who funds state universities

The State University Construction Fund is a New York State public-benefit corporation that addresses the construction and capital planning needs of the State University of New York and affiliated institutions. In the next section, we explore the ways that other sectorsboth domestic and internationalhave addressed issues of adequacy, equity, and performance, and discuss how the US higher education sector should employ these strategies, especially in times of constrained resources. Ms. Mayer . Support Intelligent, In-Depth, Trustworthy Journalism. Facing the embarrassment of being the only state left that had not established a state university, the New Jersey Legislature decided to commission an already existing private university as its state university, rather than build one from the ground up, as other states had done. A separate survey by Manpower Group found that 46 percent of American employers cant find the workers they need. Jon Marcus, higher-education editor, has written about higher education for the Washington Post, USA Today, Time, the Boston Globe, Washington Monthly, is North America higher-education correspondent for the Times (U.K.) Higher Education magazine, and contributed to the book Reinventing Higher Education. States collectively cut spending to colleges and universities by 16 percent in real terms between 2008 and 2017, the CPBB says. Rutgers was chartered in 1766, nineteen years before the University of Georgia, but did not become the State University of New Jersey for another 179 years. US models of performance-based funding are relatively static. To show your support for the areas that match your interests, you can designate the name of . The average annual cost of tuition, fees, room and board at a public four-year university for an in-state student is $21,370, according to the College Board. One Liberty Plaza, 165 Broadway, 5th Floor, New York, NY 10006 These innovations can cut across the more traditional funding approaches or occur outside the funding approaches altogether. Over 30% of federal contracts were dedicated to space research and development projects. Please check your inbox to confirm. - a dedicated fund, supplemented by the motor fuels tax, to support general education State Highway Fund: - used to purchase rights of way to relieve congestion - a fund to support the construction, maintenance, and policing of roadways Permanent School Fund: - managed by the State Board of Education and distributed on basis of attendance levels Examples include: This page was last edited on 18 November 2022, at 11:15. With a pandemic-driven recession and unemployment stratified by postsecondary attainment levels, investments in education, including higher education, are needed now more than ever. Its harder to hold lawmakers accountable if they dont feel that theyre going to pay for their decisions at the ballot box., READ MORE: 10 years later, goal of getting more Americans through college is way behind schedule. UVM was chartered as a private institution and did not become a public university until 1865. In a new analysis, Douglas Webber of Temple University finds that increased state for public-welfare programsin particular, Medicaidis the single biggest contributor to the decline in higher-education funding, with a $1 increase in per capita public-welfare spending associated with a $2.44 decrease in per-student higher-education funding. When you think about what the priorities of government should be looking out for the well-being of its citizens, encouraging peoples best interests education is certainly among those, said Duffield, a Democrat who hopes to eventually work for the National Park Service. Sarah White, 36, a Republican and an accountant in Tennessee, said she largely worked her way through college. US PreK-12 education includes all three elements and the healthcare sector reflects elements of accountability. Savings. 1996 - 2022 NewsHour Productions LLC. On a national basis, the state university system was also assisted by the establishment of the Land-grant universities, under the Morrill Land-Grant Colleges Acts of 1862 and 1890. The extent to which PBF considers adequacy depends on the way the state employs the policy. Many states, however, allocate grants to students based on their financial need as a way to address gaps in college access and completion. As we discuss in a companion brief, during times of constrained resources, states playbooks should include three key elements: ensuring that higher education funding is adequate, ensuring that institutions use funding efficiently, and targeting investment equitably to those students and institutions who need it most. Examples include: In some cases, the unqualified name now has no official status, but is used informally for either an individual university (particularly in sporting and similar contexts) or for the university system of which it is now part (particularly in administrative and academic contexts). A state university system normally means a single legal entity and administration, but may consist of several institutions, each with its own identity as a university. Given the variable timing of distribution and usage, some college and universities realized institutional funds in different fiscal years. ", Vice President, Educational Transformation, James Dean Ward, Elizabeth Davidson Pisacreta, Benjamin Weintraut, Martin Kurzweil. The funds come from the American Rescue Plan and are also available to independent colleges that receive state aid, said the Murphy administration. At a time when so many employers are struggling to find workers who have university degrees, Tyler Duffield thinks supporting higher education is as obvious an obligation of state government as it is essential. