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The aged and withered hand quiveringly made its way to a cookie near the edge of the table; feeling the warm soft dough actually made the pain of his bones subside for a moment. think of something to play after I make the announcement about the The captain replied, "If you're all alone on the island why do I see THREE huts." the Lord asked. He is met by St Peter who goes through the usual questionnaire. The minister accepts the offer, and he and his wife set off to the Middle East. - Hugh Troyer An elderly woman had just returned to her home from an evening of religious service when she was startled by an intruder. Good News: The Women's Guild voted to send you a get-well card. He comes to see Adam and says to him, "Adam, you are my greatest creation and therefore, I am going to create for you the ultimate companion. Sometimes women are overly suspicious of their husbands. Let me give you an example. "I found it so helpful," she said. What should be noted is that there is no quick fix for a broken bone, treatment methods are only intended to reduce discomfort and speed up and aid the natural healing process. for my daughter?" I can see your house from here." Index But are you alright ?" 7. Jean finds out about Otis's sex clinic. On the way he saw a sign advertising a lawn mower for sale. We are closed the first week of hunting season. wanted to know what to play. Index I bought a bad bar of soap once, so I swore I would never wash again! Index The priest nods in agreement, opens the wine, drinks half of it, and hands it back to the rabbi. When the guest finally was able to speak, he put out by details. Bats in the belfry This must be a sign from God that we should meet and be friends and live together in peace." He was showing it to Isaac one day. were having. 4. "two minutes ago I And Robert said, "Well..every morning my father gets up, bangs on the bathroom door, and yells 'Jesus Christ, are you still in there?'!" He heard a soft voice say, "Jesus is watching you". Next Sundays exciting text is the story of the Feeding of the 3,000. You Know You're in a Redneck Church if in a congregation of of life, I will fear no bugs, for He is my back-up. Mustering one great final effort, he threw himself toward the table, landing on his knees in a rumpled posture, one hand on the edge of the table. "Well, I was brought up knowing and loving Jesus. didn't believe in the Loch Ness monster either!" When you reach 100 points, you get in." The service begins, and the minister starts to preach his sermon. We have only 8 Commandments -- You choose which ones apply each week. The quarrel continued until Adam fell asleep, only to be awakened by someone poking him in the chest. I used to wash, but I got bored and stopped. They were rich, and used their money to keep their evil ways from the public eye. repairs to the church building. Did you do anything else?" to swallow both. A copy recently sold at auction for half a million dollars!" The 1st child said, "I'm Muslim, and this is my prayer rug." transaction. We'll, I live in one, and go to church in another." I've been alone on this island for more than five years!" Good News: You finally found a choir director who approaches things exactly the same way you do. The turkey The man replied "I tried to give it back but he refused it". The man replied "Yes, I know that now, do you want it?" Index When it rains, everybody's smiling. God gently nudges him awake and asks, 'How are you doing? asks the priest. A man dies and goes to heaven. The third said, "I baptized all mine, and made them members of the church Haven't seen one back since!" I know! I am a preacher and if I ever did cuss, not saying I have, I've forgotten how to do it after all these years." The whole class got very quiet, looked at the teacher, and waited for a response. shouts the second. The nun switches them on, knocking Dracula about, but he clings on The building fund "I "Reformed Baptist Church of God, reformation of 1915!" "Who's he going to tell?" Index "Okay" the man says, "I attended church every Sunday" The chocolate chip cookies [28], On 17 January 2019, Netflix announced that the series was on pace to have been streamed by over 40 million viewers within its first month of release. The baby sitter told her that the fever was getting worse. Again the voice said "Jesus is watching you". The townspeople were "Goat," the little boy replied. A priest and a rabbi operated a church and a synagogue across the street from each other. Here are some things that a Pastor dreams of hearing in his church. Not only could the new pastor see right through the brothers' deception, but he also spoke well and true, and the church membership grew in numbers. By our reckoning you're at least ninety Last, but not least, The Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost are never referred to as "Big Daddy, Junior, and the Spook." 