my boyfriend stops talking to me for days

I texted him several times. Go with your gut. Please tell me if you know, Thanks. He stopped sharing his location with me. He was more like a habit in my life, not really someone I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. My God this is what I needed to hear thank you very much you brighten my day I love you and God bless you!!!!! I dont know whether he is still friends with her. Since they both are telling the same thing that they are just close friends, should i believe them? I mean I guess this happened more when I started back into school and recently I havent been able to keep up with my own bills so Ive been on him alot. I told him I understand and let him know Im here for him. You two were talking all the time about anything and everything. I ask you that. Any advice? Now he is in a halfway house and hardly ever messages me any more when I can tell he was on messenger I know he is working and got a lot on his mind. You dont have to be a perfect cover model to be a beautiful, valuable, charming girlfriend. Perhaps he wants to see you in person and spend quality time with you. It's not uncommon for guys to seek comfort and intimacy with other women when they are sad and lonely. My boyfriend and I have been dating for 16 months. If he didnt want to be together we wouldnt be together. I want him to know how badly he has behaved with me and took me just an an option rather than a priority. He always has an excuse, hes not cheating and he can be talkative in person. Stop talking to me. So we started talking online and in the first weeks we spoke a little more, he pretty much instantly said he wanted to marry me even though we never met yet, its still something we need to plan. Again, if you guys are not committed, it can be his way of showing you that he is not desperate or he wants you to call back. I dont now what to do? I think you must have thought that too. . And so I just focus on work instead. Not from the relationship but from trying to focus so much on us right now. well you should be his best friend. He works the nightshift, gets home, he is a single dad taking care of his son, then sleeps in the afternoon and before you know it he will be going back to work. But I do pray!i pray alot that my relationship works with this guy. Hes busy i know but sometimes i felt hurt because before he never missed to sent message early in the morning. View Why does my boyfriend stop talking to me for days after an argument.docx from ENGLISH 11 at Bicol University. After those days my phone is dry. This is the best way to respond when your boyfriend isnt texting you, or texts less than he used to! I just feel rejected. Hi, and this really helped a lot Thank u so much ur the best and imma be a better Gf and god bless u. Youll drive him away for sure if you keep it up. I do not understand how can a person who claimed to be my soulmate and true friend and lover turn into a complete stranger and become so cold , heartless and stoic? So he just stops talking under the circumstances. I do not understand how can a person who claimed to be my soulmate and true friend and lover turn into a complete stranger and become so cold , heartless and stoic? Hes talking to her & possibly seeing her AGAIN. They can be hurt, mad, or sad! I am very upset and angry with him and have started hating him. As I read your article, it enlightens me about my boyfriend not responding my text but I still continue sending him text messages. He said he wanted to be with me and to take things slow. Youll either have to fall back to identify when something had happened or ask him what had angered him so as to make him stop talking. You may be asking yourself relationship questions that are confusing and even obsessive. this is my problem/question exactly!! I read your article and everything you said clicked with me! What do I do please? Texting is a sign of connection, love, and securityand when your boyfriend texts less or stops texting you altogether, you naturally feel scared. 5. Have I upset him so much that he is drifting from me and reaching out to her? So Im thinking the reason hes like this is because everytime he txts me hes gets reminded that bam I gotta pay for her damn bills. Build a life outside your relationship a life of joy, fulfillment, and faith. I am going through the same thing currently and girl to be frank he is cheating and not interested in you anymore. But, what does it mean when your boyfriend goes days without talking to you? Healthy communication makes a relationship stronger. I am really confused what should I do. My boyfriend and I used 2 text all the time but now he wont even reads my texts. How should I intepret this equation? Maybe he does not want to talk about it? And a lot more I just really want to know what is going on but he always says hes fine its just he is busy. And difficult to understand. It is better being single then anything promise me. He has used me for my car, sexetc. Will he feel gulity or remorse? Only understanding the reasons for him not talking to you will not do any good to you. Girls, women we need to create our own happiness do something that makes us happy,healthy and stay positive always, My boyfriend and i have been dating for a month and in the past week he has just started reading the texts and not responding, he responded once. Later that night he told me he couldnt come over because he was having a boys night. So, there is still a chance your dating may not work well. How do you