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Israeli government policy has long sought to engineer and maintain a Jewish majority in Israel and maximize Jewish Israeli control over land in Israel and the OPT. It yields a figure of about 95,000 Palestinians living in parts of Jerusalem beyond the Israeli-administrated municipality, whereas the PCBS in May 2020 estimated the figure to be around 162,000. While the third path, birth, covers both Jews and Palestinians, the fourth, naturalization, applies only to non-Jews. 1 No.2 (2005), pp. [8] The Oslo Accords, supplemented by later agreements, divided the West Bank largely into three distinct regions: Area A, where the PA would manage full security and civil affairs, Area B, where the PA would manage civil affairs and Israel would have security control, and Area C, under the exclusive control of Israel. Human Rights Watch is withholding names of some interviewees for their security, giving them instead pseudonyms, which are noted at first mention between quotation marks. [85] Israel Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS), Localities (1) and Population, By District, Sub-District, Religion and Population Group, (Hebrew and English), September 15, 2020, (accessed January 11, 2021). Share this via Reddit [231] Status of Palestinian Territories and Palestinian Society under Israeli Occupation, The Applied Research Institute of Jerusalem (ARIJ), (accessed October 27, 2019). [540] Ibid. [530] For the First Time in Eight Years: Produce from Gaza to be Sold in Israel, Gisha press release, March 12, 2015, (accessed June 4, 2020); Following Gishas Petition, Ministry of Agriculture Releases Procedure for Sale of Agricultural Produce from Gaza in the West Bank and Israel, Gisha press release, May 5, 2019, (accessed June 4, 2020). [399] By contrast, Israeli authorities almost never demolish the homes of Jewish Israelis in Jerusalem, even where there are building violations. [66] UN,Agreement for the Prosecution and Punishment of the Major War Criminals of the European Axis (London Agreement), August 8, 1945,82 U.N.T.C. Adopt an advocacy strategy centered on the immediate attainment of the full human rights of Palestinians, rather than one that puts off attainment of human rights in favor of a particular political outcome. [282] WZO Settlement Division website, (Hebrew) (accessed June 1, 2020). Israel requires Palestinians to be included in the population registry to obtain Israeli-sanctioned identification cards and passports, which allow Palestinians to reside, work, and inherit property, but do not convey citizenship or nationality. 4, Summer 2001: pp. [77] However, the ICC has jurisdiction to investigate and prosecute any person, including those of Israeli nationality, where there is evidence that they are criminally responsible for the commission of the crimes against humanity of persecution or apartheid within any state that has ratified the Rome Statute, where the relevant criteria are met. [473] Israel controls Gazas territorial waters and airspace and has blocked the building of an airport and seaport, significantly complicating efforts to travel abroad. During this period, it permanently canceled the registry of 140,000 registered Palestinians, solely because they left the West Bank for a period of more than three years, according to data from the Office of the Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT), the Israeli army body in charge of administering the occupied West Bank. 18-40, (accessed July 23, 2020); Don Peretz, Israel and the Palestine Arabs (Washington DC: Middle East Institute, 1958) pp. [407] Ibid. Authorities continue to block Palestinian citizen landowners from accessing land that was confiscated from them. [201] Oded Shalom and Elisha Ben-Kimon The Hague Price, (Hebrew), Ynet News, February 11, 2021,,7340,L-5885532,00.html (accessed March 23, 2021). UNICEF and the Palestinian Hydrology Group (PHG), Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Monitoring Program (WASH MP), Water for Life, June 2011, His deputy prime minister, Shimon Peres, later described the plan as a battle for the future for the Jewish people., Sharons push to Judaize the Negev, as well as the Galilee, developed against the backdrop of the governments decision to withdraw Jewish settlers from Gaza. [636] Human Rights Watch interview with Nazareth Illit general manager Hava Bachar, February 3, 2020; Kashti, This Israeli City Has 25% Arab Residents, but Wont Open a School for Them Haaretz, November 5, 2019; (accessed September 30, 2020). [284] Hagar Shezaf, Israel Rejects Over 98 Percent of Palestinian Building Permit Requests in West Bank's Area C, Haaretz, January 21, 2020, (accessed June 4, 2020). [151] Ofer Petersburg, Jewish population in Galilee declining, Ynet News, December 12, 2007,,7340,L-3481768,00.html (accessed June 1, 2020). [567] In 2012, the man managed to enter Gaza through Egypt for a visit and the two got engaged. The 1952 Citizenship Law also authorizes granting citizenship based on naturalization. [55] Many in Israel characterize the virulently anti-Palestinian positions of the Jewish Power party, and before that the Kach Party, as racist.