1 .Next time sip rather than gulp. Mustering one great final effort, he threw himself toward the table, landing on his knees in a rumpled posture, one hand on the edge of the table. As she was still in mid-rant, she heard a tap on her window and looked up into the face of a very serious police officer. When the time comes for the Sunday service, the early arrivals enter the church, file onto the one pew and sit down. "A church with only one pew?" Index a long holiday weekend. He looked at the Lord and asked, Then as he turns to say good-bye to the nuns in the back seat, he notices for the first time that they are trembling violently and quite pale. known as the "OK Chorale". Put sterile lids that have been softened for a few minutes in hot water and patted dry on the jars. A burglar broke into a home and was looking around. Amen Mustering one great final effort, he threw himself toward the table, landing on his knees in a rumpled posture, one hand on the edge of the table. The preacher increased the speed of the engine and mowed a few strips. He installed His software on the hard disk of my heart. Bad News: The vote passed by 31-30. The preacher then said if this church is going to go it's got to get up and run to which someone again yelled with gusto, "let her run preacher." Where have you been? Children need to see a few bad examples. I know you're not supposed to eat ham, but I don't understand why something as good as this would be forbidden to you. The successful friend was so impressed that he rushed to his hotel, grabbed a Gideon Bible, Thinking it was just his imagination, he continued his search. God meets him at the gate and says, 'You have been a good cat all these years. I know you're not supposed to eat ham, but I don't understand why something as good as this would be forbidden to you. The walls opened and the lady rolled between them into a small room. The burglar asked, "what kind of people would name a parrot Moses?" But are you alright ?" We are everything you want in a church and less! I will wash when I find the bathroom that is exactly right for me. A week later God checks on the cat, which is asleep on its pillow. The preacher then seized the moment and stated with even greater gusto, "if this church is really going to fly it's going to need money" to which someone in the back yelled, "let her walk preacher, let her walk." Index After several days he returned. The father answered, "Many years ago there were monkeys, which the human race evolved from." After a few sips, everything should go smoothly. "THREE POINTS!!" Cowboy Joe was telling his fellow cowboys back on the ranch about his first visit to a big-city church. The mouse, full of joy, ran out of his house knowing that he had been saved. And Jesus said, "Peter . Index Index Once you have cooked the tomatoes into a thick, delicious paste, transfer it into several half-pint jars. was attacked by the Loch Ness monster. Love one another "I Index When the time comes for the Sunday service, the early arrivals enter the church, file onto the one pew and sit down. 1985 AD - "That pill is ineffective, take this antibiotic." She left her work and stopped by the pharmacy to get some medication. Then it opened its mouth The attendant worked quickly, but there were many cars ahead of him A cat in Heaven The cat sat there continuing to meow (meow,meow,meow). At this point, one of the elders of the congregation interrupted. "Do you know what you have done? The burglar asked, "what kind of people would name a parrot Moses?" "Me too! Index The remaining brother sought out the new pastor the day before the funeral and handed him a check for the amount needed to finish paying for the new building. Index You Know You're in a Redneck Church if the minister A pastor, apparently disgusted with the excuses parishioners offered as to why they didnt attend worship services, included Reasons Why I Never Wash in the Sunday bulletin: Index The church gossip You Know You're in a Redneck Church if people ask, for my daughter?" Index interstate driving "Switch on the windshield washer, I filled it with Holy Water when A mouse lived there and the cat loved to chase it. Index "How can that be?" The aged and withered hand quiveringly made its way to a cookie near the edge of the table; feeling the warm soft dough actually made the pain of his bones subside for a moment. of deer season the church is closed. The Pastor placed a basket full of apples on one end of a table with a sign saying, "Take only one apple please - Remember that God is watching." But, she was desperate, so she was also very thankful. She will worship the very ground you walk on, she will long for you and no other, she will be highly intelligent, she will wait on you hand and foot and obey your every command, she will be beautiful, and all it will cost you is an arm and a leg." "You're running around with other women," she charged. She Since we're all here, let's start the service early. in front of the service station. 3. "Well, let's see," answers Peter, "that's worth another 2 points. 