cope in this kind of situation? When I want to end our relationship, he always apologizes. I said that If I didn't hear from him, I'd consider the relationship over. Hi, me and my bf have been together for 2 months and surprisingly fell in love 12 days after we met. Dont you think so? We like each other very much, and we want to achieve our dreams. Not enough pampering. He kept me and her throught out. For instance, if your boyfriend is stressed and depressed because he lost his business and has to wait tables for a living, then maybe daily texts and phone calls are too much to ask. I feel like these tips might help but can someone please give me advice on what to do. After our first night together he stopped calling, I dont know what to do. After my exam I went back home and chatted him up he still wanted the relationship and now we currently are in a long distance relationship. I am really upset. So are women, because we cant read each others minds. You keep on nurturing it. I want him to know how badly he has behaved with me and took me just an an option rather than a priority. Why isnt he sending as many text messages? Tell him, I feel scared and rejected when you dont call or text me, because I worry youre not interested in me anymore and then let it go. I know you posted this back in May, hope you are doing great now xx, Thanks Laurie! Thank you for this post. Recently, he has been having difficulties at his housing because he feels disconnected from his roommates . A full, rich life encompasses all experiences and emotions (which are only fleeting states of being), but not our true essence. I thought he would at least call or text me. I always reply few minutes after his message, now am confused should I dumb him or wait for change or stop replying his text instantly, coz is really making me crazy waiting. Then I get a chance to read this article and all I can say is it really helped me a lot! I need help because my boyfriend stopped texting me. I thank you in advance . He says hes happy with me but he seems very off now and when I call now in the evenings he claims to be on the phone to a college friend who hes never mentioned before, he comes and stays with me so many days a week but yet I dont know where he lives and never met his family yet he has mine. Ive broken up with him before for like a month because of our distance. Healthy communication can be a face-to-face conversation, or even talking over text. Let us investigate what it means when your boyfriend just stops talking to you. And THIS right here is an excellent example of why when both men & women are in COMMITTED monogamous relationships they should be mature enough to choose NOT to have friends of the opposite sex because I dont care what anyone says Nothing GOOD ever comes from it & ALL it causes is jealousy, & resentment. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. It just builds until there are. (but do you want to hear it?). he tried to have me. Blocking you is really disrespectful and nothing can justify his actions. He and I got into a fight because he put me on a (literal) schedule -- he only dedicated one day during the weekend to seeing me, and I told him I would like to see him at least 2 days a week. We are allchasing something: happiness, money, the elusive psrtner. But, if you read your question 3 times. xo. Now I find myself anxious about what comes next. am I imagining ? Thank you. Thank you so much. Lately too, I see the both of them more in touch with each other online. Ive had 2 years to get over my ex. Sometimes I think I shouldnt txt him at all just to get back at him. For 2 months we chat almost every time and we like each other. Dont run away from such problems. He will know that you are waiting for his call. I just got mad reading this article because I dont think Im to blame here. He will come out of his shell of silence and talk with you. Even if your boyfriend never texts you again! We are in a long distance relationship. Are You Settling for Less Than You Deserve in Your Relationship? Your life is bigger than him. Im so hurt. Should i break up with him which would be extremely difficult for me. You dont need to harm your peace of mind for someone evil like him. But we have been on and off we dated in 5th grade he broke up with me and we dated in 6th grade and we broke up. Spend quality time with him. Thanks Se I couldnt handle his silence towards me and after 2 long months, i tried calling him again. You have no idea how powerful this word is. and actually he just text me very short everyday. Your thoughts sync at some level, which is the . Life is meant to be enjoyed with people who enjoy you. We actually used to have some plays and jokes together. And sometimes when he does not even reply, I take it as a hint of giving him space. He would always text me first everyday and ask if we can see each other until we had a chance we went out he asked to be his gf I said yes. AND YOU KNOW WHAT?!? there are plenty of other men who will value u my suggestion is move on because clearly the non-texter has love u girls. He prefers mindful time spending rather than mindless chatter. I think a healthy relationship is not like that. I want to try to understand him. If their jobs are in turmoil and theyre worried about money, then their romantic relationships may take a back seat for now. This actually helped a lot. but he cant bring himself to text or call any more. He kept me and her throught out. I am very much confused on these points below: 1. but I havent texted