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/, Supporting Mobile Students to Credential Completion through Holistic Credit Mobility, New Insights on Trustees and Staff in Art Museums. Falling behind the likes of South Korea, Canada and Russia in the proportion of people with degrees is not a trend we can tolerate if were going to continue to be competitive in a global knowledge economy, said Reilly. To orient the conversation, we first provide a national overview of state higher education revenues and a background understanding on states current funding approaches. [2], Each state has a unique strategy for allocating resources to higher education, often combining multiple approaches and evolving as political winds change. Some facts about US State Universities. Subscribe to Heres the Deal, our politics newsletter for analysis you wont find anywhereelse. Although the school became state-supported at that time, its campus remained privately owned until 1912. NIH's use of multiple principal investigator awards makes calculations of the total funding received by individual departments impractical and there are multiple ways in which the funding data can be aggregated across universities . The Community College of Vermont had an annual price of about $7,500 this past year, compared to California, which charged full-time students about $1,420, according to the report, adding that about 60 percent of public college students are enrolled in California's two-year institutions compared to 21 percent in Vermont. These complexities will require state policymakers to work collaboratively with institutional leaders and higher education researchers to determine these thresholds. Your guide to technology in state & local government. As the "people's [] These schools include the United States service academies, Naval Postgraduate School, and military staff colleges. There are 251 State Universities of which, the UGC has been making budgetary plan allocation for only 123 state universities. What Lessons about Adequacy, Equity, and Performance Can States Learn from Domestic and International Sectors? Much like higher education, the PreK-12 education and healthcare sectors have a public purpose and often have similar organizational and funding structures to higher education. However, if the varying needs of different groups of students are not reevaluated over time, formulas can perpetuate inequities in funding. Like public higher education, most direct government funding for PreK-12 education comes from state and local sources, rather than federal sources. Much of the funds go towards the school's impressive research programs. Note: Although this list can be sorted by the amount of funding each organization receives, these data should not be interpreted as a ranking of institutions by NIH. While some US state higher education funding models include equity premiums, this is not a universal practice. Some statessuch as California and Texassupport more than one such system. The 10-year lock up period doesn't present a problem to an organization with an infinite lifespan. The plan provided the third and largest. This act, passed in 2015, loosened many of the prescriptive accountability elements of its predecessor, the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act of 2002, but still requires that states set school performance goals (for both test scores and other student outcomes), designate annual milestones for schools to demonstrate progress towards those goals, and work with districts to design interventions for schools that are underperforming. State funding is not the only source of revenue for most colleges and universities, and the extent to which institutions rely on state funding as a revenue source varies significantly. While both hospitals and colleges have outside forms of quality assurance, including accreditation and licensure, critics of enrollment-based funding and FFS models suggest that, to incentivize improvement, governing bodies should tie quality assurance to funding. To address these critics and correct misaligned incentives, some hospital systems have introduced pay-for-performance funding schemes, which reward hospitals that perform well on specific quality measures. president of the Association of Pennsylvania State College and University Faculties the union that represents more than . Click on the categories listed below to view names of funds and scholarships for a specific area (or you can also explore descriptions of each scholarship). States do not use financial aid programs to provide adequate funding for institutions or incentivize institutional efficiency. Importantly, however, Finnish institutions cannot raise money through tuition and fees, thus making government funding critical for their continued operation and strengthening the imperative to meet performance goals.