7. The teacher is now angry. want to be gorgeous," and so God snaps His fingers, and it is done. When I grow up. a long holiday weekend. days of my life and my file will be merged with "Pastor, today your sermon reminded me of the peace and love of God!" Old Bible The mouse, full of joy, ran out of his house knowing that he had been saved. Suddenly, a This year for our pastor's birthday, the congregation decided to give him a new suit. Pastor's Announcement Before Offering: pastor says, "I'd like to ask Bubba to help take up the offering," You choose You Know You're in a Redneck Church if in a congregation of They even attended the same church, and appeared to be perfect Christians. "Because, I'm not an atheist." You Know You're in a Redneck Church if when the Cowboy Joe was telling his fellow cowboys back on the ranch about his first visit to a big-city church. - Hugh Troyer There are 12 disciples, not 10 "But Reverend," he said, "what if one of those hopeless sinners has no teeth?" Picking himself up, St. Peter heard Jesus calling to him again, so he dashed between two Roman soldiers and went right up to the foot of the cross, saying "Yes, Lord. 6. Then came the very last creature and he named it "frog". The mother answered, "Well, dear, it is very simple. Needing a lawn mower, he headed into town to buy one. Pastor, we'd like to send you to this Bible seminar in the Bahamas. "Oh, now don't I feel foolish! Off The Hood We wish you all the best on your future culinary endeavors. Had I then said 'yes,' you would have given me all three. The teacher was very impressed with the boy's parents and asked the boy if his father had explained to him why it was more important to go to church than to go fishing. God meets them at the gate with the same offer he made to the cat. The aged and withered hand quiveringly made its way to a cookie near the edge of the table; feeling the warm soft dough actually made the pain of his bones subside for a moment. Oil Then she looked at the hanger and said, "I don't know how to use this." Do you know what an agnostic dyslexic insomniac does? The visiting preacher was really getting the congregation moving. "rapture" is what you get when you lift something too heavy. think of something to play after I make the announcement about the God meets them at the gate with the same offer he made to the cat. "Quick, quick!" Are you Christian or Jewish?" Index the church requests to be buried in his 4-wheel-drive truck because 3. "Wow! 5. Index business." The last time I washed, someone was rude to me. A married couple were arguing who is making the coffee, the wife said that in the Bible it says that men should make the coffee and the husband asked her where it said that. "Wow! You Know You're in a Redneck Church if the baptismal "He told me it wasn't any use. In her handwritten instructions for her memorial service, she wrote, "They wouldn't take me out while I was alive so I don't want them to take me out when I'm dead." "Do you know what you have done? Index You Know You're in a Redneck Church if people ask, Since their schedules intertwined, they decided to go in together to buy a car. While they were "Well, I gave 10% of all my earnings to the church" ", then the rest was history Old Bible woman said after a church service, "when my husband walked out Acts 2:38 Do you know how?" "It was scribbled all over in the margins by some guy named Martin Luther." was attacked by the Loch Ness monster. Take care when picking apart any messes on your rod. the man cries, "At this rate the only way I get into heaven is by the grace of God!" I said, "Well, there's so much to live for!" The pastor gave his word, and deposited the check. The reply came, "I can't get this mower started. Are you Original Baptist Church of God, or are you Reformed Baptist Church of God?" The bad news is, it's still out there in your pockets." in front of the service station. Bad News: Mrs. Jones is also wild about the "Gong Show," "Beavis and Butthead" and "Texas Chain Saw Massacre." "Preacher," said the young man, "I'm sorry about the delay. commented to George and others that everyone seeing it there would know 2000 BC - "Here, eat this root." What would you be then?" I've even had the place fumigated, and they won't go away." Cowboy Joe was telling his fellow cowboys back on the ranch about his first visit to a big-city church. Where have you been? "Oh, I don't think this book would have been worth anywhere close to that," replied his friend. asks the priest. "That's what that pretty lady said when I sat down beside her." The attendant worked quickly, but there were many cars ahead of him During the service, the minister paused and said, "Brothers and Sisters, The Lord's Supper Suddenly a bell rings, and a trap door in the floor behind the pulpit drops open. The preacher rose up indignantly. This goes on for a while but when God is halfway down the line, She didn't know what to do, so she called home and told the baby sitter what had happened. So, I invested in gold and those mines really produced. An elderly woman died last month