him back neither am I going to. Will things will get better one day? I need an advice and tips how to respond if my boyfriend stop or getting less of texting. Ive spoke to him a few times saying I feel like its a one sided relationship and he said he would try make more effort. But, if he looks unapologetic for not talking to you day after day without not informing you, there is some severe problem. In the beginning he would even apologize for acting like he was ignoring me but now. Hes never said it but that doesnt mean anything. And well I thought things got better but now its like bam Im stuck again. And hopefully ypu will be blessed with someone who is thete for you throughout All of your life, happy, sad, challenged, grievong. Getting My Boyfriend Back Follow These 6 Easy Steps Right Now, 5 Tips for Making Up After a Huge Fight With Your Boyfriend or Girlfriend. He is cheating 1.6 6. About me. He did say he was coming to spend Thanksgiving with me and my family. Deeply I m loving him all the time just thinking about him. I have asked him directly also several times, texted him asking him to tell Me in straight YES or NOno reply. Btw he doesnt text me but its not because we argue or something, everything is fine and from one day to the next he stops talking to me. You can start your side hustle. Good Luck everyone and like Rupaul says, " If you can't love yourself, how in the heck can you love someone else!". He told me he was focusing on his career and I tried to be understanding, he said he would work on it and did a great job until today I have no heard from him a day. This article is ridiculous when it says texting once a day may be too much for the bf. This really helped me decide what to do when my boyfriend stopped texting meappreciate it. I love him but he doesnt act like he loves me, I been through so many bf that either say they cant date me or they want to wait until they graduate but at the end they never liked me for me and now this one he hardly talks to me. I did not hear from him. First thing first. Are you a happy woman? He reassures me that nothing and he loves me so much and can not live away from me. Hi . He finds that the relationship is stagnating because it has lost that earlier excitement and fun. Im saying this on Jesuss name, amen! DEAR ABBY: I have been with my boyfriend for three years, and it has been great. He does not reply because he forgets to reply or just pre-occupied by work? What should I do in a situation like this? Im in a relationship with this guy for a few months. He is not codependent. Its going to be 1 month now of total silence since his last message ( I HAVE NOTHING TO TALK) and 4 months since we fought without closure. But at the end the best thing i can do is to focus on working on myself and all the things that I can do without the need of someone. I wish i could give advice to people that are going through the same thing but I am trying to figure it out myself. This was the last message from him.I underwent a major surgery 5 days later and expected him to text me showing concern ( which he always did before). The man you love or like, you want to be with him. Thank you and I feel better. Did you guys argue on something? Its called RESPECT & it goes a long way. We talked a lot. Also. But Im glad that yall are back together and I hope it stays that way for you. You wonder at the sudden silence that has overcome your boyfriend of late. I even called his lady friend once and she too told me there is nothing emotional or physical about both of them and that they are very close friendsThats it. Thats been it since yesterday (Monday) at around noon. He is an accountant and its their busy season until April. Stop driving him crazy with all these reminders about his commitments. I have been with my boyfriend for over a year now and he never messages me first to ask how I am anymore he never calls me first he wants me to call him every evening we use to talk for hours every evening and of lately hes been very snappy at me and very critical, we had problems with his ex popping on scene and him talking to her I ask him is he speaking to her he says no hes dont want nothing to do with her he speaks about her in a bitter angry way. He was sick on Tuesday and Wednesday with a cold. He has assured me many times to stop thinking likewise. My partner says it is purely my imagination and refuses to talk about it each time I bring up the topic, while she says, they are only friendsshould i believe there is nothing going on between them?? thanks , Im in a long distance relationship my boyfriend he is not working Im the one does I made an effort to go and see him after Im back he started to cut our chat when i ask him why he dont give me answer but he is always online i end up sending him a message telling him better we broke up cauz i see im the one ho makes effort in this relationship he didnt reply so im confuse he really love me ow, Its hard to know why boyfriends stop texting and I agree that men are hard to understand! Stay from social media. The more emotionally and spiritually healthy you are as a woman, the more attractive you areand the more your boyfriend will want to text you. Writing can help you put your relationship in perspective and even help you decide if its time to break up with your boyfriend. God bless you always and may you help plenty souls recover from whatever problems they face. I said it as a joke being a woman with great sense of humor. Ive been dating my boyfriend for about 2 months and i feel