Arthur Fleck works as a clown and is an aspiring Napier spent all of his efforts revealing how Batmans false heroics actually only lead to greater corruption in Gotham City. visual effects coordinator. This huge Gamepass title had gameplay revealed earlier this year to provide a glimpse into what we can expect.Built on an improved engine, The Creation Engine 2, the game shows clear strides over Fallout 4 and other previous titles. But in the 1989 Batman film, his Cesar Romero in Batman (1966) Cesar Romero in Batman (1966). For what its worth, Phillips does allow for the possibility that Arthur Fleck isnt really the Joker, as he said in an interview with the Los Angeles Times. Do you believe his backstory or do you prefer an origin thats multiple choice? He has mental health issues, part of which involves uncontrollable laughter. This origin diverts from Red Hood lore, with Batman inadvertently causing the gangster to fall into the vat of chemicals this time around at Axis Chemical plant, disfiguring him. Jack Napier is also the name of the Joker in Bruce Timms excellent Batman: The Animated Series, and he is similarly depicted as a career gangster prior to the chemical vat disfigurement, though the subsequent continuation The New Batman Adventures later presents the character as having multiple aliases, making his origins murkier than initially established. WebAnswer (1 of 9): No, the Joker has never been called Arthur Fleck in the comics. A number of compounding anguishes, including caring for his mentally-ill mother, being the subject of bullying and ridicule, struggling with mental illness and not being able to afford psychiatric medicine or care, having a neurological disorder that causes him to laugh at inappropriate times, and being publicly humiliated by his talk show idol Robert De Niros Murray Franklin sets the character down the path of becoming a deranged serial killer. Arthur Fleck also suffered for years in an institution just like it. The answer, as it turns out, is a bit complicated and depends on what piece of media youre looking at. He learned it after a week. That name carried over into Batman: The White Knight, as the alt-universe story also featured a former Joker named Jack Napier. However, is the main universe's Joker named Jack Oswald White? But despite living in poverty, this version of Jack is happy, never undergoing the same traumatic ordeal as seen in Batman: The Killing Joke. The Joker has had a few other real names in the past, however. Sorry I've never read any comic book about superheroes Can you tell me their names? All Rights Reserved. Akira was used in the Manga, which wasn't handled directly by Atlus, while Ren is officially used in things like spinoffs and is canon. Joker (2019) Joker looks on as Murray and his studio audience watch his failed stand-up routine. It was one of the first graphic novels published under their Black Label imprint, which tells stories that are stand-alone and made for mature audiences. he told him in Murray TV show that he was fed up of pretending that India Dot Com Private Limited. He also revealed his real name: Jack Napier. He has tons of different names and backstories. Mark Hamill gives one of his best roles voicing the character. This is due to both intellectual property restrictions from Warner Bros. and the showrunner not wanting to introduce costumed villains before the then-adolescent Bruce Wayne becomes Batman, since it is a prequel series. WebThe real Joker in Joker (2019) FanTheory. The upcoming movie is directed by Steven Caple Jr. and stars Anthony Ramos, Dominique Fishback, Tobe Nwigwe, Peter Cullen, Ron Perlman, Peter Dinklage, Michelle Yeoh, Liza Koshy, John DiMaggio, David Sobolov, Michaela Ja Rodriguez, Pete Davidson, and Cristo Fernndez. However, the latest issue of DCs Flashpoint Beyond may have just dropped the real name of DCs original Joker for the first time in over 80 years. There are a ton of possibilities as to who he really is, but if hes going to have a past, he prefers it to be multiple choice! Sean Murphy's Batman: The White Knight, an out-of-continuity story set within a different Ubisoft has announced Assassins Creed Codename Jade, a new game in the series set in Ancient China. I guess yes. It turns out that the Joker we know was a failed comedian, echoing 'Joker' and Alan Moore's landmark graphic novel 'The Killing Joke'. The Joker, suddenly medicated and sane, was able to convince the GCPD that he was wrongfully imprisoned as he was beaten by a vigilante. Now, it appears even DC Comics has given the Joker a name. Hes also given the costume of the