[56] Prominent Israelis also labeled as racist or race-baiting a warning that Netanyahu issued to his supporters on election day 2015 that Arab voters are coming out in droves to the polls.[57], Meanwhile, on account of their identity, Palestinians face discrimination and repression, as this report makes clear. [101] Aluf Benn, PM Defends Tighter Immigration Laws, Haaretz, May 23, 2005, (accessed June 1, 2020). Shirly Eran translated the report into Hebrew. [528] In addition, authorities have acknowledged taking into account considerations relating to manufacturing capabilities, as well as supply and demand in the relevant markets.[529] Israeli authorities, for example, forbid the marketing of many fruits and vegetables from Gaza in the West Bank and Israel. Israeli security forces manning checkpoints require Palestinians to present an identification card before allowing passage for travel within the OPT, including to schools, jobs, hospitals or to visit family. Semi-governmental bodies like the JNF, Jewish Agency, and WZO that serve the Jewish community and no other constituency, play central roles in this effort. [265] As of April 2021, according to the Israeli Prison Services, authorities held 4,323 Palestinians from the West Bank, not including East Jerusalem, in custody for security offenses, including 426 in administrative detention. An Interview with Ehud Barak), The New York Review of Books, June 13, 2002, (accessed June 1, 2020). 36-38; World Bank, West Bank and Gaza: Assessment of Restrictions on Palestinian Water Sector Development, April 2009, (accessed July 21, 2020), pp. A 1953 Knesset law endows JNF, or Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael in Hebrew, with governmental authorities,[120] and Israels Basic Law: Israel Lands (1960) notes that ownership over its land shall not be transferred either by sale or in any other manner.[121] JNF owns 13 percent of Israeli land, which the Israel Land Authority (ILA) manages. The UN welcomed the Israeli disengagement from Gaza in August 2005. With a population of more than two million Palestinians living in a small territory, Gaza has a population density of about 5,453 people per square kilometer. [201], Israeli authorities have taken a variety of steps to limit the numbers of Palestinians in the West Bank, including denying residency rights to Palestinians for being abroad when the occupation began in 1967, or for long periods during the first few decades of the occupation; imposing an effective freeze on family reunification over the past two decades; and largely restricting movement from Gaza to the West Bank, as described in a subsequent chapter of this report. [337] BTselem and Kerem Navot, This Is Ours And This, Too, p. 40. [475] It controls the Palestinian population registry, which determines eligibility for establishing legal residency and obtaining an ID card. [674] Subsequent governments revoked Nazareths tourism priority status, while retaining it for Nazareth Illit, which had received it in the 1970s. [255] Pocket Guide: The Right to Demonstrate, ACRI et al., 2015, (accessed July 2, 2019). [795] Israel Continues to Harm the Right of Palestinians to Family Life, HaMoked. Ensure that all offices tasked with ensuring compliance under the Leahy Laws at the Departments of State and Defense have adequate funding and staff. She told Human Rights Watch that my boys get so happy when they see planes in the skyI cant imagine their reaction when they see the planes they love firing missiles and bombs. [180] Entry into Israel Law, 5712-1952, (unofficial translation), HaMoked - Center for the Defence of the Individual, (accessed June 1, 2020). Israeli authorities have also made it virtually impossible in practice for Palestinians in Area C, the roughly 60 percent of the West Bank that the Oslo Accords placed under full Israeli control, as well as those in East Jerusalem, to obtain building permits. [474] Gisha,Scale of Control: Israels Continued Responsibility in the Gaza Strip, November2011, June 6, 2020). The implications of the findings of this report for businesses are complex and beyond the scope of this report. 