that for a while everything was working well and he would put the effort to see me. To such a person, your value is zero. He did also say that due to his nasty divorce that he needs time to heal and needs some space. He is a gentleman. Dont make a lasting mistake off of a temporary emotion. The silent treatment is a passive-aggressive form of communication. And hes always telling me um not boss madam Im must stop calling him every time . Let's see why and what we can do about it. 3. i see both of them going online and offline at the same time. I understood completely and forgave him. If we do happen to talk past the enjoy your day text, its 90% of the time because I continued the conversation or called. And then bam for a good month Ill txt him good morning at like 8am.and then wont get a response until 2pm.and then he says oh I was asleep. You either break up, and cut all contact or continue to be treated like that. And then you feel anxious and worried about your relationship. ALL day Wednesday, I heard NOTHING from him again. Once in a while we will get take out and watch a movie at his apartment. My boyfriend of 2 months stopped talking to me 2 days ago. If he stops talking to you, you should not wait and watch. Or he is still not sure if a call from him can make you happy. Hes promoted into supervisory position and he always said that its busy. If your boyfriend stops texting you, dont wrap your life up in waiting for him! There is a term you must be aware of, codependent. It is similar to relationship addiction- where one person in a relationship is too dependent on the other that does not leave any personal space for the other one. Say nothing. You should not cut someone off though. But, lets be honest, guys are human too. Im going to focus on my self more and not worry to death about a text message. He texted me this morning with a Good Morning and I miss you emoji. Thank you This is something that i know to do, yet every now and then i fall into panic mode and just need something to pull me out of it, and the post (along with your comment) snapped me out of that desparate mindset. I needed this. If you stay youre saying his actions are acceptable.. and its down hill from there. . Why does my boyfriend stop talking to me for days after an argument? Is he playing mind games. Then I proposed we had a phone call to touch base since I hadn't spoken to him in person since Sunday and barely heard from him Tues and Weds. Letting Go When Your Relationship Endsis filled with practical tips, inspiring insights, and touching stories of loss and healing. Guys get lonely. But he does reach out and call me every day but he never wants me to go anywhere he wants me to sit home all the time but he wants to reach out to me when he wants I didnt know what to think. Give your boyfriend a chance to miss you. I love him, he was my first thats why im having hard time to let go our relationship. The sex life too has died down or frozen and he feels that you dont love him anymore and wonders if he loves you or not. He is trying to test you. Are you enthusiastic about your day, your job, your life, your place in this world? If your life bores, frustrates, disappoints, or depresses you, then its time for a change. THATS the best way to respond when your boyfriend doesnt text or call start looking at your own level of happiness and life satisfaction. In books or movies, it often shows that boys are made of thick skin. I understand the culture of his work but I cant help to overthink and become anxious when he does not reply to my messages. Even after many hours when he comes online, suddenly she too will come online. On text, one can have a quick conversation when they need to. He has no issue talking to his best friend, but has excuses when it come to you? Maybe seek therapy. the other thing is I never asked him why he blocked me or why he wasnt calling, I pretend to be in good teams with him, but its now 3 months, we never urged, or had a misunderstanding before for our relationship started in August 2020 but his a busy and long distanced man. Later I mentioned that I would like to have one phonecall a week so we get some time together. The wrong guy would not care much. I wish I could respond personally to every comment, but its not possible. A mindless conversation is when you guys ignore some crucial topics and just talk to each other randomly. Your boyfriend is not your sole source of happiness you need to create multiple levels of fulfillment. I feel hurt, and sad. Youre normal if youre worried about his love for you. Ive been down this path before. Thanks for this! How to Fix a One Sided Relationship If you text or recieve a text that you cant share with your partner & need to erase then you have no business exchanging texts or even being involved to any degree with that person. As the same with calling or texting him, you also don't want to speak to friends or family to ask where he is and what he is doing. Theres a little thing called respect that he doesnt seem to have. For at least a year he would text and call every day. After he get his things soon, he is blocked from every way contact. If he doesnt change. He cancelled your anniversary plans to hang with the boys?! God bless you. he never will. Thanksss. it doesnt bother me some days but one day i would like to get a sweet goodmorning text without sending one first. With her, it has always been a friendship as they both have told me repeatedly. Hes the one who broke my virginity. But he said he would help and