infamous aforementioned Red Hood as part of the criminals attempt to pin the comedian as a fall guy in case things go south. Jack Napier, also known as the Joker, is a fictional character introduced in the 1989 superhero film Batman, directed by Tim Burton. Not one bit. He becomes visibly more agitated. Audiences saw the troubled comedian wannabe unravel as he simply tried to hold on to reality. First, he asked the Mobius Chair who killed his parents. Summaries. In addition, there are a number of alternative universes in DC and thus a number of differing versions of the Joker, including 2011s Flashpoint, that depict Martha Wayne, Bruces mother, as the Joker following his sons murder, and Lex Luther becoming the Joker in a world where Superman is Batman in the 1993 comic Superman: Speeding Bullets. There's always room for doubt and interpretation with this villain. Jesse is a mild-mannered staff writer for IGN. In Pushback, its suggested that Jokers wife was murdered by a corrupt cop, while Payback claims that Jack is the villains real name. DCs announcement that theyll reveal the Jokers real name in Justice League #50 has brought on the predictable fanrage: Heres the thing: It just doesnt matter. Did he actually have a family? He arrived in Marthas reality and told her about Prime Earth, where her son lives and is that worldsBatman. Harvey Weinstein rape trial: Jury goes a week with no verdict, 'Avatar The Way of Water': Everything to know about James Cameron's sci-fi epic, Harry and Meghan issue statement on privacy amid backlash over their Netflix docuseries. So what is jokers real name. In that initial outing, the character was portrayed as a remorseless serial killer and thief. When he found Joker, he cornered him into an alley and beat him to a pulp. I cant remember which issue it is but I remember one suggesting that the Golden Age Jokers name was Albert. For me, 'Joker' is one of those films that intrigues me deeply. He is also one of the most recognisable bad guys with his mop of green hair, bleached face, and a smile that is his definition of comedy was quite different and weird. The followup to theDarkseid Warstory arc was the seriesBatman: Three Jokers. In Flashpoint Beyond #5 by DC Comics, the Flashpoint version of Martha Wayne, who became the Joker in her universe, revealed that she was told about the Joker in the main DC Universe where Bruce survived. A mystique surrounds the Joker, and one of the reasons is we do not really know who he is deep inside. A sequel to 2011's Flashpoint, Flashpoint Beyond follows the Thomas Wayne of this alternate timeline as he comes to terms with the sudden return of his old reality and hunts for the elusive Clockwork Killer. The answer might be more complicated than it seems. DC Comics' Joker is one of the most iconic villains in pop culture, possibly even the greatest. The next game to use a joker was poker around 1875 where it functioned as a wild card. A mentally troubled stand-up comedian embarks on a Jared Leto in Suicide Squad (2016). Heath Ledger in The Dark Knight (2008) Heath Ledger in The Dark Knight (2008). for him killing subway people was fun. Jack Napier, also known as the Joker, is a fictional character introduced in the 1989 superhero film Batman, directed by Tim Burton. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Instead of reverse-discovering Jokers identity, we watched Arthur Fleck discover and form his new identity asThe Joker. My guess is that Jack Napier inherited the identity of The Joker after Arthur Fleck died. Apparently, he's a failed comedianwith a wife and son who worked as a janitor at Wayne Casino, scrubbing toilets instead of cracking wise onstage. A psychopath, Joker possesses an evil genius and is at the same time utterly insane. Space travel, world building, rendering technology, and more are all covered here in our IGN Performance Preview. It's also worth remembering that co-writer Geoff Johns previously introduced the plot twist that there are actually three Jokers in the DCU. Especially considering most, if not all, Flashpoint versions of characters share the same name as the main DC Universe counterparts. It seemed that one of The Jokers actually created the other two! He simply insisted that Batman was the true villain of Gotham. Gritty, intimate and oddly funny, the characters live in the real world and the stakes are personal. Although it is never mentioned in the film, this story takes In the 2019 Joker movie, his name is Arthur Fleck, who was already a grown-up while Bruce Wayne was still a child. Ostensibly the arch-enemy of the Batman, the Joker is