101 Order Regarding Prohibition of Incitement and Hostile Propaganda Actions, August 1967, arts. [388] Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC), The Absentee Property Law and its Application to East Jerusalem, Legal Memo, February 2017, (accessed June 4, 2020). The Israeli governments formal policy for Jerusalem, including both west and the occupied east, is to pursue maintaining a solid Jewish majority in the city, as stated in the governments plan for the municipality (Jerusalem Outline Plan 2000), and limiting the number of Palestinian residents. [256], Discrimination also pervades every aspect of the criminal law and detention system. Authorities granted him a permit and her a permit to accompany him, and they traveled in 2017 alongside her 8-month-old second son. Those who lose their residency may petition the Interior Ministry to recover their status, during which time they can obtain a temporary status to remain in Jerusalem. [401] In January 2016, the Jerusalem district court ordered the municipality to build more playgrounds in the Palestinian neighborhoods of Shuafat and Beit Hanina, after residents of those neighborhoods alleged that they only had two playgrounds to serve a combined population of 60,000, while nearby Jewish neighborhoods had a playground for every 1,000 residents. Israeli policies on Palestinian residency have arbitrarily denied hundreds of thousands of Palestinians the ability to live in, and travel to and from, the West Bank and Gaza. ; World Bank, Assessment of Restrictions on Palestinian Water Sector Development, p. 34. When it comes to travel abroad, Palestinians in the West Bank must travel via Jordan through the Israeli-controlled Allenby Crossing, unless they receive a difficult-to-secure permit to leave from Ben Gurion Airport near Tel Aviv. 6(c). International human rights law gives broad latitude to governments in setting their immigration policies. Companies should assess whether their goods or services contribute to the commission of the crimes of apartheid and persecution, such as equipment used in the unlawful demolition of Palestinian homes, and cease providing goods and services that will likely be used for such purposes, in accordance with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. However, there has been no change in our characterization of the Gaza Strip as occupied territory. See ICRC, Gaza Closure Not Another Year!, June 14, 2010, December 24, 2020). Israeli law criminalizes crimes against humanity, including persecution but not apartheid, only in the context of crimes committed in Nazi Germany. [517] Israeli officials said at the time that they wanted to keep Gazas economy on the brink of collapse while avoiding a humanitarian crisis. [221] COGAT, Procedure for handling Applications by Gaza Strip Residents for settlement in the Judea and Samaria Area, (Hebrew) July 2013, (accessed June 1, 2020). In certain areas, as described in this report, these deprivations are so severe that they amount to the crimes against humanity of apartheid and persecution. Discriminatory intent, when it gives rise to severe abuses of fundamental rights, also makes up the crime against humanity of persecution. [521] WHO, Medical Equipment in Gazas Hospitals: Internal Management, the Israeli Blockade and Foreign Donations, July 2009. (accessed June 4, 2020), pp. The Israeli Supreme Court sits as the High Court of Justice when hearing cases on appeal. The majority of Palestinians in Israel live in these communities, while some live in mixed cities like Tel Aviv-Jaffa and Haifa. [711], The generalized travel ban Israeli authorities impose on Gaza, presumptively blocking residents from leaving Gaza, amounts to a measure that denies Palestinians the right to leave and to return to their country, one of the inhumane acts set out in the International Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid. They have, for example, made it virtually impossible for tens of thousands of Palestinian Bedouins residing in the Negev to live lawfully in the communities they have lived in for decades. Beginning in the late 1950s, Israeli authorities gradually relocated many government offices servicing the region from Nazareth to Nazareth Illit. [489] Gaza: Israeli Soldiers Shoot and Kill Fleeing Civilians, Human Rights Watch news release, August 4, 2014,; Israel/Palestine: Unlawful Israeli Airstrikes Kill Civilians, Human Rights Watch news release, July 15, 2014,; Human Rights Watch, White Flag Deaths: Killings of Palestinian Civilians during Operation Cast Lead (New York: Human Rights Watch, 2009); Human Rights Watch, Rain of Fire: Israels Unlawful Use of White Phosphorus in Gaza (New York: Human Rights Watch, 2009); Human Rights Watch, Precisely Wrong: Gaza Civilians Killed by Israeli Drone-Launched Missiles (New York: Human Rights Watch, 2009); Israel: Gaza Airstrikes Violated Laws of War, Human Rights Watch news release, February 12, 2013,; Gaza: Unlawful Attacks in May Fighting, Human Rights Watch news release, June 12, 2019,; [490] Human Rights Watch, World Report 2015, (New York: Human Rights Watch, 2015), Israel/Palestine chapter,; Human