here in the states, but I personally was not offered it at the last visit. There's quite alot you can do on a chair. I've only seen the 1st one and the last one. Sandi, thanks for sharing your experience and knowledge. After 3 weeks of physical therapist intervention, minimal pain reduction was noted . I'm on holiday tomorrow for a week in Madeira so see how I cope with the hills this time but atleast I'm not in the boot this time. (That is my best friend's name If I could live in England, even fat with a broken foot, I'd be happy!! Goodness how could they have left it so long? Upgrade to Patient Pro Medical Professional? Keep us posted. My calf has shrunk on my left side bc I haven't been weight bearing, and overall I've gained some weight bc I'm not exercising. If you're bone showed full healing on X-ray than it may not the the broken bone that's the issue you need to have the root of the cause shown unless you re fractured it by walking on it and overdoing it as Janine said. Role on 3 months unless I have major problem before then. They didn't ask me how it felt to walk in the boot. 9 years ago, I soo wanna get back to my normal life. Heel pain unbearable. In other words, it's a psychological challenge, to walk carefully, in stocking feet or a sensible shoe, and do NOTHING out of the ordinary, ever. I don't smoke so that's one less thing against me. it is still painful, swollen and i walk incredible slow and purposeful. So I am currently in a back slab cast for approx 2 weeks then remove and change to slipper cast. Zone 1 fractures are avulsion or chip fractures that occur at the tip of the base of the fifth metatarsal. I am following my DR 's orders as he the ortho and saw my ex ray's so I feel he know best . Allow your foot to relax completely, like hanging over the edge of a bed. Even though the x-ray doesn't look like it's healed. Ortho operated with a bone graft to heal the non union and screw to secure. I'm 19 years old, male and my weight is 170. The fracture clinic gave me a fibreglass walking cast and said I can bear weight with crutches but not too much. It's so frustrating! It's great to see community hear for us special Jones dancers! Dr put a fiberglass cast around my foot and told me to start walking on it that day. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. I do not have to sleep in the air cast or use crutches. With just a little tape wrapped around my foot, that limits the spreading / movement, I would think. The amount of pressure you are able to put on your foot will depend on which bones are broken. Cut a 5-inch piece of tape. Don't be afraid if you need it however, can't vouch for your physician. James did you experience any pain during your first 5 weeks, when it was not healing? I hope I don't have to wait too long for the scan. I've also gotten the tingling, aches and pains intermittently. After the report of six fracture cases of 1.9 cm from the fifth metatarsal base in 1902, 11 the proximal part of the diaphysis distal to the tuberosity was recognized as the "Jones fracture" and radiologically subdivided into three types by Torg in 1984 12: (1) an acute fracture defined by a narrow fracture line without an intramedullary sclerosis, (2) fractures with a delayed union . I was non weight bearing about 8 weeks and started walking after that but it's been a gradual progress since then. At first walked without pain but by 3rd hour in much pain to point could not put any weight on fractured foot. I have been wearing a new balance shoe bc it most resembled the surgical shoe as far as flat stiff sole. A metatarsal fracture may take from 6 weeks to several months to heal. You're not stupid. I think your website is the most informative site I have found when researching foot pain. http://patient.uservoice.com/knowledgebase/articles/398331-private-messages. i certainly don't want to wind up back at square 1. Did you ever have surgery? I remember at 11 weeks I was in alot of pain and couldn't walk much at all and when I did I walked very slowly and had to keep stopping for a rest. How long will it take to heal metatarsal fracture. Two types of fractures that often occur in the fifth metatarsal are: Avulsion fracture. She took 10 days to painlessly wean from the boot, and has been walking for 3 weeks in athletic shoes, tape, and orthotics. Dr said last time that there was substantial bone growth but there is I a large gap to fill. Again, its healing nicely but not fully healed, he said "80 percent". You may have heard of the phrase "5th metatarsal fracture." The podiatrist I saw said she had a patient who was 8 years post-fracture and it had never healed, but she put her in a boot and then it finally healed. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". My mom has returned to England or Scotland almost every year. If it's such a big gap why did they not choose to pin it in the beginning. But i have been in an air cast for 8+ weeks now. . Hope you're foot is soon on the mend. I am finding when walking upstairs that all of my weight is in my left leg, which feels weird. I hate writing / posting like this, so I appreciate when others take the time. There's tenderness at the fractyre site. I was non weight bearing for 6 weeks and weight bearing with crutches in the 7th week and now been told to walk coming in the 8th week in boot but after ten minutes or so I get an ache and becomes very sore. I was in a nearly similar situation, and after three weeks of walking on a broken fifth metatarsal, I finally went to see an ortho. See what they say on the 5th of july. Spent much of the time crying and feeling sorry for myself because I'm usually very active. The problem I'm having, and wondering if anyone else experiences, is