so compelling a character that he often eclipses the superhero in comics and movie and TV adaptations. DC Comics' Joker is one of the most iconic villains in pop culture, possibly even the greatest. BatgirlandNightwingtried to stop him, or at least calm him down. Joker has done a lot of bad things. He has no morality when it comes to human life and he has done numerous evil and twisted things just because he finds it funny and entertaining. However, when it comes to the number of people that he hurt at one time, it doesn't get any more twisted than it did in Superman: Emperor Joker. But this is the In the Fox live-action TV show Gotham, the twin brothers Jerome and Jeremiah Valeska, as portrayed by Cameron Monaghan, are meant to be a kind of spiritual stand-in for the Joker. Ostensibly the arch-enemy of the Batman, the Joker is so compelling It's an unsettling and tense moment in Joker that's actually rooted in real-world events : the same events chronicled in episode 2 of Trial By Media, which tells the story of Bernhard Goetz, the "Subway Vigilante." What do you thinkThe Jokers real name is? The ongoing Flashpoint Beyond storyline featured an alternate storyline in which Bruce Wayne's father Thomas became Batman and is facing his own wife Martha, who became the Joker, and Bruce Wayne was murdered, which incidentally led to Martha losing her sanity. Share your thoughts with other fans, and dont forget to Let Your Geek Sideshow! And his name? In other Batman news, the classic Hush storyline is getting a new companion story in the upcoming Batman: Hush 20th Anniversary Edition, and Gotham Knights: Gilded City is fleshing out the world of the upcoming video game. He also revealed his Immediately prior to the heist, he is informed by police that his wife has tragically died in an accident in their home involving an electric baby bottle heater. Ive heard people calling him ren amamimya and Akiren kurusumiya but Ive always called him akira kurusu so what is it. And yet, the most interesting characters of all appeared to play different interpretations of the fan-favorite villain,The Joker. Hence, its unclear if other aspects of the narrative including the characters name can be relied on as being factual within the universe of the film. Due to the Joker himself being an unreliable narrator, there is no monolithic origin story to the character. It wasnt until Detective Comics #168 in 1951 that comic writer Bill Finger first attempted to scratch the surface of the characters origin by portraying him as the former Red Hood, a masked master criminal who dodged apprehension by Batman and his sidekick, Robin, by diving into a vat of chemicals at the Ace Playing Card Company. Now, it appears even DC Comics has given the Joker a name. The reveal about the Joker from the Flashpoint Universe being named Jack, as it has been hinted at before in other universes, helps add credence to the possible real first name of the DC villain in the main reality. In Flashpoint Beyond #5 by Geoff Johns, Tim Sheridan, Jeremy Adams, Mikel Janin Xermanico, Romulo Fajardo Jr., Jordie Bellaire, and Rob Leigh, Flashpoint Batman arrives at Arkham Asylum to deal with the shocking return of the Clockwork killer, who is his former wife and current Joker, Martha Wayne. After all, the Mobius Chair did insist that there werethreeJokers. matte painter: ScanlineVFX (as Jay Seo) / visual effects crew: Scanline VFX (as Jay Seo) Carolyn Shea. Who was he before becoming an insane criminal mastermind? That serial killer has since been revealed to be Martha Wayne, who became the Joker of the Flashpoint timeline after her son Bruce was murdered in Crime Alley. Of course, as Joker famously said, the past is multiple choice. Just being curious. Even in the Christopher Nolan-directed 'Dark Knight Trilogy', Heath Ledger's Joker told three different origin stories, and it is safe to say none of them were true. After all, who wouldnt want to meet the richest boy in town? While there's a lot we may never know where Joker's origin story is concerned, one of those questions is finally answered in the pages of Flashpoint Beyond. Allow him to lend a machete to your intellectual thicket by following @jschedeen on Twitter. I He is also one of the most recognisable bad guys with his mop of green hair, bleached face, and a smile that is disconcertingly wide. In the prime universeDC Comics, no official name has ever been given forThe Joker. Part of what makes the Joker such a mysterious and twisted villain is that his real name was unknown in most continuities. A number of other subsequent comic books have either