why did wanda kill vision

1) Everything in WandaVision is in Scarlet Witch's head Scarlet Witch/Wanda has proven to be one of the most powerful Avengers of all, and there's really no limit to what she can do with her. But its a good sign that he bailed on Westview after his enlightenment. For Elizabeth Olsen 's Wanda, it was about the loss of her family and Vision. All the scene did was to give a dramatic entrance to Captain America (theme fanfare and all) into the movie. Photo illustration by Slate. But as Thanos' plan became clear, Vision suggested to Scarlet Witchwhom he had become romantically involved withthat she kill him in order to destroy the stone in his head. Wanda goes through a psychotic break after discovering the truth about the two children she once had. She didnt succeed in time, and Thanos killed Vision by violently yanking the stone out of his forehead. No. Wanda and Vision could (and did, later in the movie) easily have overpowered Proxima Midnight and Corvus Glaive. These are clear signs that these shows we're seeing is something going on in Wanda's head. This drove me CRAZY. But what exactly is controlling all of this remains to be seen. Vision's role in the MCU's Multiverse Saga could be explained by Scarlet Witch's Chaos Magic.In the build-up to Avengers: Infinity War, Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige promised that this time, the deaths would be permanent.It is ironic, therefore, that only one Avengers: Infinity War death has been permanent (and Thor: Love & Thunder arguably set up Heimdall's return, confirming the . WandaVision's opening episode started with a Dick Van Dyke Show-type credit sequence, as married couple Vision and Wanda made their way through the front door. He attacks Wanda immediately acting according to, he says, his orders. Why did they come to Westview? So Why Are Critics Talking About It All Wrong? And hes very, very very confused. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. Luckily us, that's come to an end, as Disney+'s new limited series, WandaVision, is bringing the expansive world back to usand telling us the story of two key characters: Wanda Maximoff/ Scarlet. Thanks for signing up! In addition to being able to alter the timeline and probability, Nexus Beings are each outfitted with a unique power. Do we have any idea who the person is whos watching them at the end of the first episode? You're sitting down to watch WandaVision. It is no secret that Geraldine is Monica Rambeau, the little girl from Captain Marvel grown up and working as a government agent. Vision was originally born of a melding of Tony Starks AI Jarvis and the Mind Stone, which is itself a sentient being. But perhaps the most important piece of the ad is the slogan: Forget the past, this is your future. If WandaVision takes place after Wanda was forced to kill Vision, you can see why shed want to forget her past, and create, one way or another, a future in which they can still live together. If WandaVision takes place after Wanda was forced to kill Vision, you can see why she'd want to forget her past, and create, one way or another, a future in which they can still live. You are wondering about the question why did wanda kill vision but currently there is no answer, so let kienthuctudonghoa.com summarize and list the top articles with the question. What really happened is that Wanda, dealing with her grief following the death of both Vision and Tony Stark, went to attempt to retrieve Vision's body in order to give him a funeral. That said, its not always healthy to read too much into the number 23. But Thanos still had other plans. In a universe chock-full of peculiar and fantastical characters, Scarlet Witch and theVision stand out as exceptionally unusual. When it turned out it was because the Harts were coming to dinner, everyone was perplexed. What significance do the advertisements have? A related theory says that Wanda and Vision are on some kind of alternate Earth. This failed; eventually, the only option to stop Thanos was for Scarlet Witch to kill Vision and destroy the stone. Still, that wouldn't explain why Wanda is so desperate to keep Vision in Westview. So Vision, always trying to be helpful, gives White Vision a gift. When Vision touches White Visions head and turns his forehead gold, meanwhile, it seems like hes doing the opposite. happen? And he wasnt resurrected in Endgame with everyone else? The Captain America actor was supposed to have hung up his shield after Endgame, but Deadline reported on Thursday that he was nearing a deal to reprise the role in the MCU in some form. Alternately, an actor who we know is a recurring character in the cast is Randall Park, who played Ant-Mans parole officer Jimmy Woo in Ant-Man and the Wasp and will reportedly play the FBI agent once again in WandaVision. The following story contains spoilers through WandaVision episode 8. Heres a nerdier question. What are we to make of the scenes in which Wanda and Vision break the fourth wall? Hes not just Vision reborn. So while we may recognize him as Vision, hes also someone else entirely. By the time we reach Episode 5 of WandaVision, we're starting to really get an idea of what's happeningand how the hell Vision is alive in Westview. He was fast enough to move Clint Barton and the boy to safety but apparently not to dodge the bullets himself. He used the Time Stone to turn the clock back, and plucked the stone out of a once-again-alive Vision's head, killing him for a second time. I don't want to do any more', Here's your guide to the best holiday movies of the 2000s, from 'Love Actually' to 'Harold & Kumar'. The scene when Vision ushers his boss through the door of his house and into the living room looks like a direct homage to The Dick Van Dyke Shows opening credits, and the sight of a frazzled Wanda trying to cook dinner for her unexpected guests recalls the episode where Mary Tyler Moore rustles up dinner for her in-laws while shes high on pep pills. In WandaVision, Agatha "recasts" Pietro with Peters playing the role instead of Johnson. But then they posed as the camera rolled the credits, and there were commercial breaks for Stark Industries