now he complains about how I shouldnt have gotten this or that. Hes not in this relationship for the long haul with that kind of immaturity. I want to say that this last month my bf become so weird. If youre enjoying your life and experiences, then your boyfriend will naturally gravitate towards you. Break up with him and move on Hes cheating on you If you love someone you will NEVER ignore them for a month with no reason, Pick yourself up, and move on . I reached out and told him that I was his partner, and that kind of silent treatment was extremely hurtful. but suddenly he hasnt texted me for 2 weeks. Not sure why since we have no problem communicating. Youre probably annoying your boyfriend by bringing this up constantly which is why he isnt talking to you as much. If he goes days after days without talking, you, my dear friend, have to dive deep into this. In When He Doesnt Make Time for You: How to Create More Love in Your Relationship, Byron Katie shows a man how to build a better relationship by questioning thoughts such as I want him to spend more time with me.. Your right on track. Its important to make sure youre not emotionally smothering your boyfriend by expecting him to text more often than he can. Though deep inside my heart, Im still hoping hell get in touch with me and well sort this out and be together once again. Am I imagining about his friend and him? For example, In Indian culture, a marriage ceremony is not a one-day program. I dont know whether he is still angry with me or has moved on or is he also sad with all of this? They will inevitably feedback to him and he will know that you are chasing which is what you don't want. It was such a lovely experience Until the next month came it became so challenging to us because we got caught at school through the love letter I gv to him. You're normal if you're worried about his love for you. He is upset 1.3 3. He doesnt know that I m married and have kids, he doesnt know anything, he thinks I m unmarried,we love each other we date each other, I have given a lots of things to him,now a days I feel like hes not interested in me because he texting me very less all the time hes Online and not texting me , werever we go I used to spend all the money hes a jobless. without saying a word he stops talking to you then may be he's ignoring you. We even went out together before this pullback happened. It is hard to find a person with whom you can share all of your thoughts. Just what we needMay God hear your prayer. now it happened again its been 3 days since we didnt message. I always give him his no contact breaks when he needs them. We just got back together slowly working our relationshipWe mutually agreed to the break up. Sorry but I am just really new to this kind of situation. We arent in a relationship and Im not really sure what we are. One day hes all lovey dovey and wants to hang out all day and night. I dont know what is going on in his mind? He is trying to test your patience. But if that person cares about you, in the end, he will come back to you. Get together with friends, take care of yourself like this article suggests and above all else practice independence NOT co-dependence. You interrupt him when he talks 1.10 10. I really love him. This is one of the worst pains for couples. This must be driving him nuts and he's feeling disgusted by the whole thing and the only way out is by just stop talking. If hes gravitating towards his old flame dont be a fool. if he works for u then algood if not ull soon see! So I decided to do some research by myself and asked some friends about the work but not really convinced enough. He doesnt texts me anymore. You are not officially his girlfriend till now. Your answer is in the question. Id like whoever reading this testimony now to know that this is %REAL. Are there signs or signals that your boyfriend is losing interest in your relationship? I especially been hurt many times and get thoughts a lot our last conversation was good i guess he was being nice and romantic and by the way we are in a LDR relationship i dont want to get hurt again so thats why im going to let him text me because all i do is be thier for him listend to him and be sweet and whatever so please let me know what you think? When it is not physically possible, phone calls or texts are your saviors. He did tell me he doesnt mind receiving texts from me, he will read them as soon as he can, but it feels as if I would be pulling the wagon and I just dont think thats right. My tips on how to respond to a textless relationship are about changing you and how you see your relationshipbecause you are the only person you can control. I have been in a long distance relationship with my boyfriend for one year. Stop driving him crazy with all these reminders about his commitments. 