referenced or expanded on Moores Killing Joke, making it the closest thing to canon, but it still varies quite a bit from title to title. All throughout the film, it seemed that he was on the verge of snapping. Along the way, we learned that his mother, Penny Fleck, believed that she had a love affair with her old employer, Thomas Wayne. But in the 1989 Batman film, his name is Jack Napier, and he didn't seem to be that much older than Batman. His real name is Jack Oswald White. The TV seriesGothamexplored the origins of Bruce Wayne and all of his Rogues Gallery. That's up for debate, but it's definitely a new contender for the Joker's real name. It has no connection to any of the DC films that have come before it. In killing joke, he remained unnamed and took the persona of the red hood before he bacame joker. After locking himself in a cell with Martha as police try to stop her, the Joker reveals that when Psycho-Pirate arrived in their universe, she made him tell him everything about the world her son Bruce was alive in. 2019's Joker, meanwhile, casts Joaquin Phoenix as struggling comedian Arthur Fleck. For reference, the Atlus-given canon names in the series are: [11][12][13] Since the 1950s, German and Austrian decks have included three jokers to play German rummy; in Poland the third joker is known as the blue joker. What itdidreveal is that Batman has actually always known the real name of The Joker. While both characters are professional criminals and carry different aspects of the traditional Joker character, they are described as proto-Jokers by showrunner Bruno Heller. Joker: Directed by Todd Phillips. Can somebody please explain what's going on? However, the film also establishes Fleck as an unreliable narrator, as his romantic relationship with Zazie Beetzs Sophie Dumond was revealed near the end of the film to be a machination of Flecks delusions. Joker: Folie Deux: 'Get Out' actor Catherine Keener joins Joaquin Phoenix's DC movie. This chair is a vehicle of sorts that has access to all of the knowledge in the Multiverse. Still frame. Learning Joker was a man in his world, she reveals she visited him in the Flashpoint timeline. DC Comics has given the Joker a new real name, as the Clown Prince of Crime is referred to as "Jack Oswald White" in a new time-hopping story. 1989's Batman depicts him as a gangster named Jack Napier, a name that later carried over to the comics via the alternate universe of Batman: White Knight. Movie News, Movie Trailers & upcoming Movie Reviews, The Leading Source for Gaming News, Reviews, and Interviews, Joker's True Name Is Finally Revealed by DC, Joker Went to War Over the One Other Batman Villain Who Killed Robin, Clockwork killer, who is his former wife and current Joker, Martha Wayne, Joker reveals that when Psycho-Pirate arrived in their universe, Joker while Martha Wayne did instead was named Jack Oswald White, Joker from the Flashpoint Universe being named Jack, Something From Tiffanys Review: Holiday Rom-Com Lacks Chemistry & A Good Script, Spoiler Alert Review: Parsons & Aldridge Exude Warmth In Engaging Romantic Drama, Blanquita Review: A Fascinating Protagonist Leads Murky, Compelling Drama, Robert Pattinson Looks Creepy In Parasite Director's New Movie Teaser, Champions Trailer Showcases Woody Harrelson's Basketball Comeback, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. But Mr. J if youre formal. The Joker remains Gotham City's greatest enigma. How long does it take to become a Jehovah's Witness? In Todd Phillips 2019 filmJoker, we get to see the award-winning performance of Joaquin Phoenix as Arthur Fleck. Thats whyBatman: Curse of the White Knightopens with such a dark moment forBatman. What is his real name? What is the Joker's real name? In case youre not already familiar, Batman is the masked vigilante who protects the streets of his home city of Gotham from crime and mayhem, including from a rogues gallery of colorful villains. He worked diligently to save Gotham from its turmoil until the effects of the pills finally wore off, and he becameThe Jokeronce again. Niko Tavernise/Warner Bros. Another popular Joker fan theory has been solved, kind of. But this is the first time Joker has been given a name in the core DC Comics continuity. Eventually, the Falcone and Maroni mob families gave way to villains likeThe Riddler,The Penguin,Poison Ivy,Catwoman, and others. Now, I understand where the upset is coming from: Hey, I dont like the decision either. He wouldnt even tell Alfred. Neither Heath Ledger nor Jared Letos interpretation of the Joker offers up the characters real name; however, Letos