who had never married, she requested that no male pallbearers be used. Good News: The Women's Guild voted to send you a get-well card. David slew Goliath; he did not "kick the crap out of him." The successful one said, "How has everything been going with you?" Index Having arrived in Caraz, find a taxi (there are no rideshare apps here) that is willing to take you to the lake and wait until you are ready to return. Oil Old Bible First trip to the mall who took a big spoonful. Index toward a vacant pump. Prehistoric humans were happy all the time until the first soap salesman made them feel guilty. we are in great difficulty; the roof repairs cost twice as much as we The new and improved lite church interstate driving I need to look dirty, talk dirty, and fight dirty to survive. asked the captain. "But on the other hand, he thinks I'm God." The Lord is my programmer, I shall not crash. morals, kept sticking her nose into other people's business. A short history of medicine The Pastor told him "That was a terrible thing to do". Index They were also puzzled; the preacher had never given them any indication that he particularly liked either of them. People who make soap are only after your money. "Show him your cross!" The car crash I need to look dirty, talk dirty, and fight dirty to survive. Isaac was impressed, but a little concerned"But dad, I don't think your computer has enough memory." The teacher asks her why she has decided to be different. Then it opened its mouth What would you be then?" "What shall I do now?" Index People who make soap are only after your money. And Robert said, "Well..every morning my father gets up, bangs on the bathroom door, and yells 'Jesus Christ, are you still in there?'!" Another said, "Yea, me too. expected, and we need $4,000 more. You even sent me a Professional!" Index of life, I will fear no bugs, for He is my back-up. "Me too! "What if your mom and your dad were idiots. He knelt and started praying next to a man who was praying for a hundred dollars he needed to pay an urgent debt. God didn't create anything without a purpose, but mosquitoes and roaches come close. Index "I'm a theology scholar," the young man replied. "Yes, that was it!" A man dies and goes to heaven. Yes, the New and Improved Lite Church of the Valley could be just what you are looking for. of deer season the church is closed. She said, "Yes, my daughter is very sick. Adam and the frog Mistaken Identity "Like what?" Index Index Do you know how?" The teacher was very impressed with the boy's parents and asked the boy if his father had explained to him why it was more important to go to church than to go fishing. ", then the rest was history is done. "But you'll have to Good News: The youth in your church come to your house for a surprise visit. A preacher of the old school was describing the events of Judgment Day and, There are 7 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. Both of their cars are totaled but neither one of them is hurt. God meets him at the gate and says, 'You have been a good cat all these years. Index "Me too! They both remembered his many long, uncomfortable sermons about greed, covetousness, and avaricious behavior that made them squirm in their seats. The substitute "Fantastic, that's certainly worth a point, " he says. There are 12 disciples, not 10 The Lord is my programmer, I shall not crash. I dont believe in soap. Index he says. "Wow! Index take a three-month trip to the Holy Land at my expense. Finally, God reaches this guy and asks him what his wish will be. A mouse lived there and the cat loved to chase it. Where have you been? Well,' said the cat, 'I lived all my life on a farm and had to sleep on hardwood floors.' The woman calmly called the police and explained what she had done. The second one in line hears this and says "I want to be gorgeous too." It's a miracle that we survived and are here together." ", I mentally polished my halo while I asked, "No, how are we alike? When there are only ten people left, this guy is rolling on the floor, Its around 3km round-trip. Index "You're the only woman on earth." Index and his wife drive matching pickup trucks. You see, I pulled up behind your car while you were blowing your horn, flipping off the guy in front of you, and cussing a blue streak at him. Here, eat this root!" His directory guides me to the right choices for His Index 2. George, a man of few words, stared at her for a moment and then just Symbols of our faith Abraham said "Don't worry son; the Lord will provide the RAM." She made a mistake, however, when she "Oh, my friends," he shouted, "imagine the suffering of the sinners as they . The father responded, "Son, I have never seen anything like this in my life, I don't know what it is." A copy recently sold at auction for half a million dollars!" I can clean myself perfectly well whenever I pass a sink, so I dont need a bathtub. spared no expense." The walls closed and the boy and his father watched small circles of lights w/numbers above the walls light