7. But there are many other ways to detect that. Not only is it HEALTHY, its necessary & way more attractive. When your boyfriend stops texting you, its difficult to know if hes just busy or if hes gone cold. I was hoping that things would chance after he got the promotion but it still the same. Perhaps hes feeling bothered by your hovering around him too much and he cannot stand it all the time. It can be hard to miss someone when you talk all the time, and if you're constantly in contact he might find that you two have little to discuss when you're together . Your email address will not be published. I dont know what to do. I do not understand how can a person who claimed to be my soulmate and true friend and lover turn into a complete stranger and become so cold , heartless and stoic? It was our anniversary. But there must be transparency and personal space. Move on and cut your losses. He always ask if its too soon for him to meet my daughter. Just, because youre fine doesnt mean they are. So, the good news is that its normal for a boyfriend to be texting and calling less often. Most importantly, what should you do? I think he realized he didnt love me anymore either, but he didnt know how to break up with me. Try to recollect if you have been doing so, then change your attitude and cajole and pamper him to get out of the mood. He does not want to look desperate. But, life can never be the bed of roses. On the contrary, a big chance is there that he is looking for ways to spend quality time with you. Hell if you cant get a text back from him, then get a boyfriend who does have time to text you. Thank you very much I needed to hear all that. Ive never felt better from reading stuff off of the internet, but this was a game changer. You love it. He has checked his cell several times during the day, so he could of easily dialed out to you. Could it be he is just going through divorce I dont know. mine only texts thursdays-sundays, days when he isnt working night shifts..just broke off with him. He will share your reasons or what he has to go through. Shy guys exist. So you can not overlook this possible reason for him not calling you. Let's talk about it. Thanks! Hes just not feeling in the mood to be pleasant and friendly and instead he stops talking as a way of showing his displeasure. Source!-Follow-This-Advice-Right-Away&id=5453267 by Krista Hiles, 5 Steps for Telling Your Spouse You Want to separate, Scared My Boyfriend Will Leave Me For Someone Better, Emotional attachment in the couple: how to overcome it, How to know if you use me to forget your ex, How To Keep Your Man Happy Its Easier Than You Think. Is Your Boyfriend's Mother Ruining Your Relationship? Nothing for 2 days. Posted on April 29, 2013 by Linda Nusbaum. I have tried asking him several times if he is in touch with her. ghosting is an extremely disrespectful thing to do, despicably when youve been in a relationship for over a year! I really like this guy and with him i have been feeling different than when i was with other guys ). Instead, your boyfriend will value you and your time. I really liked him and I dont care if he doesnt liked me as much as i do. And focus on my own life. I have a boyfriend, weve been together for about a month. Accept Yourself and Others. He asked me to be his girlfriend and I said yes. Whether this occurred gradually or all at once, it can be a puzzling time as you try to figure out what happened. Perhaps the pampering and cajoling are missing these days. My bf just moved out to California we started out as a fling and now are in a relationship. Why does my boyfriend stop talking to me for days after an argument? Please help me. NOTHING after that for 2 hours, so I said "lmao goodnight I guess wtf". They do not pay attention to what their girls say. It depends on your lifestyles, future relationship plans, health, work situations, and stage of life. I want to believe my boyfriend loves me but sometime I think hes just using me because hes bored or something. my boyfriend no longer call me its takes time to reply my text and he reply as if he doesnt care of what Im say (any how) but when I call him he pretend as if everything is ok. I hated them both for a long time as I wanted revenge until I met Jai Mata Sunlight with her counsel and advise that I need no revenge but to have my family back to be completed. I just got over having my heart broken and . I would suggest you read some Gary Chapman as well. He calls you first. Im in my late 50s and hes in his early 60, I realized that I want to really concentrate on myself , what I really want? I'm his first real relationship, so maybe he just didn't have the communication tools. Should I believe him? Were also in a long distance relationship. But before you panic and jump to the conclusion that he doesn't care about you . And instructed me how to physically activate the rituals correctly right where I am in California. My boyfriend stop texting me and he gos to a military school on the last day before he had to go back he stops talking to me I dont know what happen the other dayou what I did or what I didnt do. Unless the boy's just grounded and his parents are checking his accounts for him, he's severed contact. Ive expressed it to him several times but nothing changes even though he says hell make an effort. Its vivid Hes a flirt You shouldnt call him your boyfriend He aint worth it? We are near to finish 6 months now of been in a relationship. This was a wonderful article thank you so much for your insights. Boyfriend stops talking to me randomly. Dont miss any chance to make him feel special! The more you focus on what you need and want from your life and the more you realize that you cant change anyone but yourself the more empowered youll feel. But I dont know what made him so cold he doesnt care about me anymore. He is supper busy at work, I know this because our offices are only 3 doors a part from each other. or just deal with it? You'd know more about his living situation than we would, but I'd assume an 18 year old would be beyond such punishment. I dont know whether he is still friends with her. As we continued knowing eachother we found out we were brethren from one big international ministry and he actually works