Joker in Suicide Squad did show a backstory of his tumultuous and toxic relationship with Margot Robbies Harley Quinn, a woman who was once Jokers psychiatrist but is eventually seduced by him. MY MOM JUST SAID THAT SHE LIKES THE JARED LETTO JOKER if you like the killing joke you should really read "the First look at Joaquin Phoenix in Joker: Folie Deux, 3D Joker and Batgirl sculpt by me! In Marthas reality, White is a failed comedian working a dead-end job yet hes happy. Have you heard any other theories? Roger Hayden, AKA Psycho-Pirate, had the ability to transcend realities. DC Comics might have just revealed the Joker's real name in Flashpoint Beyond #5, which showcases the Clown Prince of Crime who never became a villain, Warning! A number of other versions of his origins have subsequently followed since Killing Joke that almost entirely reimagine the characters backstory, including him as a criminal mastermind who invented the Red Hood persona (Paul Dini and Alex Ross Case Study), and another who established the Red Hoods as a gang, pre-disfigurement (Scott Snyder and Greg Capullos Zero Year). With the whole interaction secretly caught on camera and leaked to the media, the GCPD decided thatBatmanwas officially too dangerous to be free, and he was arrested. Quinn then ritualistically throws herself into the same vat of Ace Chemicals that created Joker upon his insistence to prove her love and loyalty to him. Arthur Fleck is the characters real name in Todd Phillips Joker, a 2019 origin-story take on the villain that portrays him as a down-and-out, struggling stand-up comedian who has trouble holding a job as a clown-for-hire. It implied that there was always more than one Clown Prince of Crime. It seems thatthatis a secret that Batman will take to the grave. Martha tortured supervillain Psycho-Pirate, who was from Earth-0, to find the details. Some versions of the character are known to have the real name Jack Napier - it was first used 1989's Batman depicts him as a gangster named Jack Napier, a name that later carried Surprisingly, The Joker didnt fight back. But not for long Martha is determined to have the last laugh. In issue #5, Thomas confronts his estranged wife in her cell at Arkham Asylum. Joker has also been referred to as "Sonny," and in the Joker movie starring Joaquin Phoenix, his real-life name was Arthur Fleck. Each one is correct in that version of the story. WhenJokerheld up a bottle of medicine, Batman didnt hesitate to force feed him the pills and whisk him away to Arkham Asylum. Was her fantasy true? This all stems from an early traumatic experience the character had when his parents were shot in cold blood in front of him as a child. 64 Joker (2019) 64. And to make sure that they could live their life in peace, he keeps The Jokers name a secret. That name seems to be inspired by the Joker's real identity in Tim Burton's Batman, where Jack Nicholson's Joker was named Jack Napier. The grief-stricken comedian attempts to pull out of the plan, but his criminal employers strong-arm him into going through with it. Though the character still isnt given a name, its revealed through flashbacks that he started out as a regular man, a lab assistant who quits his job at a chemical plant to pursue his dream of becoming a stand-up comedian. A place to discuss all things related to DC's Joker character. He tried to break into Wayne Manor, and even met a young Bruce Wayne. Theres a stand alone Joker graphic novel that is somewhat similar to the Fleck Joker but its not related as far as I know. Web#Joker #Joker2019 #MoviecastJOKER (2019) Cast Real Name And AgeDont forget to like,comment and subscribeThank you.. In terms of the comic books, the first-ever appearance by the Joker actually stretches back to the very first issue, Batman #1, in 1940, about a year after Batmans debut in Detective Comics #27. When his therapy sessions ended, it seemed he was more and more unstable. 