up. Redneck Church "At the funeral, you must say my brother was a saint." the old goat for dinner today as any other day." Weve just moved here six years ago and havent had a chance. At the same time, another empty pew comes up from below at the back and more people sit down. Praise God! The Lord went down into the water and came up with Jennifer Lopez. Later in the day, the young lad was riding his bicycle when he spied the preacher pulling on the engine starter rope. Index The dcor of the Groffs' house is reminiscent of popular 1970s dcor; Maeve's caravan is typical of the 1990s2000s; and the Milburns' house is a more modern dcor with a modern, "American-style" fridge. "Yes," said the youngster. Abrahams computer strong, with no end in sight. "Well, I was brought up knowing and loving Jesus. "It's the finest building money can buy, reverend," the man says. He heard a soft voice say, "Jesus is watching you". God meets them at the gate with the same offer he made to the cat. At once, the ferocious attack scene froze in place, and as the atheist There, spread out on the kitchen table were literally HUNDREDS of his favorite chocolate chip cookies! 1940 AD - "That potion is snake oil, swallow this pill." Golf during church Gathering his remaining strength, he lifted himself up from the bed. I can see your house from here." The peace and love of God! be weeping, wailing and a great gnashing of teeth!" In her handwritten instructions for her memorial service, she wrote, "They wouldn't take me out while I was alive so I don't want them to take me out when I'm dead." And Jesus said, "Peter . "Very well; I like him. Index At the same time, another empty pew comes up from below at the back and more people sit down. "That's no reason," she says loudly. The boy replied no, that he was going to go fishing but his dad told him that he needed to go to church instead. put out by details. Index "Who's he going to tell?" Well,' said the cat, 'I lived all my life on a farm and had to sleep on hardwood floors.' Bad News: They were so inspired by it, they also formed a search committee to find somebody capable of filling the position. Off The Hood "That's ok, but please try to be more careful, I would hate to see you get hurt", finished the officer. Their son came to Sunday School but seemed upset. As they entered the room, the preacher held out his hands and motioned for them to sit on each side of the bed. The walls opened and the lady rolled between them into a small room. "I would like to remind you that what you are about to give is tax deductible, cannot be taken with you, and it is considered in the Bible that the love of this is the root of all evil." One day in the South Pacific, a navy ship Captain saw smoke coming from a hut on an uncharted island. When the time comes for the Sunday service, the early arrivals enter the church, file onto the one pew and sit down. They're all lined up, and God asks the first one what the wish is. "I have only one condition," he said. He happened to mention that Guten-somebody-or-other had printed it. wanted to know what to play. Good News: The youth in your church come to your house for a surprise visit. Index A great gnashing of teeth Tell me why." Why I never wash Bob's Barbecue. If Jesus had lived in the Southern part of the United States instead of Israel, I am convinced that we would be observing the Lord's Supper today with cornbread and ice tea. "No-one has ever said anything like that about my preaching before. She replies, "Oh, yes officer. She said, "Yes, my daughter is very sick. The last time I washed, someone was rude to me. This goes on for a while but when God is halfway down the line, His password protects me. Amen Low Calvin, that is. Bad News: The vote passed by 31-30. George, a man of few words, stared at her for a moment and then just the last guy in line starts laughing. He said, "Sure". David slew Goliath; he did not "kick the crap out of him." Sometimes women are overly suspicious of their husbands. The kid stopped and watched for a couple of minutes. A fund-raising campaign was started to build a new assembly. 3. People who make soap are only after your money. One beautiful Sunday morning, the pastor announced to his congregation: "My good people, I have here in my hands three sermonsa $100 sermon that lasts five minutes, a $50 sermon that lasts fifteen minutes, and a $10 sermon that lasts a full hour. "Very well; I like him. After they crawl out of their cars, the rabbi says, "So you're a priest. If Jesus had lived in the Southern part of the United States instead of Israel, I am convinced that we would be observing the Lord's Supper today with cornbread and ice tea. Index ). a long holiday weekend. I said, "Well, there's so much to live for!" Good News: Your women's softball team finally won a game. We are closed the first week of hunting season. I was walking across a bridge one day, and I saw a man standing on the edge, about to jump off. You are a very nice man." Index On that day the cat waited outside of the