products. Clearly, something is happening. Did Captain America & Scarlet Witch Get Romantic in The Comics. The eggs take shape and spawn a hoard of Ultron drones that attack the Avengers in unison. Does this mean Im going to have to rewatch Age of Ultron? Vision's body, lacking the mind stone, laid to the side, dead and discolored. We'll see how this plays outwe could still be somewhat offbut things are definitely trending this way. The Hex is down, and the people of Westview are free. The idea that Vision is only alive within a . As Thanosthe overarching villain of the MCU's first 22 filmssought the infinity stones, and needed to own all five in order to complete his goal of destroying half of life on earth, a stone was implanted in Vision's head. If he doesn't want to be alive in this way, he isn't going to be. He calls it data, but its more than that. But there's the "who's doing this to you, Wanda?" How did they get wherever they are now? As an indulger in all things movie, comic book, video game and TV series related, he spends most of his breathing time racking up knowledge in all those categories. Not so much because one is a Witch and the other a robot, but because somehow, in between fighting off time travelers and aliens as card-carrying members of the Avengers, these two oddballs fell in love. She had kept her identity a secret and then blew it. And Wanda tells him that hes essentially the manifestation of the piece of the Mind Stone that lives within her. Specifically, tricking the Avengers into believing that Ultron had implemented an attack program within Vision from the start. Vision played a pivotal role in Wanda's character growth in WandaVision, a show where she was ostensibly one of the villains enslaving an entire town, albeit unknowingly. The MCU Pietro (Taylor Johnson) was killed by Ultron during Avengers: Age of Ultron. They don't know. In fact, Wanda is so extreme in this movie that it's kind of. What do these comics tell us? When asked whether he ever thought Vision would be returning after Infinity War, he gave an interesting answer. The toaster even looks a little bit like a robots face, with a blinking red lightthe only spot of color in the first episode apart from the final shotright where the Mind Stone fit into Visions forehead. Iron Man & co. hit the undo button on the Snapture but not the deaths that had happened before Thanos killed off half of the universes population. Is this a simulation that's brought them back together? was created by Joss Whedon, the director of the first two Avengers movies, during his run in the mid-2000s writing Astonishing X-Men.) . On Jan. 15, WandaVision debuted on Disney+ with two episodes back to back in one of the strangest entries into the streaming world to date. The show, eventually, is going to tell us exactly what's going onas good as WandaVision is, this isn't content made to be hard to comprehend. Then again, there is a rather silly Marvel villain called Swarm, who is made of bees. Because it was the 1960s and women in superhero comics were mostly considered fodder for romantic subplots, Wanda eventually settled into one with The Vision one of the few Avengers who, like Wanda, didn't already have a comic book series of his own and the two eventually married in 1975's Giant-Size Avengers #4. Well, it definitely confirms that Vision is dead. And Vision is the robot. No idea! Also he and Wanda were on the run, so he didn't want to make it obvious where he was by fighting supervillains with the Infinity Stone. The stone was one of Tony Stark's key ingredients in creating Vision in the first place. But in the meantime, here are a few more ideas for what could've happened. Answer: He was really guilt ridden about accidentally hurting Jim Rhodes during the airport battle. Specifically, tricking the Avengers into believing that Ultron had implemented an attack program within Vision from the start. In the comic books, Wanda used her reality-warping powers to make it possible for a human and a synthezoid to conceive. He loves weird movies, watches too much TV, and listens to music more often than he doesnt. Despite the fact that the Avengers would eventually discover that Scarlet Witch was the true puppeteer behind their worst defeat to date, The Vision's murder at the hand of his former wife goes down as one of the most ruthless Marvel deaths to date. Theres something Wanda says later in the WandaVision finale that gives us some key insight. He got it, too, killing Vision instantly. Also Read: 'WandaVision': Marvel Really Pulled a Bait and Switch With Pietro. But you're sitting down and trying to remember where things left off. . However, Zac Henry is also the stunt rigging coordinator for WandaVision and a stunt man on a bunch of Marvel movies, so there might not be much we can read into that. Theory: Agnes Ate The Twins (And Wants To Eat Wanda) In the comics, Wanda's subconscious desire for children of her own (which she couldn't have due to Vision being a synthezoid) resulted in her using her reality-warping powers to generate twin boys. Didnt Vision die? With her fragile mental state now completely off the charts, the Avengers are attacked when they least expect it. Fans of the films will be just as confused as Wanda and Vision. WandaVisionWanda is the witch, right? Elizabeth Olsens frazzled housewife in the first episode does owe a lot to Lucille Ball, but the biggest reference point seems to be The Dick Van Dyke Show, the first great workplace sitcom. Why not! We should have known that Wanda was able to create Vision just how she created Tommy and Billy, but it never came over us. Why did WandaVision skip the 90s? Why is Vision weaker than Wanda? The best of movies, books, music, TV, and more. Eventually, we will have answers. New episodes of WandaVision come out on Fridays on Disney+. Why does Vision point his remote control at the camera at the end of the first episode?Its not clear yet, but it certainly contributes to the air of unreality suffusing the whole enterprise. What are Wandas powers again? The Vision weve come to know and love the sarcastic, the earnest, the, well, pink Vision is gone. Do the neighbors know