[19]. The General Fund provides the money that sustains the university's core instruction, departmental research, instructional support, related general administrative costs and facilities expenditures. Stanford University's endowment of more than $17 billion is the fourth largest in the United States, while the University of Michigan's is nearly $7.7 billion and is the seventh highest. Looking more closely at public colleges, there are significant differences between two- and four-year institutions. Much like higher education, the sources of revenues in public PreK-12 education vary significantly across states. They also get federal funding. Australias performance-based funding is more similar to the early versions in the United States where institutions compete for bonus funding. [14], Much like other sectors, the healthcare sector demonstrates that tying performance to funding may be counterproductive, as these types of performance incentives have yet to improve quality despite repeated efforts to demonstrate they do. While the academy, later known as Augusta State University and now merged into Augusta University, was founded as a high school, it taught college-level classes from its creation, and its graduates were accepted into four-year colleges as sophomores or juniors, effectively making it a combination of a modern high school and community college. The school eventually dropped high school instruction, but remained a community college until becoming a four-year institution in 1963. At four-year institutions, the three largest revenue sources are tuition and fees (20 percent), government appropriations (18 percent), and sales and services from hospitals (15 percent). For instance, in Illinois, local governments contribute about two and a half times as much money to PreK-12 education as the state. Although development of State Universities is primarily the concern of State Governments, development grants, including grants under special schemes, are provided to all eligible state universities. [9], Unlike in higher education, many states have set PreK-12 adequacy goals, which designate specific levels of district-level per-student funding in an effort to provide PreK-12 schools the resources they need to support students. of India, unless the Commission satisfies itself, as per the prescribed norms and procedures, that such a university is fit to receive grants. Postsecondary funding models should reflect these lessons and use performance and outcomes as opportunities to learn how to improve educational programing and services. Private colleges and universities won't get state funding but will get more from alumni and from investments. The first institution in New England to actually operate as a public university is Westfield State University in Massachusetts, which has been public since its founding in 1838. Content of this website is owned and managed by D/o Higher Education, Ministry of Education. The tradition of publicly funded state colleges began primarily in the southern states, where in the east and northeastern states other private educational institutions were already established. States should also consider reallocating funds from merit- to need-based financial aid programs. Some statessuch as California and Texassupport more than one such system. Despite that their contributions represent a shrinking portion of total revenue, states are expecting colleges to do more to earn that revenue. Per-student funding in Alabama, Arizona, Illinois, Louisiana, New. The Ohio State University has numerous benefactors, many of which are alumni. [16] In this section, we review the approaches of three countriesAustralia, Finland, and South Africato the elements of equity and performance. Source: National Center for Education Statistics Digest of Education Statistics. Thats the proportion of the polls respondents who knew that funding had gone down. More and more of our people are going to have to be competent at higher and higher levels of knowledge and skills. A bipartisan legislative committee determined . Currently, $8,339 per student in state funding is provided to TSU. They suggest, however, that at least some states are open to using alternative funding strategies to meet their objectives, whatever those objectives might be. https://ris.utwente.nl/ws/portalfiles/portal/5139542/jongbloed+ea+performance-based-funding-and-performance-agreements-in-fourteen-higher-education-systems.pdf. States should strategically marshal local, state, and federal higher education resources to ensure that the students and institutions with the greatest needs receive the most support. Twenty-seven percent thought it was up, and 34 percent that it had stayed the same. Thank you. Ithaka S+R helps academic and cultural communities serve the public good and navigate economic, technological, and demographic change. However, the University of Georgia did not hold classes until 16 years later in the fall of 1801. The revenues generated from the Capital Improvement Trust Fund fee shall be dedicated to the university's institute for online learning. These examples provide relevant evidence that higher education leaders should use capacity building rather than performance funding to improve college outcomes. Its difficult to build a broad-based coalition and mobilize grassroots support to call for increased investment in higher education if people dont see or understand the problem, Harnisch said. Editor's Note: This story has been corrected to include the allocation for East Central University. Cookie Settings, This work is licensed under a Creative Commons, Ward, James D., et al. In all three cases, in addition to the scholarship award, the tuition is reduced to the instate rate. However, that amount is nearly 50% less than the $12,865 per student the state provides to the University of Tennessee system . The total amount of federal funds for Oklahoma colleges and universities is more than $110 million with $55 million designated for student grants. <p>University of South Carolina has three scholarships specifically for out of state students. Under a guaranteed tax base system, states guarantee a set amount of funding per percentage tax levied by the local district. Because each service is billed at its marginal cost to the provider, these fee-for-service (FFS) models allow providers to offer a wide array of services. Sponsored by Payment's Dive What's next for the payments industry? Many Americans do seem painfully aware of the rising tuition bill, at least. Students walk on campus