mobileiron go exit kiosk mode

Click on About 3. }; ]+)|)/.exec(o)||[])[1]||"",version:t[2]||"0"}).browser&&(r[c.browser]=!0,r.version=c.version),!0:r.webkit&&(r.safari=!0),r),s="",a=0;for(var n in i)a>0||(s=n,a++);var f=document.querySelectorAll("body");f&&f[0]&&f[0].classList.add(s||"");try{!function(){for(var o in e){var t=e[o];if(t.static_effect){if("inset"==t.static_effect&&!0===i.mozilla)continue;var c=document.querySelectorAll(t.static_effect_selector);c&&c.forEach(function(e,o){e.classList.add("font-effect-"+t.static_effect)})}}}()}catch(e){window.console&&console.log&&console.log("Font customizer error=> could not apply effects",e)}}(); Can't find nothingOK, i found it: you need to press ~15 times the "Back" button of the device to get to the debug view and to leave the kiosk mode :/. Set up Kiosk Mode. Any news on this? If not, restart your PC. Kiosk mode is a great way to turn an old laptop into a jukebox or something of more value for others without allowing them access to your personal files.