at the ministrys television station, this increased our bond as we have the same spirit in Christ. They like having coffee together instead of talking in front of a desktop screen or phone calls. What if part of me being happy is having a nice loving boyfriend to spend time with who doesnt make me feel like he forgets about me? When I raise this issue to him, he tells me so you expect me to text you every second of the day? Or did you say something you should not? Or maybe he is tired and really stressed out? He doesnt call or text me anymore .I always calling him and checking up on him.everytime when I say I miss you so much bbehe just say dont worry I will see you soon.soo thats why I think of leaving him but Im not sure if its great idea or wat.he always posting girls on Facebook and watsup thats what makes me mad . I thought he would at least call or text me. So for now, Ill try to be PATIENT and go on with my life. at this point today is our 8 months and he hasnt texted me or called at all. "He Suddenly Stopped Talking to Me!": Why 1. There are several reasons why a guy will suddenly pull stops to communication with you. When youre a couple you go out with couples. You can go a day without talking to your boyfriend. wow. It doesnt bother me that we sometimes we dont text all day, or we dont call each other 4 or 5 days later. He does come by and tells me good morning and how pretty I look that day. Or just really really tired and stressed out? It was going all so fine and smooth until he went back to school , he actually told me he would keep in touch by carrying his phone to school so yh we have been doing well but I caught a little bit obsessed and clingy at some point I had some trust issues so he said we shouldnt talk for like 3 days I actually wasnt feeling to good with the idea but I accepted I told that I have some respect and Ill gv him some time and space. Why Do Girls Like Hugs From Behind? Again if he is away, you dont need to imagine some rough situation in your head. Doctor Phil says a healthy relationship has at least 17 min, equal to a break time at work. I dont want to have to do that I want him back to the how he was in the beginning!!! 8 Signs His Feelings Have Changed. You play games, you tell LIES, you cant be honest or communicate therefore, I hate to say it but youve been spinning your wheels with this guy for the past 9 years & nothing honest or truthful will ever come out of it. In the current scenario, I have put up fight with him almost every 10 days on the same issue and seems that he has been annoyed with me for sometime. I somehow feel better reading your post regarding this but I want to be really convinced that this will be okay because I am new to this kind of relationship. My boyfriend is texting me less, but I understand more. Make him feel valuable. How Often Should You Communicate & See Each Other In A Long Distance Relationship? Like are you fucking kidding me?! He will be there to celebrate your new wins! I dont know whats true in your relationship because Im not in it, but this article may help you see the truth more clearly, 8 Signs He Doesnt Love You Highly unusual, because we ALWAYS say good morning, check in on our lunch breaks, and ALWAYS say good night -- no matter what. Thank you so much for this Armando! If nothing changes in your relationship, Claudia, do you think you should break up with your boyfriend? If your boyfriend is not talking to you for days, there is no surety that he is cheating on you or has already lost interest. I stopped sharing my location, figuring this was it. Its up to you to trust him, but him and his friend have explained nothing is going on and youre still paranoid about it. Avoid falling into the trap of thinking he should do this or should do that. Hes just not in the mood. I dont want he feel like I am weird girlfriend. That's how he was raised 1.9 9. It started with him feeling tired, working and not having time to hang out because he was focused on getting a promotion at his job. I see displays of Narcissistic behavior. Why should girls have all the fun? Instead, he intends to take manageable steps towards you. I dont want to be the one to initiate again. I really understand his work culture but I cant help to overthink and become anxious whenever he does not reply on my messages or simply by acknowledging them. Its been a week now. I don't really have anyone in my actual life to vent to, and I needed to get this all out there because I'm really hurt lol. It is a boon. I didnt deserve this. Now I m feeling like he just used me for his benefits showing off in others money . If you have made him mad or upset, it is your turn to take responsibility. But since from day one his habit is replying text after 24 or 48 hours ,I complained once , he then promise to change he said he is always busy daz why. I dont know what is going on in his mind? Or should i just move on and find a person who can spend time with me? I can say it wasnt really easy but he was always there beside me to make me feel happy. I tried to reach out to him by saying how I really feel but it seems that he just read the message and has replied only hi and iloveyous and it seems like he is avoiding to think and cope with this kind of problem. TLDR: Bf (23M) stops talking to me (22F) for days at a time after we fight when usually we communicate frequently. Energy, peace, hope, and faith. I have patience with him, and he does too. Thank you! Break up with him and move on. He hasnt texted me either. How can you take