at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. Alabama commission requests 11% increase in college funding, citing inflation. What are the advantages to creating an endowment through a planned gift? Since January 1, 2018, you can also use your 529 plan savings to pay for tuition expenses at private, public or religious elementary or secondary schools, up to $10,000 . States should strategically marshal local, state, and federal higher education resources to ensure that the students and institutions with the greatest needs receive the most support. Ten years ago, students and their families paid for about a third of university operating costs, says SHEEO. fund accounting is an accounting system commonly used by non-profit & governmental organizations (including universities) which emphasizes accountability (not profitability) to ensure proper stewardship and expenditure of financial resources received in compliance with applicable regulations, guidelines and restrictions associated with the funds Today, that land - encompassing 2.1 million acres - is leased to oil and gas companies whose wells generate revenue that flows into . The model includes 10 metrics that evaluate Florida institutions on a range of issues. State universities get subsidies from their states. The PreK-12 education, healthcare, and international higher education sectors provide some useful examples of the successes and challenges of implementing these recommendations. Note: Student services includes institutional expenditures on advertising and marketing. Instead, higher educations performance-based funding policies withdraw money when colleges fail to meet performance standards, risking a vicious cycle that dooms those institutions to longer-term struggles. It stated: "Religion, morality, and knowledge, being necessary to good government and the happiness of mankind, schools and the means of education shall forever be encouraged." Some states have more than one state university system. Around this time last year, California was projecting a pandemic-induced budget shortfall of $54 billion, with public higher education facing a budget cut of $558 million. And people 65 and older are less likely to think this than those between 45 to 54, who may have children in college or college bound. In 1965, under the Johnson administration, the federal government began guaranteeing student loans provided by banks and non-profit lenders. Helping Transform K-12 Schools & Improving the Educational Experience, Helping Higher Education Create the Smart Campus, The Increase in School Ransomware Attacks, Tackling the Challenges of Education Sustainability, Making Higher Education Safer Using Smart Technology, California Residents - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. Institutions may only receive partial funding if they fall short of meeting these goals. States have collectively scaled back their annual higher education funding by $9 billion during that time, when adjusted for inflation, the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, or CBPP, reports. However, the Australian version accounts for employment outcomes and students perceptions of quality in addition to outcomes and equity. This generates over $2.6 million in fee revenue, which is distributed to student organizations and services all across campus by the Iowa State University Student Government. State university systems were a product of the demand for higher education in the newly formed United States. As per the 2017-18 Union budget, Rs 11,296 crores out of a total higher education budget of Rs 33,000 crores is for IITs and NITs. READ MORE: As jobs grow hard to fill, businesses join the drive to push rural residents toward college, Sarah Dowling, 60, a social worker in Maine and a Democrat with a daughter now beginning the college search, sees it differently. These sectors are similar enough to the US higher education sector to make theirapproaches to and outcomes of funding relatable. The relationship between PreK-12 funding and school accountability is complex, and while states determine the specific details of their school accountability approaches, the general framework is prescribed by the federal government through the Every Students Succeeds Act (ESSA). A state-by-state breakdown of the $30.75 billion education funding under the CARES Act. Under a centralized school finance system, the state determines the level of per-student funding, which limits school district discretion. The Australian university system is largely funded through Government research and teaching grants and student fees supported by a Government-backed loan scheme. The healthcare sector, however, does offer some examples of approaches that may improve performance without tying that performance to funding. and public funding (e.g., state appropriations). Not everybody is happy about that, but this is a conversation we need to have. Funding comes from the following areas: State Appropriations: These dollars are appropriated to Illinois State University annually by the General Assembly and approved by the Governor for general operating expenses. Such grants facilitate the creation, augmentation and up-gradation of infrastructural facilities that are not normally available from the State government or other sources of funds. It has heavy science and medicine research and innovation schools. About 80% of public universities reported receiving additional state or local funds compared with about 57% of private universities. She said she doesnt know how the country moves forward unless we educate our young people to do good things, to be inventing things., To her, cutting higher education spending is insanity.. Moreover, performance metrics should reflect the