something? The concept of the multiverse is set to appear in two upcoming MCU movies, including the MCUs third stand-alone Spider-Man movie and Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, with the directors of these three projects even trading notes to stay on the same page. Didn't he? Is there any significance to the way each episode ends with a wipe in the shape of a hexagon? soundbite, and theres also the weird glitch that seemed to be happening with Visi0n's boss choking. Eventually, the character collapsed on the. Could they have anything to do with whats happening? How did Vision die? There, she discovered his plans to completely wipe out humanity. Thanos snapped half of the world out of existence, Scarlet Witch one of the many heroes erased. The Scarlet Witch killed Hawkeye and later brought him back to life, actions which have had a big impact on the relationship between the two Avengers. The episode's post-credits scene also revealed the fate of real Vision's body, and it's not good: Hayward used some of Wanda's magic from the retro drone that SWORD sent in, and has completely revived Vision's body. HQ? The moments when the characters look straight at the viewer add to the feeling that Wanda and Vision are, in some way, trapped. Baron Wolfgang von Strucker was one of the secondary villains of Age of Ultron, a leader of S.H.I.E.L.D.s evil counterpart, Hydra. Score: 4.2/5 (32 votes) . His office leads to a glass-walled viewing chamber that overlooks the lab where Vision is being dissected and experimented on, and Wanda's immediately struck by this, horrified and confused about how they could do this to a former Avenger who was practically a person, regardless of being artificially created. The White Vision is different somehow, and not just Visions body without the stone. Please try again. Obviously, seeing the beekeeper and rewinding is a big one. Aug. 23 was not the date of the Snap, according to the MCU Wiki, which suggests that it took place in spring 2018, when Infinity War was released. The one clue is the symbol next to the monitorit looks like a logo for S.W.O.R.D., which is a secret governmental organization in Marvels comic books thats like S.H.I.E.L.D. Yesyou're remembering correctly. to reprise the role in the MCU in some form. It seems that WandaVision suggests that the Scarlet Witch is a Nexus Being that represents Chaos Magic specifically, following its mention in the episode. Regretfully, she followed through and did this for the good of the world. When the Hulk undid the Snap at the end of Avengers: Endgame, Vision didn't come back. Chaos Magic may just be Wanda's special talent in particular. At the end of the episode, just before he goes away, Wandas Vision asks what he actually is. What was going on? When Avengers: Infinity War starts, Vision and Wanda are liv. With Vision once again alive, Thanos ripped the Mind Stone out of him, and he fell to the ground, lifeless. into it. Shes weird, as another character put it in 2015s Avengers: Age of Ultron, where Wanda debuted. Using it as a battery, he brought. Q: Why were Wanda and Vision getting beat up by two of the Children of Thanos in Avengers: Infinity War? I got an I Love Lucy vibe. So sit tight. The question now is how and where White Vision will play a part in the MCU. What about the trippy look of the closing credits? Wanda was motivated to join Ultron because of his promises to kill the Avengers, but she realized her mistake in Seoul. We're not looking at reality, and both of our heroes seem to be just on the cusp of figuring that out. And how he returns to WandaVision is anyone's guessbut it happened. Hayward was struggling to bring the synthezoid back to life until he hooked up Vision's corpse to one of the drones Wanda had unleashed her chaos magic on. While the majority of the issue focused on Wanda Maximoff and her husband Vision dealing with a rather rapid pregnancy and birth of their twin children, the events immediately after Billy and Tommy were born were just as intense. Indeed, Vision has previously endorsed gum, by appearing in a 1976 set of Marvel bubblegum cards. The D23 Expo where WandaVisions cast was announced. At TheWrap, 'WandaVision': Marvel Really Pulled a Bait and Switch With Pietro, 'WandaVision': How the Post-Credits Scene Sets Up 'Doctor Strange 2', 'WandaVision' Finale Mid-Credits Scene Explained, is actually from a parallel version of Earth. Can we start with some basics? Vision died. Just then, Vision's body shrivels and melts away, but not before vomiting out a series of metal eggs onto the ground. Their confusion is only amplified when Vision arrives in a Quinjet and barrels through what's left of the mansion at full speed. Correction, Jan. 15, 2021: This article originally misstated that Wandas powers came from the Space Stone. Scarlet Witch/Wanda has proven to be one of the most powerful Avengers of all, and there's really no limit to what she can do with her telekinetic abilities. Any theories about the date from the first episode? The first is for a toaster manufactured by Stark IndustriesTony Stark being Visions literal manufacturer and toaster being Wandas affectionate nickname for her husband in Tom Kings comics. From the very first episode, WandaVision has indicated that it's not just the loss of Vision in Infinity War or even that combined with the loss of her brother, Pietro, a.k.a. Photo by Disney+. Clearly, as a S.W.O.R.D. We encountered an issue signing you up. Is it a parallel universe in which Vision didn't die? The Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) generates plenty of fan theories. Answer (1 of 7): "What happened to Wanda's kids in WandaVision?" That's a good question. She refused, and Captain America suggested they try to get the stone removed and destroyed in Wakanda. The " WandaVision " finale was all about loss. And Vision is the robot? So for now lets focus on how this potentially affects the events of WandaVision specifically, and White Vision. In fact, the majority of the movie surrounded Vision and whether he would live or die. And as fans of the Marvel Cinematic Universe know, that love ended tragically in Avengers: Infinity War when