3 Trailer Reveals First Look At Adam Warlock, A Surprise Marvel Hero Becomes A God With The Power To Destroy Earth, Iron Man's New Armor Is His Most Extreme Suit in Marvel History, Thanos Officially Collected the Infinity Stones in the Wrong Order. In one scene in the Dark Knight, Melvin White is used as a name or alias for that joker. Its revealed later in the film that Napier is the one who killed Bruces parents as a child, making Jack responsible for having created Batman. What are the consequences of being a member of the sandwiched mid life generation? Before joining Screen Rant, Liam worked in the sports industry, with bylines at TSN, Sportsnet, Vice Sports, and more. The Flashpoint timeline is a reality in which Joe Chill murders young Bruce, not his parents. The Joker, suddenly medicated and sane, was able to convince the GCPD that he was wrongfully imprisoned as he was beaten by a vigilante. Do you like the name Jack Oswald White? He was frightening. We don't get to know what is real and what's not, something about ruining the fun, If you read the comics there are three jokers. DC Comics' Joker is one of the most iconic villains in pop culture, possibly even the greatest. Not knowing what to do, the man purposefully jumps into the vat of chemicals to escape, only to emerge disfigured and with the compounding tragedies in a single day leaving him completely insane. Other answers, perhaps, shouldnt be found at all. Now, DC Comics is giving Joker a new real name: Jack Oswald White. Joker's most widely recognized real name was introduced in Tim Burtons Batman, with the character being a gangster named Jack Napier. Jerome was perfectly chaotic and terrible, and even went out of his way to bond with Bruce Wayne. Batman v Joker - skiing encounter. This isn't the first time a Batman story has revealed Joker's real name. It turns out the man who didn't become the Joker while Martha Wayne did instead was named Jack Oswald White - a failed comedian stuck in a dead-end job cleaning bathrooms at Wayne Casino. The show was keen on revealing the shift of power. So I googled both of them and it turns out that they're both "The Joker"? complete answer on, View Jokers Real Name In Batman Movies. The best performance of Joker was given by someone that Been drawing a lot of jokers, here's the last one. While the Joker character transformed from chilling to campy, then back to chilling again over the decades which coincided with the rise and fall of the cheesy 1960s Batman TV show where Joker was portrayed by actor Cesar Romero it wasnt until the iconic 1988 graphic novel Batman: The Killing Joke, at the height of the more mature Dark Age of comics, that writer Alan Moore finally took another shot at explaining the characters backstory. His mysteriousness does serve a purpose, however, since our lack of knowledge about the characters background only adds to his frightening persona. He learned it when he found out thatThe Jokerhad a family and so, in order to keep his family safe, he helped them fake their deaths. So while it's the Flashpoint version of the man who became the Joker in the main DC Universe, his real name might hint at what the actual Clown Prince of Crime was called before his dark turn. Its uncertain. View WebIs the Joker's name Jack or Arthur? The go-to source for comic book and superhero movie fans. Even in the Christopher Nolan-directed 'Dark Knight Trilogy', Heath Ledger's Joker told three different origin stories, and it is safe to say none of them were true. WebThe Joker's real name? and found on Twitter at @LiamRMcGuire. Many believe that if there were a definitive origin story for Joker, the character would lose that mystery surrounding him. In Tim Burton's 1989 Batman film, the Joker's name is Jack Napier. Found this one on Deviantart by Inung48 - Tim Curry as Press J to jump to the feed. Warning: this article contains spoilers for Flashpoint Beyond #5! While his red hood helped him survive the vat, the chemicals disfigured him to the point that his skin turned white, his lips red, and his hair green, like an evil clown. In Tim Burtons 1989 film Batman, in which the Joker is portrayed by Jack Nicholson, the character is depicted as a gangster named Jack Napier. Of course, theres also the matter of alternate Earths. While the 2019's 'Joker' did give an origin, it was less a comic-book movie and more a dark character study. complete answer on Related: Joker Went to War Over the One Other Batman Villain Who Killed Robin. Perhaps Arthur Fleckishis real name. Things got a little trickier in the recentFlashpoint Beyond #5, written by Geoff Johns, Jeremy Adams, and Tim Sheridan with art by Xermnico and Mikel Jann, when Marthas Joker met Psycho-Pirate. But this secret is a big one and it comes from Martha Wayne herself. But where Jeremiah wanted to pursue science, it seemed that Jerome was more interested in pursuing violence. While Batman: Three Jokers may or may not be part of the official DC canon, one could argue that this reveal still leaves the true identity of the other two Jokers up in the air. We, as spectators, get so used to following the perspective of the "good-guys" that it is so The question still remains: is there an in-canon identity to the supervillain? Unlike Batmans well-known