your power back, even if your boyfriend is texting you less? He says he wants relationship with me but he wont be honest with me or even be intimate with me. I have that kind of relationship too. Instead of nagging or complaining about what he does wrong or how he isnt making you happy, start appreciating what he does right. So, on the day I had allotted during the weekend, we had a conversation about how that made me feel, why he reacted the way he did/where I was wrong, and worked out a few things he could say if he needed space or time to process. I proposed I came over one day during the week so we could play a video game together and figured I'd resolve it then. I have been wth this guy for almost 9 years now. YOURE HIS GIRLFRIEND & YOU SHOULD BE WHAT MATTERS. If you were, I dont think youd be here, Billboard Hot Country Songs number one singles, Access to our library of course-specific study resources, Up to 40 questions to ask our expert tutors, Unlimited access to our textbook solutions and explanations. He says it has nothing to do with that. The situation can result from a misunderstanding, or it can be about a new partner (his or yours). Take the responsibility to break the ice if you think he can be the one for you. We kissed and got together a few times,he told me not to look him up on Facebook that I wont like what is on there, but I did look him up and seen his profile and seen pictures of his wife with him and profile says he is married. Im confused. Now, it doesnt bother me if he wont text back but we talk about it when we see each other and would say sorry for not getting back to me. Hun your to young to be thinking about a relationship Im telling you what I was told when I was twelve, You should focus on yr priorities and having a boyfriend at 12 aint one hun, hi me and my boyfriend were okay last 2days but i rmber him tryaing 2tell me he has issues suddenly he dont respond 2my calls and my text and then he text back saying he is no longer use the number then i realise that mybe he needs his space since he has alot of issues thats why he answer me that way wat 2do am still worried and confused or i dnt want 2text him back again since i realised that he has alot of issues, Ive been with my bf for 5 years and he changed he dont kiss me and wont hug me or say I look pretty anymore I tell him and tell him he says I complain to much so I backed off we still together but if he didnt wanna be with me he would of left a long time ago right and when he texts me Im starting to wait for a bit b4 texting him back he takes like one hour in between a text ugh makes me mad please give me pointers. The good news is that a boyfriend not texting may just be a sign you have different love languages. Do you know what your love language is? If he is busy with something, he can call you at the end of the day or after 2-3 days and tell you his reasons. A relationship can not grow without talking to each other. I can say it wasnt really easy but he was always there beside me to make me feel happy. She showed me so much love and kindness that I real cant explain her goodness to me.. then she made a love charms for me. He did not take my calls and finally the very same evening he messaged me I HAVE NOTHING TO TALK. We saw each other about 4 times and the last time was for only 10 minutes cause i was leaving to go back home but hey Im not complaining Its time with him. Your boyfriend texted all the time at the beginning of your relationship. I just cant help to overthink and became anxious when he does not reply. The last argument made me realize that he isnt lying to me and he had to tell me that he had to sacrifice his own alone time to spend time with me so I can stop being insecure. He rarely txts me back So at the beginning then. Ive been extremely ill lately as well, not once has he asked how Im feeling, or shown any interest in my health, yet when he tells me hes depressed I try to help him (as Ive had depression since childhood) As much as I love him.. In the long run, it will affect your relationship. And, you miss his messages! Plus, it ignores the feelings of your partner. This sitch just recently happened to me. Anyway, please give me advice on my situation. I think we should stay positive most of the time. The person you love may have reasons not to talk to you. He just cuts me off and days later expects to just act like nothing happened instead of talking it out to avoid the same future fight. I dont feel special anymore. Clearly he is a cheater and trust me you dont want to give your heart to a cheater. Just as Im typing this Im realizing that my life with him isnt so bad. He is a jerk and not worth it. should I once again communicate with him again and give him a peace of my mind or i should leave things without a closure? Either way you will know the truth and move on with your life. Maybe he is away for a trip with them or busy with some family function. Or is this a sign of losing interest or not? Feel free to share your thoughts about what to do when your boyfriend is texting you less. If you know you did some hurtful acts, and it is why he is ignoring you, you can warm up to him and apologize. In fact, thats not even normal or healthy. My boyfriend up and left me and wen to another state and he still called me and texted the first week but all of a sudden stopped and was very cold to me and was not reassuring me he loved me like he hates me and he doesnt have the balls to tell me he is done. 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