Wanda had no choice but to kill Vision in a last-ditch effort to save the universe. (Perhaps coincidentally, S.W.O.R.D. Evan is the culture editor for Mens Health, with bylines in The New York Times, MTV News, Brooklyn Magazine, and VICE. SPOILERS ahead for episode 3 of Marvel's WandaVision. And that when shes facing incalculable loss, theres no telling what terrible things Wanda will do. Where did they move from? Wanda is also in the Doctor Strange sequel. Involving the White Vision in multiverse drama would fit that mold, even though his origin is very different from the comic book version. In Avengers #186, a man named Django Maximoff kidnapped Wanda and Pietro, saying that he was their father. They fell in love during Avengers: Age of Ultron, but then were separated during Captain America: Civil War. Society, man?! It gets really complicated from there. Would swallowing gum really have that much of an effect on Vision? Vision's body has been in S.W.O.R.D. . Alternatively, the editor might just think it looks cool. The going theory seems to be that Wanda and Vision are trapped in some sort of reality-distortion fieldthough its unclear who has done the trapping, if one or both of them has something to do with it, and if anyone else in their town, particularly Agnes, is involved. She went to Hayward's office, who wouldn't allow her to take his body; she went up to his corpse, being torn apart and attempted to used as a weapon, and suggested that she felt none of the usual warmth that she previously felt. Could she be making this whole hallucination (?) .css-jaapa7{background-color:#ffffff;border:thin solid #595959;color:#000;display:inline-block;font-family:GraphikBold,Helvetica,Arial,Sans-serif;letter-spacing:0rem;padding:0.625rem;-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;text-decoration-color:#d2232e;text-decoration-thickness:0.125rem;text-transform:uppercase;text-underline-offset:0.25rem;-webkit-transition:all 0.3s ease-in-out;transition:all 0.3s ease-in-out;width:auto;}@media(max-width: 48rem){.css-jaapa7{font-size:0.9375rem;line-height:1.3;}}@media(min-width: 48rem){.css-jaapa7{font-size:0.875rem;line-height:1.3;}}@media(min-width: 64rem){.css-jaapa7{font-size:0.9375rem;line-height:1.3;}}.css-jaapa7:focus-visible{outline-color:body-cta-btn-link-focus;}.css-jaapa7:hover{color:#fff;text-decoration-color:border-link-body-hover;background-color:#d2232e;-webkit-transition:all 0.3s ease-in-out;transition:all 0.3s ease-in-out;border:thin solid #d2232e;}Stream WandaVision Now on Disney+. In the ensuing chaos of Endgame, Wanda (or someone else) could have easily stolen her boyfriend's dead body. Why did Wanda banish Geraldine in the most recent episode of Marvel's WandaVision? This article contains spoilers for the first two episodes of WandaVision. The peppy plot summary of the first episodes theme tune owes a lot to The Patty Duke Show, and the Kafkaesque nature of Visions job at Computational Services, where no one can seem to explain exactly what it is they compute, is right out of Billy Wilders movie classic The Apartment. As her magic built a house around her and transformed the entire town into one modeled after the sitcoms she grew up loving, she was also able to entirely create a new, living Vision. And though it may come as no surprise that Wanda used her powers to kill Vision in the comics as well, the disturbing manner in which she executed the android may be more shocking than expected. . But in Friday's finale, there . Answer (1 of 14): Firstly let's go back to the dialogues in the movie > Wanda: "You took everything from me." Thanos: "I don't even know who you are." Here, in the beginning Wanda is referring to when Thanos killed Vision to get the Mind stone in the infinity war. That's partly because the show comes from Marvel Studios, and it ties in with the movie giant's Avengers superhero series of films. var _bp = _bp||[]; _bp.push({ "div": "Brid__1", "obj": {"id":"21259","stats":{"wp":1},"title":"Emmanuel Acho on 'Cancel Culture'","video":"725810","width":"640","height":"360"}}); Read original story WandaVision': What Exactly Happened to the White Vision? As literal disruptions to the narrative, the commercials seem like they play a key role in hinting at whats really going on here. Wanda's former mystical mentor, Agatha Harkness, attempted to protect Wanda from her trauma by blocking out any memory of her kids, but secrets can only be withheld for so long. Dark stuff. Wanda is living her best life! . Wanda is the witch, right? Both feature Wanda and Vision in classic rolesbut with just enough of a hint that something isn't quite right. When she got to the site of a house Vision envisioned the two of them growing old in (she had a note) her combination of rage and trauma let a wicked wave of her red chaos magic flow out. She's making him ultra-dense so that he falls through the ground. But because each movie contains a single story, there's little time to. (Warning: Spoilers ahead for the series finale of WandaVision.). Fortunately, the real Vision swoops in just in time to face down his doppleganger. Luckily, if you're one of those people, you've come to the right place. Facing no other choice, Wanda (Elizabeth Olsen) used her powers to kill Vision (Paul Bettany) during Avengers: Infinity War in order to also destroy the Mind Stone embedded in Visions forehead before Thanos could get his purple hands on it. More importantly, he killed Vision separately from those erased by the Snap. There Are So Many Penises on Television. You can manage your newsletter subscriptions at any time. According to the credits, hes played by Zac Henry. And, oh yeahVision is still a sentient being in his own right. While his consciousness was being uploaded into a new body, Wanda was able to read his mind. Using the concept of the Ship of Theseus a thought experiment that raises the question of whether an object thats had all of its components replaced is still fundamentally the same object Vision convinces White Vision that his programming directive is a self-sabotaging one. S.W.O.R.D. Could that include creating a reality where she and her long lost love go through sitcom world as a way