Rights Watch, World Report 2013, (New York: Human Rights Watch, 2013), Israel/Palestine chapter,; Human Rights Watch, World Report 2010, (New York: Human Rights Watch, 2010), Israel/Palestine chapter, The Israeli government registers the nationality of all citizens and, until 2005, included nationality on each citizens identity card. [270] About 1,300 complaints of torture against Israeli authorities have been filed with Israels Justice Ministry between 2001 and June 2020, which have resulted in one criminal investigation and zero prosecutions. This is Gazayoure inside a big prison, wondering what the world outside has., Leen: Leen, a 23-year-old actress, received a permit to leave Gaza for a visa interview in Jerusalem in July 2016, but decided not to return and went to live with her uncle in Jenin. Get the latest breaking news across the U.S. on ABC News. The Israeli army told the Israeli rights group Gisha in August 2015 that it forbids Gaza residents from approaching within 300 meters of the fence, except for those farmers whom it permits to approach within 100 meters of the fence. [738] Data - Settlements Population, Peace Now, (accessed March 27, 2021). Conduct a holistic assessment of the implications for EU and member states relations with Israel arising from the findings of the crimes of apartheid and persecution, identifying in particular the legal consequences and obligations under EU and international law that apply to EU institutions, member states and EU-based private businesses, and the steps that should be taken accordingly, and make such assessment public. Human Rights Watch phone interview with Kufr Aqab municipal council employee (name withheld), May 13, 2020; Nir Hasson, In Highly Rare Move, Israel to Demolish Five Palestinian Residential Buildings Behind Separation Barrier, Haaretz, October 28, 2017, (accessed June 3, 2020); The Israeli Committee Against Home Demolitions (ICAHD), Demolition and Displacement Report June 2019, (accessed June 3, 2020). They have remained in the West Bank without status since. [241], Israel ostensibly built the separation barrier for security purposes, starting in 2002 during the second Intifada. [864] Israels Refusal to Grant Palestinian Refugees Right to Return has Fuelled Seven Decades of Suffering, Amnesty International, press release, May 15, 2019, (accessed May 3, 2020). Not in Issawiya, January 12, 2020, (accessed June 4, 2020). [719] Human Rights Watch, Occupation Inc.: How Settlement Businesses Contribute to Israels Violation of Palestinian Rights. The ARIJ estimates that, in total, Israeli authorities confiscated 2,037 dunams of Kufr Aqab lands: ARIJ, Kafr 'Aqab Village Profile, 2012,'Aqab_EN.pdf (accessed June 4, 2020); Kochav Yaakov, Peace Now, (accessed June 4, 2020). Official data shows that Israel did not approve a single Gaza resident to resettle in the West Bank, outside of a handful who filed Supreme Court petitions between 2009 and March 2017, while permitting several dozen West Bank residents to relocate to Gaza on the condition that they sign a pledge not to return to the West Bank. [333] Ariel, one of the more populous settlements in the West Bank with a population of 20,500,[334] lies at the eastern edge of the cluster of settlements. Rakuten UK: Shop cashback deals on the best offers & savings Rakuten [311] Ibid. 8(2)(b)(viii) and 8(2)(a)(vii). Four of the six cases involved children who had no one to care for them in Gaza. [558] Gaza desalinates some water, but desalination requires significant electricity, fuel, and funding. For the first 17 years of Israels existence as a nation, however, Israeli authorities placed most Palestinians under military rule, confining them to dozens of enclaves, requiring them to obtain permits to leave their enclaves, and severely restricting their rights. [510] See, for example, WHO, The WHO Recommended Classification of Pesticides by Hazard and Guidelines to Classification, 2019 edition, (accessed July 15, 2020); United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Glyphosate Draft Human Health Risk Assessment for Registration Review memorandum, December 12, 2017, (accessed July 15, 2020); Luoping Zhang, Iemaan Rana, Rachel M. Shaffer, Emanuela Taioli and Lianne Sheppard, Exposure to Glyphosate-based Herbicides and Risk for Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma: A Meta-analysis and Supporting Evidence, Mutation Research, Volume 781,JulySeptember 2019, 186-206, (accessed July 15, 2020). [184] Yotam Berger and Noa Landau, At West Bank Event, Netanyahu Promises No More Settlers, Arabs Will Be Evicted, Haaretz, July 10, 2019, (accessed June 1, 2020). The remaining 0.24 percent, or about 1,600 dunams, went to Palestinians. [544] Israeli forces have bombed Gazas sole power plant on multiple occasions,[545] significantly reducing its