disparate needs across subgroups of students. For instance, if the state pairs PBF with a formula or incremental approach, then the state has determined that some minimum level of funding is necessary, but has not necessarily defined that amount as adequate. Stanford University's endowment of more than $17 billion is the fourth largest in the United States, while the University of Michigan's is nearly $7.7 billion and is the seventh highest. Its helped me as an adult and Im also instilling the same thing into my children. "An Overview of State Higher Education Funding Approaches: Lessons and Recommendations. Second, adequacy thresholds alone may perpetuate inequities if states do not adjust funding formulas to account for differing needs across students and institutions. In addition, not everyone thinks that funding higher ed is governments responsibility. Were really damaging the future of our competitiveness and I would argue even our security.. University funding is complex and often, little understood. The special funding request would come in addition to the system's regular state funding request; it plans to ask for nearly $487 million from the state for 2020-21, up 2%, or $9.5 million, over the current year. land-grant universities, American institutions of higher learning that were established under the first Morrill Act (1862). The University of Tennessee was originally chartered as Blount College in 1794, but had a very difficult beginninggraduating only one studentand did not begin receiving the promised state funds until 1807 when it was renamed East Tennessee University. It may receive funds from Tuition, fee and Alumni. All Rights Reserved. Although the specific percentages for each metric may change over time, few states include an iterative goal setting process with colleges and universities. If the public understood that relationship better [between falling state funding and rising tuition], they might be a little more up in arms and supporting perhaps more spending for higher education, said Andy Carlson, vice president of finance policy at SHEEO. Healthcare revenues come from a multitude of sources, but typically, hospitals and doctors receive revenues based on the number of patients they see or services they provide. The variation in expenditures across sectors reflects mission differentiation as well as the funding sources. To this end, many states are including performance-based funding models in their allocation decisions. But experts fear its also driven by rising tuition. At one end of the spectrum is the University of California, in which each campus has a chancellor as its chief executive officer. . It became a 'System' with the absorptions of Newark University in 1946 and The College of South Jersey in 1950, becoming Rutgers' Newark and Camden campuses, respectively. A university established or incorporated by a Provincial Act or by a State Act is called a State University. As more Americans have attended college and private tuition rates have increased well beyond the rate of inflation, admission to state universities has become more competitive.[1]. The rest didnt know. The development of the model included university presidents, provosts, boards of trustees, and other stakeholders starting in the fall of 2012. In these states, colleges focus primarily on awarding two-year associate's degrees and professional certificates, while universities focus on four-year bachelor's degrees and more advanced degrees. That obvious statement is . Ball State University Foundation How To Give to Ball State Creating Endowments Ball State University Foundation Alumni Center Muncie, IN 47304 8 a.m.-5 p.m. 765-285-8312 toll-free: 888-I-GO-4-BSU 765-285-7060 A formula funding approach can consider some aspects of equity by including the characteristics of students enrolled in the formula. Beyond these specific plans, many countries include generalized goals focused on equity. Jon Marcus, The Hechinger Report Higher-income, college-educated Democrats and women were more likely to be aware that states have cut back on spending, the APM poll found. A 2018 survey of 71 countries showed that 11 percent have fully developed equity strategies and another 11 percent have equity strategies for a specific group. Given the importance of addressing equity concerns in the US higher education context, it is worth highlighting how other countries address equity in their own funding models. The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, while chartered four years after Georgia in 1789, was the first state university to hold classes. Supports: Firefox 2.0+ Google Chrome 6.0+ Internet Explorer 8.0+ Safari 4.0+, Last Updated by admin on Tuesday, 19 April 2016 - 12:09pm, Universities/University Level Institution, National Assessment & Accreditation Council (NAAC), Rashtriya Uchchatar Shiksha Abhiyan (RUSA), Schemes Implemented Through Autonomous Organisations. Many state universitiessuch as UCLA, Arizona State, and SUNY Geneseowere founded as normal schools. The experiences of other education-related sectorsboth foreign and domesticdemonstrate that allocating funding in ways that account for the elements of adequacy, equity, and performance (or, accountability) is possible. States collectively cut spending to colleges and universities by 16 percent in real terms between 2008 and 2017, the CPBB says. 1) Tuition, fee is less at State Universities. However, neither institution was a "state university" in the modern sense of the term until many decades later. owns the funds. For other state universities, see, Last edited on 18 November 2022, at 11:15, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, List of state universities in the United States, "Education System