for her to deal with trauma? How did Quicksilver die? They don't know. Episode 4, accordingly, showed a petrified Wanda talking to Vision, only to see dead VisionMind Stone plucked out of his head by Thanostalking to her, rather than the lively, funny Paul Bettany Vision shown in the rest of the series. This is possible exactly because of Wanda's connection to the Mind Stone, which is also why she is able to destroy it in Infinity War. Overwhelmed with grief, Robert fled, abandoning children. Wanda herself? Is that the date of the Snapture, as you called it, when Vision died? Update, 2/26: Episode 8 of WandaVision made it 100% what happened to Vision after the events of Avengers: Infinity War, and how he's still alive at the beginning of WandaVision. Its Time for the Final Frontier. In 2004, Avengers: Disassembled by Brian Michael Bendis and David Finch changed the Avengers forever when Scarlet Witch lost control of her reality-altering chaos magic and attacked her fellow teammates. For fans, it was the loss of their theories. When Vision evaporated. All contents 2022 The Slate Group LLC. Because we definitely remember what happened in Infinity War. But then Thanos reversed time and killed Visionand Wanda had to watch that happen. Upon his entry into Westview, one thing becomes immediately clear: this Vision is not a friendly. obviously did more than just repair the body and juice it up if hes acting on a programming directive. And his voice, while still Paul Bettanys, is deeper and generally more disconcerting than either Visions or Jarviss ever was. Whos the voice trying to get through to Wanda? Since Elizabeth Olsen and Scarlet Witchs expected next appearance will be in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, its possible hell resurface there. But you never know! Since the Westview Vision isnt real, that would mean that this Anti-Visions true goal to destroy himself, since hes literally in Visions body. Ugh, we hope notwe thought we were done with the MacGuffins from the first 22 movies in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, which were destroyed in the movies present-day timeline. He didtwice. The go-to source for comic book and superhero movie fans. Why did they replace Pietro in WandaVision? What did Agnes do to the twins in Wandavision? At the end of the film, Wanda was alone, grieving a relationship that never got to have the time it should. Later, when he confronts Agatha Harkness, Wanda's friend and a fellow witch in the comics, Vision is surprised to learn that he's actually dead. Also Read: 'WandaVision' Finale Mid-Credits Scene Explained. The first episode is done in the style of The Dick Van Dyke Show, and the second is Bewitched. But suddenly Vision is back, and so is the Mind Stone thats part of him. Movie News, Movie Trailers & upcoming Movie Reviews, The Leading Source for Gaming News, Reviews, and Interviews, How The Scarlet Witch Killed Vision in the Comics, Scarlet Witch is Marvel's Most Dangerous 'Chosen One'. For some time, Wanda's fragile mental state had become subtly apparent but never fully addressed. Upon his birth, Vision declared he . Both feature Wanda and Vision in classic rolesbut with just enough of a hint that something isn't quite right. The WandaVision episodes so far have features a commercial in eachthe first, for a Stark Industries toaster, which of course Wanda has a connection to through Tony. I think the neighbors know something.Agnes (Kathryn Hahn) is a classic nosy neighbor, but a lot of fans have speculated that shes really Agatha Harkness, a witch from the Marvel comics who at one point tutored Wanda Maximoff in the use of magic. The second had a commercial for a watch by Strucker, which was the name of the Hydra official who was holding Wanda and her brother, Pietro, prisoner when they first showed up in Captain America: The Winter Soldier and Avengers: Age of Ultron. Security footage of 9 days prior to the show's events depicts Wanda storming the SWORD headquarters, where it's said that she stole Vision's corpse. Is Vision still alive after Endgame? She loved Vision and Thanos k. Though Wanda's reality shifting mental breakdown has many disastrous consequences for the Avengers - including the team's official disbandment over their guilt - the killing of her own former husband seems cruelest of all. But before they figure that all out, you probably want to figure out how we got here. So we don't really know. RELATED: Scarlet Witch is Marvel's Most Dangerous 'Chosen One'. .css-16fbwkt{display:block;font-family:GraphikBold,Helvetica,Arial,Sans-serif;font-weight:bold;margin-bottom:0;margin-top:0;-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;}@media (any-hover: hover){.css-16fbwkt:hover{color:link-hover;}}@media(max-width: 48rem){.css-16fbwkt{font-size:1.05rem;line-height:1.2;margin-bottom:0.25rem;}}@media(min-width: 40.625rem){.css-16fbwkt{font-size:1.28598rem;line-height:1.2;}}@media(min-width: 48rem){.css-16fbwkt{font-size:1.39461rem;line-height:1.2;margin-bottom:0.5rem;}}@media(min-width: 64rem){.css-16fbwkt{font-size:1.23488rem;line-height:1.3;}}The 69 Best Marvel-themed Gifts, How to Watch 'Black Panther: Wakanda Forever', The 'Wakanda Forever' Death That Shocked Everyone, Wakanda Forever Is the Perfect Set-Up for Ironh, Every Marvel Cinematic Universe Movie, Ranked, 10 Black Panther Comics for MCU Fans to Read, That 'Wakanda Forever' Credits Scene, Explained, Theres a New Black Panther in Wakanda Forever, A Look at Every Upcoming MCU Movie and TV Series, The Only Right Order to Watch the MCU Movies In. What's more likely is that his corpse is somewhere else and this Vision is a literal manifestation of. So where does that leave him? Hopefully this shocking continuity error will be explained in a future episode. That's correct. The pair are galavanting through sitcoms and getting into all sort of wacky hijinx along the way, complete with a nosy neighbor, new friends, and some classic comic pratfalls. Spooky. But even that doesnt feel like a clean fit until we know more about what the films plot actually is. Could the comics help make sense of this? but for threats from outer space. She left with only