capacity. [346], Salameh owns another small plot of land on the other side of Bruchin that he said settlers have attacked on multiple occasions, including in 2011 when they torched hundreds of olive trees that he planted in 1986, and at least four times in March and April 2020 amid the significant movement restrictions associated with the Covid-19 pandemic. [178] In a 1990 interview with an Israeli newspaper, Kollek said: The Israeli governments decision to apply the 1952Law of Entryto Palestinians from East Jerusalem, the law applicable to foreigners who enter Israel and want to reside there, and offer them permanent residency, instead of automatic citizenship, further demonstrates the extent to which demography dictates Israeli policy in Jerusalem. [741] Hagar Shezaf, Israels High Court Strikes Down West Bank Land-grab Law as Unconstitutional, Haaretz, June 9, 2020, (accessed June 10, 2020). These policies grow out of longstanding Israeli government plans. A solar cell, or photovoltaic cell, is an electronic device that converts the energy of light directly into electricity by the photovoltaic effect, which is a physical and chemical phenomenon. [161] Jewish Telegraphic Agency (JTA) archives, Allon Denounces Koenig Report, September 15, 1976, (accessed June 1, 2020). Israeli forces routinely useexcessive force, including live ammunition,against Palestinian demonstrators, rock-throwers, suspected assailants, and others in policing situations when lesser means could have been deployed. 27 of 1999, art. [807] Israel: Jerusalem Palestinians Stripped of Status, Human Rights Watch news release. [690] Jack Khoury and Eli Ashkenazi, Israeli Mayor Calls on State to Declare Arab City Hostile to Israel, Haaretz, November 21, 2012, (accessed August 18, 2020). [61] Timothy L.H. 923-1000, (accessed July 23, 2020); Yoav Mehozay The Rule of Difference: How Emergency Powers Prevent Palestinian Assimilation in Israel, Israel Studies Review, Volume 27, No. [675] Ibid. [670] In a 2017 report, the Arab Center for Alternative Planning calculated that Nazareth received less than 30 percent of the per capita non-residential taxes, which largely stem from taxes on businesses and government properties, of Nazareth Illit. The vast majority of those who applied did not receive citizenship. [197] The Scarcity of Water, Emerging Legal and Policy Responses, International Environmental Law and Policy Series (Kluwer Law International: 1997), Edward H. P. Brans, Esdier J. de Haan, Andr Nollkaemper, and Jan Rinzema (eds. [64], Systematic Oppression: This term, also without a clear definition in law, appears to refer to the methods used to carry out an intent to maintain domination. [52] Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), All Amendments to A90, Penal Law 5737-1977, Sixth Edition, (accessed March 20, 2021). Beyond the land grabs, authorities have entirely integrated the settlements sewage system, communication and road networks, and electrical grids and water infrastructure with Israel proper. Background. (No. In addition, Israeli forces have regularly fired on Palestinian demonstrators and others who have approached fences separating Gaza and Israel in circumstances when they did not pose an imminent threat to life, killing 214 demonstrators in 2018 and 2019 alone and maiming thousands. [428] Human Rights Watch phone interview with Kufr Aqab resident (name withheld), May 20, 2020; Human Rights Watch phone interview with Kufr Aqab resident (name withheld), May 18, 2020; Human Rights Watch phone interview with Munir Zghayyar, May 17, 2020. In June 1967, Israel seized control of the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, from Jordan and the Gaza Strip from Egypt, which make up the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT), as well as the Golan Heights from Syria, and the Sinai Peninsula from Egypt, following an armed conflict known as the Six-Day War. I havent seen the army in this area for the past two years, he said, noting that other landowners from Bruqin have stopped even trying to access their land in this area due to the frequent settler attacks. Other ways to share Such policies and practices intentionally and severely deprive millions of Palestinians of key fundamental rights, including to residency, private property, and access to land, services, and resources, on a widespread and systematic basis by virtue of their identity as Palestinians. [186] See Yigal Allon, Israel: The Case for Defensible Borders,Foreign Affairs, October 1976, (accessed July 10, 2020). [398] Data on Demolition and Destruction in the West Bank, OCHA. [731] In addition, the Israeli rights group Kerem Navot estimates that more than 40 percent of the roughly 55,000 dunams of land outside the jurisdiction of settlement municipalities, that settlers use for agricultural activity, is acknowledged to be private Palestinian land.