that I have virtually no pain at all, which leads me to walk on it excessively and do too much, and then it "tells" me, later, when it's too late!! these are weight bearing X-rays. I really feel like it's too soon to put weight on it and walk. Yes been to the Consultant today & he's happy with how it's going. Hi terry, we are in a similar situation: our injuires were about the same time, and we both have healing, and both walking in a boot (i just started a few days ago). I was thinking maybe I had been forgotten about. I'm wearing stiff soled athletic shoes at all times. One option for me is to go on my gut feeling that my foot will heal as long as I am extremely careful. Using ice, keeping weight off your foot and elevating your foot can help decrease recovery time. My fractures have healed - doctor told me after seeing the x-ray (10 WKS) but when I walk after few yards my hip and thighs hurt and start to limp. You will get to know you and move on recovery faster by texting message conversations. So I went from no pain to sharp pains everywhere. Have it checked by your foot specialist. I will be doing my utmost to ensure I follow their advice & instructions. I go for my follow up 8th and I don't think it is healed yet just because of the pain and I feel as though the bones are rubbing together so maybe their will be union soon. It really is a long road, but to put it in perspective: my injury was in February and I was dx with the fx on March 23. In my case I was non weight bearing for 6 weeks or so, then could slowly put weight on it through the boot and progress to a shoe but- in my case it was a HOPE that the bone healed. That seems odd. I am walking in a stiff soled post surgical shoe for most of day, alternating with a stiffer type basketball sneaker for a few hours. How do you know if a metatarsal stress fracture is healed? Simply click here to return to Ask the doctor. Yes please do keep me posted. I know if I'd been private like my husband there's no doubt that I would have had surgery pretty much as soon as I'd broke it. Think they may suggest surgery as I'm sure it's not healed still as it still hurts in certain positions & after much use. That's great news about the healing. i am kinda just happy to be walking at this point and hopefully more improvement will come in time. I will be seen again at 6 weeks post injury and am not yet at week three so have a long wait before I can ask any more questions. If there's still a gap on my next appointment then I'm going to ask for surgery. It's still broken, but X-rays show mending, and Doc says using it carefully to walk at this point stimulates healing. Will let you know how I get on. Today I am at 12 weeks since the incident (stumbled down stairs, landed on outside of right foot). I've found that no shoe is OK for a long period. Confusing! The doctorr I first saw in A&E said up to 8 weeks but the fella who put my back slab on said more like 4 weeks how wrong was he! It sounds like it is slow progress but you are getting there. So you are half english! I feel better in myself now I can do more but I still can't do what I did before. Some helpful hints on controlling your blood sugar through proper eating. After two days I would say that I have noticed a huge improvement in the discomfort I have been experiencing. Good luck!!!!!! An avulsion fracture on the fifth metatarsal bone is called a "dancer's fracture." What to Expect If your bones are still aligned (meaning that the broken ends meet), you will probably wear a cast or splint for 6 to 8 weeks. Terry, Thanks Terry. I went to A&E the day after I broke it after falling down the stairs. He also put me on supplements of vitamins D, C and folic acid. keeping your hand above heart level. I too was panicking about healing times after trawling the web. i'm hoping this is a positive sign but i'm still confused as to how long i need to wait before getting back to running and my yoga practice. Dr. said piece that broke off too small to operate so I was put in air cast and NWB for 8 weeks. Wishing you a speedy recovery. Look on youtube there's some good videos of excercises to do with a broken foot. How? Sudden pain along the outside of your foot is the main symptom. It is very painful when my foot goes to the floor. I didn't really get told much on 1st visit as they were rushed off their feet and I was full of cold so wasn't in the right frame of mind to ask questions. Im just scared to progress in weight bearing not knowing if any of this is normal?! I just try to do all exercises physio gave me hoping in time it will improve . Hi Pam. I broke my 5th metatarsal 12 weeks ago. Hi Figgie. I got given a walking stick off my physio but didn't find it helpful as it didn't take the weight off the foot and my foot was very painful! Using nano technology and lining up wound care dressings in a manner parallel to skin has lead researchers to a novel way to enhance and quicken wound healing. I explained that an area under my foot above heal close to arch (opposite side of fracture) is sometimes painful, and after examination the doctor said I have the beginning development of plantar fasciitis. Your treating physician will decide this. You might find that it will be painful once you start walking without the boot as I found it less painful to walk in the boot. please help if possible. the doctor said my left foot my never be the same again; it is just something that one must come to accept. That's why I haven't worn it. I'm happy that at least there's 50% healing but not 100% confident about the Consultant as it was the 1st one I saw and he's the same one my mam saw when she broke her arm & shoulder. 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