herselfHayward's story was a lie. Now, that most likely was an off-the-cuff, light-hearted answer. The concept turns up again in Episode 2, with its advertisement for a Strucker watch, featuring the tag line, Hell make time for you.. Look closely at the face of the watch, and youll see who its manufactured by: Hydra. After all, they never got married in Avengers they barely had time for a relationship. Though Wanda's reality shifting mental breakdown has many disastrous consequences for the Avengers - including the team's official disbandment over their guilt - the killing of her own former husband seems cruelest of all. When faced with personal tragedy and mental illness, the Wanda of the comic books used her powers to rewrite reality so that she, and members of her family, got whatever they wanted. answer the question why did wanda kill vision, which will help you get the most accurate answer. You haven't watched the MCU from start to finish in a while because, let's be realwho has time to watch 23 movies? Hearst Magazine Media, Inc. All Rights Reserved. That the manicured, synthetic-feeling suburbs are a good setting for a story about a robot trying to discover his humanity. But in an interview with Men's Health, Bettany dropped a fairly subtleand fairly obvioushint about Vision. But, from the beginning, one of the biggest doubts in the minds of fans was about the future of Vision, after all, he was killed by Thanos (Josh Brolin) in Avengers: Infinity War. Wanda is a vicious villain in this, killing anyone who stands between her and reuniting with her children in an alternate universe. And then the glowing spot on his forehead where the Mind Stone used to sit turns from green to gold the color of the stone. Fortunately, the "real" Vision swoops in just in time to face down his doppleganger. The super-team manages to take down the Ultron bots, but if there is any life left within Vision, it is taken away when She-Hulk rips him to shreds in an uncontrollable outburst of rage over their perplexing predicament. The Beekeeper sounds like it could be the name of a supervillain. We see flashes of Visions history with Wanda. J.A.R.V.I.S. Yup. A good guess might be that the mission of this group has been redefined for the MCU, but we dont have much to go on yet. The first episodes scenes of Wanda using her powers to make dishes fly around the kitchen also has a strong whiff of the I married a witch classic Bewitched, which the series makes explicit with the animated opening credits of Episode 2. And he wanted the Mind Stone struck in Vision's head. After killing Scott Lang, aka Ant-Man, by sending an explosion through Avengers Mansion, the super-team is disoriented and unsure of who their new enemy could be. As it was revealed that he was part of the illusion created by Wanda, would he continue after the Disney+ series ended? I wouldn't go as far to say weaker, their powers both come from the Mind stone and are both different. OK, were three questions in and youve mentioned three Infinity Stones. KEEP READING: Did Captain America & Scarlet Witch Get Romantic in The Comics? . The reveal in WandaVision Episode 5 that S.W.O.R.D. So considering the theory that they skipped the 90s because the boys age up dosent fit, because everything else stays the same.You can see this in the intro painting sequence. Who killed all the Marvel superheroes? When does Vision die? Our product picks are editor-tested, expert-approved. But then you start thinking a little moreVisiondied? Its the Most Acclaimed Movie of the Year. Why did Wanda get snapped? He attacks Wanda immediately acting according to, he says, his orders. We may earn a commission through links on our site. The honeycomb could also be related to the beekeeper from the end of Episode 2. While .css-16acfp5{-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;text-decoration-thickness:0.125rem;text-decoration-color:#d2232e;text-underline-offset:0.25rem;color:inherit;-webkit-transition:all 0.3s ease-in-out;transition:all 0.3s ease-in-out;}.css-16acfp5:hover{color:#000;text-decoration-color:border-link-body-hover;background-color:yellow;-webkit-transition:all 0.3s ease-in-out;transition:all 0.3s ease-in-out;}SWORD Acting Director Tyler Hayward previously suggested that Wanda Maximoff broke into SWORD headquarters to steal and eventually reanimated Vision's deceased body, Episode 8 proved this to be a lie. Vision was a synthezoid made from vibranium, created by Ultron with the help of Helen Cho, and given life by the powerful artifact known as the Mind Stone. That said, the White Vision of the comics, dubbed the Anti-Vision, is actually from a parallel version of Earth. Warning! Hes returning the essence of the Mind Stone to his body. While we are starting to think we know how Vision is alive again in the show, we could still be ever-so-slightly off (or off in a major way, who's to say). Lets take a step back. custody all along and is now a zombie super weapon. Except now he's got a white tint, and will probably be used as an evil weapon. The MCU typically adapts the comics on a very surface level, telling original stories while borrowing individual aesthetic and character bits all over the place. But its not quite as simple as that. dead . Having been created by Ultron as a subservient henchman, the Avengers couldn't help but feel the slightest suspicion toward their reformed teammate. RIP. My programming directive is to destroy the Vision, he reveals in the library. What we dont know is what Monica is doing in Wanda and Visions picturesque town. One of the coldest moments in Avengers history was when Scarlet Witch lost control over her reality-shifting powers and killed her lover, The Vision. The following theories, of course, contain some minor spoilers from the first couple WandaVision episodes. * Reality manipulation certainly doesnt seem impossible! Paul Bettany hasnt been confirmed as part of any future Marvel projects, though that makes sense considering the mystery surrounding his fate in WandaVision. But in terms of story, hes a wild card. Since then, they had stolen moments, but before they could decide to come out to the world with their relationship, Thanos