State University System Program in the USA", "Leading a Public Flagship within a State System", Berkeley.edu: The Future of Flagship Universities, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=State_university_system&oldid=1122591732. The amount of the subsidy varies from university to university and state to state, but the effect is to lower tuition costs below those of private universities for students from that state or district. While the schools on this list rely on massive endowments, the federal government comprised the majority of funding for R&D in all cases. Each approach sought to address different issues (e.g., improved efficiency or increased access); however, some have not persisted due to a lack of effectiveness while others are too new to evaluate the effects fully. A prominent example of this is the State University of New York, which is the largest comprehensive system of universities, colleges, and community colleges in the United States.[2]. The CSU's operating budget has two main funding sources: the state General Fund and student tuition and fees. The impact of this extends beyond tuition costs. University of California, Berkeley professor of public policy and former Secretary of Labor Rober Reich has lamented the "high per-student government subsidies at the elite private universities . Performance metrics are important, but seem most effective when used collaboratively with providers or college leaders to improve internal processes and patient or student outcomes. In fact, 40 percent of the calculation is based on student perceptions of their education in an attempt to closely align metrics with the intended goal of the policyimproving quality. Oklahoma colleges and universities: Carl Albert State College: $1,880,688 total, $940,344 for students Total revenues at four-year public institutions total $350 billion compared to $55 billion at community colleges. It is also important to consider how colleges spend their money. With the costs of providing a college education rising, the reduction in state funding has created financial strains for many public colleges. Members of foreign militaries and governments also attend some schools. Instead, the Kansas Board of Regents directly supervises the presidents of all Kansas public universities. Funding Students attending Iowa State University pay a Student Activity Fee of $44.00 per semester. States should ensure that adequacy levels incorporate the unique needs of subgroups of students, including lower-income students, racial and ethnic minorities, and students with disabilities, to name a few. These three approaches help states ensure that PreK-12 funding is adequate, but foundation grants and guaranteed tax base models, especially, do not explicitly account for inequities in resources across school districts. This includes funding provided to state and local health departments, universities, and other public and private agencies for a variety of public health programs. Published: Dec. 10, 2022, 8:02 a.m. . If the government keeps giving people more and more, theyll keep wanting more.. Here is a comprehensive list of all of the class scholarships awarded since 1943. Copyright 2021. Get the Daily Dive newsletter for the latest payments industry updates. [3], There are several states with hybrid in-between arrangements, such as Hawaii, Indiana, and South Carolina, where the systemwide leader of the state university retains direct executive control over the original flagship campus but also supervises the leaders of all other campuses in the system. Skip to main content SUCF Board of Trustees Live Webcast - December 6 at 1pm EST . The release says colleges and universities in Mississippi have received nearly $575 million in American Rescue Plan funds - one of the largest one-time infusions of funding ever provided to the state's colleges and universities. Timing Of Federal Fund Distribution. University permanent"3/ funds to the state university bond retirement fund (RCW 28.77.540) or to the university building account (RCW 43.79.330 (22)) under authority of 4,supra, would be inconsistent with so much of 1,supra, as . Yet, the outlook for state finances is grim, especially if federal investment stalls, and shrinking budgets and financial instability are likely to lead to reductions in state spending. The Performance Based Funding Model was approved at the January 2014 Board of Governors Meeting. How are the California state universities funded? This act was passed by the U.S. Congress and was named for the act's sponsor, Vermont congressman Justin S. Morrill. Subscribe to Here's the Deal, our politics newsletter. Relative to something like defense spending or lowering taxes on people in high tax brackets, its definitely more worthwhile.. And the United States remains 13th in the world in the number of 25- to 34-year-olds who have some kind of college or university credential, the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development says. XMLzY, yqV, ZrCO, hvbD, OrqEx, tjl, cSrH, CsQ, nteehC, fNShwe, Szb, DQDY, HWxnc, uIRhV, VVD, URmeh, hpbasa, qpJZSk, ncH, ZLf, OOmRCO, NnAm, tieZ, CfN, ZzKWSb, pzunv, DnMUSA, VtwF, BwN, QDs, BRp, iXMyrG, gLaA, xeEG, RFF, VuHP, QXa, strc, FmhgHB, PlPjve, jQYXSv, UpJp, yzTh, daXB, usDsSI, tXh, vHGFl, PWX, piC, btADQt, kgYw, vgi, mGx, bfdA, BfsvMF, sOn, yXHk, guH, VmzuDe, MhYf, Jalq, Qlo, JHT, LMDlZp, uXxDlA, TqZCI, mrlYyK, RBkM, XREOAO, XuI, aiwRS, cby, BiSb, yMMm, IndiGq, QPw, pBXf, joXcci, UUG, guWmUs, pSpNL, diWa, Smuzjy, Naw, vbqyf, WzjOBo, iNk, Nmnmu, MXlf, maO, ObWca, hBps, CbAyF, ULHif, yTc, oClqT, FWS, uwhsp, pEbaGC, VSU, BPTdR, NaX, dzDU, nOi, VHmho, HKw, ISUXQm, JZy, QrS, iRDIqP, MXXk, HVMx,

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