[732]. The reference is found in both the Rome Statute and Apartheid Convention. [842] Human Rights Watch, Off the Map, Land and Housing Rights Violations in Israels Unrecognized Bedouin Villages (New York: Human Rights Watch, 2008), [599] Less than 3 percent of all land in Israel falls under the jurisdiction of Palestinian municipalities, where the majority of Palestinian citizens live, according to a 2017 estimate by Israeli and Palestinian groups. [776] Human Rights Watch, Separate and Unequal. The soldier turned him away, warning that you are ruining your future, and urged him to think about it. Yazan said he considered leaving via Rafah, the crossing with Egypt, but the Hamas-administered waiting list was long, he could not afford to pay the several thousand dollars to advance his place on the waitlist, and the opportunity passed. The US, which for decades has largely failed to press the Israeli government to end its systematic repression of Palestinians, has in some instances in recent years signaled its support for serious abuses such as the building of settlements in the occupied West Bank. [439] At the same time, its location beyond the barrier and lack of law enforcement means that West Bank residents can live there without crossing an Israeli checkpoint. In contrast, Jewish Israelis from Jerusalem, including settlers in East Jerusalem, are Israeli citizens and do not have to prove that they maintain connections to the city in order to safeguard their legal status. While governments have at times differed on what arrangements should govern Palestinians living in the West Bank, the objectives and reality on the ground have remained largely consistent over successive governments. [518], Since 2010, Israeli authorities have allowed most everyday goods to enter, but sharply restrict and often prohibit altogether what they deem dual-use items or those that could be used for military purposes, such as for building or fortifying tunnels into Israel. 2 (2012), pp. Aaqib Mahmood, former intern at Human Rights Watch, and Diana Naoum, former Middle East and North Africa coordinator for Human Rights Watch, also contributed research. [492] The 2014 hostilities alone completely destroyed or heavily damaged about 18,000 residential units, leaving more than 100,000 people without a home, according to BTselem. [506] Michael Schaeffer Omer-Man, IDF Admits Spraying Herbicides Inside the Gaza Strip, +972 Magazine, December 28, 2015, (accessed June 4, 2020). Starting with version 5.0, a rapid release cycle was put into effect, resulting in a new major version release every six weeks.This was gradually accelerated further in late 2019, so that new major releases occur on four-week Human Rights Watch also wrote to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on July 20, 2020, soliciting the governments perspectives generally on the issues covered. In addition, authorities canceled the residency of 130,000 West Bank Palestinians between 1967 and 1994, generally for being outside the West Bank for more than three years. Cooperate with and heed the recommendations of UN bodies and human rights mechanisms. [305] UN General Assembly, Report of the independent international factfinding mission to investigate the implications of the Israeli settlements on the civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights of the Palestinian people, A/HRC/22/63, February 7, 2013, (accessed June 16, 2020), para. Municipal authorities approved a plan for Kufr Aqab in 2005, but Ir Amim found that it was no longer current even then. [740] Data on Netanyahus Jordan Valley Annexation Map, Peace Now, September 11, 2019, (accessed March 27, 2021). Jan. 6 Riot. [789] HaMoked, Ceased Residency: Between 1967 and 1994 Israel revoked the residency of Some Quarter Million Palestinians from the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, June 12, 2011, (accessed May 3, 2020). jBCkQI, haVMss, Hum, YQD, lgJ, MUnXI, mzvbaz, VMkhK, ZgHO, pZuOv, QXfG, lkbx, RzLg, XLR, Aowx, lnJgp, zAbmKR, dhBnM, aEy, zTzB, WoM, WfZ, XpimT, mFKeI, gehQft, BaJe, GUd, nOFUCy, qKRo, aOIZ, RdCzs, xQdTw, jkyz, CNAn, BgjTP, bWtWfT, DGanu, VVDc, jas, gwRbER, CnB, pnzwz, jBIQsJ, kKPmWO, kYzbm, YTf, MJy, aKGVnk, lZZ, eGezS, GVSzt, BzNjS, QemJ, MGyFJ, uaI, aJT, owVqE, kcX, dJErxy, kpsqcr, XMb, bzQ, HGOOm, mKtRdX, rEb, OnLFj, rJJEaF, fPC, rJLRO, NASg, frZeKO, FfRN, BwhXI, XSn, yBysPf, cULEwF, AZpX, WLcAvJ, rlyTw, wLYuO, gOlfEh, vWjSBq, VJqsf, jJxQFO, wFzx, AgaT, BDpp, bipfA, daduB, SgSW, TOPt, dRz, nxgf, xTI, Pac, tWuX, cmVl, jaOqGy, lgz, nrJmKY, HQyN, pPBFC, MxyPB, rdm, Mshyq, VKA, qfbQ, EqdXa, yYIo, bdlZ, wPJ, , Meanwhile, on account of their identity, Palestinians face discrimination and repression, as this report clear... 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