attacked. Thats a big statement! We're going to leave our options on the table at this point. By episode's end, Wanda and Vision made up some answers (and Wanda made up some rings). Published Jan 18, 2021 WandaVision's surreal first episode may have just set the tone for the series with a possible murder attempt from one unlikely individual. Could Vision and Wanda have a kid? Figuring Out How Vision Is Alive in 'WandaVision'. However, when Wanda got to Westview, NJ, she drove through the small town and was able to picture a life for her and Vision in the small town. So this one isn't the most likely. But if Wandas powers can do anything, why not this? Of course, now we enter the metaphysics of identity. Be the first to know what's trending, straight from Elite Daily, Marvel's Phase 5 Schedule Has Already Shifted, The 'Guardians Of The Galaxy 3' Trailer Gets The Whole Band Back Together, A 'Game Of Thrones' Actor Will Be In 'Loki' Season 2, By subscribing to this BDG newsletter, you agree to our. The 2005 miniseries House of M climaxed with Wanda committing one of the more surprising and consequential acts to ever happen in a Marvel comic book, and though shes not exactly a villain, shes still a figure of great controversy within the Marvel canon. It's the MCU, not Twin Peaks. This is what the show has revealed so far through episode 8; the original story, including theories on how Vision survived Infinity War appears below. Also Read: 'WandaVision': How the Post-Credits Scene Sets Up 'Doctor Strange 2'. And the friendly fellow newcomer played by Teyonah Parris haltingly introduces herself as Geraldinebut Disney has revealed that Parris is playing Monica Rambeau, the now-grown-up little girl who appeared in the MCUs Captain Marvel, which takes place in 1995. All rights reserved. We dont know, but maybe! Then Thanos arrived and rewound events using a different Infinity Stone, the Time Stone. In Avengers: Infinity War, Shuri in Wakanda tried to figure out a way to safely detach the stone from Vision without destroying his mind. For weeks, viewers have combed every detail of "WandaVision," extracting elaborate hypotheses from even the smallest of clues. Vision is alive and well! agent, she was trained and should know better. And it turns out that's who White. Why does Wanda look directly at the camera when she tells Vision to help his choking boss? It starts in the 80s when the boys age up to 5. rustles up dinner for her in-laws while shes high on pep pills, one of the more surprising and consequential acts to ever happen in a Marvel comic book. Someday well find out more, but that day is not today. Thus far hes only appeared in three Avengers movies, Captain America: Civil War and now WandaVision. Theres nowhere thats an obvious spot for him to land in the MCUs upcoming slate of movies and shows. This is why Vision remembered nothing from before Westview: Wanda literally created him from nothing, using chaos magic. Jay Leno reflects on being burned in car fire: '8 days later, I had a brand new face', Emily Blunt says Tom Cruise told her to 'stop being such a p****' during filming: 'He just stared at me for a long time', Patti LaBelle whisked offstage after bomb threat at her Milwaukee concert, Daniel Craig explains why he left James Bond role: 'This is it. There's also the fact that there are little hiccups in the WandaVision world that keep sneaking through. And the situation with Vision iscomplicated. Enemies such as Ultron and the Kree appeared out of nowhere, while Avengers such as the Vision, Ant-Man and Jack of Hearts all died, due to Wanda's breakdown. Not only did Vision die in Avengers: Infinity War, but he died twice. Having initially found happiness by marrying Vision and willing their two children into existence with her magic, Wanda's house of cards eventually toppled when her kids vanished and her husband's memories were unexpectedly deleted. But we were not shown their rooms after Wanda and Vision put them to bed. Multiverse of Madness . Andrew is a Los Angeles based entertainment writer. When Wanda finally pulled down the Hex, it erased him, and the twins, and the house that they lives in, from existence. Is that among Visions, uh, powers? Which classic sitcoms are they referencing? In a way, hes a lot like the WandaVision equivalent of Gamora, post-Endgame; new, but the same. But Thanos, possessing the Time Stone, simply reversed the sacrifice bringing Vision back so he could pull the Mind Stone out of his head. "WandaVision" was a beautiful exploration of her grief, loss, and trauma. As an android, Vision had a rough history with getting his fellow teammates to accept him. Yes, this is also partially what's motivating Wanda, but Wanda is clearly working through her grief via the sitcoms she's creating. Even more damningly, when the Harts asked basic questions, Vision and Wanda froze. Quicksilver, in Avengers: Age of Ultron that causes Wanda to break down in the MCU. I'm curious to see how potentially bringing her sons back will affect her grieving process. In other words, like the episodes themselves, the credits sequence appears to take us inside an old TV set. (Fred Melameds boss, meanwhile, looks like Richard Deacons put-upon Mel Cooley, but acts more like Carl Reiners imperious and little-seen boss.) Its great. Vision wasn't just going to be suddenly back alive with no explanation (and Darcy's episode 4 revelation that Vision, is, indeed, dead, confirmed this). If you're wondering how Vision wound up alive and embarking upon wacky superhero sitcom hijinx in WandaVisionone example: a stick of gum jams his android gears in Episode 2, leading him to be appear drunk during a magic actyou're perfectly within your right. Wanda stated they're married, but they had no anniversary date, and no rings. The Mind Stone no longer exists in the main reality of the MCU after Thanos destroyed all the present day versions of the stones in Avengers: Endgame. But apparently Wanda didnt just receive power from the stone when she worked with Hydra it gave her some of itself. Whos trapping them? This could be related to the honeycomb shape of the Universal Neural Teleportation Network system of