alter-ego the wealthy playboy Bruce Wayne the Jokers real identity is notoriously cryptic. A mentally troubled stand-up comedian embarks on a downward spiral that leads to the creation of an iconic villain. In 1989s Batman, he was Jack Napier, while Joaquin Phoenixs iteration of him in 2019s Joker And he was moments from crossing the line and killing The Joker. WebSummaries. Why do my immediate dentures look so big? Spoilers for Flashpoint Beyond #5 by DC Comics. In a December 2019 stage adaptation of Persona 5, Jokers name was changed every night, gaining nearly 20 names. While Ren Amamiya is Jokers most common canon name, whatever name you Whatiscertain is that after her grand claims, she was taken to a mental institution. He was ruthless. The heist goes awry, resulting in the criminals engaging in a shoot-out with security, while the red-hooded comedian is left to confront Batman alone. Rather than retiring on his planned $1 million heist, the former lab worker decided to start terrifying people with his new persona and calling himself the Joker, partly in homage to the company that had a part in his transformation. What does wash your hands put on your nightgown look not so pale mean? However, DC did debut an alternate universe series calledBatman: Curse of the White Knight. In other words, he could travel throughout timelines and knew about the various Crises which cause worlds to collapse and restart. In the new movie Joaquin Phoenix is not going to become the actual Joker, but rather the inspiration for the Joker in this movie. Primarily portrayed by Jack Nicholson, the character was based on the iconic supervillain the Joker. visual effects crew: Scanline VFX (as Vic Simiele) Nicole Smith. In 1989's Batman, he was Jack Napier, while Joaquin Phoenix's iteration of him in 2019's Joker bore the birth name Arthur Fleck. Martha reveals that she forced Psycho-Pirate (a villain notable for having extensive knowledge of the multiverse) to reveal everything he knew about the main DC Universe timeline, including the identity of that world's Joker. The Joker, suddenly medicated and sane, was able to convince the GCPD that he was wrongfully imprisoned as he was beaten by a vigilante. In a December 2019 stage adaptation of Persona 5, Jokers name was changed every night, gaining nearly 20 names. JOKER AN ORIGIN Written by Todd Phillips & Scott Silver 13 April 2018 This story takes place in its own universe. Answer (1 of 9): No, the Joker has never been called Arthur Fleck in the comics. With therecent introductionof The Joker (Barry Keoghan) in Matt ReevesThe Batmanandplenty of casting newsabout Todd PhillipsJoker: Folie Deux, it would seem that the Caped Crusader and the Clown Prince of Crime will continue to dance around each other under the pale moonlight. Unfortunately, it never revealed which was which. A mentally troubled stand-up comedian embarks on a downward spiral that leads to the creation of an iconic villain. Then, even more intelligent and even more dangerous, Jeremiah found a way to tear Gotham apart from the inside out. However, despite his hard life, he found solace because he was part of a happy family. So the Joker is called Jack Oswald White and he worked as a janitor who cleaned toilets at Wayne Casino. The movies arent connected or anything. He is a big fan of the New Gods and Doctor Fate, and loves comic books of all genres. But whos keeping count, really? And The Jokers Name Is While grilling Psycho-Pirate for information on the other version of Bruce, she also managed to get him to give up the Joker's real backstory. When it comes to the world of Batman comics, movies, and TV shows, no villain is more profound to the lore than the infamous Joker. 2022. His life's mission is to make the life of Batman a living hell and he more often than not succeeds in that until his schemes are foiled by the Caped Crusader. Strap in, as this blog will serve as your own personal Mobius Chair, while we ask the same question thatBatmanasked many years ago:What isThe Jokers true name? Is the Joker a true story? Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. (The Killing Joke). Bethesda is one of the biggest studios within the Xbox portfolio, with its latest and arguably most anticipated title in Starfield releasing on Xbox Series X, Series S, Xbox One, and PC in 2023. She then forced Psycho-Pirate to divulge the identity of Prime Earths Joker: Jack Oswald White. With Joaquin Phoenix, Robert De Niro, Zazie Beetz, Frances Conroy. 