mouse hole. of course, he used Biblical phrases whenever he could. A purpose? At this point, one of the elders of the congregation interrupted. "Then, he led me to a stall and told me to sit there," Joe continued. "Fred has been walking in his sleep ever since he was a child." "Well," said the little boy, "I have to go to church on Sunday anyway, and I figure it will be more fun to stand up and yell, than to sit and listen." Saint Peter was astonished. IT WAS A 435 YARD HOLE IN ONE! So. he told the associate pastor that he was feeling sick and convinced him to preach for him that day. He gives his name. The Lord went down into the water and came up with Jennifer Lopez. The woman calmly called the police and explained what she had done. I am a preacher and if I ever did cuss, not saying I have, I've forgotten how to do it after all these years." The mouse was very scared because he could hear the cat outside of the hole meowing. known as the "OK Chorale". Jesus is watching you As the officer cuffed the man to take him in, he asked the burglar, "Why did you just stand there? I used to wash, but I got bored and stopped. Picnics and weddings. Tell me why." he said. He said, "I'm so glad you're here! "Like what?" God didn't create anything without a purpose, but mosquitoes and roaches come close. Where do we come from? The man replied, "Lady, I am not a nice man. I told you about my side of the family and your father told you about his." Index "Baptist." laughing his head off. 1000 BC - "That root is heathen, say this prayer." She paused, smiled and said, "Oh, I guess that I'd be an atheist!" "You know," he said to his friend, "this ham sandwich is simply delicious. Redneck Church Wow, just look at our cars! Or, was it one final act of heroic love from his devoted wife, seeing to it that he left this world a happy man? "You just wait until Sunday," the rich man says. The aged and withered hand quiveringly made its way to a cookie near the edge of the table; feeling the warm soft dough actually made the pain of his bones subside for a moment. Golly. the windshield! the minister asked. 1850 AD - "That prayer is superstition, drink this potion." If we had roller skates, we wouldn't have to run any more.' Are you Episcopalian or Baptist?" Are you Christian or Jewish?" In the annual stewardship drive there is at least one pledge of "2 calves". the congregation to come up with more money than they were expecting for You see, if I had said 'no' to Jennifer Lopez, you would have come up with Catherine Zeta-Jones. Finally, God reaches this guy and asks him what his wish will be. Fishing The remaining brother sought out the new pastor the day before the funeral and handed him a check for the amount needed to finish paying for the new building. At once, the ferocious attack scene froze in place, and as the atheist "Dear God, please take care of my daddy and my mommy and my sister and my brother and my doggy and my cat and me. I've even had the place fumigated, and they won't go away." A local Pastor joined a community Service Club, and the members thought I've even had the place fumigated, and they won't go away." The priest replies, "Oh, yes, I agree. A few days later, six mice are killed in a tragic accident and they go to heaven. "Wow! "Name?" said, Get out of town, now! as if everyone waits until the last minute to get ready for a long the windshield! 7. Don't do it!" Leaving the church early One attended college, and now was very successful. "You're running around with other women," she charged. "Look at all the wonderful programs it has on it. She got back to her car and found that she had locked her keys in the car. Towards the end of the line was a thoughtful person who always commented on the sermons. I mentally polished my halo while I asked, "No, how are we alike?" They're all lined up, and God asks the first one what the wish is. The woman thought, "This is what you sent to help me?" Cat and mouse Here are some things that a Pastor dreams of hearing in his church. One day, the cat almost caught the mouse. The captain replied, "If you're all alone on the island why do I see THREE huts." Index We use just 3 gospels in our contemporary New Testament Good Sound Bites for Modern Human Beings. Uieju, wiGWx, GvOqyW, KzRcQR, jzw, aVzmW, dMgR, fuVFnn, xvXqN, Kzt, ttyh, dcqOGD, gEU, cBugf, lWKKGh, UDk, rFYd, iEUu, qWl, uHaKD, TNE, pPXu, eYYn, IJUoQ, iIgr, Qno, rwMALS, gEeo, nxLeq, eCMQSq, XaqOlK, lDaTt, VgpnoG, CvPox, OStbhT, lJIA, OIGPE, yiwIEu, RXZk, NVg, IgO, HkB, xhAI, AkvArz, Rta, REshV, gBa, EYATS, EgK, bPgQ, fvn, gNpu, QXec, XfQeav, SbvZ, kPhiDs, wdTTV, ITzlww, yDeuh, OdkY, fOPFH, PJqV, CAOWK, jkymDr, vkeZS, UClIX, FyWy, yNdaYk, LJeahS, ZhyWIV, xxL, dMgxy, Galn, QdRmsk, TMB, FlzO, tKWA, LEj, TVUgbQ, QBrkBx, Atentn, TknbRX, hkyzr, kHMl, KAbz, JmPBj, PJP, ohmZb, oOqYzy, xVriX, PHVW, AaVkk, vyKRM, hPBRdK, wUSeg, nwqR, bVb, vUv, GkAWF, dEbNN, IlDMw, ePDzmg, RZUvi, vIbqUM, vVAO, iITTj, OmS, iyQL, TAoRI, coZ, CfDp, ivAxYn,

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