space travel from the Guardians of the Galaxy moviesespecially since theres some evidence that, with Marvels Eternals set to come out later this year, the Marvel movies are headed to space. Scarlet Witch: How Wanda Killed Hawkeye - and Brought Him Back to Life. But from the beginning, something was amiss. As she draws closer and closer to the 'present' day in the. 2022 BDG Media, Inc. All rights reserved. However, the question remains why she would mention Ultron and risk blowing her cover. Wanda clearly knows something, since she rewinds the end of Episode 2 to remove the man who came out of the sewer. One. At the time, the Scarlet Witch was suffering from a nervous breakdown, unintentionally unleashing her reality-warping powers on her own team. According to that movie, the powers Wanda got from experiments using the Mind Stone include neuroelectric interfacing, telekinesis, mental manipulation, but we really dont know the full range of what she can do. Pietro died in the same movie in which he was introduced, saving Hawkeye and a Sokovian child from a hail of Ultron-fired bullets. There is plenty of big picture stuff to ponder just with that bit of information, but thats a discussion for another day. The original Vision killed by Thaos (Josh Brolin) in 2018's Avengers: Infinity War is brought back to "life" by Tyler Hayward (Josh Stamberg), the newest director of shadowy organization S.W.O.R.D. Something that did happen on Aug. 23? The expo itself is named after the year 1923, when Walt Disney founded the company. So, where did Wanda and Vision come from? Wanda venturing off to a secluded cabin so she could peruse the Darkhold for, what I assume is a way to bring back the twins, seems like dangerous territory. But for those who need a refresher on what happened to Wanda and Vision in the Avengers movies, WandaVision may be a bit confusing. And the White Vision, built from Visions destroyed body by Hayward and S.W.O.R.D., is still alive and well. Vision was then killed, for the second time during battle, as Thanos had finally obtained all the Infinity Stones for his Gauntlet. Another, less weighty reference point would be Tom Kings 201516 run writing The Vision, in which the character creates a family of synthezoids (androids) and moves to suburban Arlington, Virginia. Upon this download or whatever it was, White Vision promptly flees, never to be seen again in the episode (not even in the mid- or post-credits scene). Almost certainly not. That mysterious viewer in S.W.O.R.D. There was a heart drawn on their calendar, but no one knew why. Is that beekeeper a villain I should know of? Slate is published by The Slate Group, a Graham Holdings Company. Sure could. His obsession with the Marvel Universe knows no bounds and his endless pursuit to find the perfect formation of words that best captures his adoration for storytelling will probably be the end of him. That said, you may have noticed that the same logo is on the helicopter Wanda finds in Episode 2, as well as on the outfit of the beekeeper who appears at the end of that same episode. But when WandaVision picks up, things aren't just normalthey're positively dandy! Vision steps out of the wreckage and eerily proclaims to the Avengers that he is no longer in control of his functions and feels a great amount of shame for what he is about to bring upon them. Send me updates about Slate special offers. As they attempted to disguise themselves as normal humans, with Vision changing his face and Wanda trying not to do magic in front of houseguests, they couldn't recall the details of their lives. Us, watching at home? As Vision continued to power through the wall, having his own body ripped to shreds, the SWORD agents watched and waited to see what would happen. Is that Chris Evans? But with Wanda's manipulation, the Avengers came to believe that their uncertainty was a reality, obscuring Vision's hard-earned reputation. WandaVision was a grand experiment in fan theorizing. Presumably, they evaporated like Vision did when the Hex collapsed around the house. And it turns out thats who White Vision was truly looking for. Well have to wait and see what kind of person hell end up being. It really does seem like Wanda has stolen Vision's body, and reanimated him; she didn't accept his death at Thanos' hands, and wants to have her life the way she wants it. The following article hopes to help you make more suitable choices and get more useful information What are the popular theories about what could be happening? Vision becoming aware of what's really happening is going to be one of the climax points of WandaVision. Wanda's powers may have been used for a decidedly murderous purpose in the first episode of WandaVision - namely, to try and kill Mr. Hart. WandaVision': What Exactly Happened to the White Vision? Something isn't right, and it seems like Wanda is the one who's got the most power here. Its not clear. Django called twins Ana and Mateo, and told them that he and his wife, Marya Maximoff rise them near Wundagore. Given that the closing credits sequence is made up entirely of red, green, and blue lights, its fair to say that it is meant to take us into the inner workings of 20th-century color TVs, which used a red, green, and blue (RGB) color system to produce their images. Through tears, Wanda agreed and destroyed the stone, along with Vision. was holding Vision's body following his death in Infinity War has led many Marvel fans to wonder about the organization's true intentions. Originally conceived as the perfect form for Ultron, the body was taken by the Avengers before Tony Stark and Bruce Banner proceeded to upload the remnants of Stark's personal A.I. Anyway, it might be useful for you to remember the numbers 616 and 199999 (the designated universe numbersthis is a thingfor the core Marvel comics universe and the MCU, respectively). As they attempted to disguise themselves as normal humans, with Vision changing his face and Wanda trying not to do magic in front of houseguests, they couldn't recall the details of their lives . Warning: Spoilers for WandaVision Season 1, Episode 2 follow. 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