3 EVIL - TORMENTED COMMISSIONER GORDON. Both Jerome and Jeremiah were their own special brand of terrifying. Check out the teaser trailer for Transformers: Rise of the Beasts, arriving in theaters on June 9, 2023.Transformers: Rise of the Beasts introduces the Maximals, Predacons, and Terrorcons to the existing battle on earth between Autobots and Decepticons. Jack Nicholson in Batman (1989) Jack Nicholson in Batman (1989). All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. 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The twins were both played by the same actor, Cameron Monaghan. Yes yes, we know, its just so confusing keeping track of them all. He also revealed his real name: Jack Napier. Jack Oswald White. After all, at the end of the film, it seems everyone is smiling along with him! Liam can be reached at The Joker was meandering through the city, and Batman chased him with a vengeance. While the 2019's 'Joker' did give an origin, it was less a comic-book movie and more a dark character study. With the unique inhuman ability and powerful mind set, The Joker is undoubtely the best super villain of all times that cant be compared with any other super villains. Hes incredible superhuman power made him the most popular and the most admired supervillain in the history of DC comics as well as for the Batman. Let us know your thoughts in the comments below. To view or add a comment, sign in Batman is the greatest detective in the Justice League, so he has more than his fair share of practice asking questions. [10] Packs with two jokers started to become the norm during the late 1940s for the game of Canasta. Ostensibly the arch-enemy of the Batman, the Joker is so compelling a character that he often eclipses the superhero in comics and movie and TV adaptations. During theDarkseidWarstory arc,Batmansits down in the Mobius Chair under the protective watch of Hal Jordan, theGreen Lantern. A failure at his newfound calling and desperate to support his pregnant wife, the man agrees to a couple of criminals proposal of robbing the plant where he used to work. Or perhaps The Joker is just one of the many people who were inspired by Arthur. Register for free or log in to build your IGN game library. Fans loved seeing so many different versions ofThe Jokeron one show, as each interpretation offered something novel. The Batman villain has been given a few potential real names, with his most common first name being Jack. This isn't the first time a Batman story has revealed Joker's real name. Is this a name DC should have kept shrouded in mystery? Arthur Fleck is the characters real name in Todd Phillips Joker, a 2019 origin-story take on the villain that portrays him as a down-and-out, struggling stand-up Liam joined Screen Rant as an editor in 2019 and was promoted to lead writer in 2021. This name is said to be a combination of Joker performer Jack Nicholson Did he achieved his goal??? The Mobius Chair correctly answered Joe Chill. Satisfied with its ability to discern such a minuscule secret within an Omniverse of information,Batmanasks perhaps the biggest mystery in all of DC Comics. Joker (2019) - Douglas Hodge as Alfred Pennyworth - IMDb. Not just good questions, but therightquestions. We see it as a classic Warner Bros. movie. Different iterations of the same character. Joker and the laugh of Arthur Fleck are rooted in real-life mental health issues according to the films director Todd Phillips. Its clearly Puddin. Many believe that if there were a definitive origin story for Joker, the character would lose that mystery surrounding him. DC Comics has given the Joker a new real name, as the Clown Prince of Crime is referred to as "Jack Oswald White" in a new time-hopping story. Some answers are hard to find. Answer (1 of 3): His goal was to be a comedian. For instance, Batman: Three Jokers asserts that his wife wasnt killed, but rather ran away with the help of police, in order to escape the man whom she thought would be an abusive father to her child, with the police later telling Joker that she tragically died. It features classic Assassins Creed gameplay and takes place in an open world, but is a mobile game rather than a console release. She believed that Thomas Wayne was Arthurs father. From Nova Scotia, Canada, Liam McGuire is the Lead writer for Screen Rant's comic team. This tears Martha and Thomas Wayne apart, causing Thomas to become a desperate Batman and Martha to adopt her own insane Joker persona. Jerome and Jeremiah Valeska were twins who grew up in a circus, not unlike Dick Grayson. Also Read:Joker: Folie Deux: 'Get Out' actor Catherine Keener joins Joaquin Phoenix's DC movie. 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